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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 57 KB, 1300x955, alcoholic-drunk-man-drinking-beer-bottle-addiction-silhouette-young-hat-feeling-depressed-falling-problem-42516909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9337060 No.9337060 [Reply] [Original]

heres ur goddamn silhouette edition

>> No.9337065

i dont even drink
i just drink when i feel like shit and further want to feellike shit like rn

>> No.9337104

fuck i woke up and all bottles very put on the shelf nicely

did my roommate come in and see me in the shit state i was last night?

well fucking cheers then

>> No.9337110

Was that so hard? Sheesh.
Afternoon all. 12.30 here, been drinking K for 6 hours, contemplating suicide, trying to force food down, feeling like death. Same old shit. How's life, all?

>> No.9337121
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Trying desperately to quit smoking. I used to smoke a lot but "quit" - which really means I never smoke when I'm sober but as soon as I have a few can't fucking resist and end up smoking a shitload.

Hadn't smoked for nearly a week, but last night drank ~12 beers and didn't smoke despite really wanting to. Today drank fifth of vodka, caved and smoked about 6 drags of a cig which felt disgusting but great

I've only become al/ck/ in the past few years and I'm still pretty young so not too worried about drinking myself to death yet, but been smoking since I was 13 or 14 and can really feel the effects

FUCK I wish I could just be drunk and not crave tobacco

>> No.9337123

>Say to myself I'm going to quit today
>Roommate comes and brings me free beer an hour later
The universe doesn't want me to quit

>> No.9337132
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>> No.9337139

>crow shits in my mouth

>> No.9337145

Go to an electronic cigarette shop with 50-100 bucks.

>> No.9337147

You don't crave tobacco. You crave nicotine. Start vaping.

>> No.9337155

Dip/snus is a better alternative imo in the short/medium term. Haven't had a cig in months since I started dipping tobacco. Would quit dip too if it wasnt such a good morning pickmeup

>> No.9337158

Been thinking this for a while and I just got my tax return so pretty cashed up atm. Might hit up the vape shop tomorrow cheers fellas

>> No.9337168

I'm the smoking OP. I've tried Snus and it's good but but not readily available where I live. Plus it's really the act of going for a smoke when I'm out drinking with mates that I enjoy the most. That's why I'm leaning towards vape more

>> No.9337182

Vaping doesn't work for me because it's not a real substitute for the sensory experience of smoking. The pull, the smell of smoke - irreplaceable elements of the cig experience. Dip gives you like 10 times the nicotine though so fuck everything else

>> No.9337205

Exactly! If I was actually addicted to nicotine I'd be smoking when I'm not drunk right? But I only want them when I'm drunk.

Unfortunately I live in Aus where you can't get dip/snus so gonna go the vape route I think

>> No.9337208

Seeing the state your room is in is always a fun one. A favorite of mine is when theres just a trail of items I've dumped out of my pockets from the bedroom door to the side of the bed.

>> No.9337210

(Same guy) Plus I feel like vaping would be the closest to actually smoking no? I get that dip/snus gives you more nicotine or whatever but all I really care about is blowing out smoke so I can be with the homies when they go for one lol

Literally all my drinking buds smoke

>> No.9337213

It's different for everyone. I picked up vaping and dropped cigs, no prob. Same as my mom and brother. I have friends who keep going back and forth. Some just gave up on vaping all together and kept smoking.
I would suggest not dropping $150 on your first set up. I got the $20 thing when I first started, but now, I have no idea how I lived with it. You don't want to spend too
much, incase it doesn't work, but you don't want to get one that's too cheap because it might not work and will turn you off to vaping, when a better set up would have worked for you. I suggest $50 total for a tank and battery to start out. If it doesn't work, you could probably still get $25-$35 back if you sold it used before it gets too old.

>> No.9337237

>The pull
Get a MLT atomizer (mouth to lung) with restricted airflow. Or change that habit to a more airy pull.
>the smell of smoke
Halo juice are smoke flavoured (many find it gets disgusting after a few weeks without smoking)
>10 times the nicotine
Higher nicotine concentration in your juices. Or DL atty (direct to lung), lower resistance, higher wattage, uses more juice.

Don't get a cigalike or an EGO, they don't have enough power. It's OK to replace less than half a pack of cigarettes a day, but it's better to get something going up to at least a 40W. More if you want to have fun making clouds.
fasttech, efuntop, gearbest are cheap if you're not in a hurry and know what you need (don't buy Chinese juice, get them from a country with health norms.)

>> No.9337267

Bike rides
(posted in wrong thread)

>> No.9337276

>He says opening bottles is what makes drunkards.

>> No.9337277

I have two batteries and two tanks. My smaller, older iStick is a 40w that I run at 26w and my bigger battery is also 40w, which I run at 28w. The tanks are different and use different coils. I have airflow turned way down. I don't make clouds,obviously, but I don't care to. I'm just getting off cigs. I started at 18% 4 years ago, I think, maybe only 3 years ago. I just remember it was at the beginning of summer. Anyway, I cut nicotine down to where I actually buy 3% and 0% and mix them to make 1.5%. I plan to be off nicotine all together soon. I might use 0% for awhile, before I just stop.

>> No.9337279

>banned from driving, 3yrs
>buy bike using credit card
>need booze, get onto new bike
>ride ~100 feet
>crash into a parked van
>1 year ago, haven't used it since

>> No.9337280

>food and cooking

>> No.9337288

Dude asked a question.
This whole thread is a bit off topic, but tolerated anyway. Alcohol isn't food.
And I lick vape juice periodically.

>> No.9337292

>this whole thread is a bit off topic
it should be deleted

>> No.9337295

Do you know how to filter threads?

>> No.9337301

lel, yes, I do, but that's beside the point
you can't defend your off topic shit so you to tell me to ignore it

>> No.9337307

Holy fuck you guys suck.

>> No.9337308


i agree asshole

>> No.9337311

18mg/ml is 1.8%, not 18%. You'd cough your lungs out with 18% nicotine.
Congrats anyway.

You should be deleted.

>> No.9337319

Yeah, I know. It's still called 18%.
Vernacular bro.
Like a .357 isn't pronounced 357 thousandths of an inch groove to groove inside diameter barrel pistol.

>> No.9337322

This is some low-rent wannabe Marcus Aurelius. Fuck this faggot.

>> No.9337324

>You should be deleted.
epic retort!
if you were something other than a shitposting moron you might attempt an argument that nicotine vaping was 'food' or 'cooking'

>> No.9337345

what the fuck? do you not know how to ride a bike, or were you drunk at the time or what?

>> No.9337348

I fall over a lot.
Thanks booze.

>> No.9337368


Good mellow drinking music

>> No.9337388
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Someone who I haven't seen for years just challenged me to a drinking contest.
Dohoho, ok then.
He bet me £50 I'd bail before him. Then said "come over tonight, I'll buy a bottle of vodka!"
>a bottle
Lel. Poor, ignorant normie. Once he's crying and puking, I'll use his £50 to get another bottle or 2, thus my buzz tonight is free.

