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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9306052 No.9306052 [Reply] [Original]

I know foie gras is pretty tame as far as "controversial" foods go, but I had it for the first time (with figs and shallots) and it blew my fucking mind

Do you enjoy any morally questionable foods, anon?

>> No.9306058

inb4 uma delicia

>> No.9306121

Steak...well done.

>> No.9306211

technically any meat you didn't catch or raise yourself is "morally' questionable.
Also if you care they have cruelty free foix gras nowadays. Geese are dumb greedy shits that overeat without being forced, the tube just speeds up the process.

>> No.9306212

I'm okay w/ eating meat, but killing baby animals is pretty wrong. If you're a butcher you will probably be born as one of these animals in your next life.

>> No.9306302

why is killing an animal that happens to be young wrong? apart from the fact that it's more cute

>> No.9306338

Rate my shitty tattoo, newfags

>> No.9306344
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I'm drunk and forgot picture

>> No.9306357

Veal. Foie gras. "Novelty" meats such as lion or Kangaroo (outside Australia.)

>> No.9306386

>Geese are dumb greedy shits that overeat without being forced
They are used to do stockage for winter. Not controversial in France

I eat rabbit often and when I told that to my foreign friends, they were kinda startled
So, rabbit : controversial or not ?

>> No.9306392

>rate my shitty tattoo
Wellp, you said it

>> No.9306408
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>> No.9306417

lmao what teh fuck is that

>> No.9306423

Ikizukuri or yin-yang fish. Both get people pretty upset.

>> No.9306424

Sorry sweetheart but there's no reincarnation, after you die you just rot in the ground

>> No.9306425
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>> No.9306436

People think bunnies are rabbits. Bunnies are to rabbita as dogs are to wolves. Rabbits and hares are only controvercial to children and pussies.

>> No.9306440

It looks like shit, and the person who did it wasn't skillful enough to keep things straight.

>> No.9306442
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I love lamb meat, especially in samosas.

>> No.9306445

>It looks like shit
that's why i called it shitty.

>> No.9306446


>The birds are caught with nets set during their autumn migratory flight to Africa. They are then kept in covered cages or boxes. This "artificial night" causes the birds to gorge themselves on grain (usually millet seed) until they double their bulk. "Roman Emperors stabbed out ortolans’ eyes in order to make the birds think it was night, making them eat even more". The birds are then thrown into a container of Armagnac which both drowns and marinates the birds.[7]

The bird is roasted for eight minutes and then plucked. The consumer then places the bird feet first into their mouth while holding onto the bird's head. The ortolan is then eaten whole, or without the head and the consumer spits out the larger bones.

I can think of eating seafood when they are still alive in Asia as a controversial thing. Also cutting the beating hearts right out of a snake or frog and swallowing that down too.

>> No.9306451

its like if you could make gamey meat into butter

i had it once cooked and it melted in my mouth. so good

>> No.9306455
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Foie isn't morally questionable to anyone who actually gives a shit about food

The kind of idiots who complain about it are the same retards who scream bloody murder when a horse, dog, or rabbit gets eaten. They saw a picture of a goose being fed and it was the first time they ever thought about where their food comes from

Meanwhile at home they blissfully inhale another heap of bleach-soake, antibiotic-injected CAFO garbage meat from tortured animals, while hurling vitriol at anyone who eats an animal that isn't served at McDonalds

Flat, flyover carnists are best ignored because they don't care about nice things

>> No.9306459

Baby animals are killed because in the dairy and egg businesses the male ones are unnecessary. So what's worse? Killing them as soon as they're sexed, like with male chicks and having them just become garbage? Or letting them grow to the point where they at least have some meat on them, then killing and eating them?

>> No.9306466

Rabbit, squirrels, and other rodents are only controversial to city dwellers. Anyone who has ever lived in the sticks it goes hunting is perfectly content with rabbit.

>> No.9306481
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>flyover carnists

>> No.9306490

Foie gras is the only "elite" or "scandalous" food I've had that was actually great and has no substitute.
Ortolan is just quail with dinner theater.
Balut and natto are entirely gross.
Caviar I do like, but not enough for what it costs.
Sharkfin is the least interesting ingredient in sharkfin soup, though the soup itself is really savory and tangy.

>> No.9306497

I think he got his trolling characters mixed up

>> No.9306506

It's not morally wrong to eat animals, but I would prefer that they are not force fed and had a reasonable degree of freedom before they are slaughtered.

>> No.9306512
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>a bill introduced by LA people is not flyover
What did they mean by this?

>> No.9306520

There is a man named Eduardo Sousa who can help you with that. But the "force feeding" of geese for ordinary foie is pretty mild stuff compared to anything that goes on in a factory farm

>> No.9306556

>evershrinking definition of what constitutes flyover

>> No.9306561
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>> No.9306568
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>flyover carnists
>the first time they ever thought about where their food comes from

>> No.9306577
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This really bothers me. My grandmom bitches and moans when I bring home anything that isn't factory farmed chicken or pork. She says it's wrong to eat rabbit or duck or lamb or venison because "I like them they're cute"
Pisses me off a little more than it should.

