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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 4 KB, 264x191, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9330628 No.9330628 [Reply] [Original]

Continued from >>9322765

Just saw a yellow colored man with a hospital bracelet get on the bus. Its very very unsettling irl. Skin looked like sweaty cheese.

>> No.9330653

Do we have news from simpsonbro?
What about gnomebro? How's life without a job or a phone?

>> No.9330666

Yeah seriously, is everyone sober, dead or in a coma? Where'd everyone go? Still approx the same number of posters, but few signs of the regs.
We needs more trips up in thiz biz

>> No.9330677

Havent seen simpson in about 5 days i guess. Dont keep up with the gnome poster

>> No.9330678

Did he have yellow fever?

>> No.9330682

Speaking of trips, bro.
I've been lurking. I guess I haven't much to say.

>> No.9330686

>Still approx the same number of posters, but few signs of the regs.
I'm sure there are plenty regulars that just don't like trip-ing

>> No.9330695

Also the trips are pretty far gone and have shocking stories, I post a bit, but don't think my experiences are all that interesting

>> No.9330696
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Got myself 7 bottles of this when I come off my water fast.

I'm not an alcoholic, just thought I'd show you. It's delicious.

>> No.9330725

I thought I had some interesting things to say a few threads ago, while I was in detox thurs, but I've been sober since weds night and not much has been happening. Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights were pretty rough, but not too bad. I didn't have to deal with the nightmares, but I've been waking up with the sweats and haven't slept all that great yet. Hopefully tonight is the night. I haven't had the sweats for more than two or three nights before but I've never had the serious withdraws, like I did Thursday, before either. I'll tell you what though. I'm sure glad I got that detox over with. It feels goo to not HAVE to drink, just to not get sick. I'm still motivated. No desire to ever go back. Let's see how long I can keep it up.

>> No.9330741

I been drinking a liter a day of whiskey or vodka for 7 years, im about to croak :(

>> No.9330745

Proud of you. Today is a week since my last drink. Its easier with naltrexone, which is what i take. But i still miss "having fun" aka drinking or otherwise being intoxicated. Ive reached the point where 2-3 days of drinking results in unpleasant withdrawals. Regardless of how long ive been sober prior. So theres a gun to my head, in a way, stoppibg me from drinking. Just trying to find other ways to enjoy myself. Ive put up numerous stretches up to a month sober this year, thanks to my meds. The slip ups havent lasted as long. So its better than it used to be. If you are not taking meds for your cravings i highly suggest you get on the phone to your doc

>> No.9330748

How much do you guys drink daily?

>> No.9330753

>Lose debit card
>order new one. "7-10 days, sir"
>No booze for 17 hours
>EXPLODING with withdrawal
>Drag corpse to ghetto
>Beg a junkie acquaintance to steal vodka for me
>Use good-standing with former heroin dealers to tick 3 bags for £25
>Give him .005 for the vod, another .005 for 2mg of lorazepam he was holding
>DEVOUR EVERY intoxicant
>Life is bliss
Tomorrow should be fun though. Still gotta wait for that card. I'm gonna be arrested so many times for so many things.

>> No.9330766

Little over a liter of spirits, in terms of alcohol content regardless of what type of alcohol, per day at my worst. Some guys do more.

>> No.9330772

Back on 1.4-2.1L of vodka, and not eating.
Drunk enough that I don't care. Feel pretty good, actually.

>> No.9330773

>5 days
I thought it was longer, but I lost track of time.


Congrats on your detox.
You still have the rehab part ahead of you, it's not as brutally hard, but it's long. Good luck.
You too.

A cup of coffee, about 5 litres of water, sometime a soda or juice with a snack.
Used to drink 75cl to 1l of vodka.

>> No.9330779

since late 2015 a pint of liquor ever night

my left side aches sometimes if i dont get a good nights sleep

>> No.9330784

>on 1.4-2.1L of vodka
per day

How long you been doing that

I've been doing just 1 liter a day and my body is about to give up? Do you have cirhosis or hep yet?

>> No.9330788

Youre a ticking time bomb, fella. Maybe getting arrested is something to shoot for.

>> No.9330790

does vodka have the same amount of alcohol that liquor has?

>> No.9330791

>since late 2015 a pint of liquor ever night

quite while you are ahead

If I only had a pint a day for two days, I'd be in the hospital w/ seizures DT's

>> No.9330794

I have Naltrexone and haven't been taking them. I don't feel the need to yet and I don't have a refill, so I'm saving them for when I do need them. I know a million people have felt just like me, right after getting out from under it, just to climb back under later. I don't imagine I'm any better than them, so I'm just waiting for when I have the urge again. I'm scheduled to talk to an addiction counselor soon, but I'm saving the meds for when I need them.

>> No.9330795

2-3 bottles of wine or 5-20 beers on normal days, more on the weekend/special occasions

>> No.9330797

>does vodka have the same amount of alcohol that liquor has?

Yeah, pretty much all spirits (gin, vodka, rum, tequila, whiskey, bourbon) are 40% ethanol; sometimes they go down to 35% if you do flavored stuff.

>> No.9330800

yea but since 2006 or 2007 i've been drinking a pint a night 1-3 times a week

to be honest i've given up on life

>> No.9330804

>how long
At this level? I don't honestly know. 3 years maybe. I haven't been without significant quantities of alcohol flowing through my veins for any significant length of time, for 23 years. I simultaneously love and hate alcohol.

>> No.9330813


did have a seizure in 2013 after i went cold turkey for 3 days.. no sleep either. But back then I was doing a handle of whiskey+2mg klonopin a night

>> No.9330815

If you dont take them then youll "wind up" with a drink in your hand. At least thats what happens to me. Hope you get some refills. If you do slip up take a naltrexone before you pass out so at least you wont turn it into a bender the next day

>> No.9330816

>I haven't been without significant quantities of alcohol flowing through my veins for any significant length of time, for 23 years. I simultaneously love and hate alcohol.

me too anon, me too

I'm trying to get an RX of antabuse but no dr will RX it to me.....funny though, I can get opiates at the drop of a god damn hat for faking stomach pain

>> No.9330833
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woke up to this a few nights ago

>> No.9330836

No thanks. I've done the cold turkey in jail thing too many times. It is not in the top ten of my most cherished pastimes.

>> No.9330837

all that black shit on the bottom is dead flies, hundreds of dead flies

>> No.9330839

Here in usa they stuff you full of benzos to detox you

>> No.9330844
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But does it still contain alcohol?

>> No.9330848

>Here in usa they stuff you full of benzos to detox you

Only in some jails, and definiately not the majority

>> No.9330853

Already heavily addicted to benzos as well as booze. Without both I still flip my shit

>> No.9330857

I guess so. I don't have any alcohol in my house. I know I'm not leaving the house tonight. I have pot. I'm not planing on smoking any, but I might end up doing it anyway. I picked up pot back in April, kind of a late bloomer. I'm 37. This last bender, that sent me into detox, happened because I didn't have pot. The whole time I was drinking, I was wishing I had pot instead. But I didn't, so I did the worse thing. I don't plan on making pot a habit, but, even if I do, I imagine It'll be easier to kick.

