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File: 10 KB, 276x182, Vegan for Life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9308954 No.9308954 [Reply] [Original]

I was just diagnosed with stage 2 Colon cancer and I'm only fucking 22... fuck me and fuck life.

I've been a fairly strict vegan all my life with my parents and have never eaten anything as disusing as a burger in 5 years, and now I have cancer...


I just learned about what long term veganism does to your body and metabolism...

> Long term vegetarian diet changes human DNA raising risk of cancer and heart disease

> The finding may help explain previous research which found vegetarian populations are nearly 40 per cent more likely to suffer colorectal cancer than meat eaters, a finding that has puzzled doctors because eating red meat is known to raise the risk.


If they knew about this why didn't they warn anybody? Too much profit to be made by agriculture?

Fuck Monsanto

>> No.9308959

>> Long term vegetarian diet changes human DNA raising risk of cancer and heart disease

Here's one of the articles I just discovered...

Long term vegetarianism can lead to genetic mutations which raise the risk of heart disease and cancer, scientists have found.

Populations who have had a primarily vegetarian diet for generations were found to be far more likely to carry DNA which makes them susceptible to inflammation.

Scientists in the US believe that the mutation occured to make it easier for vegetarians to absorb essential fatty acids from plants.

But it has the knock-on effect of boosting the production of arachidonic acid, which is linked to inflammatory disease and cancer. When coupled with a diet high in vegetable oils - such as sunflower oil - the mutated gene quickly turns fatty acids into dangerous arachidonic acid.

The finding may help explain previous research which found vegetarian populations are nearly 40 per cent more likely to suffer colorectal cancer than meat eaters, a finding that has puzzled doctors because eating red meat is known to raise the risk.

>> No.9308962

Start eating McChickens

>> No.9308971


I think I'd literally throw up if you forced me to even eat a small amount of fast food now.

My body is fucked. Eating anything destroys my digestive tract now and feels like I'm being disemboweled every minute of my life...

but hey... the morphine helps

>> No.9308973
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Question everything faggot.

>> No.9308978

Do it anyways, only the fat from a cheeseburger or breaded tortured chicken can save you

>> No.9308983

>Question everything faggot.

Sure... I'll ask God why he thinks its funny to give vegetarians higher rates of cancer than meat eaters... maybe he has a sick sense of humor...

>> No.9308991

No, learn about anything new in your life, you don't go to 1 doc, you go to 3. See?

>> No.9308992

>tortured chicken

lol. You sound just like my mother before my dad divorced her.

>> No.9309001

>If they knew about this why didn't they warn anybody? Too much profit to be made by agriculture?
>Fuck Monsanto

Monsanto has basically run rampant in India spreading their cancerous GMO vegetables int he past 40 years....

India now has one of the highest cancer rates of the digestive tract in the world:


>> No.9309009

I miss you, sweetie. Come back with mom.

>> No.9309068

...really makes me think...

>> No.9309073

>He fell for the vegan meme

>> No.9309083

veganism =/= vegetarianism.

>> No.9309092


>> No.9309104

>>He fell for the vegan meme

My parents fell for it... I didn't have much of a choice.

But the stupid part is that I've never ever dared question the sanctity of Veganism and never even challenged their notions...

always assumed veganism was a healthy way to live, just because everybody said so.

>> No.9309111

A blogpost from 2007. India has very low cancer rates. High number ofc because of the population but low rates. Show me any real source that shows India has high rates of any cancer apart from lung, mouth and esophageal (all due to tobacco)

>> No.9309120

>Monsanto has basically run rampant in India spreading their cancerous GMO vegetables int he past 40 years....

Care to guess how many of these vegetarian diet authors and health experts are paid by Monsanto?

PBS recently did a scary study on how much Monsanto influences "diet & nutrition experts"...

It's worse than Big Pharma bribing doctors to push pills...

>> No.9309134

> "Monsanto, a multinational company and the world's largest producer of genetically modified seeds, pays a group of dietitians to spread its controversial 'Vegetarian Diet' gospel.

It's pretty standard for a company to pay experts to support a corporate cause. But one dietitian who receives funding from Monsanto argues for the company's line while, not publicly disclosing her ties to the company."

>> No.9309149


>> No.9309163

Worst copypasta and worst bait. Saged and reported.

>> No.9309183

>> "Monsanto, a multinational company and the world's largest producer of genetically modified seeds, pays a group of dietitians to spread its controversial 'Vegetarian Diet' gospel.

Lots of Monsanto shills on /ck/... this place is infested with them.

>> No.9309189

Interesting. Both of my parents are vegetarian and both have Cancer. One has stomach cancer from ulcers and the other has colon cancer as well. I had no idea so many cancer victims were vegetarians or vegan until I visited an Oncology ward.