>> No.9306580

Plenty of fucked up Chinese food.

We've got people pouring boiling water on live donkeys and then cut off their meat, baking a live goat in the oven with a bowl of seasoning water so when the goat gets thirsty it would drink the seasoning, live drunk shrimp, opening monkey's skull and scoop out their brain(Uma delicia and whatnot).
Some of these thing are pretty fucked up.

>> No.9306585

>that guy who can't wrap his narrow, flyover mind around the idea of eating food that didn't come from a frozen Tyson box
Almost everything I eat comes from a 150 mile radius around where I live. The exceptions are the coffee and the alcohol mostly. For instance today I broke the 150 mile rule in the morning with some Kenyan coffee, and this evening I will be drinking wine from the Piedmont.

No one who actually gives a shit about food would eat the glyphosate soaked GMO garbage overproduced in flyover land. It tastes awful, and is morally reprehensible.

>> No.9306593

I think you are insane

>> No.9306597

I wonder what that map I posted was. The world may never know.

>> No.9306622

>when flyovers get confused and just pick a coast at random to lash out at
California doesn't really have much if any impact on my eating. Their wine is quite awful, for instance. If I'm drinking domestic I'm drinking finger lakes wine, for the most part

>> No.9306648

Lmao, you start this whole thing by saying flyovers can't into foie gras because it offends their sensibilities because they can't handle seeing "where their food comes from" I show you the only places that banned it are suburban areas that in any other instance you wouldn't consider flyover, and further that those "flyover" areas are where all of the hunters in the country live, aka where people who stare their living food in the face before killing it live. And yet you still think you're right. At this point flyover-posters are as delusional as /pol/

>> No.9306654

>that in any other instance you wouldn't consider flyover
What are you even talking about at this point? Are you confusing me with someone else?

>> No.9306663


>> No.9306673

Linking a post doesn't clear anything up. You suggested I might not otherwise consider LA flyover land. Under what circumstances would that be? What have I said to make you think that's likely?

>> No.9306700

>GMO garbage
oh, you're one of those

>> No.9306707

In literally any other thread where you aren't moving the goal-posts to protect your fragile worldview.
People protesting in the streets over foie gras in NYC, clearly they're informed intellectuals who understand where their food comes from eh?

>> No.9306726

PETA has about 6 people living in every city around the globe, including Paris, Strasbourg, and so on
Get back to me when they succeed in banning it here in NYC

>> No.9306744

Pol isn't delusional.
Think for yourself.

>> No.9306745

uma delicia....

>> No.9306762

Oh but no, that was not your initial claim, your tiny paranoid mind jumps to "le flyobers" when you're trying to be pissed off about something despite the fact that in this instance it's completely not applicable. You claim with no evidence at all that the evil flyovers are the only people who would ever have a problem with foie gras, then I show you that it's in fact city liberals who have problems with it, then you collapse on yourself moving goal-posts and conclude with the mantra of NYC: "get back to me when they succeed in banning it" Lmao, I will princess, I'll get back to you in 2 years when it's gone the way of the rest of your rights.

I have my own views regarding why the world is the way it is, I don't need /pol/ or any other echo chamber to confirm it for me daily.

>> No.9306778

When you try to infer what I mean based on a point of view you can't understand, you're bound to get a lot wrong but I'm truly impressed by your success at transcending right and wrong and graduating to "not even wrong"

I'm going to drink some wine, have dinner, and watch netflix shows with subtitles because I'm more cultured than you. Maybe later when I'm drunk I'll argue with you more, for now have fun with your "economic anxiety" or whatever

>> No.9306780

Hello Pajeet

>> No.9306813

>yet another post with absolutely no substance
>I'm going to drink some wine, have dinner, and watch netflix shows with subtitles because I'm more cultured than you.
That's a neat way to say you give up, I'll have to use that one some time.

>> No.9306827

He still may be right, though.

>> No.9306873

Orleran(sp?) Where they gouge out the eyes of a songbird that instinctively eats in the night for its migration to fatten itself up. It eats till it cannot stand peoperly, then it is drown in a alcohol. I may be wrong but i think it is eaten whole. The process is cruel enough that arcaicly your supposed to wear a cowl to hide your shame.

>> No.9307094

>i like to chug quarts of Roundup because it's the same exact thing as salt.

Good goy. Ask yourself why Monsanto failed to disclose their knowledge of carcinogenic dangers, why they paid 750 million as a settlement to farmers who's seed supply they corrupted, why they paid millions to a whore congress to not require labeling products as GMO, why they wrote the USDA organic certification rules to include the use of their broad spectrum insecticide to keep their hand in the pie by running a scorched earth conventional monoculture. Yeah, who doesn't luv Monsanto, cuck.

>> No.9307105

this, actually