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9307054 No.9307054 [Reply] [Original]

Just threw some baker's yeast and cinnamon in this bad boy, gonna leave the cap loose and rubber-band a plastic bag over the top. What are you homebrewing /ck/?

>> No.9307474

Cold crash that and siphon it and there's a small chance it won't taste like the dredges.

Also it will be super dry because will the sugars will have converted into ethanol. It will taste nothing like the commercial stuff just as a heads up. They use ubfermentwble sugars or backsweeten them.

>> No.9307499

Good. I like mg cider dry.

>> No.9307508

It also won't be carbonated in that state. It will be like applewine

>> No.9307515

I'm not hearing a downside here. I'm getting half a gallon of booze for less than $5.

>> No.9309726


>> No.9309772

>baker's yeast
Well, at least it will top out ABV in like four days depending on what temp you store it at.

>> No.9309777

Why not get some proper brewing yeast? It's still gonna be shit but the yeast won't throw a shitfit as soon as it starts getting a bit alcoholic.

>> No.9309785

You have to go back.

>> No.9309809
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To where? Knowing How To Brew Better Than Youville?

>> No.9310037

Brewer's yeast costs about the same, true, but it's hard to find. I have to order it off the internet, pay an additional $1 in shipping, and wait about a week for it to get in. Or I could pop into the Ingles down the road and get baker's yeast today and not pay for shipping.

>> No.9310067


I don't understand this, why would you ruin cider, even what looks to be cheapo cider, by throwing shit into it? Why not just drink it as is?

>> No.9310077

Because if I add yeast and cinnamon and wait for a while it will cease to be just apple juice and will become alcoholic cider infused with cinnamon.

>> No.9310082


What? Cider is alcoholic anyway, so why run it?

>> No.9310085


>I could do it right or do it right now

Uh, ok. You do you man. Also are you seriously complaining about an extra dollar?

>> No.9310103

In Burgeristan "cider" refers to unfiltered apple juice whether it has alcohol or not. The alcoholic version is usually indicated under the name "hard cider". What I have there is completely without alcohol.

Time is money, and a week of my time is a lot of money relative to me. I think of it as an experiment; how drinkable and intoxicating can I make this stuff using bottom-of-the-barrel ingredients?

>> No.9310105
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Sounds kinda gross op. Add the cinnamon or etc after the ferment always.

Here's my fresh pressed plum and black cherry wine going. Also bought 50 lbs of nectarines dirt cheap to make some nectarine wine.

>> No.9310115

Does all it take to brew alcohol is to put yeast in a sugary drink?
Yes, I am retarded.

>> No.9310153

I'll do that next time. I assumed that adding the cinnamon during the ferment would assure it gets really infused with the beverage. Looking pretty good on your end. Nectarine wine sounds interesting, I'd guess it tastes something like a less intense and more sweet peach schnapps?

Short answer: yes. Long answer: yes, but I'm not doing it the optimal way and in fact I'm barely making reasonable cleanliness and safety standards. Yeast eats sugar, digests it, burps out C02 and pisses out alcohol. This is what makes bread rise and beer fizz. Yeast also needs other nutrients, but the apple juice should provide a good bit of that too.

>> No.9310223
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Good to hear op! Most flavorings are best added after at least the first rack desu, but everyone finds out on their own i think. It's best to be able to see what the finished taste will be instead of relying on pre-ferment guesswork. Also the yeast fuck with anything they can steal nutrients from..

Here's my cut nectarines hangin in my fridge until i juice em. They're really nice and strong flavored so i'm pretty excited to see how it comes out! And then my next brew is probably blackberry since there's so many ripe right now in my area.

Keep tryin op! You'll make something great eventually. Hopefully this one turns out ok. A pinch of acid blend usually helps anything i make that comes out funky tasting..

>> No.9310383

>bakers yeast

That's really ghetto prison tier shit dude, but whatever floats you. I've got this 9 gallons of blueberry wine in secondary that I'll transfer again until my Lavlin EC1118 eats all the sugar (SG 1.095) and I get a dry Merlot style flavor.

>> No.9310389
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*forgot pic. Too much blueberry wine.

>> No.9310476

I used to do this shit in middle/high school. Do a couple rounds of freezing then letting it half thaw and tossing whats still frozen.

But anyway its still gonna taste like shit but at least this way youll be able to drink enough to get a buzz. Just buy your alcohol its fucking cheap, and if you wanna take up homebrewing as a hobby maybe do it not how a dumbass 14 year old did it

>> No.9310505

I'd call it ghetto-tier, but it's still not as bad as prison wine. They ferment that shit with half-rotten moldy fruit, and it can contain such wonderful ingredients as:

>orange juice
>crumbled up bread
>canned fuit cocktail

Known to be absolutely wretched-tasting and hazardous to your health, but potent enough that the stronger stuff can knock a grown inmate on his ass.

>> No.9310517

I just dump sugar and yeast in water then sweeten it when I drink it.

>> No.9310524

I dont believe for a second that prison wine could ever be higher than 8% ABV.

>> No.9310538

My theory is the reported potency is because of the prisoner's having been cut off from alcohol for a while lowering their tolerance a little, and the all-out assault on their immune system that accompanies the booze.

>> No.9310543

Wait. That's it?

Fuck yeah I'm making shitty booze

>> No.9310553

Honestly don't do what he says. The better wine is
>1 gallon water
>4 cups sugar
>1 tsp teaspoon
>2-3 weeks
When it's done, it'll smell very yeasty and taste pretty bad, but the taste is extremely mellow, so just add a splash of juice. It tastes much better this way than starting with juice.

>> No.9310560

Where do I get one teaspoon of melted teaspoon?

>> No.9310561

>1 tsp teaspoon

>> No.9310564

Whoops, looks like it's working. 1 teaspoon yeast my friends.

>> No.9310575

Wouldn't that just be like really weak vodka?

>> No.9310581


>> No.9310591

Not really. It just is what it is. If you drink it plain, it's gonna just taste yeasty, which you certainly don't get with vodka.

>> No.9311440

cold crash = refrigerate (to stop or slow down the yeast)
siphon = ancient technique for moving liquid from one container to another
dredges = leftover junk from the juice that settles to the bottom. things like fruit pulp, yeast and yeast byproducts, unfermented sugar
dry = neither sweet, bitter or sour (cheap beer has this flavour)
ethanol = alcohol
ubfermentwble sugars = unfermentable sugars = sugars that will not be consumed by yeast
backsweeten = add sugar after fermentation is finished

>> No.9311509

What >>9310591 said. Vodka is made from a grain or potato mash that's fermented and then distilled. Alcohol can only naturally reach concentrations of around 15% ABV. To reach that higher concentration of 35-40% ABV you see in vodka, the alcohol is distilled and in vodka's case filtered as much as possible. Distilation is as simple as boiling the alcohol into a vapor and recondensing it down with less water than it started with. Less overall volume, but much stronger booze. Vodka, when well made, should only taste of alcohol and water with very little trace of its grain/potato origin.

>> No.9311527

On Monday I kegged 10 gallons of pale ale and yesterday I brewed a batch of bitter and a lager.

I don't do lagers very often but I'm going away for a couple of weeks soon so I thought it'd be a good time to put one down. I'll keg it up and try to keep it cold conditioning until summer. (Southern hemisphere here so summer is about 3 months away)

>> No.9311818

so what if I wanna make something with flavour? how much of that thing thats gonna give my booze some taste should I add?