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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 64 KB, 460x470, Yuengling_Screenshot_460_by_470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9325680 No.9325680 [Reply] [Original]

For me, it's yuengling

>> No.9325688

Pbr pint can served by a metrosexual postpunk 40 year old bartender getting his PhD in pop music ethics

>> No.9325697
File: 921 KB, 1044x1049, smIPA-FAMILY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one or PBR when I'm broke.

Wish I could get some Yuenging here

>> No.9325700
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This or Karlovačko

>> No.9325766
File: 211 KB, 211x792, GrainBelt_Premium_Web.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pbr tall boys have my friends photos all over them right now. Friend is a loose term, I went to the punk shows he used to book and talked to him sometimes. Good dude. Glad he found some success. He also had a hand in the movie Green Room I guess.
Anyway, I'll always happily drink one or four of these

>> No.9325858
File: 47 KB, 480x600, erdinger_weisbier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this or any german weizen

>> No.9325861

That post gave me cancer

>> No.9325868
File: 67 KB, 374x374, two-roads-pilsner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good flavor, not overpowering, but great body.

for non-craft beer, yuengling is my favorite.

>> No.9325947
File: 257 KB, 683x1024, bass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every supermarket usually has plenty, so it's easy to find.
Since moving to the south, I find all sorts of specialty seasonal stuff at Publix, all sorts of blueberry and cranberry lagers, cool stuff to try out, but Bass is always an easy go-to.
That and Smithwick's if it's carried.

>> No.9326106

>drinking bread-piss

Why do you hate your tastebuds?

>> No.9326160

>t. never had a good beer in his life

>> No.9326165

Did he play one of the Nazi punks?

>> No.9326181
File: 173 KB, 604x330, Orion-draft-beer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reasonably cheap enough to keep several in my fridge and has that dry, crisp taste that I crave after a long day at work.

>> No.9326192

Do you live in Japan? The only Japanese beers I ever see living in America are Sapporo and Kirin, and occasionally Asahi.

>> No.9326209
File: 18 KB, 350x374, 3_TBS_PBR59_ProductImage_Web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im hipster garbage!

>> No.9326219

I bought a case of Leffe last week.
That's some good shit.

>> No.9326230


>> No.9326245

I lived in Okinawa ten years ago which is how I discovered it. I'm back in the states and I've been able to find it at Asian markets. Oddly enough the Chinese market near me has the best prices on it.

>> No.9326247

Well thats an unusual tale.

>> No.9326251

Another vote in for PBR or if I'm feeling fancy I'll pick up some two hearted.

>> No.9326265


Guinness is the only beer I've been able to tolerate the taste of.

>> No.9326270

Explains a lot

>> No.9326271

Guinness draught cans or Sweetwater DUDE WEED LMAO

>> No.9326279
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<-----this with a whisky nip (teacher's or black bottle)

>> No.9326290

I've been drinking a lot of Budweiser tomato clamato beers. They say clans are good for the liver. I could use the help.

>> No.9326305

Miller High Life, the best budget beer.

>> No.9326311
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A dab will do ya

>> No.9326322
File: 1.71 MB, 1936x2592, st-bernardus-abt-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you've really never had a good beer
90% macro brewery beer is garbage, and guinness is indeed the least shit massively popular beer out there (though it's still mediocre and watery as fuck)

try a nice german / belgian import or some highly rated craft beer. not all beer is budweiser-tier pisswater

>> No.9326336
File: 935 KB, 2175x1281, sierra-nevada-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does this never get posted? I feel like this is probably one of the best widely available craft beers out there.

>> No.9326352

If you call 4% alcohol a good buy

>> No.9326362
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>> No.9326388
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>> No.9326655
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Some boy!

>> No.9326828

Torpedos are my go to, and Molson when I'm feeling cheapo. I'll grab a better IPA if there's a deal.

>> No.9326898
File: 21 KB, 500x500, 003410000355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. dieter

>> No.9326904

Naa I think he was director of photography? I don't remember

>> No.9326910
File: 2.03 MB, 1390x925, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$14 for 12 pints
That and a bottle or two of some good beer and I'm set for the weekend

>> No.9326938
File: 137 KB, 443x628, 4L_OUNChw4a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related, Sam Adams and Tyskie

>> No.9326955
File: 113 KB, 282x400, MC-Hamm-s-image2014_458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing beats cracking open an ice cold refreshing Hamms after busting your ass all day at work in the hot summer sun. Prove me wrong.

