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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9304262 No.9304262 [Reply] [Original]

why the fuck fatsos dont fucking eat this?

look at this motherfuckin package.its full of fuckingbroccoli.ittastes fucking amazins.its great for your health.its easy as fuck to prepare.its FILLING as fuck and a pack like this is no more than 150 calories.
you can literally stuff your face with it and still lose weight if you are on a diet.a pack of 400 grams with half of chicken breast is more than enough for a meal and it fills me for half a day...you can literally switch all the bread you consime for broccoli and youll already be making progress, come on fatties

>> No.9304282

You alright m8?

>> No.9304283

It's expensive

>> No.9304284
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But they do eat it, anon...

>> No.9304286

Stop living im a third world country like the USA?
Its like less than 2 euros for a kilo

>> No.9304296

>gee, i decided ill eat healthy and lose some weight, what a better way to do it than eating a super vegetable like broccoli?
>let me just add shitloads of fatty cheese, cream, eggs, oils, etc and probably eat it with bread too
>w-what, im not losing weight, why???

I fucking hate retards like this

>> No.9304302

U posted this on /fit/ before
Fuck off it tastes like shit

>> No.9304307

You do know no one considers broccoli cheese casserole a diet good, right?

>> No.9304316

how the fuck do I prepare broccoli

>> No.9304329


>> No.9304336

I had an ex who would eat scrambled eggs every day made of 10+ eggs, in one sitting because it was healfy!
>Didn't change their fatty fuck diet in any other way
>Broke two chairs and genuinely wondered how that could possibly happen

>> No.9304337

Considering OP is admittedly European and posted a French food brand, im going to assume hes a Somalian "immigrant" who has discovered non-rotten food for the first time in his life, and is unable to understand why people dont fixate on eating broccoli like he fixates on people not eating broccoli

>> No.9304341
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>It tastes amazing
No it doesn't.

>> No.9304360

Wanna bet that fatties do?

>> No.9304362


>> No.9304391

My best friend is an obese fuck, like this.He decided hell start eating healthy and lose weight a while ago.
I visited him once while he was making a dinner and got amazed.He was making a salad and chicken breasts.He made a giant salad bowl with tomatoes, cucumbers, roasted peppers and onions.All good so far, but then he put like half a kilo white cheese in it and literally poured 1/4 bottle of olive oil.After he finished all the salad, he proceeded dipping white bread in the leftover olive oil and vegetable juices and ate like 4 slices.Oh, and the chicken breasts were fried....
That ""healthy"" meal was at least 1500 calories in just 1 sitting.I love the guy, but hes fucking retarded.

Most of the fatties cant count calories for shit and thats their biggest problem.People dont realize how much useless calories are in that extra olive oil dressing, in that glass of coke, in that fried instead of baked meat, etc.
If you cut just retarded things like that and continue eating food you love, youll already be making progress

>> No.9304399

>tfw you can't come up with your own comebacks and have to steal them from Americans

>> No.9304612

>having this much of a shit taste

>> No.9304638

>That ""healthy"" meal was at least 1500 calories in just 1 sitting.I love the guy, but hes fucking retarded.
Yo'rea cunt.

>> No.9304690

>Liking shitty vegetables

>> No.9304691


>> No.9304698

haha yuros can't afford fresh vegoos

>> No.9304700


>> No.9304726

Buy the frozen steamer bags and just microwave it. inb4 le Americans

>> No.9304790


>> No.9305085

Was this funny in your head?

>> No.9305098

This is typical fat behavior.
Sometimes the key to lose weight is just to eat whole food; raw vegetables, etc. I like to stuff my face with lettuce or broccoli instead of making a fucking salad.

>> No.9306832

Broccoli a shit

>> No.9306959

I did not know this, and I could stand to lose a pound. Thanks anon will try

>> No.9307682

It tastes disgusting, it triggers my gag reflex anytime it gets anywhere near my tongue, same with cauliflower and brussel sprouts. Spinach is way better.

>> No.9307767
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enjoy your elevated purines , gout in your foot and kidney stones

>> No.9308404

>i didnt know what broccoli is

>> No.9308428

frozen veggies are trash, if they are not fresh its not worth to eat them.

>> No.9308438

>its FILLING as fuck
for about 20 minutes

>> No.9308446

Broccoli and brussel sprouts protip: bake in olive oil with garlic.

>> No.9308456

and I'm not just saying this because I'm fat either, even though I am. do you know how deliriously happy I would be if vegetables actually kept me full? I would be so happy, I would throw a motherfucking vegetable party. but they don't. not in any quantity. I can handle the taste of them just fine. what I can't stand about them is the time I spent cooking them and making more dirty dishes, only to have my stomach growling again within the hour.

