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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9355307 No.9355307 [Reply] [Original]

This is not normal.

>> No.9355335

Neither are vaccines, airplanes, internet, electricity, humans on the moon, etc

>> No.9355343 [DELETED] 

>humans on the moon

The earth is flat and Niel Armstrong felt so guilty he punched an innocent reporter for demanding the truth. GMO's are poisoning our genetics, chemtrails are being distributed in the gasoline exhaust, and the flouride in our water is making us sterile. Al Quaeda and Osama Bin Laden never actually existed, it was invented by the CIA as a false flag operation to give us carte blanche to invade Africa in 2027

>> No.9355345

The moment an anti-aging vaccine is made people are going to make shitposts exactly like this one

>> No.9355348

Idk, kinda depends on what you call "normal"
Like if we're just talking about things that are common, we can make 'gene silenced' tomatoes normal, if they aren't already. "Not normal" isn't synonymous with unhealthy. Just because you're upset that we made tomatoes last longer doesn't mean you're not retarded.

>> No.9355353

No it's pretty awesome now we just need to add more genes to them so they don't taste like shit and everything will be golden.

>> No.9355355

Because it too will cause genetic problems that aren't evident until it has been used long term and had time to manifest...

>> No.9355357

Personally I think we should make it so there is no food that lasts longer than a week. Enough of this long-lasting garbage, genetically modify them to go bad quick as fuck.

>> No.9355358


How to tell if someone is a moron on the internet

>> No.9355363

They add nothing and just criticize autistic shit. Kind of like you're doing.

>> No.9355382

Get back to prepping your wife's bull, cuck

>> No.9355386

Based on what? Your wishful thinking?

>> No.9355531

>muh naturalistic fallacy
Stay in the past, grandpa. I'll be flying my jetpack after getting out of my self driving car.

>> No.9355548

it's not normal, it's fantastic. modern science.

>> No.9355552

well, if you don't use it you'll be dead, i'll let your children know if the anti-aging vaccine works.

>> No.9355553

obama is turning the frogs gay

>> No.9355554

It's better than normal

>> No.9355555

pssst, guess how they make insulin

>> No.9355557

Tomatoes aren't normal, they're the result of intense selective breeding.

>> No.9355565
File: 141 KB, 800x597, pimp-tomato-1-resize-crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. this is what a real, original tomato looks like. anything bigger than that is genetically modified essentially

check em?

>> No.9355568


>> No.9355580

Since there's a tomato thread going.

I ate at what I can only call a hipster/farm to table type of restaurant for brunch this weekend. I had eggs benedict. It included a fried tomato as one of the layers of the benedict.

The tomato had strange bumps all over it that looked exactly like the small ball-like crumbs of an english muffin. Which I would think would be due to the fact a benedict is on an english muffin. Except the tomato was not touching the muffin at all.

What might those tiny little bumps have been? A specific type of tomato? A reaction to being "fried"?

side note: the tomato wasn't fried like batter fried. It honestly didn't look any different from any other slice of tomato. It looked griddled at best.

>> No.9355741

>mfw it actually turned out they really are turning the freaking frogs gay

>> No.9355742

dead skin scrapped off the hipsters beard/mustache

>> No.9355769

>the flouride in our water is making us sterile
It's actually atrazine that does that.
t. /pol/

>> No.9355799

So I have a question.

Did the scientists simply alter the genetic makeup of these tomatoes or did they introduce something to them?

If they just altered it why would anyone care? It's not like they're injecting it with poison.

>> No.9356131

>not having a beard
Really toggles my cats, could you be any more of an Elf?

>> No.9356137

yeah but I don't put vaccines in my body

>> No.9356141

>If they just altered it why would anyone care
I assume they just turned off specific genes.
Either way the only argument about this being a negative is monstanto (now owned by bayer) IP issues. Like you're not allowed to farm those tomatoes without paying monstanto licensing fees.

>> No.9356253

Trans, actually

>> No.9356255

Same fucked up thing

>> No.9356260

and these are still the best tasting kind, I guess that makes sense

>> No.9356263

>This is not normal.
the entire point of GMO is that it's not normal, tjat's the selling point

>> No.9356265
File: 33 KB, 720x540, IMG_2602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel sorry for people eating this trash

>> No.9356266

Can I get gene-silenced and live to 300?

>> No.9356269

are you fucking retarded? the one on the right is overcooked.

>> No.9356273

>t. Monsanto

>> No.9356274

What the hell. My tomatoes are rotten within 5 days.

>> No.9356277

Our kid's kids will live to 300. We're fucked.

>> No.9356282

Some of them have fish genes and other non tomato genes, but thats not the only problems with gene mods, non fertile seed, corporations owning the "seed" so you cant farm them without paying, no test on new gene splices since its not economically possible(so its a gamble if its safe evey time)

>> No.9356284

I seem to remember a story from years ago that said that when coroners cut up people who ate a lot of tomatoes they found the stomach had been preserved quite well.

>> No.9356286

selective breeding =/= gene modding

>> No.9356291

I rarely say this but FPBP

>> No.9356298

Splicing in jellyfish genes to produce fruit which glows in the dark is perfectly natural goy

>> No.9356303

this is ridiculous. the color depends on what the chicken eat. feed them carrots and the eggs will have strong colors, feed them soy, and the eggs will come out pale.

>> No.9356304

how's the GED going?

