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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 21 KB, 250x214, 250px-Poutine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9317255 No.9317255 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9317268

Do Americans really eat this?

Those chips look disgusting and overcooked.

>> No.9317300

Congratulations, you're a functional retard! Dumb as a fucking rock but still able to get around.

>> No.9317315

>eating chips with mouldy cheese and beef water
What the fuck is wrong with Americans?

>> No.9317317
File: 918 KB, 3528x1417, 20170813_192537-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made homemade poutine last week.

>> No.9317332


like... what's the point?

>> No.9317341
File: 35 KB, 478x469, 1495402673776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poutine is love, Poutine is life.

>> No.9317345 [DELETED] 

You can't spell Poutine without Pou.

>> No.9317448

well, at least you used curds.

4/10, would still eat but damn dude, step up your game.

>> No.9317462


I used sweet potatoes and Yukon potatoes, caramelized onions, curds from Boivin and St-Hubert smoked bacon sauce.
I put some brie too, because fuck you.

>> No.9317473

why would you use sweet potatoes for poutine

>> No.9317487

Post a poutine you made so I can laugh at you.

It's awesome, try it before shitting on it.

>> No.9317493

i have tried it, it's fucking bad

>> No.9317496

also i don't take pictures of food i've made because i'm not gay

>> No.9317504

Ta yeule crisse de fifure, t'es juste capable d'acheter ta pout au Macdo.

>> No.9317505

Having a KD for lunch today lads

Any microbrew recommendations for poutine pairing?

>> No.9317509

you talk like a fag

>> No.9317520
File: 211 KB, 500x918, 1503022493383.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kessé tu viens d'me dire là mon tabarnak d'anglois du calice? Tu devrais savouère que j'ai fait mon BAC en science po à l'UQAM pis qu'j'ai au-d'su 300 game de hockey checké au centre Bell mon esti d'enculé. J'suis entrainé en guérilla des tuques pis j'suis l'meilleur lanceur de boule de neige de ma paroisse. T'es juste un autre osti d'gibier d'potence pour moué. J'va te péter la yeule en sang avec une précision au millième de pouce mon sacrament. Tu pense que ton esti de commentaire fif passe inaperçu? Ben j'ai des nouvelles pour toué mon tabarnak. En ce moment, des analystes de la SQ travaille pour te trouver mon p'tit calice avec ton adresse IP. La charrue va crisser sa neige dans ta voir drette après que t'aille fini de pelleté mon cimonak. J'peux arriver de partout à n'importe quelle heure dans ton jaccuzi pour verser mon huile usée dedans. Tu pense que tu va t'en tirer facilement calice de fifure? J'ai toute l'arsenal du Front de Libération du Québec à ma disposition pis j'va crisser des shit dans ta boîte à mail. T'aurais pu effacer ton commentaire impertinent, mais là là yer trop tard. Tu doué t'morde la langue en tabarnak là là, hein? T'es mort ou joue pu mon calice.

>> No.9317527


>> No.9317528


>> No.9317533

Lame reply, like girls in Ontario.

>> No.9317535

haha you replied in english

>> No.9317543

i'm not gonna spend 10 minutes trying to translate your bullshit. i recognize tabarnak du calice, but other than that fuck you and your poutine.

>> No.9317558
File: 50 KB, 704x473, Poutine général tao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if you wanted, I used so many slang and meme from Québec, it wouldn't make sense to you.
At least post some poutine porn, tête carré.

>> No.9317559

What is Google translate

>> No.9317565

a piece of shit not fit for any serious translating.

vous etes merde.

>> No.9317618

im from mtl and that copy pasta is kinda funny

>> No.9317751


This is so Québécois it hurts.

>> No.9317780

Way too much slang in there, friendo - and stuff only people living in Quebec would find funny or relatable (ie. "Jacuzzi," UCAM, etc.)

All it's missing is Céline, Roche, Pepsi, and Joe Louis

>> No.9318000

whatever unibroue you can find and drink it from the bottle.

>> No.9318507

deeply underrated

>> No.9318644

ça sort d'où cette fifeté de terme?

>> No.9318664

J'ai volé cette expression là à un Beauceron.

>> No.9318665 [DELETED] 
File: 102 KB, 800x400, Haitian delicacy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9318711
File: 182 KB, 1600x800, 0009-Spicebag-2016-1600x800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Irish have something kinda like poutine called a "spice bag". Its an attempt at Chinese food catering to Irish tastes...meaning it heavily features potatoes. It is the perfect Irish meal for in between binge drinking sessions.

>> No.9318854

Poutine is our binge drinking food, spice bag seems good.

>> No.9318870
File: 470 KB, 1728x1296, 152[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most Chinese places near me (south coast England) do something similar to this. Pretty good IMO

>> No.9318880
File: 97 KB, 732x549, poutine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


As a metro Detroiter, I'm kinda pissed that poutine isn't widely available.

You'd think with Canuckistan right next door, we could get it everywhere but only a couple brew pubs may/may not have it and that's it.

>> No.9318920

>Do Americans really eat this?
The telltale sing of a fucking idiot.

>> No.9318929

Fucking bioutifule/10

>> No.9318937

Donairs>Nanaimo Bars>Tortiere>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Pooteen

>> No.9318949
File: 454 KB, 768x528, IMG_0023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dominos in Australia have it on the menu it's pretty good

>> No.9318958

Fuck off Halifag

>> No.9318966

>nanaimo bars
This is a dessert, retard.

Poutine is awesome drunk food.

Tourtière is perfect for a comfy main dish.

Donairs are food for trailer park boys.

>> No.9318976

Edmonton, bro

I was just posting the four main Canadian things minus butter tarts.
Donairs are far better drunk and sober food

>> No.9319003

Donairs are boring food, I ate a lots of them.

Poutine is more way more tasty but it's hard to get good outside of Québec because the cheese is not fresh or the sauce is not the same.

>> No.9319010

>being butthurt at Quebec: the province
Should've guessed

>> No.9319035 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 480x360, The expensive kind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chickenfingers are better than that communist Putin shit you all eat .

>> No.9319232

>french fries are good cause they are crispy
>pour a bunch of gravy on it so they become soggy as fuck

Do Americanos really do this?

>> No.9319271

Direct your shitpost towards the right country at the very least, Nigel.

>> No.9319296

That looks really good. Also, the Chinese are not strangers to the potato. Sounds like a good mix.

>> No.9319310

Replace those peppers with more sliced chilies and add some fried chicken nuggets or kebab meat and you have a 10/10 meal.

>> No.9319381

nobody gives a shit about any of this, and I don't even know what Roche does relate to

>> No.9319538

Anon those are clearly fries

>> No.9319724

>that file name


>> No.9320811

je bois un anana