>> No.9337400

>Ass is leaking blood again
Oh shit, I was worried I might have shat myself again, dodged a bullet there

>> No.9337407

don't think anyone here would disagree.

Speaking of blood I woke up with a nose bleed for the first time in years the other day. Mum thought I was doing coke or something.

>> No.9337412

Could be a trick, might be one of those huge bottles on a swing.

>> No.9337414

fuck i feel so good now, so content, everything is fine

tomorrow will be a different life

>> No.9337418

But you can't get vape fluid with nicotine in it here can you?

>> No.9337421

Don't do it. He wants to roofie you then steal your big toes.

>> No.9337423

Nah, I've known the geezer for... Christ, lemme think...
28 years, I suppose.
Haven't seen him for 20 or so. I've told him I'm an alchie, but he thinks he can keep up. He has no idea how much of a fuck-up I've become. Fuck, I'm tipsy already, gonna be drinking constantly for the next 5 hours before we even meet, he's still giving me that £50.

>> No.9337425

>Uk or Aussie
Hey Stephan

>> No.9337428

Uk but I ain't a Stephan whoever that is.

>> No.9337438
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>> No.9337442

My name ain't Stephan lad.

>> No.9337449

Going with a 750ml of medium dry white and a bottle of chocolate stout for tonight. I drink fairly often but can buzz all night on small amounts like that. Pretty thankful for it desu.

What're y'all drinkin' 't'night?

>> No.9337453
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>> No.9337455

What are you guys even doing on /ck/? Me thinks /r9k/ would be vastly more appreciative of your posts.

>> No.9337461

>chocolate stout
Never been a fan of the chocolate one's really. Too sweet or something. Generally just stick to Guinness anyway though so I'm obviously not a connoisseur.

>> No.9337462


just finished 96% shit, 0,7 L was enough for getting drunk for 2,5 days, now im reaching for the other taxfree vodka i got

enjoy life

>> No.9337464


fuck off

>> No.9337467

Wait what how drunk are you dude?

>> No.9337468


Ily, vodka.

>> No.9337475

500ml of gin. Nursing some road rash wounds so need some sleepy time juice

>> No.9337480


im quite okay, just day drunk idiot

have work in 13 hours, its not gonna be pretty

>> No.9337486
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Fuck Have a sleep and it'll be a bit better

>> No.9337508
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>tfw dont really enjoy drinking anymore
>tfw you still do it every night to kill boredom and help sleep
>tfw its ruining your life
>tfw it's literally the only thing you look forward

what do i do

>> No.9337531

Exercise first thing in the morning and learn a skill

>> No.9337549

My plan is to drink so much that I don't care, and just hope for a fairly pain-free death.

>> No.9337552

>make bacon, grilled with melted cheddar on top
>two organic ducks eggs fried gently in goose fat
>serve with Ramsay's saffron and pear chutney
>take one bite
>put it to one side, drink more instead

>> No.9337554

sounds solid. Invest in a cheap 38 revolver, or a black powder pistol if you can't buy a real gun.

Leave it around the house loaded, problem will clear itself up

>> No.9337562
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and remember, back right side of the head,pointed up.

>> No.9337565

UK. Ive been arrested for being in possession of a screwdriver.

>> No.9337567


>> No.9337571

Did we ever find out if that tape was the real thing?

>> No.9337573

Someone I know has been smoking pot every day, all day, for close to 17 years. I worked with him while he was trying to quit, he couldn't make it a month, he went nuts, just completely nuts.

>> No.9337575
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Have no desire to reach 30. Gonna just enjoy the next two years as much as possible in solitude and end it innawoods somewhere

>> No.9337577

This kind of thing isn't uncommon.

>> No.9337578

This you lad?

>> No.9337579

It was fake.

>> No.9337582

You don't really want that and deep down you know it.

>> No.9337585

Of course not but I'm just defective and hate myself too much. Can't understand the irrational optimism other guys have

>> No.9337589

And we can't understand why anyone would consider themselves "defective".

Nobody is perfect, anon. We all have our problems. That's not "defective", that's "human".

>> No.9337593


>> No.9337608

Think about doing shit like this everyday but I'll never have the balls. Bit harder in the uk, suppose I could go upto butfuck nowhere scotland or whatever.

>> No.9337622

I suppose I've been so avoidant for so long that it's become routine and I simply haven't learned the appropriate hardship-coping strategies

These lyrics are me

>> No.9337628

I've already researched this. There's nowhere in the UK. Just look at the aerial images on google maps. Any smidgen of woodland which does still remain, is privately owned by the 1%ers.
It's also illegal to erect a shelter on public land (e.g a tent) the fresh water sources are polluted as fuck, it's illegal to carry pretty much anything you could conceivably use for hunting, not that there's enough wild food left anyway, and if you're caught pissing in public you risk being put on the sex offender's register.
There's no escape.

>> No.9337631

I don't generally stray too far from the usual 355ml normie beers myself, but at the LCBO they have a few British choices that I enjoy now and again, the dark chocolate stout being one of them.

Good lord man. I don't think I have ever strayed beyond 100 proof. What's almost pure alcohol like? Do you mix anything with it?

I had gin many years ago and only once. Drank it straight as I was already hammered. What does it taste like; I remember it not having any taste and not being too hard to get down. Does that sound about right? Also sorry to hear about the wounds.

>> No.9337639

Ah shit. The other one I've thought about doing is just saving up everything from wageslaving for a year then just going to some asian place and driving around with a motorbike and a tent for as long as I can. No idea how viable that is either as haven't done a whole lot of research

>> No.9337640

It tastes like a slightly more medicinal vodka

>> No.9337646

South America would be better for that. Better access to drugs and more truly remote areas with fewer animals intent on killing you.

>> No.9337649

Had a dream where I was just chugging whiskey and thats all I remember. My lifes shit enough, why can't my dreams be good.

>> No.9337650

Nah mate, only if you got bottom shelf gin. I get $13 750ml bottles that taste like how a flower smells. Very floral, which is how gin is intended to taste.

>> No.9337652

Never thought about down there. Does look nice though so maybe I'll look into it more. Will probably be a couple years until I can afford it but maybe it would give me something to look forward to and a reason to not fully give up on life.

>> No.9337663

Peru, Uruguay, Bolivia and Argentina. The rest is a death trap.

>> No.9337676

>All of that

What the FUCK is wrong with the UK? The Muslim / refugee infestation seems like icing on the cake. Get your fucking shit together, Nigel Rochester V.

Ah. I'd probably only have it with a mix then. Suppose tonic is the only way to go. Thanks.