I know nobody will sell diet books by telling the truth, but the truth is not everybody has some secret magic bullet food that keeps them full and doesn't have a bunch of calories. I finally accepted that I'm just going to have to spend more of my day feeling hungry than I want to if I want to lose the weight.

>> No.9308471

Thats wrong tho, you complete sperg

>> No.9308485

Its true faggot. Only a few veggies are good forzen like peas corn or baked peppers.

>> No.9308682

This is the inescapable truth that fatties need to get through their skulls. Hunger is the price of weight loss, and there's no way around it. But on the positive side, once you've realized that just sitting there and being hungry really is not such a bad thing, you'll realize that losing weight is really not that hard.

>> No.9308722

>triggers my gag reflex
No. You just don't like it

>> No.9308738

read up on it; a small percent of people have a specific gene that makes them perceive tastes a little different than others - in particular, broccoli gets unbearably, disgustingly bitter.

Yeah, there are some primadonnas who don't like it because they are primadonnas. But there are people for whom it literally tastes like some kind of detergent. Until the genetic difference was discovered, they'd baffle at how can anyone tolerate this, and would be literally tortured as kids - imagine you're given soap flakes in your dish and get punished if you don't eat them. That's what these kids experience from parents who insist they should eat broccoli.

>> No.9308745

BTW, frozen broccoli are *meh*. Acceptable as a filler, in a pinch, but far from my first choice.
Steam-boiled fresh broccoli are fine. Although I prefer cauliflower, tends to be more tender.

>> No.9308828

They are not as good as fresh of course, but saying its not worth eating them is retarded

>> No.9308832

You need to check with an endocrinologist, its possible that you have some metabolism problems, its not normal to get hungry so fast.
And im a fat fuck currently on a diet and losing weight fast, half a kilo of broccoli keeps me full for half a day

>> No.9308836

If I have a choice between a mix that has carrots, green peas, potatoes, beans, mushrooms, corn, dill, etc, and some good herbs&spices, or a bag of plain broccoli for about the same price, then why the fuck would I choose broccoli?

>> No.9309343

Because some places sell only frozen shit?Because some people just buy it and put it om the freezer to eventually eat it later?There are lots of reasons to buy frozen, but of course that fresh raw veggies are always the better option

>> No.9309431
File: 45 KB, 320x300, Daucy_warzywa_patelnia_Farmer_xxx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, I meant frozen veggie mix. There are a bunch of different mixes here, they all cost roughly the same, some contain broccoli and cauliflower, some don't. You can just dump such a frozen mix in a pan and it's ready to eat in five minutes or so (frozen, it's enough time to both defreeze and sear; it's steam-boiled before freezing), or you can defrost and use it with some dish, either as a side, or as part of stuffing etc. And they are quite tasty too, and reasonably filling.

>> No.9309561

Because you might want to specifically add broccoli to your recipe, instead of building your dish around some standard combination.

>> No.9310075

Only niggers hate broccoli

>> No.9310357

Fat fuck

>> No.9311206

Woah, rude?

>> No.9311221

Broccoli is probably my favourite veg right now.
>1. Broccoli.
>2. Onion (all variations, spring onion is so fucking tasty, but red onion is king).
>3. Sprouts.
>4. Cauliflower.
>5. Butternut squash/sweet potato are tied.

People that don't like vegetables are fucking WEIRD.

>> No.9311226

Broccoli tastes better.

>> No.9312693

I'm fat and I eat loads of broccoli

>> No.9312698

Frozen brocolli is cheap as fuck in Australia, around $2 er kg on special. At the right time of the year yu can buy a whole head of it fresh for 49c

Stop using poor arse excises you fat amerinonpassports

>> No.9313078

Maybe dont eat 3 kilos of bacon, butter and soda with it tho?

>> No.9313663

When I was a kid I literally couldn't keep myself from gagging with certain foods. It's totally plausible that disliking something enough triggers your gag reflex automatically. It was mostly a mental thing I think, but I definitely couldn't help it. I like damn near everything now though.

>> No.9313686

Okay OP, you convinced me. Broccoli for every meal from now on.

>> No.9313768


Tastes revolting.

>> No.9313846

That is so hot. Pics of her?

>> No.9313923

Shit is amazing when covered in cheese-whiz or easy-cheese

>> No.9314037


>> No.9314047

I've never bought frozen vegetables before. Can't you just buy broccoli and freeze it? Is there some sort of benefit to these otherwise?

>> No.9314059

Do what I do and sit there with your raw crown of broccoli and eat it raw, floret by floret, while you browse/shitpost

>> No.9314101


>> No.9314161

Steam it.

>> No.9314452

Last longer and people are lazy, frozen packs are easier to prepare