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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9336949 No.9336949 [Reply] [Original]

Welp, never buying the fucking cheap eggs again

>> No.9336953

>buying chicken pus abortion

Kys yourself meat eating murderous scum

>> No.9336962

> kys
> yourself

Nice meme fag.

>> No.9336969

the literal only difference is the egg on the right was smaller, and overcooked. take any egg you like and overcook it, the sulfur starts to come out like that.

>> No.9336970

Meant for


>> No.9336971

Go away GMO shill

>> No.9336977


>posts literal propaganda
>calls others shills

>> No.9336980

This, you retards never had that one aunt who insisted she was a good cook but then served you sulfur eggs that were boiled for like 30 minutes too long?

>> No.9336987

How much is Monsanto paying you?

>> No.9336989

$0.05 has been deposited in your bank account. Thank you for Correcting The Record(TM)!

>> No.9336992
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ITT: irrationals who are afraid of science and want poor people to die

>> No.9336993

Isn't that just a poorly boiled egg? The yolk on the eggs my parents chickens lay are much more orange than yellow than the one on the left.

>> No.9336998

I'm pretty rational and want poor people to die desu. Why should we give millions for some Laqueeshah in S Africa to have 7 starving children?

>> No.9337002

>left: fresh boiled egg
>right: cold boiled egg
whoever falls for this is a dum fuk irl

>> No.9337019
File: 96 KB, 640x549, caitlinupton1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Laqueeshash is the kind of name amerilard blacks give their out of wedlock babies. You don't have a passport, do you

>> No.9337021

Go boil your $7/dozen organic pasture-raised egg for 30 minutes and show us what it looks like.

We can wait.

>> No.9337024

It's an idiom for a black woman with a bunch of kids. Not a literal reference.

>> No.9337176

This is probably why I despised eggs until adulthood same with cauliflower I thought I hated it. Turns out my mum was just a bad cook

>> No.9337180

>caring about some dumb niggers over your health

>> No.9337190

Mom Science strikes again. Though not as bad as Bro Science "plastic bottles give you tits homey!" Shit.

>> No.9337196

hello newfriend

>> No.9337204
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>> No.9337211

Yeah, overcooked eggs are really, really bad.

I grew up in the '90's when momscience still said "YOU NEED TO COOK THE SHIT OUT OF EGGS OR YOU'LL GET SALMONELLA!" so my mom and aunts horribly overcooked them.

>> No.9337576

But that's a straight up kite lie

>> No.9337583

>Literlly falling for propaganda

>> No.9337592

>actually taking the bait

>> No.9337598

Right is overcooked

>> No.9337610

>the point of corporations developing GMO's is to altruistically feed poor people

Better grow up there, son.

>> No.9337614

>the point of corporations selling overpriced bio food is to altruistically protect your health
mhhh i dont know anon

>> No.9337615

No, but to generate more profit on smaller patches of land under worse conditions, which happens to be what is needed to feed poor people.

>> No.9337624

Just dont eat eggs you idiots smfh

>> No.9337642

What's wrong with poor people dying? The Earth is overcrowded anyway, let those who can't fend for themselves just fucking die lmao

>> No.9337643

wow, this might be the weakest bait ever

>> No.9337658

>generate more profit
>to feed poor people

Do you see why those are mutually exclusive?

>> No.9337667

They're not mutually exclusive. If a farmer can't generate a profit then he goes out of business and can't feed anyone. Helping farmers save money, aka generate more profit, means that the farmer can sell his product at a lower price.

This is why farmers choose to buy GMO seed and related products. It reduces their costs, helping them produce more food at a lower price.

>> No.9337693
File: 139 KB, 500x500, 1416785031669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm pretty rational
>[I] want poor people to die

>> No.9337823

>cooked properly vs. overcooked

Wooo well meme'd faglord.

>> No.9337833

do you know what an idiom is, idiot?

>> No.9337925

>GMO increases yields and profits

This is a myth propagated by the GMO industry.

"Also, a recent National Academy of Sciences report found that “there was little evidence” that the introduction of genetically modified crops in the United States had led to yield gains beyond those seen in conventional crops."


>> No.9337957

Thanks for your purchase. Also you should only be buying Farm fed organic uncaged non GMO local humanely treated eggs.

>> No.9337980


>> No.9338012

Derp. You expected cheap to equal good? I laugh at all the dumbasses at Black Friday especially.

>> No.9338325

They link to the National Academy of Science report (PDF format) in the article, cuck.

>> No.9338340

>implying you didn't just boil the egg incorrectly

>> No.9338343

Read the thread, stupid.

>> No.9338363
File: 59 KB, 300x397, Non-GMO-Corn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny how the vegan crowd encourages us normal folks to eat lab grown meat.

>> No.9338581

>thinks it was impossible to grow corn or other vegetables that weren't filled with worms prior to the ascendancy of chemical companies post WWII.

>> No.9338593

>muh geemos are bad >:((((((
Better stop eating store bought bananas then

>> No.9338620

Like, once refrigerated?

>> No.9338667

literally just overcooked. I have 5 retards working in my kitchen that can't boil a fucking egg.

>> No.9338672

it was harder though

>> No.9338963

>Niggers can't farm

GMOs help us feed a lot more people and they are a godsend but we could send a shit ton of Monsanto products their way and they'd still starve.

>> No.9338991

Wait, you mean eggs aren't supposed to smell like that? But all my relatives devoured the things like they were laced with crack while I always had to leave the room to keep from gagging. I always assumed I had some kind of genetic defect because eggs all smell like rancid farts to me.

>> No.9339011

wait, we have genetically modified chickens now?

>> No.9339041
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>> No.9339049

that's selective breeding, growth hormones and antibiotics though, they're not actually genetically modified, right?

>> No.9339054


I can't wait to genetically modify my child into masterrace, then you can ask yourself why didn't you do it and now you have a potato child to take care of

trivial information, you should skip bananas if you aren't into gmo, ya douchenozzle

>> No.9339164

>they're not actually genetically modified, right?
>selective breeding
>not GM
It's at a populations level, but we've been genetically modifying animals to serve us since the first gokturk decided to castrate that pussy-ass stallion on his land.

>> No.9339185

We can make GMO chickens now?

>> No.9339193

GMO is cuckspeak for transgenic which is definitely not the same as selective breeding.

>> No.9339198

This has to be some deep psy-ops for GMO food, there have been too many of these threads in the past few years.

>> No.9339205


>> No.9339222

It's fundamentally the same. We take desirable traits from one plant and put them into another.
Whether we do it through plant fucking or gene splicing is irrelevant.

>> No.9339227

>I have two personalities

>> No.9339229

No, gene splicing and selective breeding are in no fucking way fundamentally the same. What the fuck are you smoking?

>> No.9339247

>genetically modify my child into masterrace, then you can ask yourself why didn't you do it

You're behind the curve, we did by marrying Asians which combine a superior IQ with superior physical strength. Human hybrids based on natural strength and intelligence btfo of NEET dungeon dwelling alt-righters who have a pipedream of relying on GMO science to propagate their sorry ass genetics, lol.

>> No.9339256

>half Asian child
Enjoy being murdered in your sleep when they turn 16

>> No.9339272

The techniques are different but the goal and purpose are the same: to attain the desirable traits that you want while minimizing or eliminating undesirable traits. It's no different with domesticated animals. I.e. we breed cattle to be docile yet provide a lot of meat (or milk, in the case of dairy cattle). We breed some dogs to be guardians, some to flush out game, others to retrieve said game, etc. Hell, years ago they even bred a dog whose whole purpose was to turn the spit for roasting meat.