>> No.9337683

This is fascinating to think about. I'd suppose Continental Europe is also almost that densely settled that you can't simply go "off-grid." But in the US and (more so) Canada, you can go total Ted Kaczynski and fuck off from everything.

>> No.9337684

I've looked into this as well. It's possible, but fuck the heat, the diseases (and lack of NHS), fuck the racism you'll encounter as a westerner, fuck the tarantulas and the scorpions, and fuck the insane amount of police corruption.
Maybe look into TEFL in Cambodia. Literally zero qualifications required and around a grand a month pay, which is shitloads over there.
I'm too old and damaged for this shit now, but if I ever had to go on the run to avoid something very heavy; say, 10 years inside, if I didn't kil myself, that's what I'd do.
This guy is a bit dumb, there are far better sources of info but I cbf to find them. Brief insight:
Their food is much higher quality than ours too. All fresh, all organic, all cheap.
Plus, for £1 you can catch HIV from a 10yo hooker, buy cannabis openly on the high street (look for a pizza place with "happy" or "herb" in its name, it'll be covered with weed) you can wake up having been drugged and had your kidneys stolen, you can be shot by the (forever-present on busy streets) army for no reason any nobody will bat an eyelid, you can drive absolutely steaming drunk with no license and get away with it by way of a cheap bribe, or you could die from drinking counterfeit vodka loaded with methanol.
I'm just going to stay here in the floor, getting drunk until I die.

>> No.9337685
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Well maybe you're right

>> No.9337689

SA seems kinda scary if you've spent any time on LiveLeak/other gore sites. People are savages. I suppose it's mostly just gang members that shit happens to though.

>> No.9337699

Whiteness is a sigil: it represents power and repercussions. If you're a man who can grow a beard you'll be fine.

>t. A non-white man who's lived on 4 continents

>> No.9337729

You have dreams, so there's that.

I haven't had dreams in years. Last time I went sober for long enough to have some (after withdrawals), I was so not used to them it took me hours each morning to process what happened to me.

>> No.9337743


>> No.9337757



>> No.9337773

I've been up for like 35 hours and want to drink a fifth but afraid of what might happen

>> No.9337778

the entire movie was kino

>> No.9337783

You're allowed to camp in Scotland tho, pretty sure you could off yourself in the highlands somewhere

>> No.9337787

Jesus the UK sounds SHIT

>> No.9337792

You need to be wealthy or yes, it is shit, and it's getting worse.

>> No.9337796

Dick Liddil: "My love said she would marry only me, and Jove himself could not make her care, for what women say to lovers, you'll agree, one writes on running water, or on air."
Ed Miller: My God that's good. Let's write her that.
Dick Liddil: Naw. Poetry don't work on whores.

>> No.9337803

Why do people feel the need to tell you that drinking/smoking is bad for you and you should stop, like isn't being happy what life is all about?

>> No.9337808

Life is suffering. 22 years to prove yout upbringing wasn't shit and then 15 more years to prove it wasn't a fluke

>> No.9337810

>like isn't being happy what life is all about?
That's the point. Drinking and smoking are temporary happiness, then you get fucked over and become very unhappy due to their effects on your health later in life.

Ain't nothing happy about lung cancer, liver failure, withdrawals, etc.

>> No.9337840

How do I cope with the crushing loneliness?

>> No.9337846
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Humans are social animals. Either socialize or wither away

>> No.9337853

I have a small rash on my back and chest. It hasnt gotten any better or worse in the last few days. Could this be caused by drinking? Should I bother getting it looked at?

>> No.9337855

I find that drinking helps

>> No.9337860

I'm not the guy you responded to but I am in a similar mindset. I think the divide between optimistic and depressed people stems from perspectives.

In my experience, I have a hard time forming relationships, working, interacting with society. Things that seem natural to other people take a lot of conscious effort on my part. I CAN do them, but I'm just tired. And my circumstances require a lot of work to support myself and I don't have the gas left in my tank to maintain friendships or romantic relationships or pursue a career that is fulfilling. Or even hobbies other than weightlifting and pc games. And alcohol and weed if those count as hobbies.

I just wish I were never born.

>> No.9337892

9 days sober. done a few weeks here and there this year. naltrexone is making that easier. still so fucking bored. ordered poppy seeds and will make tea with them. arriving tomorrow.

>> No.9337894

I am the guy he replied to and you are me

>> No.9337895

Humans as a species are, but there are outliers. I'm actually more happy and content when I am alone for months. When I have to be by people and interact with them I always come close to suicide.

>> No.9337914

Same. Hence suicide is the only solution

>> No.9337956

never really understood this, I quite enjoy being myself most of the time.

>> No.9337971

kek, classic scene

>> No.9337972

Jesus I fucking wish I could convince my parents that the outcome of my life wasnt their fault, their opinion is the only one that matters when it come to this

>> No.9337979

I get where you are coming from, but from the old people I've seen >70+ are sad af, and my father died of lung cancer at 60 so I've been through the whole thing, but living that long seems more of a burden than it's worth. So if I can live happily for 50 or less years isn't that worth it?

>> No.9337986
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>> No.9337998

While nothing compared to Canada/USA, France is probably the best option:
>Large part of the wooded area is state property and thus considerd public domain, free for everybody
>camping/tenting legal almost everywhere
>fairly low pop. density
>large amounts of wildlife (compared to the rest of europe)
>hunting/fishing licenses easy to obtain
>decent climate
>little polution (depending on where you go)

>> No.9338024

It's a fucking conversation in the thread, you tard. Jump off a bridge.

>> No.9338082

>alck slows down in the evening

>> No.9338088

I'm so fucking pissed off right now. Mostly with the fucking VA again but also with who is about to be my ex-girlfriend. I've been sober for a week this evening and this is the first time I've thought about getting a bottle. I'm not going to do it, but I see how easy it would be to fall off the wagon and I'm but a week in. I'm just going to work late and head home for that drug that starts with an N, they gave me for cravings and smoke out. I'll get up at 3:45 and do it again tomorrow. I can't wait until Friday so I can give the Chief of Staff of the regional VA a talking to and have her deliver a message to my surgeon. I'm not skipping another day of work to drive 2 and a half hours to Syracuse again when I'm going to be up there next Friday anyway. She can get me in on the first or she can leave at 5:30 in the morning and meet me here, at 8:00, on a date of her choosing. I'm not the one who fucked up. She needs to be here 15 minutes early too, so I can see her 15 minutes late.

>> No.9338094

Gotta watch those bad days. Definitely triggers to get smashed.

>> No.9338103

I'm noticing. I won't do it. I was in detox last Thursday. I won't do it.

>> No.9338112


>> No.9338129

Alright boys, on day 3 off of moderately mild opiate habit. Got my etizolam in the mail today from what appears to be most legit vendor there is, so I'm not concerned about it being bunk.

