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9312094 No.9312094 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone here eaten exotic game? Things like tiger, bear, lion, etc. How did it taste?

>> No.9312111

alligator count? pretty much the same flavor and texture as squid. really just disappointing for the price

>> No.9312119

I remember it tasting/feeling almost exactly like slightly gamey chicken

>> No.9312124
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Not to be cliché, but alligator really does taste just like chicken; it's so unexciting. Same with rattlesnake, a lot of work for such a tiny amount of meat that just tastes like chewy chicken jerky surrounded by tiny bones.

>> No.9312126

What's with the millennial obsession with ass?

>> No.9312132

breasts are great if you're sticking her on her back, but it seems behind is much more popular anymore, ergo the obsession with nice ass.

>> No.9312138
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Closest was eating a sea urchin fresh off the boat while it was still trying to march away from my hand on its spikes (it was at least double the size of the one in pic).

>> No.9312142

Uni is overrated if I do say so.

>> No.9312149

i could understand being sick of those that see it as god of the sea, but it is rather unique, and one hell of a taste when you get it fresh from the water. might just not eat enough sea food tho

>> No.9312162

Overpriced yeah, but not overrated, it's fucking delicious while subtle and not overpowering. Haven't had anything as unique as that, "kinda like caviar" doesn't really describe it. Worst thng is having uni fresh from the boat that one time ruined it forever for me because now it always tastes a little off by the time it gets to my plate in a restaurant or wherever I don't get to scoop it out myself straight from the shell.

>> No.9312166

I think so too. It's just typical seafood garbage that wannabe gourmands cling to because the Japanese shill it so hard.

>> No.9312184

I had honey garlic black bear sausage. It was the first solid food I ate after having my wisdom teeth out. Pretty good.
I had dog when I lived in Beijing. Chewy, but edible. Definitey a distinct meat. Not gamey, but... a distinct flavour to the meat.

>> No.9312222

I had a camel burger, i would highly reccomend ot if you ever have the chance. It was like a cleaner beef patty if that makes any sense to you.

>> No.9312833

rap culture brought by niggers who are obsessed with asses
people parroting what these rappers say and then people parroting the people who parroted the rappers

>> No.9312837

Had kangaroo steak on a few occasions, it didn't taste much different from pork

>> No.9312867

nigger culture pushed by the jews

>> No.9313470

Ate panda, tiger, bear and dolphin

>> No.9313488

I've had lion, wild boar (not that exotic), snake, eel, whale, shark, ostrich, turtle and alligator.

All I remember is that lion is a really tough meat; I presume most cats are.

>> No.9313513

really good; like beef

also tasty, but sweeter and drier than beef

good; distinct flavour, greasy

Other animals: caribou, moose, partridge, quail, alligator, bullfrog, several bugs, rabbit, bison, kangaroo, duck, swordfish, shark, jellyfish, and wild boar

I enjoyed everything, but could do without much of the gamey flavours

>> No.9313540

Beaver tail - super disappointing. It's like pigs feet but more meat.
Moose heart - barely exotic but pretty good. Very dark flavour, great to chuck in a beef stew.
Zebra - horse meat but tough and lean. Wouldn't recommend.
Brown bear - gamey and tough. Decent.
Wild boar - pork, but gamey. Good stuff.
Alligator - boring, plain.

>> No.9313559

>hating on swordfish
It's commonly sold and is one of the best tasting fish, and is in no way "gamey".

>> No.9313591

Most of those aren't gamey, my man - just said that I could do without gamey flavours.

>> No.9314297

I had Iguana we hunted ourselves a few years back in guatemala. Very tender, but fibers were huge. Eggs were good though, small and spherical, like having boiled egg yolk.
Tried ostrich, rabbit, water buffalo all taste like chicken. Boar is great though, like pork but leaner.

>> No.9314781

I tasted spicy aligator jerky once... so i think it's not really relevant.

You mean "what's with this 1000 yo obsession with ass ?" well you're wrong, it's far more ancient than that.