>> No.9326979

Mien negger!

>> No.9326980

Shit beer. Even for a domestic. Shit.

>> No.9326988

False. Hamms is the best bang for your buck. Cheapest beer you can buy that still tastes alright.

>> No.9327007
File: 20 KB, 584x584, 7044610047546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Usually this. Not saying it's the greatest beer, just the one I tend to by the most.

>> No.9327012

But that's just not true. It's brewed in the land of sky blue waters my man. It's America's finest brew.

>> No.9327014

Not only is this post correct, it's sanctioned my repeating digits

>> No.9327016

I bring a 6 pack of this stuff back with me every time I take a trip home.

>> No.9327022
File: 16 KB, 252x378, 12522851_is.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.9327059

>poorfags in the process of poorfagging
It's shit.

>> No.9327185
File: 15 KB, 150x373, beer_748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck I love the label on Orion

>> No.9327190

Name one for the same price that tastes better

>> No.9327224
File: 183 KB, 1065x1600, IMG_7014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheap easy drinker. Great for fishing.

>> No.9327264
File: 13 KB, 222x227, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my go to when Im craving beer.
Other wise it's screwdrivers with 100 proof vodka

>> No.9327280
File: 248 KB, 437x484, BeerAsylum6pack-LeftCoast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

11% Belgian Trippel
It's a tad over carbed though.
Open it over the sink if you have it at room temp like I do.

>> No.9327281
File: 717 KB, 436x580, 1371878442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9327284

I thought Kirin was Chinese

>> No.9327287

Paulaner Salvator if you must have a lager

>> No.9327293

I remember the tv commercials from when I was lad

>> No.9327330

Why are you opening it at room temp?

>> No.9327347
File: 2.55 MB, 4128x2322, 20170817_184046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw only drinking domestic craft because imports cost 3 times as much in some cases

>> No.9327349

you never notice there's a bar on every corner downtown and there's alcohol everywhere until you quit drinking

>> No.9327405
File: 82 KB, 600x600, yebisu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck I miss living in Okinawa. Always had Orion and pic related ready to go after getting off the flightline.

>> No.9327488

It has full flavor

>> No.9327638
File: 26 KB, 380x380, 74E97874-4B20-4EF8-B882-13D2DD716EC8-712-000000D0BA592819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you spent 20 years blacked out and finally decided enough is enough.

>> No.9327683

beer and cider are great but this is truly a patrish alternative. good job not being degenerate anymore.

>> No.9327696

Been drinking Two Hearted and Old Dirty Bastard a lot lately.

>> No.9327716

What's your favorite beers for a beer batter, /ck/?

>> No.9327723

20 years is a long time to get your ass kicked. bet you feel relief finally.

>> No.9327793

It's been almost 2 years and I really do. The fun part is that I do not avoid being around alcohol at all. I was definitely a stay at home drunk. I've been out to far more bars, parties, and events in that 2 years than I would have if I was still drinking. The fear and dread of one more hangover is really that strong.

>> No.9327795


>> No.9327858

Usually Yuengling or Yards.

God bless PA

>> No.9328053


>> No.9328097

Two Hearted is fucking god tier... Everyone in Michigan has a hard in for Oberon but Two Hearted is Bell's best brew.

>> No.9328127

Hmm. Probably Blue Owl Spirit Animal or Live Oak Hef.

>> No.9328253
File: 93 KB, 199x342, SA-Winter-Lager-w-glass[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9328399

orion is around the usa in small doses. its common in nyc at least.

>> No.9328410

leffe is overpriced shit

>> No.9328810

Brewing my own beers now. Nothing beats absolute fresh beer.

>> No.9328834

Leffe is great, I loved Karlovacko when i was in Croatia as well

>> No.9328902
File: 106 KB, 158x600, rk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sue me

>> No.9328964

When I was in Maryland, it was Yuengling Black & Tan from a can. $10/12pk iirc. Now I'm in Texas the home pour is a 6pk of Miller High Life, usually chasing cheap whisky. When I'm at the airport or a proper bar, it'll be pints of Guinness or Fuller's.

>> No.9328969
File: 27 KB, 492x492, Sam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oldfag here. When I started drinking, this was considered micro/craft brew. I'm a man of steady habits. When it is in season, Octoberfest is the go to

>> No.9328977

leffe brun is better

>> No.9328979

This or Paulaner Weißbier, both really good. Also, Köstritzer, Seeradler and Donauradler.