My question is, do any of you have experience with etiz? I'm just gonna start with 1mg, and I only plan to use it for the next 5-7 days for "therapeutic" reasons, not recreational. And I won't drink a lot of alc with it of course, I know that much.

Also doing a little loperamide and kratom, but will be getting off those within the next 2 days.

>> No.9338173

>been drinking
>stupidly go through and looked at an album of me and my ex
gonna drink a lot more now

when does it get better lads? when do u stop thinking about someone?

>> No.9338186

You'll never forget your first love.

>> No.9338202

Don't listen to this shit.
I completely forgot about Karen and the Summer of '96

>> No.9338224

Me again, it's shingles, I thought that shit was an old person disease

>> No.9338229

I won't question whether you've experienced 'true love', but I will tell you that I was confident that I had, until I really, UNQUESTIONABLY had, and my life; my entire world, was demolished right down to it's very foundation. I've never enjoyed anyone else since, regardless of how many good looking, articulate, funny and generally nice girls I've been with, and I haven't seen 'her' for going on 6 years.
E v e r y t h I n g reminds me of her, and I'd die for her even though she's now married.
Say what you like. I am in love with that girl, and I only knew what love was after experiencing her.

>> No.9338236
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>> No.9338238

I only get shingles if I take shit like prednisolone or azathioprine. Your immune system is having a panic attack. Beware.

>> No.9338271

You realize that the summer of '96 was 21 years ago right? And that I called her by her name, right? Let it sink in...

>> No.9338272

>Shaking like shit
>Feeling cold
Is this shit all in my mind? Because I'm not having withdrawals, my fucking hands have been shaking like shit even when I'm drinking

>> No.9338289

Yeah I can count. I've known her since she was 14; it's merely 6 years since we were together, that's not the length of time we've known each other.
I refrain from using her name because it's rather unique, and too many people on image boards and social networks know her.

>> No.9338291

I have this too.
Started after I quit drugs and never left

>> No.9338300

I actually have a wine bottle filled with piss right next to me from last night

>> No.9338308

It's better a rug filled with piss.
Especially if it tied the room together.

>> No.9338322

Once recently I had a 32L fermentation bucket, half filled with piss, still with some of the cider yeast sat at the bottom from my last batch of home brew.
I'm not sure quite what made the smell SO bad, but I think I may have invented some new, petrifying species, yes species, of sheer evil, hyper-pungent piss-wine. Something abnormal was going on for the stench to become so piercing that I suspect I now need new wallpaper and carpets.
I put it under a shower for ten minutes, sprayed it with bleach, washed it out with boiling water and put it in the bin.
Some hours later, given that the stench was yet to disappear, I BURIED the fucking thing in my garden.

>> No.9338330
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>I BURIED the fucking thing in my garden

It's waiting.

>> No.9338337
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Help me decide what to drown my depression with after all my mates ditched me during the last week. Going through my parents liquor cabinet after moving back in with them.

>> No.9338371

Get the martini.
Also why are you raiding your parents liquor cabinet? That's a pretty shitty move

>> No.9338373

Vodka and gin are true al/ck/ core. Anything brown is a meme for casuals.

>> No.9338374

>even when I'm drinking
You have withdrawals when not drinking enough, not when not drinking at all. If your tolerance is very high, you can both be drunk and withdrawing.
I suggest seeing a doctor, it can be some other type of brain damage.


>> No.9338379

Well, i am in al/ck/. Would i be here if i made smart life decisions? Also my parents quit drinking as part of getting healthy, so someone has to drink it. I'm not proud, but free alc is free alc. Tell me you wouldnt do the same

>> No.9338382


Mix the whiskey with that vermouth

>> No.9338383

They locked it because I kept getting drunk, running out, too blasted to go to the store and just crawl to the cabinet
Glad to hear you've got free reigns there though

>> No.9338397


What about white rum

>> No.9338399

i thought about ordering etiz. read its like 1/10th the strength of diazepam? is that right? not good to mess with benzos. too addictive. the withdrawal is worse than opiates.

>> No.9338625

Update, went with the clear one in the front, plum schnapps made by my grandparents 40 years ago from home grown plums. Burns really nice and gets the job done

>> No.9338637

fucking drunk again, kill me now

>> No.9338721

Feels like I'm slipping down the A hole
Can pass the day without a single drop of alcohol but as soon as the sun the goes down and time to hit the sack hit I can't help myself and have to hit the whiskey bottle
Getting a bitch scared 2bh

>> No.9338770

tits or gtfo

>> No.9338781

Dude this sometimes, jesus

>> No.9338794

about 8.5 weeks into treatment and i kinda miss having seizures and blacking out for days on end shitting my pants

>> No.9338807

Ok, if you are a female, post a picture of you holding a timestamp, full view of your ass, profile of your tit and you looking back into the camera.

>> No.9338824

Maybe get a pet, like a cat?

>> No.9338848


>> No.9338857

V. E R Y

And 50quid richer.

And I hate captchas.

And i want to impregnate one of you.

>> No.9338871

go get a kebab and give your underage sister to the muzzies

>> No.9338876

I'm not certain that I understand how this might help my situation

>> No.9338878

done another 1.75 L 0f wine and 4 colt 45 750ml

I need a bit of heroin and ashotgun to end this all

>> No.9338880

go fuck your sister inshallah

>> No.9338886

you posting at rehab?

>> No.9338887

Please stop polluting al/ck/ with silly childish stuff? Please? It's so toe-curling. This isn't /pol/.

>> No.9338888

just fucking end me.

addicted to alcohol since 14
heroin at 15
crack at 18

Alcohol is the hardest for me to quit. I do without the others and tell my self it is ok.

I am going back t0 heroin.

I wont last a week

>> No.9338895

the children will be gone when somer ends

>> No.9338898

I want to cum inside
One of you

>> No.9338899

on a break for a couple hours before supper so im shitposting from the library
can have phones at night/on weekends
another week and i'll be done group therapy

>> No.9338924

well, at least you get a nice break for a few months. i hope you can figure out another plan when you get out. right now i have some poppy seeds on the way to make tea with. so tired of alcohol wd's. theres also kratom and kava you can look into as substitutes for booze.

>> No.9338931
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>substitutes for booze.
only substitute i want is sobriety

>> No.9338945

>last a week
Meh, heroin in proper, controlled doses of pure quality product is safer than commercially-available alcohol. I'm going through so much horrible shit with booze that I think I will very probably do the same thing.
Only immediate problem is that I LOVE how clear my lungs feel after a year of no heroin, crack or tobacco, so I'd have to IV, and I don't trust the shit enough to inject it. a friend once died from anthrax poisoning after injecting smack which contained anthrax, after it was smuggled across borders in animal hides. I'll only smoke it if it's from the streets. IV is too dangerous.
No interest in gay stuff, it's like five times more dangerous than IV heroin. Check CDC. And a hundred times more disgusting, to me.