>> No.9314982
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>eating predator animals
literally asking for a curse

>> No.9315130

penguin liver was very salty would recommend.

>> No.9315142

Where the hell do you live that bears are exotic?

I have bear and deer sausage in my freezer at this very moment. Pretty good.

>> No.9315163

>eat shitty prey animal
>absorb part of its soul
>gain its strength which is very little because all it can win in a fight against is grass

>eat an apex predator
>gain part of its soul as well as the souls of all those it has eaten
>gain insurmountable power and become one step closer to lichdom

>> No.9315301

I guess it really depends on where you live, but I wouldn't consider alligator exotic.
You can go to any seafood restaurant in the area, and they have gator on the menu. Some of the better places even do whole gators for special events.

>> No.9315322

i doubt it counts if you dont hunt it personally and without gunpowder

>> No.9316500

fair. living in the middle of a desert, there's not much variety here, so anything outside of the general chicken/beef/half bad fish is a surprise.

>> No.9316680

I've had alligator and thought it tasted like a fishy chicken. Turtle was pretty damn good. Bear was probably the best goddamn meat I've ever had and I've eaten a lot of game over the years.

>> No.9316689
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educate yourself, grandpa

>> No.9316701

I ate whale steaks, a few years back (minke whale, I think). It was really lean, surprisingly, and looked and tasted almost exactly like beef, but with a distinct "fishiness". It's akin to how frog legs have the consistency of chicken, but tastes like chicken marinated in oysters. Whale's the same, but like beef marinated in swordfish... If any of that makes sense.

I've had jellyfish, too, but wouldn't recommend it. It has no flavor and no nutritional value. It tastes like boiled cartilage.

>> No.9316718

used to live in FL and even there I hardly ever saw gator on any restaurant's menu

>> No.9318093

I once ate a penguin.

>> No.9318116


>> No.9318150

Cancuck here

Really gamey, fatty, chewy, ect. Evey bite was thick and felt like 1000 calories. 4/10, would definitely help you survive a post apocalyptic winter.

Easily one of my favourite meats I've ever eaten. It wasn't tough, but it didn't dissolve in your mouth. Perfect meat consistently. Lovely flavour. 10/10 wish I coulf have more. Seriously, you havent lived until you've ate moose.

>> No.9318203



Not really, my dude.

>> No.9318241

Ate whale in Korea. It was pretty good, very beefy with a delicate texture. Would bang again.

>> No.9318302
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>> No.9319402

I bet moose brisket would be good in slow-smoked barbecue application, maybe with white oak for a Texas style.

>> No.9319779

I've had bear stew before. It was fucking amazing. Didn't even taste gamey at all.

>> No.9320046

kangaroo must be exotic to disgusting foreigners, right?
It's better than beef, extremely protein dense and guaranteed to be all natty. Good steak and in pie

>> No.9320053

where can you eat whale steak?

>> No.9320059


>> No.9320064

Best meal Ive had. Swordfish with a Chipotle sauce served on grits.

>> No.9320078

Rattlesnake - rotisserie chicken
Alligator - a fusion of good white fish and white meat chicken.
Elk - beef/pork
Shark - stingray
Stingray - scallops or a more meaty white fish.
Turtle - sweet beef
Horse - had it raw, almost like tune, but a little bit more of a beef note.

>> No.9320304
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Visited my homeland of Gookland.

>Dog market
>Mass dogs in cages
>Tried it
>Nothing that special desu
>Now I can't look at my own doggo at home the same ever again.

>> No.9320314

Have you seen women these days? they have no tits anymore, so many chubby girls with a cups and fat butts. so its only natural people started liking asses more because women always seem to have an ass even if they have no tits

>> No.9320509

empanada /chebureki of alligator's meat

just like eating chicken

>> No.9320514

Tastes exactly like turtle. It's fishy chicken.

>> No.9320529

What's with that bullshit white nationalist garbage all over Taylor Swift? I see these images popping up everywhere.