>> No.9330858
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Hello I'm in Canada

Is it cheaper to buy beers (~$2 per can) or hard alcohol (~$8 small bottles, ~$15 medium) if you're drinking near-daily?

Asking for a friend

>> No.9330859
File: 88 KB, 364x648, rDMH5OH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took this photo of the eclipse today

>> No.9330862

Where the fuck do all you people get your benzos? I've been trying for years to get benzos to stop my alcohol withdrawls and nobody has any. I can get cocaine, opiates of all flavors, meth, weed and anything and the drop of a hat.....but benzos have disappeared from my area (nashville)

>> No.9330866

Get anxiety and see a psychiatrist

>> No.9330868

Don't even get fucking toilet paper in jail here. A 1cm mattress in a concrete floor, a water dispenser, a hole to shit in and some cunt queefing rancid gruel at you twice a day.

>> No.9330875
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pic related will prescribe you anything. Extremely corrupt. Needs to be jailed.

>> No.9330876

I drink 4 drinks a day, which I'm sure is on the lighter end.

How did you guys fall into this?

>> No.9330878

I've been drunk and high for a long, long time. One text and I can have dealers delivering everything from benzos to carfentanil.
Not proud of it.

>> No.9330880

Just wait until 4 drinks does nothing for you anymore.

>> No.9330882

>second day sober and I'm already telling myself I'd surely be able to moderate nicely with a good bottle of gin

My brain is such a cheeky little cunt.

>> No.9330883

Why are you ratting him out, asshole?

>> No.9330886

Because he's a corrupt piece of shit.

>> No.9330891
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>funny though, I can get opiates at the drop of a god damn hat for faking stomach pain
You need to build a wall between you and the pharmacy.

I'm doing without naltrexone. I tried a anti-cravings drug, not sure what the molecule was, it didn't work.
I tried baclofen, it had some effects on booze, but it zombified me, and didn't help me stopping anyway.

pic related. Use it.

See a doctor, they're the wizards who give the magical prescription.

>> No.9330892

underrated post

>> No.9330903

Why not just go to the bank? You can withdraw without your card

>> No.9330908

>You need to build a wall between you and the pharmacy.

luckily opiates never did shit for me, even in high doses; alcohol is my drug of choice which I will die of

>> No.9330909
File: 2.54 MB, 450x426, Donald asking about cyanide gas.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean in terms of people and the experience

If I get 4 beers, it's a bitch to lug around but I'll finish them and go home if the alcohol stores are closed.

Whereas if I get an economic aka large bottle of hard alcohol, would it be more enjoyable to treat myself and drink a bit more? Obviously the highest conc vs cheapest price would be "ideal", but a show of hands, how many people here drink moonshine on a daily basis

Just trying to ask advice from more experienced folk about becoming comfortably numb with frugal expenditures

I love you

>> No.9330915
File: 171 KB, 1280x688, IMG_0927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too far to walk while in WD. Banned from driving.
If I'm sufficiently energised by way of somehow acquiring more booze tomorrow before the bank shuts, and the queue isn't half a mile long for a fucking change, I'll probably do this.

>> No.9330919

You can get a taxi to the bank and back and just pay when you're back at home, after you got the money

>> No.9330943

>get a taxi
well look at mister fancy pants money bags over here

>> No.9330965


kek the bank teller

>> No.9330969

I'm sure there's some way I could do something like this. it is complicated however. Just crawling to the nearest crackhouse is so much easier.
While volatile and not to be trusted, extreme fuck-ups can present a unique set of useful skills; tools of their trade which do not even occur to the common man. If I'm desperate, that's where I need to be.

Incidentally, shopkeepers know me. They know I have stolen from them in the past. I have apologised so sincerely, I have paid for their entire families to visit nice restaurants, I've had MD family members call them and apologise, I've even made an effort to learn their language as a singn of respect and I have repaid them ten-fold.
I know it's not cool. But I try to make it as acceptable as possible. They're nice enough to forgive my imperfection.

>> No.9330970

Not a fan of drug dealers?

>> No.9330992

Stick to beer.
It has a built-in limit, very useful long-term.

>> No.9331011

>but a show of hands, how many people here drink moonshine on a daily basis
Me desu, when I'm not in the wagon. I'm dry atm.

>> No.9331033

Undiluted moonshine?
Jesus fucking Christ no. Never again.
No need for it. Leave shit like everclear to shoenice.

>> No.9331055

(For the new/al/cks https://youtube.com/watch?v=0Xd2wirWRm4 )

>> No.9331056

I dilute it back down to 40% and charcoal filter it if I feel like it. It's the smoothest thing I've ever drunk.

>> No.9331062

What a dumb memester. May very well be fake as well.

>> No.9331104

Are we really still not past this shit? Ffs al/ck/

>> No.9331106

no toilet paper? wat? might want to call the local news station on that one. srsly. theyd love a story like that.

>> No.9331116


mother of god

i would be fucking dead after half

>> No.9331121


not that it would be a bad thing..

>> No.9331150

Smirnoffbro does not fuck with the shoenice.
LABeast does not fuck with the shoenice.
Only the dead.

>> No.9331203

Why couldn't it be? Anyone willing to do type of thing for attention surely could be desperate enough to not be authentic about it.

>> No.9331221
File: 468 KB, 3264x2448, DeR8avO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And it's all coming back again, the burning love, this bittersweet affliction.
I don't want you, but I can't stop putting you in my mouth.

>> No.9331237

Anon, you're getting on my nerves. This is so obvious that it is an irritation that it should require explanation.
I have downed 70cl of vodka and when the burn had subsided, it was nothing. I drank more.

The more you drink, the more alcohol it takes in order that you become drunk. Maybe you're a little younger than some of the people here.

>> No.9331243


>> No.9331257

Why don't you whining faggots go and get jobs?

>> No.9331261

If he's in a third world country the news won't give a shot. Not every anon lives in the decadent west.

>> No.9331264

Don't get me wrong, I'm not doubting the possibility of drinking a bottle of Everclear like that at all. I'm just saying he comes across as the type of person to fake it since his goal is to get attention rather than drunk.

>> No.9331265

>and with this one HEROIC post, all of the worlds problems were solved
Should we bow?

>> No.9331269

>le old fashioned sitcom dad LARP

>> No.9331274

A good friend of mine died two weeks ago because of liver failure due to liver cirrhosis and hepatitis. I found out about his condition on Wednesday, when his Mom told my Mom about it and that they were putting him in hospice. The following Friday, he died due to massive organ failure. He died a day before my flight to go see him and I'll never see him again. He was only 27 years old.