>> No.9328984

köstritzer is shit

>> No.9329022

Rolling Rock, master beer race

>> No.9329737

redpill me on this anon...
They say it's IMPOSSIBLE for me not to LIKE BEER. You just haven't found your type/brand/color whatever.
Is this bullshit?
Did Anyone in this thread HATED this piss-colored stinky foamy bitter-ass guzzling watery beverage and SUDDENLY found HIS TYPE OF BEER and started liking it and drinking it all day/every day?

>> No.9329750

I didnt like beer when i was 16 but when i became legal drinking age the more beer i drank the more i loved it.

>> No.9329751

trumer pils

>> No.9329796

Legality makes it not stink? :D

>> No.9329799

Kind of. Everyone I knew got ipa or piss beer. Never liked it. Then I tried some pumpkin pie seasonal craft beer and it changed my world. Now I just drink to get drunk so I don't really care about taste. I get tall boy Milwauke best 7% or whiskey.

>> No.9329813

Is this a plot to hook me on craft beer fad meme? I might even fall for it.

>> No.9329828

Nothing really to lose by trying one. Pick one with a flavor you like and go from there. I highly recommend any of the dessert ones

>> No.9329837
File: 23 KB, 340x375, aubeer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9329840


>> No.9329863

Be careful dude, it's okay if you find something you like, but going from "I drink x because I like the taste" to "Don't really give a shit, whatever gets me drunk" doesn't take that long. Don't be too concerned with it if you feel like none of it's working for you. Don't force it. But yes, it's mainly because you haven't found your entry level drink yet.

>> No.9329950
File: 30 KB, 458x248, 10236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haters gonna hate

>> No.9329953
File: 346 KB, 270x537, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been living in Barcelona for some years and pic related is the best cheap beer around.

>> No.9329990

>. But yes, it's mainly because you haven't found your entry level drink yet.
What's the point in BEER then? Might as well drink soda. (After a shot, I guess. But I am not a drinker, actually I just get sleepy..) Guess it's just a meme that REAL MEN drink BEER or something.

>> No.9330030

Only baby boomers think men should only drink certain things. It's 2017. I see surly men order fruity drinks and I see women ordering bourbon. It's alcohol. Nobody gives a fuck. The reason so many people like beer is that it's almost impossible to get hungover from just beer. It also is really easy to drink unlike a strong cocktail that you have to slowly sip on. I will say this however. Shots are for college kids. If your goal is to get fucked up as quickly as possible then pound shots. Just know you will be puking and blacked out and will want to kill yourself the next morning.
t. an alcoholic since age 17

>> No.9330629
File: 95 KB, 960x1280, grimbergen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this beer.

>> No.9330712
File: 66 KB, 480x360, oldstylepilsner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

old style every day boys

>> No.9330750

Caps don't make it true son. That is some sad funk brought to you by a massive commercial brewery trying to make people think they are a micro at heart. They make the baby jebus cry...

>> No.9330877

Samuel Adams puts out solid stuff m8.

>> No.9330893

I'm on a cut so I've gotten used to drinking Miller lite.

>> No.9330901

Yeah once i discovered Guinness as a kid i started loving beer.
Don't really like Guinness anymore though

>> No.9330918 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 295x171, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, It's the McChicken

>> No.9330926

Honestly, it just took a while for me to get a taste for it. Eventually just drinking it often enough, I started to like it.

I'm a big fan of Belgian white. Blue Moon is pretty good, but Hoegaarden is my favorite. That said, give me anything that's not light or a harsh IPA and I'll probably enjoy it.

>> No.9330938

Grainbelt is best belt

>> No.9330948

depends what kind of beer i feel like, i have a soft spot for pilsners though

>> No.9330951

its really good for the scale its manufactured on, but yeah pretty much any other stout is better

>> No.9330954

Jew beer?

>> No.9330963

The owner is a kike

>> No.9330966

Premium and Nordeast kick ass, stay away from the light

>> No.9331183

One of the few beers I absolutely can not stand. Even the pisswater that is oettinger Pils is better than that shit.

>> No.9331422

What 6 beers would you recommend to someone who has never had any sort of alcohol?

>> No.9331441

Budweiser, Heineken, Blue Moon, Stella Artois, Rolling Rock, and Yeungling

Keep it simple.