>> No.9309194


>> No.9309199

t. Tyson farms shill

>> No.9309202

Lol haven't you seen What the Health? Eat a fucking vegetable and you're all good

>> No.9309205

>not listening to the words of the 1st Imam, Ali ibni Abi Talib A.S.
>"Let not your body become a graveyard, consume meats only on certain times"

>> No.9309210


>> No.9309213

>Care to guess how many of these vegetarian diet authors and health experts are paid by Monsanto?
>PBS recently did a scary study on how much Monsanto influences "diet & nutrition experts"...
>It's worse than Big Pharma bribing doctors to push pills...

Stop attacking veganism and their religion.

Just live and let live, bro.

>> No.9309240

OP is posting pasta.

Just can't deal with the fact that Vegans are superior to fast food eating obese ass Niggers.

Veganism is the last true bastion of White Superiority over the Niggers.

>> No.9309408


Sorry to hear that OP. My sister is vegetarian and has cancer too. She's in a vegetarian cancer patient support group. Still going strong.

>> No.9309423


>> No.9309437

Their religion is attacking others tho.

>> No.9309473

You get to have cancer and die at a young age, instead of living in this shitty world, following whatever everyone said like an idiot. What are you complaining about?

>> No.9309604

Sounds like he's assblasted for never getting to enjoy delicious meats and it's all been for nothing.

I think I'm going to get some barbecue for dinner now.

>> No.9309612

Could you link to the article on this?

>> No.9309627 [DELETED] 

Calling bullshit on this faggot thread. My dad has stage 3 and he still works 40 hours a week. He doesn't need pain pills, least of all something as extreme as morphine. I think you're a god damn liar man.

>> No.9309658
File: 27 KB, 296x271, 1502658926227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>colon cancer

>> No.9309667

>Their religion is attacking others tho.

Vegans really are just bitter, hateful, resentful people aren't they? No wonder they're so angry & sad all the time.

>> No.9309672

>What are you complaining about?

really? I ate vegetarian my whole life and never dare questioned it's wisdom and this is what I get... stage 2 colon cancer. Ever feel like you've been living a lie? not fun.

>> No.9309681

>My dad has stage 3 and he still works 40 hours a week

lol, nice try, lying fuck.

If your father had Stage 3 of any cancer, he'd be bed ridden and full of tubes.

Both of my parents were at max morphine and unable to use the restroom on their own, by stage 3.

And fuck you vegans for lying in a cancer thread. just shameless

>> No.9309691

>still posting this stale pasta

I see you took my advice from the last thread and tweaked it a bit, but while changing your backstory from vegetarian to vegan is good, you're still using the same shitty study which only references vegetarians. Since you took my advice and removed the link to the actual study, there's no reason to keep verbatim quotes from said study. Just change "vegetarian" to "vegan" in the study quotes as well. No one will bother to check.

>> No.9309699 [DELETED] 

Look man I don't really know what to tell you, maybe your parents just were weak.

>> No.9309721

At least youll die knowing you never hurt any precious animals. Meanwhile I'm here eating my hamburgers.
Tough luck pal.

>> No.9309733

>At least youll die knowing you never hurt any precious animals

wtf is this shit supposed to even mean?

Are you insulting me or making fun of me?

>> No.9309794

Start taking Activated CBD oil/crystal with whatever your doc is giving you. You can order it online and it's legal in most states
And obviously, change up your fucking diet

>> No.9309808

>Start taking Activated CBD oil/crystal with whatever your doc is giving you. You can order it online and it's legal in most states
>And obviously, change up your fucking diet

I'm not taking any "holistic" crap unless the doctor says so. That's what got me here in the first place.

The funny thing is, my Oncologist recommended I start eating some fish and beef as my Iron levels are extremely low and cancer tends to lower it due to the excessive white blood cells...

>> No.9309981

It's hardly "holistic" CBD has been proven to kill cancer cells. Do you own research nigger otherwise enjoy death

>> No.9309986
File: 14 KB, 218x339, 1485421878203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9309996

People who use drugs for recreational reasons should just stick with that reason for why it should be legalized like a mature and responsible adult who can use it without destroying themselves/society. Once you start jumping into the "it cures deadly diseases!" frame of mind you just make people think you're an addict who is overcompensating.

>> No.9309999

That's veganism about, isn't it? Claiming you're a superior human being for never hurting an animal in any way at the cost of your own health

>> No.9310500

>posting all this rectally frustrated shit about how vegans are salty whiners

If you guys would just harden up, catch and kill, instead of relying on frozen tendies, you'd care a lot less about some dipshit being a faggot

>> No.9310514

Falseflag detected. Vegans are too physically weak to type out a post that long.

>> No.9310719

Its because Westboro baptist is right, God hates fags

>> No.9310733

Do you think Montsanto would really give a fuck about 4chan

>> No.9310750

>he lands the dismount of mental gymnastics!