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9330259 No.9330259 [Reply] [Original]

Whats the concensus on tuna sandwhichs?

>> No.9330265

Tunamelts with bacon are the best.

>> No.9330268

Alright. Nothing special. My special go to sandwich now is the Mcchicken. The best fast food sandwich out there. Haven't looked back.

>> No.9330272

Like anything else made with canned tuna they smell like catfood and taste awful.

>> No.9330296

Pretty good.
>tuna, red onion, capers, chickpeas, mayonnaise, little pickle relish
>lightly toasted bread for integrity
>good salted tomatoes
It's a good cheap sandwich, even if the base ingredient is mediocre.

>> No.9330355


Get solid white albacore rather than the bag of shit brand you've been getting.

>> No.9330371

Tried it. It's better than average but it still sucks.

Bluefin, yellowfin, bonito, and bigeye tuna are tasty. Albacore and the other "canning tunas" are not.

>> No.9330382

canned tuna is subhuman trash tier. fresh, raw tuna is god tier.

>> No.9330392

is there any way to make them not disgusting? I find the texture/taste of premade mayo to be unthinkable. And the pouch tuna is less gross tasting than the can but still not the best.

>> No.9330401

this already has a lot of components for a go-to quick and delicious sandwich, but if you chop up a few anchovies and mix it with the tuna it will send your sandwich to the 10th dimension

>> No.9330425

disgusting in every sense of the word. the smell alone makes me wanna gag.

>> No.9330457

tuna sammich is a perfect lazy man meal.
Cheap, tasty, fat, takes no more than 2 minutes to make.
I used to make it often during college, nowadays I'm better at scheduling so I rarely resort to lazy meals like this.
Still, it's a good sammich once in a while.

>> No.9330529

they are good. my cold tuna sandwich is:

- canned solid tuna
- mayo
- dijon mustard
- pickle relish
- mashed up hard boiled egg
- salt
- pepper

served on crusty baguette with some romaine lettuce and swiss cheese

>> No.9330534


>> No.9330543
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I just do tuna, sliced boiled eggs and salsa sauce. Can't get enough of it.

>> No.9330620


>> No.9330652
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I like it, it's in my rotation. I'm a homemade lunch sandwich kind of guy and it's in my 5 day rotation. I just add some onion, dijon, mayonaisse, olive oil, white pepper normally. Sometimes if I'm feeling frisky, I'll add celery or olives.

>> No.9330658

Bretty gud.
I like to grate onion and carrot into mine, go very light and dry on the mayo, put it on toast and have a few leaves of lettuce on it.

>> No.9330704

You mix it in? Or just on top?

>> No.9330752

Asking as a white man, why do white people mash stuff up with mayonnaise and onions and relish and call it salad?
I'm trying really hard to word this in a way that doesn't make this /pol/ shit. I'm not a self hating white, I just never liked or understood any of the mayonnaise based "salads?

>> No.9330762
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The only way to eat tuna.

>> No.9330770

We don't. The group you are referring to is not "white people", it is "disgusting amerifats".

>> No.9330778

The grated onion and carrot gets mixed in, the lettuce goes on top.

>> No.9330786

I normally only eat tuna mixed with mayo and sometimes sweetcorn, and salt/pepper. I suppose I could try to eat more lettuce and tomato but they aren't as nice.

>> No.9330789

I'll rephrase.
Asking as a white disgusting amerifat man, why do white, disgusting amerifat people mash stuff up with mayonnaise and onions and relish and call it salad?
I'm trying really hard to word this in a way that doesn't make this /pol/ shit. I'm not a self hating white disgusting amerifat, I just never liked or understood any of the mayonnaise based "salads?

>> No.9330793

A salad is a cold mixture, that's all. If it's cold and composed a bunch of individually identifiable items, it's a salad.

>> No.9330796


>> No.9330803

>invented by the french
>popularized by the English
>"Fucking Americans by allah I hate them so much"

>> No.9330820

A cold cut sandwich is a salad?

>> No.9330826

A cold cut sandwich is not a mixture. Sandwiches are layered. Try again.

>> No.9330840

Okay, thanks for explaining the difference, sorry for the confusion.