>> No.9331498
File: 730 KB, 1920x1080, 20170802_172754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Santa fe java imperial stout. Got pretty high ABV , and i have discount since I work at the liquor store

>> No.9331675
File: 284 KB, 635x399, picksumpinelse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>not brewing your own beer

Fav is a homebrew, IPA with cascades, amarillo,8-9%. Nectar of the gods.

Also have a brown ale that's pretty good.

And a hop bomb black IPA called "call of brewty: black hops". Imperial IPA, smokey, lots of cascades.and citra.

You fags enjoy drinking stuff someone else made.

>> No.9331678
File: 35 KB, 384x384, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sapporo for sure

>> No.9331702

My god, for a bunch of cooking snobs, this board has fucking awful taste in beer.

The best thing posted on here is Two Hearted, which is a good, easily findable go-to IPA, but I can't believe there are no Treehouse/Trillium/Alchemist/Veil/Other Half/Tired Hands/etc references on here.

>> No.9331715
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>> No.9331722

Have you had anything close to singha that's easier to find? I love it but it's impossible for me to find here

>> No.9331726
File: 351 KB, 353x633, anchor steam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shouldn't be so goddamn difficult to find.

>> No.9331741

They're mostly meme beers.

>> No.9331742

>Buying one of these to try out the only Aussie beer in my area

>Old lady checking checking my ID says that's a big beer

>I immediately say "For you."

>She just smiles and looks confused

>> No.9332048
File: 125 KB, 678x1000, 2ca303f709fb7dbf40745cdabca12c539162307c7a06ba816d183437b9c0e480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9332478

Westvleteren, Cantillon, Magnus 15, Angel's share, Ballast Point Sculpin are a great diverse set of beers. Mango Mango Mango or Ginger Joe for beers that doesn't taste like beer.

>> No.9332542

Is this an actual scenario or are you just bored?

>> No.9332553

Most of their beers are very hoppy, which I don't like at all. But I did try their oktoberfest beer from this year, it's bretty gud.

>> No.9332591
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On a cozy winter night this is my elixir

>> No.9332640
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Hot summer day "I just want a beer" kind of beer. Something nice that fits in good with a cook out.

>> No.9332657
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When the holidays roll around, a bottle of this and a nice steak make for a very pleasant evening.

>> No.9332668

Red Stripe isn't even my favorite lager, let alone my favorite beer, but I'd drink one over a Bud or a Coors any day. Best served just above freezing.

>> No.9332708

My birthday is in a few days. Recommend me something good to drink so I can get shitfaced while playing video games before crying myself to sleep
I've tried a few local craft beers and they're too bitter but that's about all I've ever had of alcohol

>> No.9332729

Sounds like beer isn't your thing anon-kun. I would recommend making some home made margaritas. You can make them as sour or as sweet/strong as you want. I do this as a treat for myself despite being a mainly whiskey drinker.
Use this video as a guide but don't worry about brands or high priced shit. Most $10 tequila is delicious. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-gYcvipozY

>> No.9332811
File: 61 KB, 800x600, b_1_q_0_p_0 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, I've been drinking craft beer for a decade and for me, it's Dogfish Head Indian Brown Ale!

>> No.9332837
File: 189 KB, 600x600, hamms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has the best aesthetic too.
Hamm's is my favorite beer.

>> No.9332872

pabst blue ribbon and Sierra nevada torpedo

>> No.9332873

Also when I hear go to. Means to me something I can get easily and isn't a craft brew or something that is imported.

>> No.9332875
File: 192 KB, 694x800, Concrete-french-kronenbourg-1664-blanc-beer[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the most delicious beers I've ever tasted. It's a shame it is so hard to find in the states.

This shit is great too: >>9325700

Honestly, I just love wheat/blond beer.

>> No.9332879

whatever is $5 for 6 bottles
>had a bad day

>> No.9332881

>best aesthetic
I sincerely hope English isn't your first language

>> No.9332884

perpetual ipa or Miller lite pounders

>> No.9333181

Maybe you're correct, but regular 1664 is terrible.

>> No.9333318

Never had regular, only Blanc. I can never seem to find highly rated blond beers because faggot beer snobs all seem to be hop elitists.

>> No.9333334

Nope, just Norwegian. We have been referred to as the jews of the sea though. Or petroleum-jews if you will. The star of David is a christian symbol as well you know.

