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9333473 No.9333473 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck is up with In-N-Out? Why do people rant and rave about it so much? Every time I have had it, It has tastes mediocre at best.

>> No.9333478

I like it. A Cheeseburger animal-style costs like $2.50 where I live and is much better tasting than any other fast-food burger

>> No.9333484

This thread again?

>> No.9333504

>but muh sekret menu
>muh muh animal style

Ill give it that. It is cheap. But that doesn't make it good. Also everyone loves animal style shit. It's mayo based right? I fucking hate mayo so....

>> No.9333505
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I had this at the Cheesecake Factory in San Diego! It's the best tasting burger I've had over here so far!

>> No.9333520

It's basically Thousand Island dressing. Animal Style just means they use more of the dressing and give you Grilled Onions instead of raw ones.
>But that doesn't make it good
I think it tastes good. Way better than McDonalds, Jack In The Box, Burger King, Carl's Jr, Wendy's, etc. Of course it's not as good as a non-fast food burger. But as far as fast food goes, it's the best burger you can get, especially considering the price.

>> No.9333636

I had it yesterday. The animal style dressing broke so it was oily and globby. It all was really salty, salty cheese, salty meat and salty dressing. The fries are really fucking weird too, I can't describe them, it's somewhere between veggie straws and fries.

>> No.9333641

What the hell is animal style burger?

Animal fries is just that thousand island and cheese on fries. They already put cheese and thousand island on burger.

>> No.9333645

>But as far as fast food goes, it's the best burger you can get

>> No.9333647

NVM I read >>9333520

>> No.9333653

It's not a secret menu. It's just options you can have (like no grilled onions, extra mustard, whatever) that there happen to be names for. Does McDonalds have a secret menu because the "McGangBang" exists?

>> No.9333661

Name a better fast food burger then.
I live on the west coast so there is no Whataburger, Steak-n-Shake etc

>> No.9333663

>*I* hate mayo, so why does everyone else like it? Waaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!

>> No.9333668

Yeah but you tell the employees and they know what you mean and make it that way. McGangbang is something dollar menu cretins order and construct themselves.

By that, I'd say it's a secret menu.

>> No.9333681

>this is how he interprets that post

You are autistic you know? Try "I hate mayo, So animal style does nothing for me."

>> No.9333703

You said but that doesn't make it good, implying that you're talking about in general instead of in your own opinion. Then you followed up with telling a personal story about your thoughts on animal style

>> No.9333706

Not the anon you are replying to, but both of those are better options. But either way, I hate when people use the whole "well its the best fast food burger" just because it's the best of the worst isn't something to brag about.

>> No.9333710

He's right you fucking idiot. Doubling down on your autism isn't helping.

>> No.9333716

I said being cheap doesn't make it good. Then I talked about animal style and how I thought it to be mayo based, And that I don't like mayo.

>> No.9333729

Why can't people get over the fact that some people love In N Out? Maybe some people are obnoxious about it, but it's a pretty decent burger for a decent price. Everyone has their regional favorites, and they all at least somewhat deserve their reputation. Can't we just all fuck off?

>> No.9333732

And to add to this, I guess maybe animal style isn't mayo based like I was originally told. So maybe I could give it a try. I doubt it will give me the orgasmic experience that most people claim to have when eating in n out. But we will see.

>> No.9333747

Maybe it's because In N Out is possible one of the MOST hyped burger joints despite being mediocre as fuck and not much better than McDonalds?

>> No.9333758

No, there's definitely mayo in it. I detest mayo and I had it. Mayo was detected. It's a combo of mayo and thousand island.

>> No.9333766

Hype ruins it, but that doesn't mean the product itself is bad. Unless you're too much of a brainlet to separate the two

>> No.9333769
File: 1.08 MB, 1200x800, 20151018-Edward-Dye-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not much better than McDonalds
So how long have you been a cuck, anon?

>> No.9333776
File: 32 KB, 480x270, call him a cuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9333778

Swenson's is better

>> No.9333796
File: 361 KB, 704x593, ca5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

itt: burgers fighting about burgers

>> No.9333799

My condolences.