>> No.9338987

I would refrain from IV'ing that stuff if I were you man, cousin had a very similar timeline to yours, the minute he starting injecting the stuff it was game over. iirc he pawned all the furniture, jewelry, artwork, electronics in his parents house and then obviously was kicked right out and ended up panhandling and living out of a broken down car. Alcohol is my demon too, I never got into any hard stuff but I seriously believe some people are genetically determined to be addicts. I think at one point in history it actually could have been a means of ensuring survival

>> No.9339007

I wish there was a thread like this, but exclusively for people getting sober.

>> No.9339015

pretty sure there's entire forums for that
they probably don't let you use the nigger word though

>> No.9339019
File: 1.47 MB, 2592x1456, WP_20170813_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good to report back to yall
I removed all the gnomes from my property.
I put in 4 job applications and 2 of them look promising.
Got a clean look, shave and haircut.
Down to 3-4 pints of beer a week, better than the liter a day of liquor.
I have only had 4 cigarettes in 8 weeks.
My rat is growing up big and strong.
Only one goat died.
I think I might make it.
Gonna relax and have a pitcher of cheap beer at the bar and take their wifi for a few hours, celebrate this great day.

>> No.9339020

That's kinda my thing. I want the unfiltered quality of 4chan but also all the sober talk.

>> No.9339024

Beer has a lot of calories and carbs, maybe heavy drinkers were less likely to starve.

>> No.9339027

Good fucking luck finding that.
This is why al/ck/ is such a jewel.

>> No.9339034

Yay, I'm glad to see you, I thought the gnomes had killed you.
How's your drug habit, did you lower your consumption too?
Please post a pic of your animals.

>> No.9339039

fellow /k/omerade? Can it be?

>> No.9339079

Best bet is probably /r9k/ and that's a really depressing board to be on.

>> No.9339086

No I don't consume drogas, I might consume 0.05g of dope every week or so (a negligible amount.)
And yes Gnomeanon is a /k/ommando.
Got drunk and decided to arrange some random ammo on a table.
I have a 16gauge single shotgun from 1928 that still fires like a champ.
And a Bersa Thunder .380
I am sad to admit I pawned all my other funs for beer/dope money

>> No.9339100

/r9k/ is just upset because it hasn't got its willy wet yet.
al/ck/ is dying.
The fools are swiftly weeded out.

>> No.9339113

no anon dont ever go there

>> No.9339114

So my drunk ass is at my mothers house attempting to cook dinner for my mom and bro.

immediately get thrown shade, piss in the pot. use that pot to steam 2 sausage.

giggle like a school girl, because I aint the owner of the pots or the one eating.

fuck haters.

I am going for a lamb/chickehn gyro.

good stuff

>> No.9339143

lets be honest that you pawning them off is for the best, al/ck/ and funs dont match up. I am nofuns too because of germany being a dick. not too bad to be into funs here, but too expensive for me...

>> No.9339176

Drank today but ran out of goon while talking to some nigger who I know. Then went out for 2 smokes and now has to rely on caffeine. I'm doing better than I though and will probably be able to go to sleep without being pissed off. Will buy more soon.

>> No.9339230

Yeah it might be for the better.
I still got my shotgun and my handgun so I have something to play with.

>> No.9339243

I'm an alcoholic and have a lot of guns. I still follow every gun safety rule despite being blackout drunk with them. Every /k/ meetup we all got shitfaced and shot through the night. If you can't be around guns while drunk then you shouldn't be by them sober. Although I fully support shall not be infringed.

>> No.9339265

You ever have one of those hangovers where you're sitting in bed feeling okay, but feel like as soon as you stand up and start moving around shit's gonna get a whooole lot worse? Got one of those right about now

>> No.9339266

I may go to the hospital for detox, I have strong feelings to hurt my brother and anyone else who is rude.

'I try to be a good drunk but occasionally it gets bad.

fuck anyoone who comes in contact with me tonight,

I will break your face

>> No.9339280

Been drinking a lot lately

Down to a couple of things, I'm off sick from work with what could be a severe spinal disease that has a relatively strong chance to put me in a wheel chair should I have it. Been signed off since a solid month ago, maybe more, and I'm signed off until at least the end of September which sucks, since my social life for lack of a better word is more or less sat at work

So I'm stuck waiting for either bad news or worse news, with no friends in a distance I can travel. So I'm basically making random cocktails for myself and visiting family to try to pre-occupy myself

Recently made and, if I do say so myself, perfected the Bahama Mama. Traditional style, so the base is Dark rum (apporx 2 ounce per person), with some coffee liquer and coconut rum to taste (I personally do approx 3/4 Ounce per person), a dash of lemon juice (I can only find concentrate and bollocks to squeezing lemons, so literally just a couple of drops until it's vaguely there in the background) and of course, topped off with pineapple juice. Made a biiiiiiig jug of that yesterday, tasted nice and sweet with just a hint of coffee and coconut and a slight, slight sharpness

Now, I dunno what happened throughout the night it spent in the fridge, but I tried it again around mid afternoon, gave it a good stir. The coffee flavours were definitely more apparent, and it overall tasted stronger and, imo, a hell of a lot nicer

I daresay I've found something I'd be willing, even confident to make for other people

Other than that, I made mexicola (Tequila version of a cuba libre) to down my painkillers with. Also had a lovely dark and stormy earlier, made a french martini (vodka, chambord, pinapple juice) that I plan on trying tomorrow. Just getting that soothing feeling now the pain in my back is dying down slightly

I'm tempted to start posting my findings with all the stuff I'm trying

>> No.9339310

If you are really safe around guns when drunk then go on, be a /k/ommando, but i wouldnt trust myself around one when drunk, even tough i am the most safety focused person when sober... anyway, still nogun at the moment because germany, i want to change that tho

>> No.9339397
File: 13 KB, 140x220, pi_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For you non-beer-boys out there, you drink straight from the bottle? That's what I do. Kinda sucks because I go through it way too fast, and my intake is getting up there. Don't know how to pace, any protips? Diluting it with bullshit like water or ice or whatever sucks. I love the taste of brown whisk.

>> No.9339410

>feel a stone or something in my socks
>ignore it
>it finally annoys me enough to get it out
>its a toenail which has snapped off because I haven't clipped my nails in forever

and you :)?

>> No.9339419

only take a shot every hour or half hour

if you arent willing to dilute it self control is really the only way to go

>> No.9339421

thuis thread is the dark twin of the sipboy threads
but instead of being upbeat and full of memes its sad and depressing
also a lot of you dont know how to drink wtf

>> No.9339435

A beer for every shot?

>> No.9339439

takes me about 2.5 hours to kill a 375 of rotgut

hate beer, shit just makes me bloated with horrible hangover, it also tastes like fucken shite.

>> No.9339467
File: 37 KB, 420x450, nu_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros, why does my left side ache? if I have a hard night of drinking and get shitty sleep it happens. When I have a good nights sleep it doesn't ache.