I had always known that he was an alcoholic, but I never knew how bad it was. We were great friends growing up, but we went different ways in life and I had not seen him for 4 or 5 years. By the end, his skin was apparently yellow, his feet and hands blue and his body was prone to bruising. His stomach was swollen and his lungs needed to be pumped in his last days of life so that he could be comfortable breathing.

I wish I had done something, or said something. I don't know if it could have helped, but at least I would have known I tried. I know now that my friend was depressed and that he probably drank the most when he was alone. But he wasn't alone in life - there were so many people at his memorial service and everyone there loved him.

Alcoholism is a disease and it can be cured. Don't drink yourselves to death. Talk to someone, anyone; you may be surprised that people care.

>> No.9331321

>Alcoholism is a disease and it can be cured.
It can be cured in some cases, and in others it can't. That doesn't sound hopeful or pleasant but it's the truth.

Don't beat yourself up about it, anon. If a guy is going to continue to drink when his whole body is shutting down against every healthy instinct a good talking to isn't going to help either. You're not to blame here.

>> No.9331339

Sorry for your loss. Some people ARE able to beat alcoholism. It really depends on the individual. Nobody can do it for them, and in some cases they cant even do it for themselves.

>> No.9331357
File: 11 KB, 202x249, pacing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why /pacing/ here? I walk at last 10k a night in my living room when newly sober.

>> No.9331429

No help, no sympathy, no sex, no money, no girls, no alcohol, just stop.
Oh god.

>> No.9331437

why not go for a walk outside? feels good.

>> No.9331457

I think I might start again now that it's getting colder and darker again and the normies stay inside.

I don't generally go out much, I don't think I've been out the front door this month yet.

>> No.9331499

Came to this world a loaded handgun, firing at random.
Hit the people who were closest, not the ones who deserved it and some of them still don't talk to me.
Can't say I blame them for a second. I'll try to aim more carefully, but it's too late for that, I reckon, but not too late for regret.

>> No.9331505

"beer before liquor, never been sicker"

"Liquor before beer, you're in the clear"

Is this saying a meme or is there any truth to it?

>> No.9331513

if you think average people whom happen to be outdoors are normies to be avoided, id say yes, its time to start going for walks before you lose touch with your species.

>> No.9331517
File: 109 KB, 1024x554, Staring_at_N&J.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was he pic related?

>> No.9331521

Seems like a meme to me.

I always thought it was prudent to start lightly on beer in the early afternoon and then graduate to liquor later in the day. It's switching back from hard stuff to watery stuff that I feel queasy.

>> No.9331522

that seemed to be legit when i was late teens, but later on it doesnt matter, you learn to moderate so you dont puke.

>> No.9331525

>tfw down a pint of vodka every 3 days...

Y'all are some rookie college kids

>> No.9331528

Losing touch was sort of the idea, don't really enjoy society tbqh.

But you're right too, too much isolation opens the door towards all kinds of insanity. There should be a balance where I stay sufficiently civilised but as secluded as possible.

>> No.9331533

>How much do you guys drink daily?
Dunno about daily, but I buy 3 of the large Evan Williams bottles ( I think it's 1.75 liter) and about a dozen or two beers a month for well over a year now.

The 3 large Evan Williams bottles and the beers gets me through the month, about $100 a month. Is that alcoholic-tier drinking?

>> No.9331534

Only retards want to turn drinking into a pissing contest. Most of us here just want to quit or be dead.

>> No.9331554

i know the feeling. im usually disappointed in people.

>> No.9331556
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It's not a literal thing but moreso the dangers of
>haha these beers we've been sipping for hours were great, shots boys
>proceeding to down a near-equivalent amount of alcohol already in your system but at the fraction of the intake time

So yeah, know you're limits but it doesn't seem that there'd be a difference at least in terms of the body

but I'm not a body doctor so

>> No.9331558

Yesterday I helped out some dude who was splitting his liquor on a near empty card/ $15 cash with the $4 he forgot to account for in taxes. It actually felt pretty good, and I chatted with him for a bit on the way back to my car. What's the last al/ck/ related favor you've done for someone?

>> No.9331566

>he doesn't know who shoenice is
He's a freak of nature chronic alcoholic who eats all kind of shit as well, it's real.

>> No.9331568

He had to pay for his booze half credit half cash and with some help from you?

If I ever reach that level end me

>> No.9331572

>had just a single bottle of beer today
But then again, I'm not as bad as most here. Just daily drinking of 1-5beers. Sometimes a bottle of wine + 2-3 beers

>> No.9331581

dont worry, it wont be that way this time. youve learned from your mistakes and wont let anything bring your party down. you can rest easy and enjoy yourself. youve earned it.

>> No.9331586

Yeah dude, but he was young-ish, still had all his teeth, and just seemed like he'd fallen on some hard times or was probably between paychecks. On the walk with him he mentioned that he had a girl that he was headed to. I felt pretty fortunate to be able to help, and was happy that he at least had a lady to go home to.

>> No.9331592

Reason I know it's exactly 3 Evan Williams a month is I make a special trip semi out of the way because this liqour store has excellent prices and is right next to Walmart. I plan the trip once a month when I see my doctor for my meds. Also gas up, buy food, visit the bank that day.

>> No.9331594

And to be fair, he didn't ask. I was at that sweaty and shaky stage of 10 hours without my Smirnoff, so I kinda pioneered the assist. I played it cool though and just acted like I was being nice, though.

>> No.9331613

I have a feeling they increased the Evan Williams price a buck just because I'd go and nearly clean them out once a month. Still beats the highway robbery prices of my local town.

After all these trips of buying 3 big ass bottles of Evan Williams a time i still haven't gotten a snide remark from a customer or employee. Pretty surprised.

>> No.9331627
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i havent had a drink in five weeks and have no desire to drink in the near future. am i winning?

>> No.9331630

Yes, but don't let your guard down.

>> No.9331672

2 months sober lads

Still really bored with life but starting to have motivation at work again and bought myself a ps4.

I don't know if I'm having fun playing uncharted 4, but the story is nice and it'a better than watching something.

>> No.9331816

I'm shaking again
It's so cold
It shouldn't be this cold during summer

>> No.9331877

That averages to about 4.5 drinks a day. Not healthy, but could be worse I guess.

>> No.9331884

What's most deadly on average?
Chronic depression or bad drinking habits?
Just want to know what will kill me first.

>> No.9331885

I like just cruising in GTA for no reason. It's sort of soothing.

>> No.9331905
File: 115 KB, 800x600, Donald EVA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hang in there mates, keep warm, try and stay positive, and drink in moderation. We're all gonna make it.

>> No.9331911

i used to love stealing an fbi car and driving around in it.

>> No.9331929

Sure are a lotta reasons to drink it seems like

>> No.9331931

Are there any light beers similar in taste to pabst?

>> No.9331966

>The last few bits of a beer
>from 20 empty cans
this will get me through the morning until alc sales start

>> No.9331968

nvm LOL found half empty beer can

>> No.9331978

I like Coors light best for light beer

>> No.9332001

I enjoy buying bottles of whiskey which retail for $20 but are only worth $10 and are on sale for $10.