>> No.9333396

>HEY GUYS I DON'T DRINK autist can't fathom people liking things he doesn't
No one's pointing a gun at you and making you drink beer. Do you really think billions of people are just pretending to like it? Most people aren't used to it at first but develop a taste for it, I did at least (though I still believe there's a great deal of pretending in the "craft beer" scene, most of that stuff is shit)

>> No.9333506

Avoid IPAs if you don't like bitter, If you're just looking to get drunk and not taste the booze the cheapest one I can think of is Jim Beam apple mixed with sprite, It tastes like jolly ranchers.

>> No.9333521


>> No.9333932

So are you saying I'm an autist for not believing people enjoy bitter beer shit?
What is this acquired taste bullshit?
I MYSELF am drinking black coffee without sugar and sweeteners for like 6 years every other day, and it tastes gross. Pleasant aroma and hotness and uplifting effect makes it good, the taste is the worst. No taste acquired at all. Bitter shit is bitter shit. Tastes like fucking aspirin, or other medicines.
I know that. I usually nurse my large 600ml mug of coffer for 2-3 hours when black. If I add sugar and cream, it gets drunk in 10 minutes MAX because it's ACTUALLY TASTY.
In beer, however it is worsened by gross foam, piss color, and beer stench. And the burp doesn't go away for whole day and lingers on and on. Buzz if the only redeeming quality, and a shoddy one at that: being crisp, acute, agile, fast and sober always beats being a wobbling snoring mumbling sack of shit.

>> No.9333945
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Step aside.

>> No.9334007
File: 48 KB, 600x600, 93ded2512b11948a45cfd7695ddfd75a--switzerland-austria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

0,45 Eurodollars per can: Gets the job done.

>> No.9334064

It's rare to see an honest, actual autistic post on here. Anon you are too retarded to be drinking anything except estrogen enhanced faucet water

>> No.9334077


used to be a huge craft beer dood, now I just get a 12 pack of rolling rock and put it in the freezer.

so cheap, so refreshing.

>> No.9334095
File: 147 KB, 850x638, Youngs-Double-Chocolate-Stout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9334251

>estrogen enhanced water

Nah, he buys the $9.99 per 12 oz can of estrogen antidote advertised on rightwing talk shows.

>> No.9334460
File: 359 KB, 1200x1722, Krusovice_10_imperial_ze-zateckeho_chmele_orosenie-1200x1722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Used to drink almost whatever from my country's *decent* breweries, but last year I went to Prague. Every single lager I tasted there was legit good, except maybe Pilsner-Urquell. I got converted and my default choice is now a light Krušovice, which costs almost the same as local beers.

Czechia is so likable, god damn

>> No.9334482
File: 438 KB, 400x800, us_hwbn_033l_glas-1[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paulaner Hefe

A lot of people hate on the bubblegum / clove thing but I love it.

I also live close by the Cloudwater brewery. Whenever they have a DIPA out that's an instant buy.

>> No.9334585

Carlton draught out of a tap served by someone who doesn't care that I'm there or someone I know
t. Rural Australia

>> No.9335530

Their Oktoberfest is usually pretty spot on. Probably my favorite seasonal of theirs.

>> No.9335674


>> No.9335687
File: 305 KB, 600x1500, XX_12oz_Lager_020711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no mention of dos equis
Is everyone on here murican hipster shit or irish? Beaner sustenance is the way to go

>> No.9335710
File: 94 KB, 1000x1000, bohemia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no mames anon

>> No.9335716

i quite like Yuengling though I haven't had one in a really long time. I don't really have a single go-to; I pretty much like any stout or porter (whatever the hell the difference is; I don't know what it is)

>> No.9335730

Always Blue moon. Fuck the orange freelancer, it just taste good

>> No.9335737

Me being a shit faced cheap local vodka man.

>> No.9335740
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Usually pic related, most any decent bar has it on tap and it's not terribly expensive.

Golden Monkey is good for when I'm trying to get drunk or hanging out with friends or both.

New Holland Dragon's Milk is my favorite but that shit's expensive

>> No.9335744

Try La Chouffe by Brasserie d'Achouffe.

Dunno if you can find it since it's Belgian, but it's pretty good.

>> No.9335825
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>> No.9335962

Guinness or Blue Moon. I tried hat Pumpkin Harvest Wheat Blue Moon recently, was pretty tasty. It's all drinkable as fuck

>> No.9337376

>it's another IPA thread
When will burgers ever learn?

>> No.9337431
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>> No.9337440

It's not that bad. Much better than any mass produced finnish "beer". Not to mention that the cans are cheap as fuck

>> No.9337492

I know this feel

>> No.9337525

Fads. My grocery store recently got a growler station and all they have is fucking 7 different IPA's. People love it.

