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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 15 KB, 350x225, 1ac994d5f3191bc6_pizza-blot-300x170-350x225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9339788 No.9339788 [Reply] [Original]

I thought this was a meme until I saw a chick do this at a pizza place, whats wrong with grease

>> No.9339855
File: 427 KB, 978x478, 1501995782758.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's bad for your skin

>> No.9339874

did she follow ulillias method

>> No.9339886


Some people dont want to die of heart disease and diabetes

>> No.9339898

Realistically how many calories are you shaving off by toweling your pizza?

>> No.9339900

Some people are retarded. If they cared about it being unhealthy then they shouldnt eat the pizza in the first place.

These are the same sort of people who use sanitizer after they touch anything.

>> No.9339904

None at all

>> No.9339906

excess great is unnecessary. i dab it off too usually. also, at 711 when i order the big gulp/hotdog combo i usually stab a few holes in the hotdog and squeeze it with a handfull of napkins. youd be surprised at all the fat that comes out. im glad im not putting that in my body.

>> No.9339907

somewhere in the range of 1000-1500
the grease is really, really unhealthy

>> No.9339921

Women cannot appreciate the mouthfeel and flavour of grease in my experience and it actually makes them feel sick so it's not really surprising to me.

>> No.9339934

I guess that explains why my gf dumped me, she said that i have greasy, oily cum

>> No.9339949

I don't know about anyone else but I'd take good pizza over a blowjob any day.

>> No.9339962

one of my exes was allergic to mine. can you believe that? histamine reaction in and around her vagina a lot of the time.

>> No.9339979

my ex also had something weird like that going on but she never said anything. do you think that maybe the olive oil did it? can people be allergic to olive oil even? idk man

>> No.9339980

Bull shit she just didnt want to have sex

>> No.9340053

whatever happened to him? Last I heard he fell in love with the ocean. I miss him.

>> No.9340359

i think it's acceptable if you get toppings that are greasy, like pepperoni. otherwise you're a fag if you do this

>> No.9340367

This is retarded. If you don't eat the grease then you will get constipated. Your intestines will absorb more calories since the food is sitting there much longer.

>> No.9341226

>tfw 2011 was 53 years ago

>> No.9341236


>> No.9341241

Per slice, which is what? 5"x3"? It cut it down by 73-ish calories. By 8 slices, it's about 600 calories. Not much, but it makes a difference.

>> No.9341244

Exactly. Everyone knows that fat greases your intestine so the shit moves faster. It also greases your arteries and makes them slick so plaque can't build up on the walls.

>> No.9341247

>when the napkin sticks to the surface and breaks

>> No.9341250

People who order "pepperoni" pizzas deserve ridicule and contempt. Just like the pineapple people.

>> No.9341261

As a diabetic, grease has nothing to do with diabetes. You realize it's an issue with sugar, right?

>> No.9341265

>whats wrong with grease
Nothing when it's not excessive. But too many places make mediocre or 'okay' pizza. You really should be able to pick up a fresh slice and not have it dripping with grease. At the very least it should have very little excess.

>> No.9341295

>As a diabetic, grease has nothing to do with diabetes. You realize it's an issue with sugar, right?
Fat people can and will eventually develop type II diabetes. Being fat, consuming too many calories, some of the most dense of which are fat calories, can lead to the repeated taxing of your system, and then the metabolic changes that bring onset of diabetes.

What is this word you are using called "sugar" as the reason? I bet you are saying dietary sucrose as your definition of sugar. This isn't 1960. Use medical terms now, please and not this ghetto understanding of a pretty complex disease.

>> No.9341296

30% more calories at 3% extra volume and 0 extra flavor. You lose nothing by removing the grease and don't get amerifat as easily.

>> No.9341304

Most fatties drink liters of soda a day, this is where they get the beetus from.

>> No.9341305

How long have you been diabetic and what has your food/sugar log taught you? I know what my sugar will be based on what I ate two hours ago. I know I couldn't eat the slice of pizza with out it shooting up, but I could lick the top of it all day and have no problem.

>> No.9341340

Don't do this in Virginia, just don't.

Take my advice on this. Don't pizza dab in Virginia.

>> No.9341352

They don't have pizza in Virginia

>> No.9341355

Of course they do, they just don't pizza dab

>> No.9341366

I'm not one to count calories but some places make a disgustingly greasy pepperoni pizza

>> No.9341372

Silly flyover. No one's going to virginia.

>> No.9341374

has this term lost all meaning on 4chan? it's supposed to refer to non-coastal states

>> No.9341375

>people going to Virginia
Don't worry too much about it man

>> No.9341387

By that logic, Georgia and Texas aren't flyover, even though they are. You're from Virginia aren't you.

>> No.9341388

i use wet wipes on deep dish pizza

>> No.9341396


You're baiting me now. I could see some ridiculous argument that Virginia is flyover, even though it's not if purely for it basically being an extension of DC , but Texas? As a whole? Come on now

>> No.9341402

It's what Californians say to try and stay relevant.

>> No.9341409

Senpai I think she was just lying to you about having the herps

>> No.9341414

I use ladies' panty liners for heavy flow. You don't even have to hold them as they will reliably stick to the back of your hands throughout the meal and you simply leave them on the plate after you have eaten.

>> No.9341436

Anywhere that you can get around faster in a cage than on a bike, on foot, or with public transport is flyover

>> No.9341442

>whats wrong with grease
It's a sign of a shitty pizza. If the pizza was made with good ingredients and cooked properly then there won't be any grease.

>> No.9341447


I don't know why people have a problem with this, it's not like the grease adds any flavor or anything. You're just keeping that shit out of your body by dabbing it off the pizza. To be clear I don't even do this much myself, but if I get a particularly greasy slice of pizza then I'll probably do it just to make the food more appetizing.

>> No.9341456

So "flyover" is now restricted to specific cities now?

You can get around fast in NYC without a car, but what about Aurora? Does that mean New York State is flyover?

>> No.9341462

Anywhere that isn't New York City or Los Angeles basically. Never heard of Aurora, probably some bumfuck city. I really don't know any other cities, but that's just testament to how flyover they are

>> No.9341465
File: 834 KB, 1600x1200, DSC04331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>silly opinion detected
>>opinion discarded

>> No.9341475

I have a boat and I go through the Panama canal to avoid your entire country.

>Boat around

>> No.9341591
File: 86 KB, 320x254, Mr. T.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quit yo dibber dabber, foo!

>> No.9341857

>not flyover
angelenos are delusional

>> No.9341861

That is much anon, that's a significant percent of the calories in a slice

>> No.9341866

It refers to completely irrelevant states, unless D.C. makes the entirety of virginia relevant

>> No.9341869

Yes, this is where words come to die

>> No.9341955

And yet, here you are eating a 7-11 hotdog.

>> No.9341978


>> No.9342031

>i think it's acceptable if you get toppings that are greasy, like pepperoni. otherwise you're a fag if you do this
If you get pepperoni on your pizza, you're already a fag.

>> No.9342038

then why eat the pizza?

>> No.9342045

The only reason you need to dab the grease off your pizza is if its got cheap oily cheese on it, or you ordered it with pepperoni. In either case, you fucked up and should have just gotten a better pizza in the first place.