Make me feel like I'm better than I really am.

>> No.9332175

We all die one way or another.

>> No.9332178

why do you have to visit the bank so often

>> No.9332240

Go to store at 10am right when alc sales begin
3 alckies already waiting in queue. Im usually15 mins late

>> No.9332243

It's so embarrassing to wait for the opening. What with all the ALCOHOLICS one is forced to be around.

>> No.9332247

They smell of piss and sweat usually

>> No.9332254

Where you at? I've got the impression that there are a lot of euros in here a lot of the time but it's hard to say sometimes and certainly where they (we) are from.

>> No.9332263

I'm from the baltics but yeah, we post a lot. There's probably a shit ton of americas here too

>> No.9332312

Which one? Only visited Estonia personally but I have a general weakness for eastern europe.
(t. scandi across the atlantic)

>> No.9332353

You visited the old town? It's great

>> No.9332373

Yeah we did, ironically I was hungover. My first hungover ever. Was like ten years ago.
I had no cell battery or something and had to run around asking random not homicidal-looking people as a drunk 17 year old if they new where "kappulltalä" bus station was. and the soviet architecture really helps identifying places.
found the place. the guy was alright. threw up next morning and he gave me some yogurt. He was a good guy.
It was in Tartu.

I'd love to go back actually. Severely underrated part of europe.
They taught me (forced) me to play and dance some folk dance as well.

>> No.9332402

Canada here, I'm more embarrassed when I run in a few minutes before closing time
on an average of 2-4 days a week

>> No.9332403

Hah, sounds like you had a blast.
Hit me up the next time you're coming around, we'll drink together.
Not in a bar though that's too expensive, we'll get some drinks and sit under a tree and have another blast

>> No.9332502
File: 1.82 MB, 3264x1836, 20170819_192931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I woke up still drunk and walked to the supermarket to get more alcohol
Buying 6Ls of cider at 10am gets you some funny looks
Also got a bit of food as I don't want my brain to mush just yet
I threw up 4 times on the way home
Safe to say I need to go back to AA
I want to die

>> No.9332517

Heh, I did.
Don't want to post to obvious contact info here now. But I'm around.

>> No.9332536

woke up still drunk and went to supermarket for more cider
funny looks at 10am
i was sick 5 times in the way home
i should go to AA again
i want to die soon, i will an hero before this gets worse

>> No.9332538
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samfagging oh fuck i already posted it

>> No.9332544
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Woke up in WD, and realised that blackout-me was apparently nice enough to go and get an additional 2 bottles of vodka last night. I am having a cosy morning. No stumbling past neighbours, throwing up in shops, smiling at hot grils then realising I stink and look like a scarecrow, nope not today, just... oozing with cosy.

>> No.9332573

>an hero
But how? Most methods take ages and hurt like a motherfucker

>> No.9332605

Smirnoffbro NO

>> No.9332618

I am in Canada as well. cheapest is to go with malt liqour at 6.75/40oz8% port is sometimes on sale and is around 7 or 8 bucks if you get lucky.

>> No.9332631

>order 1 megaburger and 1cheeseburger
>go to toilet and piss
>wake up
>no burgers
>pissed the bed

Fuck me

>> No.9332634

Men I feel like I'd like to talk abouth me being al/ck but this series of thread is fucking filled with disgusting losers

>> No.9332642

>smiling at hot grils then realising I stink and look like a scarecrow
Hello darkness my old friend...

I'd like to hear your story about being a successful alkie.

>> No.9332643

it would be a hanging for sure.
pain isnt really an issue anyway, i like pain like a drug

>> No.9332659

I considered hanging. Even bought a rope. It's never as easy in reality as it is in practice. The tree is planned to use was impossible to climb because I'm too weak/ill, and in order to actually snap my neck as opposed to slowly, painfully suffocating, I'd have had to spend hours cutting branches below which would have otherwise broken my fall.
One of the saddest things I've ever seen is a liveleak of a 12yo girl saying "sorry", then hanging herself from a pitiful height. Fuck going out like that.

>> No.9332660

*as easy in practice as it is in your imagination
I'm drunk.

>> No.9332672

ive seen the video
when her body starts freaking out she is already unconscious. ive been choked out a few times before and its really not that bad, i figured it would be a little courteous not to leave a big mess, id rather hang than take a bullet desu.
anything as long as it isnt drowning.
im probably gonna try try AA once more before i end it
fuck dying in a hospital with yellow skin and pancreatitis

>> No.9332723

Go to any pawn shop. They will always have a shotgun of some sort, usually a single barrel break open one. Always under $60. Buy a magnum slug and you are guaranteed an instant death if you don't flinch like an idiot. Most common and effective way is to put it in your mouth angled up so it destroys your brain stem.

>> No.9332730

>woke at 10
>2 x 70cl gone
>drag drunken self to shop
>no 70cl left, I've fucking drunk them all. No more until Saturday
>buy 35cl
>37 minutes later it's gone
>too drunk to walk, not drunk enough to sleep
Yeah fuck this. I'm going to buy and taper with 28 x 5mg of nitrazepam so my gaba receptors stop trying to kill me, and I'm buying a quarter ounce of cream heroin. I can't drink any more.

>> No.9332732

>easy shotgun acquisition
UK. If I were to buy a plastic spork I'd go to prison.

>> No.9332740

You can make your own from like $10 worth of material from any hardware store. If you ask in /k/ they will give you the specs and how to make it.

>> No.9332752

Thanks but nah, I'm not trusting /k/ with this.
If my opiate tolerance wasn't so retarded I'd just OD, but it seems to be impossible.
I can make cyanide though, then steal a car and pretend to be a terrotist outside Downing Street or Buckingham Palace. Worst case scenario: they don't kill me? The poison will. I am not going back to prison, not while feeling like this.
Fuck me, how did it come to this.

>> No.9332760

what were you inside for?

>> No.9332763

If ammo sales is regulated, then obtaining it may become far more hassle than it's worth.
Poland here: I know I could make or obtain a gun quite easily currently. I have no clue how to get any ammo.

If you consider suicide, stepping in front of a speeding train is the way. *splash*.

>> No.9332765

Believe it or not, in countries with very strict guns laws, ammunition are as hard to come by as weapons.
Who would need bullets if only cops have guns anyway?

>> No.9332772

Few things. Almost all hard-drug or fraud related stuff.
'Being a 'getaway driver' is what fucked me the hardest.

>> No.9332782

Believe it or not, I live in one of the most anti-gun places in the world (Ireland) and still have firearms and ammunition legally. Most places have legal hunting. Pay one of them for a slug. It's not hard.

>> No.9332795

It is hard though. A puking, shaking alcoholic asking someone with sufficiently stable social standing that they're wandering around wielding a shotgun, is not a situation likely conducive to that vomiting alcoholic convincing the posh tosser, to risk his license, not to mention years in prison, in exchange for half as much money as he just spent on the saffron and truffles in his breakfast.
I can buy guns, but we're looking at 4 figures GBP for a fucking potato gun.