>> No.9337539

That's why nobody takes America seriously.

>> No.9337541
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>> No.9337613
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When i want a nice session beer, this is my regular, don't have to hunt too much for it, but it always puts a smile on my face when the pub has it on tap.

>> No.9337626

krusovice gives me a headache, them and branik.

>> No.9337651

Drank one I aged for a year back in april.

muh dik

>> No.9337702
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This or yebisu

>> No.9337772
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Red leader checking in...

>> No.9337802

fuzck off liitkcunt il stab ur fma

>> No.9338792

torpedoes are objectively the best beer you can find in a standard local supermarket

>> No.9338801

>beer shills on my board
literally nobody likes drinking piss water, fuck off

>> No.9338803

t. underage child with an undeveloped palate

>> No.9338817



>> No.9338851
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>not getting paid to brew your own beer

pro brewer master race reporting in

>> No.9338986
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For me, it's pic related

>> No.9338996
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>not getting paid to sit on your ass and make corporate decisions about beer
t. Anheuser-Busch InBev CEO

>> No.9339028

My gf loves this beer. I've never it

>> No.9339035

It's a go to beer. Not something that you can't obtain easily/daily.

>> No.9339261

Ulmer Goldochsen Kellerbier

Its fucking delicious and relatively cheap

>> No.9339295
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I'll never understand why anyone drinks any of the pisswater that's under their corporate umbrella. Everything they touch turns to swill.

>> No.9339618
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Im a sucker for Badgers.

>> No.9339639

Those names are gayer than a velvet paining of a unicorn

>> No.9339731


Still, if its beer but not cock - i'm ok with this.

>> No.9339823
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No bully

>> No.9339930

Not beer.

Get out.

>> No.9339953

pfft hahahaha
How's summer vacation going

>> No.9339974

how does this compare to the cheap standard of kirin ichiban, sapporo, and asashi?
The local Japanese market doesn't sell Orion brand unfortunately so haven't gotten a taste yet

>> No.9340721
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Here's my go to.

I adore this stuff, I have to drive 2 hours to get it though.

>> No.9340743

you've been shilling dragon's milk for at least a month now

it's not that good and stouts belong in the winter

get out

>> No.9340816

My nigga.

>> No.9340883
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>> No.9340972
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pic related is best lager brews.

>> No.9340984
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This right now. Can be hard to find around here though.

>> No.9340988
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>> No.9341003


>> No.9341011


Heck yeah my man. All about that Maudite.

>> No.9341249
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>> No.9341383
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Sofiero is what all the homeless people drink in Sweden.

I have a home but I drink it anyway.

>> No.9341395
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>Not drinking Smålands like a true WT

>> No.9341410

That reminds me, I live very close to a hotel owned by Young's. As you can imagine, they've got crates of this stuff and their lighter products on tap.

>> No.9341432
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>> No.9341438

I may catch some flak on this, but I absolutely LOATHE this beer with a passion. I'd honestly pick anything, even Miller Lite, over it in any bar, because the first and last time I tried it on draft taught me the hard way why lagers conquered the world.

A bad lager is merely watery, anaemic and inoffensively bland. A bad ale is flat-out atrocious.

>> No.9341453

>not your father's root beer
>not your father's son

>> No.9341463

Was going to post this. The best beer in Alko in it's in price range

>> No.9341580

I drive to Åre about 4-5 times a year to buy me a case of this. I shop food at Storlien though.

>> No.9341611

Someone convince me to start drinking beer.

>> No.9341642

Start drinking beer.

>> No.9341645


what are you talking about? they never tell the breweries to change the way they brew. devils backbone vienna lager is exactly the same as it always will be. same goes for every other craft brand they buy

>> No.9341655
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>> No.9341890

PA nigga here.. Yuengling here

>> No.9341906

My man

>> No.9341919

Start drinking beer.

>> No.9341933


got a six pack of fin du monde chillin in my fridge right now, and the local dep has their blonde on sale

>> No.9341935

Right there with ya my family is prone to alcoholism so I bought those non-stop until it went from a chore to my addiction. God bless the people at La Croix.

>> No.9341971

Sam Adams
Steam whistle
Miller Genuine Draft (if I feel like a light. Beer)

>> No.9342726

Love Taiwan beer.

