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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9331402 No.9331402 [Reply] [Original]

> majority of guests order their burger medium well or well done
>common to have requests for multiple sides of ranch with their meal
>will request extra ranch and notice they don't even use it
>occasionally get someone who wants a super custom dish based on food menu and is a pain in the dick about it if not made to exact order

>> No.9331434

>>will request extra ranch and notice they don't even use it
I sometimes order mayo for a burger, and then end up not needing to make the juicy burger moister since it was perfectly cooked and dressed. It's a just in case thing.

>> No.9331465
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>the person deepest in a booth is the one that needs to use the restroom multiple times, forcing everyone to stand up.

>> No.9331466

I'm fine with leaving containers instead of ramekins since that minimizes waste. I just feel like nobody would ever do that if there was a small charge.

>> No.9331470

That has no effect on the employee lol.

>> No.9331529

Food runners, bro.

>> No.9331626

Yeah I don't have those where I work. Again restroom needs do not have much an effect on employees.

>> No.9331632

What if the stall is occupied and you need to shoot some H?

>> No.9331637

do it at the urinal. only fags will try to look and see what you're doing and they won't talk if you don't.

>> No.9331641

I'll eat a steak medium rare, but ground beef sorta scares me. More surface area that doesn't get cooked. Not gonna acquire illness because culinary Rambo like you might look down upon it.

>> No.9331653

Well considering raw ground meat is a common breadspread here i don't have these issues luckily. Then again I can't blame anyone for not wanting to eat raw meat.

>> No.9331667
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>customers put gallons of ketchup on fucking everything
Shit annoyed me to no end when I was a busser, cause it would always get all over my fingers and I would need to use the sink constantly since they didn't give us gloves. I saw people dipping their goddamn chicken wings in it, what the fuck?

>> No.9331668

But what if I'm gay and find you attractive?

>> No.9331710

then you're not going to tell on me for shooting up at the urinal, right?

>> No.9331717

>> majority of guests order their burger medium well
What's wrong with this?

>> No.9331802

Some people assume that since staek is best medium rare, a burger (also being beef) is likewise best medium rare.

This is false.

>> No.9331806

But he said medium well, not medium rare. Personally I take my burgers well.

>> No.9331850

80% people of will finish their appetizers
60% will finish their main course
90% will finish deserts
displaying cheap label wines actually drive up sales for more expensive ones
tips are more likely if you look to be genuine rather than overbearing,i made a mistake of trying too hard early on and i got less than my mates who was more casual
be prepared to take people photos alot if your place is picturesque

>> No.9331900

Medium is the absolute minimum temperature a burger should be served at. Its safe if freshly ground to go below but it just falls apart and has a bad texture if you go below that. Most people correctly know that a burger needs to be well done if it isn't freshly ground and just order what they have learned to cook at home.

>> No.9333213

OP here, I agree on the medium sentiment. I feel like anything beyond that is way too dry.

>tips are more likely if you look to be genuine rather than overbearing,i made a mistake of trying too hard early on and i got less than my mates who was more casual
>be prepared to take people photos alot if your place is picturesque

Can definitely vouch for both. While working at a cocktail bar photo ops were extremely common so I ran with it, the key is to take at least three pics so they have one to choose as the best. Been indifferent about tipout so just go for making sure people are enjoying themselves. Just about anyone is able to point out hokey bullshit.

Just don't try to fuck in the bathroom and I don't care. We had to kick out a couple that was not so subtle about trying to do that. And this is a restaurant located in a mall lol