>> No.9332822

You've looked into SMART Recovery? They look more promising than AA.

>> No.9332838

fuck man, these threads are like 10x sadder than any of that stupid whiny shit on r9k

I was just looking for somewhere to ask about liqueurs to try since I enjoy baileys malibu and drambuie but now I don't want to drink ever again.

>> No.9332885

stop drinking before its too late

>> No.9332909

There are other drinking threads on here occasionally, pop into one of them or start a new one. This place is dark and totally different

>> No.9332974

Lol@ series. You think this is a comic strip or something

>> No.9332981

Go on amazon. We got nuts poppy seeda. Make poppy tea.

>> No.9332990

Get a cheap scale too. You will want to measure hundreths of a kilo.

>> No.9332998

Hell if you can switch to pot then by all means do.

>> No.9333006

Can someone explain this shit about pissing the bed? Why do alcoholics do that?

>> No.9333010

higher brain functions are off when drunk, the ones that keep the primitive urges, like not randomly pissing just about anywhere, in check are gone, no self-control.
And of course alcohol is a diuretic.

>> No.9333013

You know that thing that makes you wake up to go pee? Because I don't.

>> No.9333014

It never happened to me when I was drinking, but when you're seriously fucked up it effects your motor control and muscle function. You know how a drunk person slurs their speech, can't stand/walk straight, etc? That same thing affects the muscles that hold your urine and your poo. Get hammered enough and you lose control over your sphincters and you can shit/piss yourself. Get it really bad and you lose control over your breathing, then you die.

>> No.9333016

Part of your brain that regulates bladder control probably is drunk as well. So you get a dream about having a nice long piss
in some restroom and there ya go

>> No.9333065

Nothing wakes you up when you're passed out from alcohol, not even your bladder.

>> No.9333073

>Ass bleeding again
Fuck's sake

>> No.9333256

>Tfw you hope it's haemorrhoids.

>> No.9333416

No it was probably the huge dry shit I took, I literally have like 0 fiber in my diet, so it ripped my asshole apart

>> No.9333527

ya, alcoholism tends to be

>> No.9333740
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>tfw will have 1.7L of 67% within a few hours

>> No.9333757

That's not funny I'm an alcoholic and have terminal yellow fever. (it's ok they have white fever)

>> No.9333768


>> No.9333887
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Sometimes I feel like an al/ck/ and sometimes I feel like I don't deserve posting here.

I can get extremely into it with long benders or just heavy drinking for a sustained amount of time where I get withdrawals if I don't stop gradually, but I also have stretches where I go without or just have some wine with dinner or something.

Feels like I'm part alcoholic, part normie. Sometimes I think I need to go to a meeting and other times it feels ridiculous to believe I even have a problem.

It's a dual sort of feel. I'm the same with cigarettes, sometimes I smoke a pack a day for weeks and then quit for six months. There is no order or sense.

>> No.9333912

People who are 100% sure there are not alcoholics have a small chance of beibg alcoholics.
People who think there might be a chance that they are alcoholics, are 75% (I think I'm being generous) likely to be alcoholics.
People who know they are alcoholics, well...

>> No.9333940
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I guess it's called intermittent alcohol disorder or dipsomania.

Drinking problems come in all shapes and sizes.

>> No.9333947

Yeah. They don't even actually use the term alcoholic anymore (it is a dumb term that could be used to describe any drinker). Acute Alcohol Depedancy.

>> No.9333975
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sounds like you need another Montgomery

>> No.9333980

It's hard to define, for sure. Maybe there are certain criteria which could be used to define different levels of alcoholism. Cbf to try.
This is controversial, I don't for a moment want to downplay the plight of anyone who's struggling with this poison, but I for one think that it's impossible to be a 'functional alcoholic' like FUCK am I capable of 'functioning' other than acquiring water, emptying my piss/puke bowl and crawling to the door when alcohol or food is delivered. My house is such a fucking health hazard that I've abandoned it, put it on the market and I'm living with family until it's sold, so I can buy and crawl into a new house, cosy up in my blankie in the floor, find a new location for my water bottles, vodka bottles, phone and charger (if I'm not fully conscious of their meticulous placement I dehydrate, throw up on or trip over them), and just begin chugging, having nightmares about 'her', ruining the new house and crossing my fingers that my retarded body fucks off and gives up soon.
I know a couple of people in a similar situation, I can't quite bring myself to agree that the businesswoman who has 6 glasses of wine a night after dinner, is quite the same creature.

>> No.9333992
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I usually drink between seven and eleven 0.5L cans of lager beer 5% a day.
Maybe for about 3-4 years now
If I don't drink one day I get RLS like sympoms and can't get to sleep untill like 6AM.
Also I know know exactly where my liver is in my body.

>> No.9333998
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>tfw in a few hours and 1 minute it'll be gone and you'll be back in hell
The alcohol is ALWAYS gone

>> No.9334010

>tfw want to be an alcoholic hopeless degenerate but have great gf and loving family
help me understand this feel

>> No.9334012

Going cold turkey again. What were you supposed to eat when you're dropping alcohol? Stuff with B12 right? I hope just liver will be okay, I'm not fond of bananas.

>> No.9334028

I'm sorry, but you're a fucking halfwit if you WANT to become an alcoholic. You are going to impose such suffering on yourself that you will want to die. It's fun for maybe a few hours a day, then the rest of the time you're in HELL.
You should be taking B1 all the time, at the very least. It will do nothing to help with WD but might slow the brain damage.
A generic A-Z is a good idea too. Apple juice, peanut butter, honey, anything with lots of energy and close to zero prep. That's how I tend to do it.
Good luck. It's going to be worse than ever; it'll get more intense every time you do this. Fingers crossed you don't have a seizure (15% mortality rate) and that the DT's don't land you on a secure psychiatric ward.

>> No.9334045

You're with your family now?
Shit, that mustn't be easy for you and them.

I agree you're a special category of totally dysfunctional alkie.

>> No.9334056
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Oh and here's my daily regimen. Lots of B vits, both from the supplements and the nuts/seeds. Bacon and eggs are a good source too, but I doubt you'll be able to cook if you're facing CT. Sugar (Manuka honey if you can afford it) seems to help significantly too.
Yeah, they're reluctantly putting up with me just until I can get into a new place.
I've secretly relapsed, too. They'd flip their shit if they saw all the Smirnoff empties I've hidden in their neighbour's bin. I'd be on the street, or laying on a blanket of syringes in a crack house.

>> No.9334066

Can't really eat those on my diet, so I guess I'll buy some B vitamins to go with the liver (and other meats/eggs), thanks. Don't think I have to worry about DT or seizures, I worked my way down to 4 cans of lager a day before quitting and I haven't experienced any shakes yet after 3 days, although I feel restless and can't sleep for shit.

>> No.9334074
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>4 cans
>3 days
>no symptoms
You're fine.