>> No.9330860

Ever since Lord of the Rings it seems like sandwiches have gotten really popular

>> No.9330873

It's cool man

>> No.9330923

Thanks anon, I gotta try this.

>> No.9330982

Never had anchovies, I might try this. Besides this suggestion though what else would you recommend with them?

>> No.9331003

Potatoes too

>> No.9331029

Also gay sex and liberalism

>> No.9331475

Few bread crumbs in the tuna, celery and white onion, bit of dijon and mayo, cranberries (thoroughly rinsed, if they have sugar or anything else on them when they're dried), with leaf lettuce on a thin roll or a baguette or something is immaculate.

Also tuna, mayo, and green apple on whole wheat if I'm in a hurry.

>> No.9331512
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I used to put gherkins in with the Tuna, now I exclusively use this.


>> No.9331531

fwiw Tolkien's work is profoundly conservative, and much more popular in conservative circles.

>> No.9331570

Go fuck yourself all the same

>> No.9331844

Any meat that can be shredded mixed with mayo, mustard, relish and hot sauce covered in cheese is good in my book. No tuna in a can with oil tho id have to get the crackers

>> No.9332033

>boiled egg
Best tuna blend.

>> No.9332037

>This faggot doesn't like tuna mayo onigiri

>> No.9332083

Does melted cheese on tuna really taste good?

>> No.9332087

Salmon > Tuna

>> No.9332090

Found the weeb.

>> No.9332865

Has anyone every tried using mashed up avocado as the binder instead of mayo? I've heard it's good, but I haven't gotten the chance to try it out yet.


>> No.9332893


>> No.9332898

In this case yes cause nip mayo is shit.

>> No.9333009

Great if you chop up some celery and black olives and maybe some apple if feeling adventurous. Lettuce is good too. On no-energy days, just tuna/mayo/mustard/relish will do. Cheese is optional, I'll add a slice if I want to stay full longer.

>> No.9333085


>> No.9333087

Only Swiss cheese

>> No.9333113


Tuna (sliced and smoked preferable), diced onion, lemon juice, frugal amount of mayonnaise (optional), diced chili, parsley for your next salad.

>> No.9333121

Sure, they're bretty gud.

Make mine with chopped celery and red peppee, mayo, a little dijon, and worcestershire, pepper to taste.

Even better though, take the leftovers from a roast chicken, chop fine, add the above with a little hot sauce and chopped green onion.

Chicken salad > Tuna salad.

>> No.9333356

anything with a dressing can be called a salad as long as the food is in small pieces
try being less lazy or retarded in the future

>> No.9333366

Why would you need a consensus on a tuna sandwich? I can't tell if you're pea-brained or just desperate for someone to talk to.

>> No.9333419


>> No.9333463

no it's not and I hate video games and anime

>> No.9333470

If you make it yourself it's fine

The store bought are fucking Disgusting.

>> No.9333507

Try it with canned yellowfin.

>> No.9334054

Good, I understand why canned tuna bothers people but it doesn't bother me.
People complaining about it kinda makes me want to try making some kind of tuna tartare sandwich. Any ideas?

>> No.9334324

a few are good on a seafood pizza. the best anchovies to try for the first time are the ones kept in oil rather than brine

>> No.9334328
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For me, it's the Subway™ Seafood Sensation™

>> No.9334418

Canned tuna is the only kind of seafood I like. I prefer tuna salad on crackers but it makes pretty good sandwhiches too.

>> No.9334420

Never tried it, but it sounds fucking nasty, so no.

>> No.9334446

>want to try making some kind of tuna tartare sandwich. Any ideas?

I love tuna tartare, but in my opinion you want to serve it with something crispy, not something soft like bread. Cut some really thin slices of bread, toast them, then serve that with the tartare. I've also served it with "chips" made by slicing lotus root and deep-frying them. It looks impressive and fancy but it's a minimal amount of effort.

My recipe for tuna tartare:
Chopped raw tuna, black and white sesame seeds, finely sliced green onions, a little ginger or yuzu juice, wasabi, and a tiny dash of soy sauce.

>> No.9334447

It's delicious.

>> No.9334500

You could do a tartare bruchetta thing I bet

>> No.9335854


mmm, delicious mercury sandwich

>> No.9335877

Suck my dick