>> No.9356306
File: 96 KB, 860x872, 13669682_10153978116453375_8365930994875470623_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're a fucking retard there is a HUGE difference between selecting for larger tomatoes over time and making genetic leaps of faith which run a total risk of ruin to the system

>> No.9356315

>How to tell if someone is a moron on the internet

>> No.9356318

don't forget the cherry-picked egg sizes

>> No.9356422

It was a beefsteak tomato

Those are good for tomato salads

>> No.9356431

Heirloom tomatoes are distinctly hipster.
Could be almost anything.

>> No.9356439

>people who dont know how to boil a fucking egg
top fucking kek

>> No.9356456

Define normal you monstrous faggot

>> No.9356460

Worst part is that the ones on the right will still taste like shit, you just won't know to avoid the old ones.

>> No.9356469

>This is not normal.
That's kinda the point

>> No.9356613

>types of tomatoes that existed at least as early as the 19th century are hipster

I suppose the further back we go in time the more hipsters we find? I would have loved to be at the Woodstock circa 6500 BC in ancient mesopotamia.

>> No.9356718

Modifying a gene can have unpredicted side effects. Maybe it makes them unhealthy

>> No.9356744

>retards will keep giving (You)s to this

>> No.9357038

>electricity isnt normal

>> No.9357105

you would be surprised at how small of a difference there actually is

>> No.9357127


>> No.9357134

>playing randomly with millions of genes is safer than picking just the handful useful ones that you correctly identified and studied

>> No.9357137


>> No.9357141

wow solid evidence then, everyone start riots right now

>> No.9357154

How the fuck do you know what it would do?

We don't even have an idea of how a drug like that would work, let alone the side effects

We'd need to do comprehensive trials first

>> No.9357171

>oceans boiling over due to climate change.
>nuclear winter cancels this
>400 years old, comfy ad
Damn I'm jealous of my kid.

>> No.9357189 [DELETED] 

It's not . an ordinary totato will start to rot in 3 days after removed from stem.After a week you'll only have a red puddle.

>> No.9357960
File: 48 KB, 500x500, 500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flavr Savr tomato's havent been on shelves for 15 years you fucking mong

tomatos are all traditionally bred

here are all the GMO crops:
Corn (Feed, fuel, and processing)
Soybean (Processing)
Cotton (clothing)
Canola (Processing)
Alfalfa (feed)
Sugar beets (processing)

The only foods you may eat that are GMO papaya (rare virus almost wiped out population) and potato which was just approved last year

>> No.9358105

>left is supposedly organic

real organic eggs don't get that dark yellow colour, thats a sign of additives in the stuff they feed the chickens (harmless carrotin, but still)

>> No.9358142

I don't give a fuck just make them taste good

>> No.9358207

>three columns
>left, middle, and right
>referring to the column on the left as "extreme left" than simply "left"

Why would someone do this? Is that shriveled tomato a member of antifa? Please explain.

>> No.9358264


>> No.9358279

what a fucking cuck he thinks africa exists

>> No.9358281

Yes, I'm sure you could still make tomato sauce with them

>> No.9358293

Please Anon I'm not joking I want a SAUCE

>> No.9358324

As opposed to the alternative of being dead?

>> No.9358348

Well go make some then, jeez

>> No.9358375

Someone, anyone, tell me why GMOs are actually bad for you.
Give me real figures, peer reviewed studies.
If you can't then you're wrong.

>> No.9359153

this is a blatant lie

>> No.9359187

i buy all my tomatoes semi rotten or beaten by bugs. if they rot and are tasty for bugs, then they are edible.

>> No.9359189

It will cause genetic benefits. We will live longer and not shrivel up so young, like those tomatoes.

>> No.9359251

Show me GMOs are safe. NO I said safe, not extremely profitable.

>> No.9359256

>give me GMO research that isnt paid by the GMO cartel
umm SWEETY..

>> No.9359281

an anti-aging vaccine would result in the breakdown of society as the geriatric population grows and grows, euthanasia and genocide would become commonplace

>> No.9359283

supermarket tomatoes taste like shit.

they made them immortal, but can for the fuck of their lives make them tasty. a good tomato has a certain color, has a fresh texture (not spongy), and a delicious flavor. none of that is found in gmo trash.

>> No.9359290

how about an age reverting vaccine?
would fuckers off themselves if they got a younger, stronger body, but all the wisdom of old age?

>> No.9360014

he meant the common usage of electricity you dolt
as in captured lightning

>> No.9360055

The obvious workaround that everybody I've ever talked to knows about is that the procedure for stopping aging would include mandatory castration.
If you're already old, you still have failing bodily faculties that are likely to have fatal incidences, stopping aging for a geriatric person doesn't make them immortal, or even biologically immortal.
Lastly, euthanasia becoming commonplace is a complete non-issue.

>> No.9360057
File: 3.42 MB, 2000x1983, trump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't have any proof that GMOs are bad or dangerous but you just gotta trust me!
Sure thing, Alex. Should I buy a water filter?

>> No.9360108

he's so desperately trolling

>> No.9360115

Of course it's neither normal nor natural.
But neither are computers, cars, air conditioning, electric lighting, refrigerators, or penicillin

>> No.9360118

Tomatoes taste bad because refrigeration destroys their sugars. Homegrown toms are amazing

>> No.9360973

"intact" as in forever unripe and unpalatable, but you cattle will learn to like it that way

>> No.9360987


>> No.9360994

>self driving cars
Enjoy dying

>> No.9361501