>> No.9334084

Yeah, the occasional marathon binge aside, I've done a good job of cutting down. Still hard going from something to nothing after three years of drinking every day though, I feel dehydrated even and groggy as fuck.

>> No.9334085

Water electrolytes b1 and folic acid. I prefer tomato soup the first day i can eat.

>> No.9334129

Maybe I'm just a casual near-death-experience type of drinker. I'm certainly not in your shoes. I do manage to hold down a job.

>> No.9334158

how much do you drink a day?

I know many people who drink less than me and have no control over their selves while myself can down close to a gallon of liqour a day and continue to work/cook clean and generally live like a normal human being.

Not everyone is a degenerate drunk like yourself.

hate to burst your bubble sunshine

>> No.9334164

Just out of interest, who'd be up for (and I suppose healthy enough for) an al/ck/ irl hookup? I could bring 2, maybe 3 amateur boxer/mma alcks who are lifelong bros, they'd ensure nobody got hurt

>> No.9334170

Typically, 1.4-2.1L, but I think I may have had almost double that on at least one occasion. I used to be functional, I worked a 17hr day for some years, but at age 38, it's really starting to bring me down.
I promise that you are incapable of making me angry, anon. Please stop trying to be abrasive.

>> No.9334224

I don't think I would feel very safe in your crew so I'll pass

>> No.9334244

Im telling you, it all grinds to a halt in our 30s.

>> No.9334271

Yup, it's definitely different, but I still seem to have some kind of stupid, 1,000mph drive within me which makes me ruin everything by way of devoting myself to it, whatever 'it' may be, to the point of damaging excess. So yeah. Still single. Still drunk. Still can't calm down, buy some slippers and swap vodka for ovaltine.
Still, I've had some fun times and a unique life. Could be worse I suppose.

>> No.9334282

I smell piss but my pants are dry

>> No.9334284

had no intention of making you angry despite what you want to believe.

abrasive I can be for sure

I was contesting your saying no one can be an alcoholic and functional or some shit

>> No.9334360

Check nearby bottles and cans
Once that shit begins to rot, the pungency will make your eyes water

>> No.9334390

Thats cause you pissed in the closet again before you blacked out...faggot...

>> No.9334395

You sure didn't get a bit of dribble on your trou when you went for a piss? So easy to get a few quick-drying specks on there if you're pissed up or just had a wank.

>> No.9334468

aw shit the entire bed is piss
i don't understand how I'm dry but i dont care about myself this bed is fucking ruined

>> No.9334542
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>that first sip of homemade

>> No.9334561

I CANNOT get enough 8.4% inside me to feel good/warm/tipsy, it just stops the WD, gives me FFFFFFFUUUUUUUCCCCKKKIIINNGGG heartburn and makes me hiccup. Effemmell

>> No.9334571

I'm 24 never had any alcohol all my life. You guys have inspired me to start ! Bought two bottles of whiskey and a vodka

>> No.9334575
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>> No.9334576

got some nice 96% spiritus from poland to wash down with soda.

Nice to feel a fucking great buzz

>> No.9334579

>You guys have inspired me to start !
What about all this seems like a good idea?

>> No.9334584

Should dilute it to at least 40-45% lad, you don't want to get esophageal cancer before your liver failure sets in.

>> No.9334591

anon i...

>> No.9334600
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wew lad

>> No.9334608

>You guys have inspired me to start !
Quoi ?

>> No.9334630

Thats usually when people pick up a vodka bottle. Better to just taper down with the beer and endure mild withdrawals.

>> No.9334650

>be sick every morning / through the day
>haven't ate in a week again
>wake up shaking, sweating, delirious
>weird vivid dreams
>feels like I've slept for hours yet look at the time and I've been asleep about 10 minutes
>confused and only really leave the house to get alcohol
>seen the doc about a year ago said I had "enlarged" liver. Carry on you will die early anon
>lost everyone around me

Don't get to this stage please if you haven't already.

>> No.9334652



live life like a gypsy wedding

>> No.9334654

Fuck dude. That must be hell.

>> No.9334658


>> No.9334731

It is hell, I've not long turned 25 and I know I'm slowly dying. It's ironic as fuck. The thing that is keeping me alive right now is killing me

>> No.9334743

Forgot to quote...

>> No.9334745

Yeah the al/ck/ life is one big paradox

>poisoning yourself not to die
>drinking to be functionally sober

>> No.9334824

between going bald and my alcoholism, i can happily say i no longer fear death.

>> No.9334867

damn, anon

>> No.9334876

Hold up buddy, stepping in front of a train is stupid, first of all, that will fuck with so many people, thats just an asshole thing to do. I live basically in a train suicide hotspot ( i used to correctly guess whenever someone did it just by the sound of the train when i was in school) and its just nasty as fuck.

Second of all, you arent dead in an instant, talked to several emt's about the topic, most survive for several minutes in pure agony before passing in the arms of emt's who cant do anything to help them ( not even really ease their pain?)

Dont do it man, dont

>> No.9334887

So used to agonising organ pains that they no longer scare me.

>> No.9334923

"paradox" I couldn't have said it better.

I don't fear death I fear how much agony I'm going to be in leading up to it. It's already happening.

>> No.9334949

trying using drugs since you were 13 and then you'd be me.

That coupled with alcohol and depression.

I wonder how I managed not to off myself till this day, tis truly a miracle.

If you care to know about my "progression" (lel)

12yo: cigarettes + alcohol
13yo: weed
15yo: LSD+cocaine
16yo: glue/thinner and crack

stopped doing drugs at 18 but then doubled the amount of cigarettes I smoked

stopped smoking at 21 and then tripled the amount of alcohol I ingest

I'm truly fucked....

>> No.9334950


how many glasses of vodka am i supposed to stop at?
i feel like shit

>> No.9335010

>when the sweet morsels of precious hope have dissolved, and hope even of posthumous requiem give way, to complete indifference.

>> No.9335014

Fucking stop, fuck the fuck off.

>> No.9335027

My sister jumped in front of a train. Please don't.

>> No.9335034

Well, one, then stop for 30 minutes and see if how drunk you are. Repeat if necessary.

>> No.9335039

Ruining a few normie's lives would only be a bonus. And unless you're a retarded poo in loo who fall off the train and get pulled under it, it's hard to fuck up an instant death by train.
>lay neck on track
>close your eyes and wait for the end

>> No.9335043

Do you guys have any bad experiences with preemployment drug tests and physicals? I have to do mine this week, im clean, but I drink a lot and im fat. Never had issues before, but im worried this time.

>> No.9335061

>very wasted on booze and lorazepam
>just realised I can't find my cigarette
>strong smell of burning
>can barely keep eyes open
Wtf do I do, I can't see smoke anywhere

>> No.9335065

Piss yourself ,then take a nap. When you wake up to a burning house you will be fine because your clothes are wet.

>> No.9335077

>Reflex kicks in and you move your head involuntarily
That's what fucks up every suicide attempt.