>> No.9342761
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>> No.9344109

This is my go to beer in the summer. If i could get starfish brouwerij or pliny regular it would be a battle between the three. But bells is relatively cheap and readily available.

>> No.9344184
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I've taken a strong liking to Chang recently. It's slowly becoming my go-to cheapie beer

>> No.9344196
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>> No.9344545

Leffe is filtered disgusting shit. I don't know why it's popular. It tastes like puke and is among the very worst Belgian beer there is.

>> No.9344759
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FYI, correctly pronounced "JJEH-VEEITS"

Quality beer. I never get tired of it.

>> No.9344766

Paulaner weissbier is excellent. Pairs well with smoked cheese, crackers, olives, and liver patte.

>> No.9344767

This is great. Erdinger dunkel is also really nice.

>> No.9344772


>> No.9344783

I could drink about 10 of these fucking things right now. Actual flavor in these.

>> No.9345856

It happened to a friend of mine. Kept trying different beers and hating them, then I gave him a sip of my leffe.

"I'm getting one!" he exclaimed, then had 3 more and passed out leaning against a wall with a cigarette still in his mouth.

>> No.9345905

my wife's son tho, he drinks this all the time

>> No.9345925

Start drinking beer

>> No.9347005

>living in the Midwest
>not drinking Grain Belt or Hamm's as your go-to shitbeer

>> No.9347017

This shit is fantastic.

>> No.9347036
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What's a good everyday beer that is semi widely available? I've only ever drank "shit tier" budlight, corona, one, basically all of the big name corporations except Sam Adams.

I remember trying this IPA called Ghost Rider (I think it was based out in utah)that wasnt too bad, i liked how it had a really refreshing taste to it.

>> No.9347078

Most of what Sierra Nevada puts out is widely available. I think Torpedo is over-hyped but Pale Ale, Oktoberfest, and Stout are all pretty good, Pale Ale being the most refreshing. Where are you located? You probably have some good regional stuff.

>> No.9347084

this>>9347078 was meant for you

>> No.9347110

I'm out in Nebraska I'll definitely research the good local brews around. I definitely enjoy a beer that isn't heavy to the point that it almost becomes a meal in and of itself.

I guess a stereotypical good drinking beer.

>> No.9347138
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ITT:: Poor children with hyper underdeveloped taste in beer. New Glarus beers rule supreme, period.

>> No.9347144

Tallgrass (out of KS) has some good fruity Berliner Weisses that you should be able to find. Surly (out of MN) has some good stuff but their IPAs are quite heavy. I'm a fan of their Rising North Pale Ale, and you'd probably like Xtra-Citra from them as well (though I'm not big on it). Summit (MN) has some refreshing stuff in their summer Boundary Waters pack but they've moved onto fall seasonals so it might be hard to find. Their Keller Pils, if you can find it, is by far my favorite pilsner. Idk any actual Nebraska brews but you should be able to find these ones somewhere

>> No.9347179
File: 26 KB, 580x425, 6359498163849918261130621804_Cute-puppies-to-adopt-teddybear64-16707547-580-425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon, here's an adorable puppet for your troubles. I'll stop by the local liquor store and see if they have any you mentioned and if not see if they have this altbier called Copper ALT. by zip line that sounded pretty good.

>> No.9347479
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Yebisu is good too, but Orion and Sapporo are the top 2 Nip brands for me. Well, those and Master's Dream.
It's Japanese.

>> No.9347517

I enjoy sierra. nice choice

>> No.9347520
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Dude that stuff puts me right to sleep. Drank one at 4pm one day, never again.
1664 ruined my opinion of French beers. How can a country that borders Belgium and Germany and is right across the channel from Britain suck so bad at beer?
Had that last weekend. Good stuff for an IPA. A little cloudy, which I like.
Literally one of the worst beers I've ever had in my life. Taiwan beer is absolutely horrid.
Asahi is the Budweiser of Japan. Both in popularity and in quality.
Had that in Pattaya once. It's ok.

What do you guys think of pic related? I moved farther north and started seeing it in the liquer stores. Haven't tried it yet.

>> No.9347528
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For the summer anyway. Any sort of hearty stout during winter.

>> No.9347533

It's really popular in Ohio. Decent mid-priced beer that's perfect for a hot day

>> No.9347544

Torpedo and otra vez are some of my favs.

>> No.9347646

Not as bad as Bud/Miller/Coors, but still pretty bad.

>> No.9347688

Dragon's Milk is probably the worst BBA beer I've had. It's only upside is that it's widely available year round.