>> No.9339481

Sleep on your left side? Liver is right side and you have two kidneys. Maybe its your pancreas...

>> No.9339486

Then drink a small glass of water aftet every shot. Keep you hydrated.

>> No.9339493

Give you five bucks to eat it.

>> No.9339507
File: 34 KB, 340x309, smokes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that kills the buzz tho

I think it might be the pancreas, but I'm not a dr. I don't know. What I do know is that I fluctuate between right side and left side, all night long, in weird positions, sometimes with head face down in pillow and lower body twisted all up in the opposite direction. It's probably pancreatitis.

>> No.9339653

I read these threads all the time but never post. I have been drinking for a long time but I have ran into a problem. I used to be fine on a 750ml bottle of 40% whisky, but now my tolerance is so high I need more. I don't want to start buying the liter bottles because that's a bit much. Can you guys recommend something that will set me straight and not run me back 21 dollars a night?

>> No.9339664

I gots a bunch of people calling me for droogs

my drunk ass can't deal and can't even get admited to the hospital quick enough.

I went in and when they gave me the yellow wrist band I said, " I will kill myself"

grill quickly re enters my info switches my wrist bands so I say k I am going for a smoker

I go outside, Smash a .2 of ecp and instantly fall into a nod. Awake to emt hitting me with narcan and me puking all over the place.

Emt:do you need help up(as he is grabbing me)
me: no no stop stop wtf are you doing

falls ovr non stop

I sit in a wheel chair crying and after 5 min get up stumbling and walk out.

me:can you cut this bracelet off for me bby?
her:I am not suppose to but if you want fine.

I am a regular at the hospital.

she totally broke the law doing that. I am certified killing myself

>> No.9339687

how long until police show up looking for me is scary.

i grow pot and sell droogs and know based off my admitting I will kill myself they will be here as soon as they realize i left the hospital.

this reall sucks.

kill me

>> No.9339689


>> No.9339718

Take your hot opinions elsewhere cunt

>> No.9339724

Man that first drink in a couple days is magical
When you hit THE ZONE it feels like a million bucks

>> No.9339737

It seems all Americans are trying to kill themselves with either booze or McChickens.

>> No.9339749

For me, it's the ideal death.

>> No.9339773


>> No.9339775

thats called tolerance. surprised you didnt know. theres nothing you can do about it but cut back or take a break. and if you have a tolerance that high you should most definitely slowly taper back.

>> No.9339782

It's true though. Being an alcoholic isn't cheap. The higher tolerance you have the more you will need to spend each day.

>> No.9339801

if they come just let them take you. don't make a scene and maybe they won't search your house

>> No.9339812


If he doesn't want to be busted for all that other stuff he should turn himself in or get arrested away from his home.

>> No.9339866

that is the goal.

\Probably take them a few hours to realize I left, my while admitting my wanting to kill myself is usually they will admit you much quicker atleast to a secluded room.

they added me to the list and I sat there for a bit and just said fuck it.

i was willing to get put in the "sane" room in order to get proper treatement.

>> No.9339881

I won't be arrested. I am simply going to be detained based of self harm tendencies

This isn't the first time, I have actually ran away from the the "sane" room many times during dt's and normally they come to the house bang the door and I answer.

They have no legal right to do anything else if I do not answer. they cannot just enter without reason especially if I act I am not home.

I have done more time in prison then some of these posters have been alive. I am currently out on parole for attempted murder/arson/assault/assualt causing bodily harm

cool story bro

>> No.9339908

for clarifcation I am not in legal trouble, I admitted to wanting to harm myself which forces them to detain me.

I haven't broken any laws. they will come to hold me for a psych evaluation . I may go back to the hospital as I want to get sober.

I am done being a ucked up drunk

that or I shoot myself after this bottle.

either or

>> No.9339932

well damn man, you got any cool prison stories? My parents called the "crisis center" on me one which is basically just the local police showing up at your doorstep and looking for a reason to put you on a 72 hour detainer. I was lucky enough to hear them make the call and I booked it before they responded. Slept in my car in an apartment complex I knew was relatively chill and came back once I figured out I legally hadn't done anything wrong.

>> No.9340060

Where do you live id its eastern USA then Skol or even Williams. Its 8.99 for a liter

>> No.9340073

Etiz are similar to xanax but more euphoric. They don't last long though and you will end up dosing again and again until you are addicted.

>> No.9340083

where you that guy on /tv/ talking about suicide?

>> No.9340214

Made it two nights booze free, and didn't have withdrawals. Figured I'd have shakes or something, since I've been on a several month nightly binge since last time I went a couple days without booze.
Besides intermittent couple day breaks, it's been nightly drinking for two to three years now

Celebrating with a few cold ones.

>> No.9340280

no not me

I have talked about it a bunch here in these threads though.

>> No.9340285


>> No.9340305

ya, what kind of stories?

I have been in most major prisons in Canada along the eastern coast.

ya crisis team here is basically just lock you in a room until 6 am when the psych start doing rounds.

I normally get chained to the bed.

relapsed on heroin earlier

I am going to end it tonight I think. really can't take much more of this shit/

family will blame me for anything even if it wasnt me who do it, example. my brother broke a bunch of shit at my moms house and I flipped out. hes bigger and knocked out my front tooth. I pick up a knife and keep him back till I can get the fuck out.

didn't talk to them for the next year.

it's ok, im the crazy one and it is always my crazy fault, sometimes it is but my brother is a sad drunk like you lot. eoof

>> No.9340529

Acceptable, and almost mandatory if you're in a sugarcane country.

>> No.9340611

Day 3 is usually when shit gets real

But still 2 days is hard once you got the habbit

>> No.9340623

>Waking up every hour
>Freezing under the covers
>Good part is that I now remember like a hundred dreams
bad part?
>Automatically start walking to the store
>Couldn't pay for the booze because I didn't put money in my wallet
>That was a dream
>The breakfast I made for myself was also a dream
>Very disappointed when I got home
>I still remember the number the naked chick gave me and wrote it down though
I also don't think I fought a bear now that I'm thinking about this
Very eventful night though

>> No.9340627

>doing the same drug over and over again

Heh, amateurs. I'm addicted to three drugs and I rotate them to prevent myself from getting bored.

>> No.9340688

WTF you still get word captchas? I only get the ones with photos where you have to click on fields with vehicles or street signs or similar shit.

>> No.9340691

Only newfags use stupid pictures

>> No.9340898
File: 185 KB, 1215x1300, thinking-light-bulb-clip-art-lightbulb-guy-1952974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up and enter kitchen
>no vodka left
>fuck have to go to the shop soon
>open fridge
>big ol glass of vodka and ice tea chillin
drunk me is a thinker sometimes

>> No.9341086

Look into CBD and medical MJ, it's better for chronic pain than booze and opiates.