>> No.9335079

Are you me? Apart from I had my first bong at 11 and freaked the fuck out.
>12yo: cigarettes and alcohol
>13yo: started smoking weed daily. (my best mates dad was a dealer so didn't have to pay anything)
>15yo Amphetamine and Coke (no Lsd)
16yo: still drinking and taking loads of different Rc's. Buying 1000 Benzos at a time etc..

I'm supprised I'm not dead.

>> No.9335092

i've just downed two well filled glasses and my stomac feels likt its on fire

>> No.9335108

You must not go on Bestgore or Liveleak. The high majority of people committing suicide are so determined to die that they don't flinch at all. This included people that low-hang without neck snapping. The people that flinch are retarded normies that don't actually want to die and are doing it for attention.

>> No.9335110

Drink wa-
Actually, just eat something salty, avoid water and juices, have a bit more before going to bed. You'll thank me tomorrow.

>> No.9335182

Mate, eat something to soak that shit up, and just lay down and prepare for a rollercoaster ride. Also, put a bottle of water next to your bed, hangover-you is gonna thank you tomorrow

>> No.9335194

2 months sober. Don't feel any joy from anything anymore, cba with my gf or job

sobriety kills

>> No.9335204

Regardless of how badly alcoholism damages me, I would still pick it over being sober. Every time I am sober I come extremely close to killing myself.

>> No.9335219

I wake up every day wishing I was asleep. It's so fucking depressing.

>> No.9335228

Down the rest of the bottle. The sudden onslaught of alcohol will cause your spleen to flood your body with fresh blood to clear itself of the alcohol, and you'll exhale any excess ethanol. If you have any string opioid painkillers, benzos or barbiturates laying around, take all of them. This will relax you and reduce the chance of seizures.
If you have a rope, tie it around your neck and attach it to the rear of a moving car. The shock of this sensation will alert your kidneys that you're in a position of potential danger, and they will release enzymes which will reduce your chance of coma.
If you have any ricin or cyanide handy, snort as much as you can. This will stop your esophagus from splitting due to vodka poisoning.
If there's anything you can do to increase your bodily adrenaline content, this will help with the prevention of blindness spasms. Attack and provoke gangs and bouncers near your house. You'll be grateful of all of this when you don't wake up dead in hospital due to ethanol explosions. Oh and saw your limbs and head off one-by-one with a chainsaw, stab yourself repeatedly in the heart and eyes, and start using heroin while jumping head-first into a volcano.
You're going to get through this. Good luck.

>> No.9335273

I woke up wanting to be dead a bit more often when drinking than sober.

Anhedonia sucks.

>and saw your limbs and head off one-by-one with a chainsaw
But if Anon starts by the limbs he won't be able to hold the chainsaw for the head, and if he starts with the head they'll be dead and won't be able to cut the limbs.

>> No.9335278

1 day.. fuck why are games boring as shit sober. Drunk/drinking i dont mind the time waster. Sober.. just jesus, why am I dont this to myself.

>> No.9335287

itt, newfags fall for the "muh muh muh first drink teehee i'm so drunk" bait.

>> No.9335316

I wonder if it's the proximity to people who dealt with drugs what caused us to go down this way?

Till this day I'm not sure if that's what started it for me, but using drugs always felt sort of ''natural'' to me.

My brother brought his friends all of the time and they used a lot of shit so it felt "normal'' to join them.

>> No.9335319

f u c k I n g
Waking up.
I just want to sleep. Forever.

>> No.9335332
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>when you pass out drunk
>some infuriating peasant outside, pollutes your cosy quietness and wakes you up prematurely
>furious thoughts race through your mind for an hour, tossing and turning, twitching, cursing existence
>there's not enough booze to get back to sleep
>feel the effects of this injury for DAYS

>> No.9335357

guys i really don tfeel good

>> No.9335359

I won $15,000 last weekend so I put in for a month off work. Not going anywhere or anything just going to attempt to drink myself into a coma for a month every night and day.

>> No.9335379

>Successful guy here

Spoke to someone in public about their life, and they are going through a lot of shit. All the hard work I have put in to become successful was at a different time in America

This guy is working over 16hrs a day and can barely afford anything. Had to tell him to try working harder or something, but damn if you are young today and have no experience in your field it will get harder!!!

Not to mention the cost of living has gone up everywhere...

>Guess I shouldn't complain so much about my issues...

They don't compare to someone who has a much tougher life.

>> No.9335381

What's wrong?

>> No.9335397

pre-employment physical? what? unless you have cancer or illegal drugs in your piss youre good. why would you be worried, big fella.

>> No.9335408

that sounds like shit. cant you come up with some better drugs at least.

>> No.9335422

The only drugs I can easily get around my area are meth and weed. I don't like either of them.
Used to have drug problems and don't want to go back there.

>> No.9335430

>Not passing out on the balcony of your house
>Toss the bottle you just finished down at the dindu nuffin

>> No.9335438

Gatorade best hangover drink?
Anything else as hydrating and salty that I could try?

>> No.9335466
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My Polish friend brought home some spiritus from the old country and we had it at a party - I insisted we take shots and proceeded to hook up with a 10/10 asian cutie even though I'm an autistic retard.

I felt like the man but that will literally never happen again but these rolling rocks are helping for certain

>> No.9335469

I'm in England, and I know people who, those who are lucky enough to not be enduring the THUNDERING FUCKING HELL which is homelessness, live in a single-room bedsit with no heating, no lights, electricity, no fridge or cooker, no bath or shower, no food (just food banks occasionally chucking them some gruel or a biscuit), no toilet paper, typically just a sofa and a battery-powered radio, in the freezing darkness. If they're not disabled they typically can't read or write, or have a criminal history so extensive that they're utterly unemployable for life.
Shockingly, this frequently seems to lead to extreme drug and alcohol use as opposed to sherry and scrabble, sitting by the fireplace after dinner.
Drugs and alcohol are difficult to acquire when you have nothing and are penniless, so, shock horror, some tend to find few options other than criminality.
Luckily though, the police are there to frequently punish, beat and bully them as is the knowledgeable, learned average Brit public's demand, so their situation by way of disease, beating and rape while in a cage, is utterly resolved and perfect upon their release back to their homelessness or their festering crackhouses.
Can't go on.

>> No.9335511

Yea, its the same story everywhere you go

The thing that sucks is this guy I know, he is broke and doesn't make shit. The main issue here is I also had a shitty job for a few years after my 20s and didn't get money from parents or friends. I survived by adapting and moving up in the business world and I climbed pretty high

Others can't make it for many reasons but one reason should never be I gave up

>> No.9335583

What is this thread? An alcoholics support group or an alchohol conesuier thread?

>> No.9335603

The latter mostly. Although its mostly a pity-party rather than a support group people do generally encourage other users to quit.

That is what we all need to do, don't forget. And we all can. Or we can die. And we will.

>> No.9335604


>> No.9335610

What's up, holmes?

