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File: 70 KB, 596x900, usa-miller-olde-english-800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9328331 No.9328331 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any 40oz. that don't taste like shit? Or at least doesn't taste too much like shit?

Shower me with your alcoholic knowledge /ck/

>> No.9328336

Remember when 4Loco was actually loco?

>> No.9328349

Brass monkey PBR

>> No.9328351
File: 109 KB, 600x800, steel_reserve_pineapple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're always going to taste like shit because they're so cheap. I just get 2 of these because it only costs an extra dollar and I'm not poor.

>> No.9328357

>Buy Steel Reserve (its 42oz now)
>consume at home
>add Ice and fresh lime juice
>chug that icy refreshness
>have some pickles or something vinegary/salty/spicy.
Rinse Repeat, get drunk, fall asleep and go to work.

>> No.9328366

Any other malt liquor cocktails? I might have to start a list.

>> No.9328396

Um, idk if its a "cocktail" but if you put some leftover flat beer/ML, and add some spicy V8 and whatever you like to make a dead soldier bloody mary in the late morning/afternoon. If you actually need a booze kicker, splash some vodka in there, but really, all you need is a bit of a hair, some salt, some water, some vitamins, and than eat a bacon sammo and take a nap. ez pz sunday

>> No.9328397

King Cobra

Colt 45

St. Ide's

Never juice the 40.

>> No.9328402

I've been drinking 4 Steel Reserves a week for the past 3 years.
How fucked am I?

>> No.9328415

Not that bad, myself and probably a dozen plus users have done 2x that a week. I know I have, and while idk if its "bad" im 30 and still doing great, I just don't go to the Dr. because, well, fuck that guy, I know whats wrong with me, if it ever is.

>> No.9328418

Not at all. Check al/ck/

>> No.9328422

Malt liquor by its very definition is going to taste like shit.

The cheapest I'll go is Coors, and that's $5 for a 6 pack of 16 oz tallboys.

>> No.9328441

Drank some Lucky's Lager tonight, cheaper than Coors. Had to piss like a racehorse.

>> No.9328479
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Earthquake taste like shit but sneaks up with a vengeance had 10 of these mfrs and woke up at the county hospitals getting !y stomach pumped and diagnosis of acohol poisoning

>> No.9328485

maybe I'm a light weight

>> No.9328534

any suggestions other than pickles?

>> No.9328757
File: 54 KB, 330x238, 1490883443863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw will never grab a couple 40's with my mates and chill at the park until dawn

>> No.9328784
File: 1.33 MB, 1280x720, [Coalgirls]_Hunter_X_Hunter_141_(1280x720_H.264_AAC)_[FB55D09E].mkv_snapshot_14.29_[2014.12.28_14.04.41].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mickey's is best tasting malt liqour and gets you fucked up.

OE is for gangstas. You need to wear your Chucks and dickies to drink this.

211 is the cheap beer but gets you fucked up. Great when you have a lot of people and want to save some money.

Always pour out a little for the homies before you drink.

>> No.9328787

>tfw you'll never grab a couple 40s with the homies then go on a drive by on rivals anymore

>> No.9328801

These are good.
Only 2 and I have a nice buzz and very cheap

>> No.9328923

jalapeno kettle cooked potato chips

>> No.9328932


>> No.9330294

Mickeys is GOAT

>> No.9331087

Private Stock is GOAT

>> No.9331095
File: 14 KB, 220x172, 220px-Joose2b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And joose was still a thing

>> No.9331217

There was (is?) a flavor called Panther that I loved from Joose but I haven't seen Joose here since like 2009

>> No.9331330


That's hardly any alcohol at all in the grand scheme of things. I was expecting you to type 4 Steel Reserves *a day*.

>> No.9331385

1. Buy a MICKEYS 40, and a four loko, preferably the red and blue can
2. Drink half of the 40
3. Refill 40 with the four loko

shit tastes fucking amazing and gets you a nice drunk

>> No.9331843

Did that last weekend with the Watermelon loko. Although I used King Cobra and you have to drink to the bottom of the label before filling in the loko.
We call it a Hyper Viper here, idk if that is common or not.

>> No.9331852

I fucking love hard liquor. there's something almost medicinal about that little clear glass full of sinister liquid. the sour sweet aftertaste of vodka. the rush on your palette and the burn in your throat and the immediate spreading warmth through your face. I can't drink because I'm on SSRIs but boy do I miss it

>> No.9331878

Personally like steel reserves. OE800, colt45, king cobras aren't strong enough and hurricanes taste like shittier than steel reserves with the same buzz

>> No.9331879
File: 40 KB, 661x372, 1503044992407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to try this.

>> No.9331883

Man, I loved those things. Used to crush up a half of a 2mg xanax and mix it in there too. God-tier mix

>> No.9331891

I drank a lot of 40s in college. Steel Reserve was in a league of its own on tasting terrible. I never got the appeal since it was only like 1% higher than other strong 40s but horrible in taste when you could just get a 4Loko if you're trying to maximize your dollar alcohol ratio in a state that separates out beers and hard liquor.

If you don't like Olde English you're probably not going to like any of them but I highly preferred Hurricane High Gravity. Regular hurricane is a little better tasting but if you're drinking a 40 it should be high in alcohol

>> No.9331935

hurricanes are objectively the best tasting 40

>> No.9332174
File: 190 KB, 900x900, 68f4c3b2c53f9f4963181332b15bdaa6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's the Mickeys

>> No.9332297
File: 175 KB, 1069x300, 20170822_002153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The good ol Sidewalk Slammer. I like GOLD 4loko the best w beer.

captcha: road dunkirk (drunkard)

>> No.9332519

porch climbers the oogle classic booze 40's wtv the fuck you want and a can of frozen pink lemonaid all mixed into a jug and drank till you blackout
v8/clamato for your beermato
frozen oj with a 40 for the ever so class brass monkey
I forget what this ones called but 1 part Canada dry ginger ale and 2 parts beer
you can also use redbull/monster if you have no tastebuds

>> No.9332527

oh fuck right apple cider the cloudy brown kind is also dank as fuck way way better then a brass monkey

>> No.9332537
File: 355 KB, 1200x1600, 20140713_000808091_iOS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finish draining pic related
>hold empty bottle over the garbage can for a moment
"Long live the king."
>drop empty into the trash
>chuckle to self

>> No.9332546

Why even bother? 8.5% minimum if you are going to choke down a malt.

>> No.9333060

We use to do this with colt 45 and the lemonade lokos.

We called it wolf because it would have you howling at the moon.

>> No.9333063
File: 73 KB, 800x600, 40s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9333072
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>yfw 42oz

>> No.9333279

No because they are shit. Drink vodka like real man unless you are nigger.

>> No.9333593

>anything less than 40% abv
Really its a waste of time. Grab a handle of cheap whisky or tequila and some soda
Drink all your problems away

>> No.9333727

just chase it with water, even cheap jose can be chased with water.

soda is for plebs.

>> No.9333730
File: 145 KB, 1280x853, turbonegro_copenhell_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so glad they brought the glass bottles back.

>> No.9334088

Now there's a band I haven't heard of since Bam Margera was a thing.

>> No.9334096
File: 19 KB, 390x286, 40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

works every time