Call the number, record the call (ACR app) and post it here.

Plot twist : it's piss and vodka.

>> No.9341190

fookin hell m8

>> No.9341281
File: 208 KB, 929x515, 20170809_201305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when the buzz kicks in

>> No.9341310

Is Makers Mark 46 worth £40 plus whatever for delivery? Or should I just stick with the normal. Also what goes well with it?

>> No.9341328

How many ml?

>> No.9341330


Shit that's no bueno,

Not trying to get into a pissing contest here thou but that's not too bad considering they didn't subdue your ass. When I was a nurse (and an addict as well) I didn't think I could see people go as crazy as they had the potential to do.

>> No.9341341

I smoke my homegrown hydro weed all day and barely talk to anyone and I'm de facto a NEET, do I fit in?

>> No.9341346

Sounds comfy. Lots of guys here are divorced wageslaves with srs medical problems

>> No.9341350

I don't think my drug will fuck me up as fast as your drug. Also I think mine correlates more with my age/social group than alcohol that is typically drunk by older people.

>> No.9341420

Just so you know, being on 4chan is a form of socializing. You can't actually isolate yourself entirely without going crazy.

>> No.9341425 [DELETED] 

Dude posting on 4chan is nowhere close to real human interaction, (although you're right that it is a form of socialising) read The Machine Stops

>> No.9341441

Was sober the entire day yesterday
Just bought my celebratory 6-pack

>> No.9341524

Why can't I be this happy when I'm sober?

>> No.9341529

Please call the woman of your dreams and post the results here. Do it for us anon.

>> No.9341552


The best piece of American music ever written

>> No.9341595

700ml. It's the only thing I can find online. The normal makers is still £30 for 700ml

>> No.9341605

If youre drinking that volume, get the cheapest shit you can find and spend the rest on something to line your tummy prior

>> No.9341669

!!! Exactly anon, what a amazing OST indeed. But music by Cave and Ellis is in general great to drinking!

>> No.9341677

Post some drinking music

>> No.9341711

how old are my fellow al/ck/y friends?

im 25 and pissing my life away. i even have a masters degree. too bad its useless.

>> No.9341718

I have zero qualifications. Literally nothing.
Still got a home in which to be very drunk. Suits me fine.

>> No.9341722

28. Graduated from one of the best colleges in the world, got a masters degree. Still hate myself and want to drink myself to death

>> No.9341736

i feel ya m8

whats your degree in?

>> No.9341752

BA in econ, MS in Stats. You?

After learning how cold and ruthless women are I feel like the only thing I have to live for is the moment

>> No.9341756

>Didn't buy enough but already too tipsy to drive to the store

>> No.9341757

bs in biology, ms in medical sciences

i got a good woman currently,but the booze seems to be calling the shots these days

>> No.9341795

I've had too many shit experiences to believe that good women exist

>> No.9341815

Not same guy, but its true. The good ones are out there. I'm very lucky to have one in my life. I'm even luckier that she has no idea about my drinking problem.

>> No.9341836
File: 235 KB, 1280x735, tumblr_ncy409VVrL1u0bf4jo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inclined to believe all women are whores

>> No.9341899

>quoting and reply
>use legacy captcha

or its under posting and captcha, force legacy if you're using 4chan x

>> No.9341907

It's true. Women will go for whatever will give them the highest social respect/money.

>> No.9341934


even got a first in my degree (god knows how)

currently tutor for drink money as well as selling coke and stealing

>> No.9341949

32 I think. I stopped counting at 30.
Have a master degree in engineering and alcoholism.

Get a bike.

There are some. They're rare, and I fucked my few meaningful relationships due to alcohol.

So will men.

>> No.9341959

>So will men.
Couldn't be more untrue. A man will give his life along with everything he has to make his woman happy. A man just wants a partner that will love him like he does her.

>> No.9341969

how do i quit?

this is gonna kill me

>> No.9341973

Hmm. Tried them last night and they are similar to Xanax. i only plan to use them for 4-6 days. Looks like you can avoid withdrawals from benzos if you keep it under 2-3 weeks. And I'll taper it off just to be sure.

>> No.9341976

That's just you.
I mean, generalities like "all women this" and "all men that" are always wrong. Some this and that, some don't.

How much do you drink? Do you have access to health care?

>> No.9342002

im unemployed rn. got laid off

i used to just drink on the weekends but lately its been about 8-12 drinks per day, usually beer

>> No.9342004

>That's just you.
I mean, generalities like "all women this" and "all men that" are always wrong. Some this and that, some don't
LMAO nope. Women evolved to always go for the biggest and the best man. It's the same in the animal kingdom. Men spend their time looking and trying to get with that woman. Yes there are outliers, but hose overall don't mean anything. The vast majority of women will leave you at the drop of a hat if something better comes along. Do you think your woman who says she loves you would pick you over fame and riches? You already know the answer to that.

>> No.9342013

Just taper over a few days.
Find something else to do with the newfound time on your hands.


>> No.9342034

I'm not though. I'm fairly wealthy due to inheriting my godfather's housing developments and land. If I want sex I go get it. I don't get enjoyment being around women. There is never any engaging conversation or anything worthwhile there. It's always gossip. I'm not going to waste my time with that.

>> No.9342078

You misunderstood.
I'm telling you to go there and not return.

Alternatively, find other social circles, the one you're in is clearly problematic on many levels.

>> No.9342089

I'm not the guy you replied to, but...
>LMAO nope. Women evolved to always go for the biggest and the best man.
In the majority of cases, yes, but not all women. Some have strange fetishes, anon. Some women like big, hairy men. Some prefer big, fat men. Some like men to be tall but lean. There are in fact some rare cases out there where women like small men. It might be rooted in gaining sexual gratification via instilling humiliation and degradation in the man, or it could be from a boost of happiness gained from taking a pretty meek and probably depressed manlet and showing him a good time. I get a sort of similar feeling when I see a geeky-looking, bespectacled, chubby chick. One that isn't necessarily the 'hot' kind of geeky. The kind that doesn't usually get attention from guys, probably has no friends, spends most of her free time reading or gaming with little to no inclination to go out to pubs or otherwise socialize. Prefers to just get take-out or delivery instead of sit down at a restaurant to be properly served.

When I see a chick like that, being able to show her a good time has so much more impact, and there is typically so much more gratefulness and thankfulness, so much appreciation and perhaps even admiration. Being someone who means so much in another person's eyes, to provide experiences never before experienced or at least not to such a degree, it is part of the reason why I like introverted chubby/nerdy chicks with low self-esteem. I'm certain there's women out there with a similar view, even if they're incredibly rare. They want to find a blatant beta, someone with low self-esteem and little-to-no sexual experience, and be his entire world. But yeah, most women do indeed want the biggest and best men, ones that will take care of them and spoil them. It's rare that the word 'always' can be put in a statement and have it be 100% fact.

