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9332586 No.9332586 [Reply] [Original]

does westerners really considers this soup?

>> No.9332593

That's freedom onion juice.

>> No.9332608

That's American Style French Onion Soup


>> No.9332609

Looks like fuckin mold on the outside of the pot

>> No.9332636

A non-minuscule amount of cheeses are mold, though.

Pic has too much cheese, and that blob on the spoon is probably 70% bread.

>> No.9332646


>> No.9332667
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Am American cook

French onion was the first thing I ever learned to make

I used to rely on retarded amounts of cheese to make my amalgamation of shitty broth, undercooked onions, and cheap white wine into a decent meal

I've repented however, I've learned to create my own chicken stock and blend that 50/50 with beef stock, because my soup is my humble root I splurge on real Gruyere and either deglaze with sherry vinegar or real wine.

My french onion can rival the titans now, but I do respect the cheesy bready abomination that is chain restaurant french onion. Shit is just tasty.

>> No.9332678

what a fucking hassle for a bowl of soup. even worse if you don't use store bought stock. yeah, it's simple to do, but holy shit that's too much effort for something like this.
>cut onions
>stick onions in oven for an hour
>take them out, put them back in to stir multiple times
>mix with stock in a pot, cook for over an hour
>cut up bread
>slather in butter
>put bread in oven
>pour each serving of soup in an individual heat resistant pot
>put a single piece of bread in every pot
>grate cheese separately over each pot
>put pots in oven
>you can finally eat your "soup" now

just don't understand how the end result justifies all that effort. i mean, none of it is complex but it's just such an inconvenience.

>> No.9332705

Tried onion soup at Ikea restaurant.

That was the saddest excuse for a soup I'd ever tried. Just several small pieces of onion floating on the bottom in clear, slightly salty, slightly oniony water. I'm wary of onion soups since.

>> No.9332717

ironically, that sounds more like soup than op pic

>> No.9332724

What did you expect? That's what onion soup is.

>> No.9332737

dunno, maybe bits of toast. Or a little thickener like roux. Or stock flavor at least.

>> No.9332738

That's not a lot of steps. Where is all this work you speak of?

>> No.9332739

I don't even know if you're baiting

>> No.9332744

Slow cooker, wine, stock, and a bit of garlic. I set it all up the day before, next day I have a nice big pot of French onion soup that lasts forever

>> No.9332746

it's too much, when you consider what it gets you. like 3 hours for a soup with 3 ingredients

>> No.9332754

spoken like a true pleb.
I fucking hate this board, calling it cooking is a war crime. And prep time for french onion is 15 min at max you amateur.

>> No.9332759

what are you talking about you drooling retard? the video linked has the onions caramelizing for one hour and then simmering in the pot for over an hour. go bother someone else if you're having an autistic fit.

>> No.9332774

Then baking in the oven in separate bowls for the third hour.

I guess >>9332754 refers to the Ikea onion soup:

Chop onion. Add water. Boil for 15 minutes. Add a pinch of salt. Toss, because it's shit.

>> No.9333552

>Letting onions caramelise in a low-heat oven for an hour is "work"
>letting the soup simmer at low-heat is "work"

What the fuck are you doing on a cooking board? You are only here for the fast-food threads, aren't you?

>> No.9333558

Nobody said it was hard work anon. Just that it takes a lot more than 15 minutes as stated in >>9332754

>> No.9333569

is that 'go 'za?

>> No.9333570

This is not food.

>t. Dutchfag

Though if you go even further west you'll hit a third world shit hole named "Divided States of Israel". They call that food because they're stupid and indoctrinated

>> No.9333571

>Just that it takes a lot more than 15 minutes as stated in
That guy didn't say it takes 15 minutes total, he said it requires 15 minutes of PREPARATION, as in, shit that you actively have to do. Letting a soup simmers for hours doesn't count as prep time.

>> No.9333632
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>he doesn't like mold cheese
what a pleb

>> No.9333922

whatever man, feel free to wait 3 hours for your 3 ingredient soup. you are the true patrician

>> No.9334099

Christ, if slicing some onions, stirring a pot and toasting cheese is "too much effort", what do you live on? Instant meals and take out?

>> No.9334115

>but it's just such an inconvenience.
Not really. Most of it is hands-off. And even then it's not much effort. And when you're done it's really fucking delicious.

You must just have really really low standards. I.e. lazy.

>> No.9335697

im a westerner and i have no fuckig clue what that is

>> No.9336528

nah dude, i'm not lazy. i'm okay with hours of prep work and/or waiting if the end result is something sufficiently enjoyable.

i don't understand why people on this board try so hard to one up each other. it's okay to admit you aren't willing to put in the work for a dish that you don't consider worth it. for example, i consider polenta too much work too, just because it requires about half an hour non stop stirring, for something that ends up being pretty shit. you know, the ratio between end result and work is shit. i don't consider half an hour of stirring too much work on its own.

>> No.9336679

Post recipe plox

>> No.9336965
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>> No.9337090

American ruining French cuisine once again.

>> No.9337098

That's a 'go 'za.

>> No.9337111

Simmering something or caramelizing onions isnt prepping.
You people would know if you ever set foot in a kitchen.

>> No.9337243

Yes its soup