I feel this. Imperial stouts/porters are my go to, but I can't drink em in the heat. Been saving up/aging a bunch. Been going with Wit's, IPAs, Belgian's, etc lately. Oktoberfest's are starting to roll out, which is nice. So are all the pumpkin beers though... some are nice, but most aren't so nice.

>> No.9348333

Anything dogfish head, shit is all so fucking good

>> No.9348644

Shocktop is my go to, but hoegaarden is a close second. If either of those arent on the menu then its a stella.

>> No.9349103

Labatt blue or Canadian Budweiser

>> No.9349116

It's an "acquired" taste. You've been programmed to like a small variety of tastes in your life, basically. Consider yourself lucky that you don't care about beer. If you want to get in on the fun.. ...try a few different brands/styles and eventually you will realize one is to your liking...or the taste will kind of grow on you

>> No.9349125

æ ælske ooooelhh!!
'd e b3 ol for oss som ælske ooelh!!!

>> No.9349129
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i really like this beer when i drink

>> No.9349130
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this beer is pretty good, only brewed on a full moon.

sold in swiss army beer tents

>> No.9349599

are you american?
did not know they sell Tegernseer in the US

t. Tegernseer

>> No.9350906

What's the deal with the royale version? Isn't the same?

>> No.9350921

This and kwak are my two favorite imports

>> No.9350922
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>pic related

>> No.9350965

Cool story. Not being sarcastic, that's actually kind of cool.

>> No.9350992
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I live in Argentina.
Best supermarket beers here are...

>low price

>medium price

>craft beer
El Buho

I don't bother with any other brands.

>> No.9350998
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Also, got this Irish beer recently, it was top notch.
Haven't found it again though.

>> No.9351004

Magic Hat Number 9 or whatever it's called.

>> No.9351007

How can you drink carlsberg? It's absolutely atrocious.

>> No.9351023

Probably the weakest I listed, but it's ok for supermarket beer, a bit overpriced though. Amstel or Imperial gets you the most for your buck here tbqh.

But if someone buys it at a party I'll take it.

>> No.9351141

Coors Original, Bud Light, Budweiser, Heineken, Corona, or PBR...

any answers outside of this need to be dismissed.

>> No.9351185

Bud is the beer that tastes most like beer, and I love it for that.

>> No.9351195
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I live in Chicago, but I always try to grab a case of this when I'm in Wisconsin.

>> No.9351343
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probably kona's big wave

however I really like to explore.

>> No.9351462

Jesus, even when I'm broke I don't go below Stroh's

>> No.9351580
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I drink German Weissbier when I can get it, Leinenkugel's when I can't.

>> No.9351586

only Illinois fags think this

>> No.9351756

This. Rolling Rock on a hot day hits the spot, too.

>> No.9351846
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>> No.9352032

thank god there's another sane person around, I like craft beers and I like macro brews, but Shiner is my constant

>> No.9352041
File: 234 KB, 515x545, Molson-Canadian-Reinventing-Canadas-Beer3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think of this? Usually my go to for cheaper beer

>> No.9352220

Budweiser(can), Newcastle Brown Ale

>> No.9352309
File: 166 KB, 1024x958, c7ab9fb0d6912744581f9d53c3982cc0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can never go wrong with a german pils

>> No.9352328

I really really love root beer my mom brought some of this back from the states along with this really good kentucky bourbon ale

this needs to be sold in Canada or at least a real root beer

>> No.9352335

czech dark lagers are fun in general, and Budweiser Budvar makes pretty good beer
I still find the fact that they had to change their name in the US funny

>> No.9352529
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usually at my pub i get pic related and a bit of lime, best shit ever except when they over do it on the lime but the manage is such a great guy he'll just give me an extra pint to say sorry.

>> No.9353091
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Have you tried kirin ichiban ? I prefer this Japanese beer.

>> No.9353244

if by beer you mean water

>> No.9353251

512 ipa

>> No.9353316
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I rock the 40 oz. Big fan of Coors though.

>> No.9353397

I wish this was satire.

>> No.9353399

I'm obviously as much of a weaboo as the next anon, but seriously, Sapporo and Kirin Ichiban are fucking trash.

>> No.9354207
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God I love America

>> No.9354316

I really enjoyed kilikia and kotayak beer while I was in Armenia, wish it was around here and for the same price as it was there.

>> No.9354952


Kwak is amazing. Karmaliet is so floral tho...

>> No.9354963
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