>> No.9333876

It kind of does though. If everyone is constantly talking up the place and it turns out to be not much better than fucking Mcdonalds than you are surely going to be that much more disappointed.

>I literally have no argument

>> No.9333906

I'm on the east coast so I don't get it much, but I drop by one whenever I'm on the west coast at least once.

It's comparable to fast casual places like Five Guys and Shake Shack but far cheaper, so I don't have anything bad to say about it.

>> No.9333977


>> No.9333987
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>inb4 500 posts from megasperglords on how Five Guys is terrible because they can't get their burger for less than $7

>> No.9334000

>This fast food joint universally sucks because of an experience I had

Ever think that quality varies from location to location or even time to time?

>> No.9334005

>you need to argue my opinion

Abandon thread, niggas going full retard in here

>> No.9334276

Really? How so? Isn't the whole meme behind in n out that their ingredients are fresh? How is that different location to location?

>in n out being similar to McDonald's is an opinion

Nigger you tried to imply it wasn't. You just couldn't substantiate that claim. Furthermore it must be a pretty popular opinion since that's what everyone always compares it to in these threads.

>> No.9334359

In and out is a quality affordable burger place that cooks food reasonably fast without sacrificing quality. Five guys costs too much, McDonalds tastes like shit but the baby's porridge was just right.

>> No.9334394

Honestly though you get alot more food at 5 guys. Their burgers seem bigger and you get far more fries. And everything tastes better. I'd say it's worth it desu.

>> No.9334412

I'm not morbidly obese.

>> No.9334532

>hurr receiving more food is bad

Nice deflection though fucking faggot

>> No.9334569


>> No.9334632


thousand island dressing is fucking disgusting and I'm glad it's a regional thing.

>> No.9334640

for FAST FOOD, it's good relative to all the other shitty fast food options

For an actual burger in general, if you can't make something MUCH better at home, you are a fucking degenerate man child

>> No.9334702

It's really not though. Shit like Whataburger and Steak and Shake make better burgers.

>> No.9334819

We don't have Whataburger and Steak and Shake out here in California.

>> No.9335340

You know you can order it without the Spread, right? You can get ketchup/mustard or no sauce at all. Still the best fast food burgers you can get on the west coast

>> No.9335374

its good, but whataburger is better

>> No.9335384

it's only considered the best because the alternatives are trash like mcdonalds and burger king

it's still fast food

>> No.9335399

You need to get it animal style and you need to get a side of animal style fries ask for banana peppers on both and get a shake if you're feeling it. It's cheap and it's local here in California they're literally everywhere and they're now cheaper than the majority of corporate owned fast food chains. It's hyped up because it's a hype place. I can't even go there without it being packed a majority of the time. It's legit that good.

>> No.9335646

Yeah, because it's $16 for a burger and fries

>> No.9336135

King Falafel is better

>> No.9336198

>it has tastes
You can't fucking speak English.. Take your obsession somewhere else.

>> No.9336663

Im taking my gf to a beach tomorrow, then were gonna have a delicious dinner at in n out, then im going to fuck the shit right out of her ass when we get home

Stay mad midwest and east coast cucks

>> No.9336681

Burgers are kinda small, but it's not bad.

No mayo policy is shit though.

>> No.9336707

They also grill the patty in mustard and put pickles on the burger.

>> No.9336743

Whataburger > In-N-Out

Fight me

>> No.9336762

wHOOOA YOu ArE tEllING mE tHAt YO AREE DislIKING ThIs PopUlaR tHInG? oN 4ChIN of AlL PlAces? Yuo R sO IntEreSTing! REalLy a sPeCiAL GuY

>> No.9336763

Well it's probably the highest quality and simplest thin style burger you can find anywhere and it's incredibly cheap for the west coast, or anywhere really. Hell an extra paddy is only 75 cents.

>> No.9337930

>freaking out over a small grammar error no one even noticed

Check out this autist

>> No.9337935

Why not do all that same shit, but change it to a better burger joint?

>> No.9339282

In n out is caliifornias version of yuengling. Its cheap, much better than comparably cheap places but ultimately not that great.

>> No.9339309
File: 901 KB, 640x1136, antifa cuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP do you eat it in cali?