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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9313692 No.9313692 [Reply] [Original]

So, on the first night in our new house, this is what my gf cooked for me. I'm not sure how to feel about it. I took this picture without her knowing.

>steak, (for some reason cut up into tiny pieces)
>stuffed mushroom
>baked potato, butter, sour cream, shredded prepackaged cheese
>frozen mixed vegetables

I'm not sure whether I love her or hate her at this point. It almost seems like those "#wifeymaterial" memes

>> No.9313697

>It almost seems like those "#wifeymaterial" memes
That's because it is.

>> No.9313699

>I'm not sure whether I love her or hate her
You sound like an asshole.

The meal looks delicious except the meat needs a few more minutes in a frying pan.

>> No.9313708

Fucking prick. Kill yourself in a fire.

>> No.9313709

Why are you bitching faggot? I hope she leaves your ungrateful ass.

>> No.9313716

Good effort, it's just not plated well or efficiently made. Why cut up the steak? Why throw cheese haphazardly around? Why less than a single serving of vegetables? She needs to think off the details more than the big picture. There is hope.

>> No.9313717

>tfw no gf to cook you steak, baked potato with cheese, veg and stuffed mushrooms

>> No.9313724

OP here. I agree. I just sometimes feel she doesn't even care about me or give a shit about life or anything that she does. I buy her a house, this is what a get in return. She has always been a shit cook, but at least the steak wasn't well done this time.

>> No.9313729


I don't believe you have a gf OP. enjoy your 'meal'.

>> No.9313733

>I just sometimes feel she doesn't even care about me or give a shit about life or anything that she does

Why should she have to care? She won't get anything more out of it than you've already given her without caring.

>> No.9313735


>> No.9313739
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>Baked tater, properly cooked steak, frozen veggies and a mysterious alien artifact in the background.

For a moving day I'd say that's more than adequate. I usually just get pizza when I move.

>> No.9313753


Never move in together. It is that simple.

>> No.9313780

looks pretty alright dude, i'd eat it and be happy

>> No.9313804
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>tfw no gf

>> No.9313816

It looks like she did a good job and cares about you. Stop expecting to live in an ideal fantasy world. Why don't you talk to her instead of coming to the McChicken Full English shitposting board?

>> No.9313838

>(for some reason cut up into tiny pieces)
because you have autism and that's the only way you'll eat it

>> No.9313894

looks perfectly fine and almost adorably quaint.

I'm sure she's not that used to cooking, little alone for other people that often. When my cousin married my best friend (they were both 21ish and hadn't lived together befor) she would hold dinners for friends and family and at first she was always panicky and things were hit or miss. Within a year or so she started to nail it. As did everyone else as guests. It was kinda foreign to us to have that type of get together that wasn't just "throw some shit on the grill and drink a bunch of beer"

Just be honest with her without being overly critical and show you still appreciate it. It looks like she cooked the steak pretty decently. She's clearly not incompetent. IF you don't tell her, she'll continue cooking that way.

>> No.9313902

eh dont worry about it mate she'll leave you in a few years anyway
maybe your next gf will be a better cook? gotta look on the bright side and stop being such a pessimistic faggot

>> No.9313914

>I usually just get pizza when I move.

Now that I think of it all 4 times I've moved we've topped it off with a pizza and beers. And the handful times I've helped people move it was topped off with pizza and beers. I don't think it was completely intentional as much as necessary.

>> No.9313966

Its almost infinitely better than those wifymaterial memes.
If the steak wasnt cut up and the veggies were fresh it would be a damn fine meal.

>> No.9313969

Hows that pussy game though?

>> No.9313975

They think everyone here is as pathetic as they are. Point and laugh at them.

>> No.9313985
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>> No.9314028


>> No.9314036
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>> No.9314048

Holy shit OP you're truly pathetic

>> No.9314056


>> No.9314070
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>> No.9314152

this is unhealthy samefaggery op

>> No.9314169

Looking at that plate I'm gonna guess that this bitch is fat as a house.
>ruining perfectly good mushrooms with greasy cheddar cheese

>> No.9314181

Fucking show her to cook properly if you don't like it. Mein Gott, do you expect her to just wake up one day and magically *know* how to please you?

Go to hell, faggot... Stop being a baby and show her how to do it properly. Be nice about it too, or you'll just end up having to cook for yourself.

>> No.9314186

>respecting women
>respecting (probable) fat people
Get the fuck out of here, you little faggot.

>> No.9314207

I didn't say "respect waman", I said tread carefully, but get what you want.


>> No.9314227

Jokes on you. Last two were someone else.

>> No.9314658

holy fuck hahaha that looks disgusting

>> No.9315966

The sides aren't great but the steak is nicely done. Really nothing bad here, I think you're just a faggot looking for a way to feel superior.

>> No.9315981

This - don't be a dick about it. Just cook the same for her tomorrow and make it correctly. When she shows appreciation you can share technique.

>> No.9315996

If it took you this long to realize your gf can't cook you deserve what you get.

>> No.9316001

Its really not that bad. But yeah, certainly room for improvement, that grime covered white plate presentation for one.

>> No.9316018

>caring about and criticizing presentation for a meal you eat at home
please kill yourself

>> No.9316024

Just cook with your girlfriend. She's not retarded if she's cooking steak medium, if you're a better cook than her you should be able to teach her to at least be as good as yourself.

>> No.9316030

It's a meal you are serving to someone else. Have some self-respect, chef.

>> No.9316058 [DELETED] 

Just put the food on the plate in a clean and decent way befitting a family, im not asking for some art.

>> No.9316211

Dude that looks good stop fucking complaining. The only thing I would change is not so much fucking cheese, and I don't prefer my steak cut up into toddler bites. I like to cut my own steak.

>> No.9316214

It looks fine. Eat it, fag.

>> No.9316220

That picture looks like love to me. Dont be an ass.

>> No.9316226

This looks terrible. Like, obvious effort, but SUPER misguided. Why cut up the steak? It's just going to cool down faster. Frozen veg is acceptable on moving day, I guess, but you should really be saving that crap to bulk up casseroles and stews when you're short on produce -- it's not meal-tier.

And that's a fuckton of shitty prepackaged cheese -- do you normally eat that?

She cooked four different things, and seems to have timed the meal well enough, but christ -- my fourth grader can, and does, cook better than that, regularly.

I'm honestly just completely mindblown that someone would cut up an entire steak, in advance. Who does that? Even if you cook it perfectly, cutting it like that completely ruins it. And this wasn't a great cut to begin with, and it looks like it was just fried in oil straight from the fridge.

>> No.9316244
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Trust me, you're being a faggot. I can without a doubt say I can cook better than every woman I've ever been with, but as long as she cooks about as well as the average person I'm satisfied (even then, who the fuck gets hung up on that? Just accept your role as the cook in the house). This is one of those genuine "it's the thought that counts" moments. The fact that you took pictures of it to post here makes you an even bigger faggot, since the only takeaway you got from a woman who cares for you laboring over your sustenance was that you could be snarky about it on a Turkish tobacco origami BBS.

>> No.9317074

that's what you get for dating trashy thots.

>> No.9317125

>Mysterious alien artefact

I love this website

>> No.9317132

why did she use shredded cheese for a stuffed mushroom? stuffed mushrooms don't even use cheese