>> No.9335618

what do you do for a living? where are you from?

>> No.9335628

Here, have a (you)

>> No.9335638

I'm just high as fuck on coke right now and I know this isn't co/ck/ but still. All my friends are either at work or on vacation and I have NOBODY.

Thank you, it's just nice to be able to interact with another human being.

>> No.9335639

What do you guys think about an al/ck/ meet up?

>> No.9335663

I'd probably arrive semi-conscious on a stretcher, but if it was UK-based I'd attend for sure.

>> No.9335667

Got anything for the comedown?

>> No.9335668

It would be awkward as fuck. Real life is not like 4chan. I don't know about you guys, but I'm on here because I have no self confidence in person due to my horrendous looks.

>> No.9335675
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I will come hang out with you even though I have to work in the morning if you share.

>> No.9335678

can I move in with you please.

>> No.9335683


>> No.9335685

Nobody cares what you look like.

>> No.9335689

I'll keep you breathing in times of need.

>> No.9335701

Nope. I'm just going to stay awake until my heart rate eventually goes down.

Come to Toronto! I will give you all the coke you want and you can help yourself to my fridge too.

>> No.9335706

I've never tried coke. I'm mostly alone all the time though. I found a "girlfriend" I see two or three times a month, when she can get off of World of Warcraft. I'm just saying that I feel you bro.

>> No.9335713
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I look even worse when smiling.

>> No.9335720

Oh cool, another person I'm uglier than. You're not bad loking bro

>> No.9335722

>implying I want to go on living
But legit, I would give precisely zero fucks if I had a few al/ck/s living with me when I've got my new house. All I do is lay on the floor alone, getting drunk. Not like you'd be getting in my way, and I wouldn't be paying rent/mortgage. Plus you could hide my doorkeys so I'd be less frequently arrested for dumb, blackout shit.
An al/ck/ meet would be great. I'd bring Ramsay-recipe burgers and crates of vodka, then livestream the chaos.
You're only allowed to rape me though if you have at least one vagina.

>> No.9335724

You just look like an average person

>> No.9335734

Where's your new house gonna be located?

>> No.9335746

Dunno for sure. It doesn't really make any difference where I go.
Yorkshire maybe. East Anglia perhaps. Somewhere cheap.

>> No.9335752

How does one go about drinking all day and still afford booze and a house?

>> No.9335753

>tfw you will never eat a burger on the floor with David Hasselhoff

>> No.9335759

I live in Yorkshire, we had a conversation before you went coma-mode and I was trying to convince you to buy a house in Skipton near me

>> No.9335782

Porn sites decades ago, bit of daytrading, bit of eBay, lots of luck.
Yeah dude I remember. The suggestion that I could get a house for 90k stuck in my memory. If I bought a few, I could rent some out and use the money to more swiftly annihilate my internal organs by way of an increased volume of vodka. Tempting.
I would prefer a detached place though. Apparently I scream and thrash around a lot in my sleep. Neighbours don't tend to cherish the experience and waking to police at my door because of their repeated complaints, makes me panic so hard that the screaming intensifies.

We'll see.

>> No.9335819

Someone make a new al/ck thread and link us. This one is hitting the limit soon

>> No.9335832
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>> No.9335841

wait until after it hits

>> No.9335844

With what did you replace alcohol?

>> No.9335907

I'd go, but I doubt anyone here lives near me.

>> No.9335952

My guess? A love for misery.

>> No.9335991


>> No.9336059
File: 76 KB, 469x600, IMG_0798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kentucky woodford reserve tastes like SHIT 90% proof what the fuck it's SHIT

>> No.9336113

What's wrong, friend?

By the way, can somebody explain to me the appeal of sake? I tried it the other day. It tastes worse than vodka and it's alcohol content is not that impressive.

>> No.9336151

The japs didnt have grapes so they made wine with rice. i dont think they had apples either. or potatoes. as a matter of fact i dont think they made liquor before whites introduced it.

>> No.9336163


>> No.9336179

Back to your containment board please, adults are speaking.

>> No.9336235

Sake is shit desu, soju is a much better perfected drink. Pretty much tasteless table vodka.
They do stuff with plums which is native to Japan as well as some of the other citrus fruits. But sake is just a meh drink.

>> No.9336244

>You are not welcum here racists
Wow, you sure are a bigot

>> No.9336245


>> No.9336257

Ok thanks. Didn't want to ask for booze recommendations if this was an AA thread.

Does anybody drink korean booze? I bought a bottle of korean booze a while ago but the label was in korean so I don't know what it was. It was about 20% alchohol and tasted like mild whiskey. Does anybody known what this is?

>> No.9336294

Some sort of flavored soju? Soju is typically 20% and taste like watered down vodka.

I've also had Korean ginseng wine or whatever that might be a bit closer to the flavor profile youre saying (though not really) but it wasn't 20%

>> No.9336318

More than likely its Jinro
There are only two Korean alcoholic beverage companies that are doing big domestic u.s shipping. Jinro being the biggest.

>> No.9336322

Fuck you faggot

>> No.9336340

you guys are drinking a lot of coffee right?

>Researchers analyzed data from nine previously published studies with a total of more than 430,000 participants and found that drinking two additional cups of coffee a day was linked to a 44% lower risk of developing liver cirrhosis.

I cope by believing this

>> No.9336342

I woke up yesterday.
where am I.
and when...
and whom...

>> No.9336485

Day two of working to hopefully stay sober every weekday this week. It hasn't been bad. I've been playing CS:GO with one of my drunkard buddies, and a few new pals and a qt. Keeps me distracted. The worst part is getting to sleep though. I'm doing this so I stop going into work really late, but now I can't get to sleep early enough. Having to rely on melatonin.

>> No.9336496

2nd day sober and also quitting smoking for the week so I stop coughing up green shit, no drugs is hell
yesterday was some great constant anxiety mild WD/hangover combo

i live half a street from the alcohol store fml

>> No.9336541

was reading somewhere that liver cirrhosis has strongest correlation with pork products.

>> No.9336600

better men then you have been taken by alcholism, what makes you think you have a fucking chance?

>> No.9336823

Oh fuckk, i just woke up why do i do thisd?

>> No.9336848

Never drinking again

>> No.9336878

See you at the off license later lad.

>> No.9336883

god alcohol is fucking shit

a shit tonne of fucking calories for 5 mins of a tiny bit of euphoria

ghb is a millions times better, fuck alcohol never drinking this shit again

>> No.9336894

I hate people with your face because they get all the girls.

>> No.9336986
File: 578 KB, 294x233, don.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get drunk as fuck
>pass out
>wake up
>swear I'll never drink again while planning my trip to the store to get more wine

>> No.9337032

cmere bois


>> No.9337043

No. Not again.
No silhouette?

God fucking dammit anon. Delete the thread.

>> No.9337089

Ayy, a fellow winefag

>> No.9337116


>> No.9337265

Bike rides

>> No.9337542

same it's all I can fucking afford