>> No.9342092

No, it's actually a relatively healthy social circle. I just know better than to try and date any of the women in it. Maybe you're better off in /r9k/ though. Those women there always need more betas orbiting and donating sheckles.

>> No.9342104

But the smile on has face, quickly turns to a sneer
When the barman said sadly, the pubs got no beer


>> No.9342229

I just looked straight at my monitor for an hour daydreaming things that will never happen
Fun times
Fun will run real short considering I drank everything I had

>> No.9342243

>women are cold and ruthless
Read Meditations and stop being a whiny faggot.

>> No.9342275


doing pretty well. got the grades to go to a good university but decided to just apply for a programming role and learn on the job. I didn't enjoy school and I was worried university would be the same. really regretted my decision while all my friends were at university cos it seemed like they were having lots of fun and I couldn't work out how to make friends without it, but now they're done, I think I made the right decision. I should probably move to a different company now but I feel like any more senior role would require more interaction with people and meetings and stuff. at the moment I can just remain under the radar quietly sitting there typing out code with my headphones on stinking of booze

>> No.9342319

22y, currently should be finishing bs in film studies and journalism. I somehow keep studying two uni´s even tho I barely go there..

>> No.9342350

sorry anon. I missed ur post. I will post some stuff that I listen while drinking. Maybe you will find it useful somehow..

>> No.9342364

anons, what do you listen when you drink if anything at all? I usually tend to listen more calm, depressive stuff - especially later at night. I thought I could post few, hopefully you will not mind.



>> No.9342372

Her lyrics always gets me..




>> No.9342548

Depends on what I'm drinking. Wine drunk atm and listening to above

>> No.9342623

plug . dj / alck

for music and chats x

>> No.9342628

So to commemorate my sister, I just finished
making the 2nd pitcher of bloody mary (she made the best I've ever tasted).
I propose a toast to all fallen comrades


>> No.9342663

>film studies and journo
I hope you're legit smart--otherwise, you aren't going anywhere with those degrees.

>> No.9342693

sorry meant

plug . dj / alckoholic

>> No.9343008

come in boys, if you're still drinking we'll talk to ya, if you've stopped we'll give ya advice. just 2 of us rn sharing tunes, but if you ever wanna chat, come.


>> No.9343069

I drove home from visiting out of town friends today and found my gf shithoused at 10:30am wrecking her first architecture class project of the semester and declaring that she wants to drop out of college (she's already got one degree). She then passed out on the floor. She did not go to her classes today.
I think I broke her, dudes. She never started morning drinking until she moved in with me, and has nowhere near the tolerance that I do. I've never encouraged it, either. I just do it to fight the shakes, but she always just takes a fucking nap after like four drinks.
Currently drinking my Smirnoff and watching some Netflix with my cat while she sleeps.

>> No.9343092
File: 20 KB, 604x403, IMG_0352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am super afraid that I'm just a toxic human being all around, I do not want her to turn into me. That'd be very unattractive because of the whole self loathing thing/ I also really do care about her, and I wouldn't recommend this life for anyone.

>> No.9343105
File: 18 KB, 260x287, Cat XD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then you should stop drinking. /r/stopdrinking/

>> No.9343174 [DELETED] 

augh yeah folks, sober 10 weeks but i've been going bonkers wanting to build a still and make some moonshine. Been reading abot it and watchin youtube on it every night. It looks piss easy, just stick a pipe thing on a pot and boil something with alcohol in it, and toss out the first cup of stuff that dribbles out. must be easy if them dumb hicks and oogedy boogedys in oogaboogastan do it lmao. my main problem is that i live with big mama and she doesn't care for alcholism oh well who cares guess i'll go back to fapping to pics of stills pretty cool huh

>> No.9343313

Kys yourself faggot

>> No.9343321

Honestly though I'll probably just start secret drinking. Hiding my juice in drinks/bottles I know she doesn't like

>> No.9343338 [DELETED] 

>tfw the grocery store has a 40% off sale on guinness

it's like they want me to get cirrhosis

>> No.9343352

>tfw the grocery store has a 50% off sale on guinness

it's like they want me to get cirrhosis.

>> No.9343450

>tfw the grocery store has a 60% off sale on guinness

it's like they want me to get cirrhosis.

>> No.9343481
File: 113 KB, 282x400, hamms beer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys every had Hamms beer before? Just saw it for the first time at my grocery store. Only $4 for a 6-pack of pounders.

>> No.9343499

24, research assistant, applying to PhD programs this year

I'll never have to deal with the trouble of finding a tenure track position because I'll probably be dead before that happens.

>> No.9343518

Hamm's is the beer to get when you don't want anyone drinking any of your beer

>> No.9343531


I lived in a place called Lanark as a kid in Scotland, There was plenty of surrounding forest were you could go off to die, no problem. I've thought about it before, not because of my drinking but I have cystic fibrosis and sometimes I think about ending it before I'm bedridden. Just wandering out with alot of booze and pills and something to cut my wrists with.

>> No.9343533

Happening again. I'm drinking insane quantities and doing the most retarded things. Such frivolous, pointless things at best, but coupled apparently unavoidably, with such poisonous and damaging things that i expect to soon be in trouble. Somehow. My mood is as stable as a drunken miley Cyrus coated in white phosphorus. I keep dreaming about being chased by police.



>> No.9343540

24, BS in Computer Engineering, have a job as a programmer in a small company that underpays.
>tfw you realize that more money or more "important" work won't cure your alcoholism

>> No.9343541


Hamm's is life, my dude. Drink up

>> No.9343547


So you're saying it's Keystone Light level of terrible?

>> No.9343549

It's frequently found at $11.99 for 30. It's pretty drinkable as far as cheap beers go, just be sure to drink it cold.

>> No.9343587

2.5 bottles of Smirnoff and 18, yes 18, mills of lorazepam and I still can't sleep. At 2am. Having woken at 6.

Shop opens in four hours.
Guess I'll just... lay here for now.
I've been more comfortable than this.
I can't even keep both eyes open, have to keep one covered, plus for a change, I'm fucking starving. No food in the house because it normally just goes to waste, but for once I'm hungry. All I have is some mustard.
I LOVE life.

>> No.9343614


>> No.9343635

>that thread
>come to /ck/, desperate, so drunk, barely able to see
>ctrl+F "al/ck/"
>no results

Life is suffering. Lets please at least not make it harder for eachother.
At least you got the silhouette right.
But yeah.
Eat shit.

>> No.9343926
File: 94 KB, 1180x842, 510817618-republican-presidential-candidate-donald-trump-speaks.jpg.CROP.promo-xlarge2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9343931

Yea, I ended up drinking a six pack last night on night 3, and again tonight on night 4. Woops! At least I know I'm not withdrawal tier yet.

>> No.9344486

sounds about right hahah