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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9302566 No.9302566 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9302570 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9302583
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>> No.9302585
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>> No.9302598
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>> No.9302603


>> No.9302643
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>> No.9302645

What cheese is this?

>> No.9302666
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>> No.9302667


>> No.9302679
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>> No.9302687
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>> No.9302689
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>> No.9302696

retarded american here

where do i buy real cheese like with wax on the outside

AKA not a rectangle with plastic wrap on it

>> No.9302702

Walmart has Baby Bel

>> No.9302708

Go to a dairy. Visit a farmer's market. Cheese shops aren't too popular unless you're in a city but there's that too.

>> No.9302709

Depends on what grocery chains you've got, I've bought waxed hoop cheese at publix and bi-lo before

>> No.9302716

I eat a lot of blue cheese and brie. What else can I buy that I will actually eat over the course of a week or two? Either for desert or a snack

>> No.9302721
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>> No.9302723

Cheese isn't a dessert, burger.

>> No.9302764
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>> No.9302814
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>> No.9302836
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>> No.9302864

What does it taste like?

>> No.9302873

Aldi has some usually, but I've never tried them there. Meijer has a fair selection for being a chain, but I dunno where they exist.

>> No.9302883

Nobody is going to eat a chunk of cheddar cheese for dessert but sweetened cheese desserts are pretty common. Cheesecake, cheese pastries, some people even like to put a little bit of cheddar on a slice of apple pie.

>> No.9302892
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>> No.9302931

What is this? Looks like brie baked into potatoes, is it basically just a gratin?

>> No.9302938

>he doesn't have a local cheese specialist/store
I pity you poor americans.

>> No.9302947

Amerifat moving to France in December. What cheese should I try first?

>> No.9303217

lewd as fuk

>> No.9303221

Mimolette vielle

>> No.9303257

It's a bit runny, sir.

>> No.9303270

Sorry, old chap. We'll put it in the ice box for a tick.

>> No.9303497


>> No.9303647

Not him but it's a bit like a gratin, yes. It's a french dish with potatoes, garlic, cream, onions, and lardons with Reblochon on top melting over the rest in the oven.

>> No.9303699

Depends. Do you usually prefer strong (roquefort, boulette d'avesnes, maroilles, epoisse) or more gentle cheese (brie, emmental, saint felicien, saint nectaire) ? And hard (comté) or soft "dough" (camembert) ?

Of course if you can buy your cheese to a specialized shop, it will be better than in a supermarket. Even a simple camembert can be top tier if it's a good one. Unfortunately, it's also quite a bit expensive. If you're a bit short on cash, supermarket still have a lot of variety and decent cheeses for a good price most of the time.

>> No.9303788

>what is this
>"tartiflette" written on the bottom of the image in big fucking letters

gee boss, I dunno what this could possibly be

>> No.9303789

it is the best thing in the world and you should eat it at the first possible opportunity

tartiflette is so good

>> No.9303791

>tfw from France in a two month trip in Japan

why are you doing this to me /ck/, I'm so deeply in pain right now

>> No.9303854


>> No.9303919
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I am reasonably sure, the guy wanted to start a discussion about this picture, by making the poster give additional information about it. Not just asking what it is.

No reason to get your panties in a twist over that.

If you just want to look at a picture and then at a wiki page, google picture search might be more in your alley.

On topic, Old Amsterdam is one of my favourite treat cheeses. I usually only buy it when a chunk of it is on sale. But the crumbly texture and dryness is really good.

>> No.9303960

Whole foods has a fantastic cheese selection. I wouldn't step foot in there if it wasn't great, so it's really good.

They have raw cheeses, impored cheese, and it changes often. I hate how pretentious the store is, but good cheese is good cheese.

>> No.9303995

Triggered burger here, desert isnt set to a standard, only describing a treat after dinner

>> No.9303997


>> No.9304061

"Real" cheese tastes like shit, stop listening to eurofags. I tried that shit in France and it was awful. It smelt like moldy shit.

>> No.9304134

That one is overdone. Probably tastes like ammonia.

>> No.9304136

I enjoy this a lot as well. I eat a lot of farmer's market cheese. Got this goat that's sort of like parmesan and crumbly. Also got their version of camembert which seems pretty reliable.

>> No.9304142
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Old amsterdam is probably one of the better mass produced cheeses out there. but in that category the Beemster 48+ extra belegen still holds the crown.

>> No.9304227
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Yes, Beemster is also one of the brands I like to buy in chunks when on sale.

In the area of soft cheeses, I want to commend Cambozola. A german-made cheese, that is a fusion of Camembert and Gorgonzola. A very mild blue-cheese. Great with fresh bread. Superbly creamy.

>> No.9304233

Recently got my hands on 1,7 kg of Parmesan cheese for 21 euro when traveling through Italy. Its crazy how much you get overcharged when you buy it outside of the country

>> No.9304238

looks good, recently moved from the Netherlands to Austria and was very disappointed to see what gets passes as Gouda in these parts. so I've been on the look out for some good germanic cheeses.

>> No.9305564 [DELETED] 

How can I up my cheese game? I use a lot of the American basics like cheddar, mozz, parmesan, chihuahua. I'm not in love with any of those except parmesan.

I tried brie last week and it was bland to me. What is my next step in the cheese hierarchy?

>> No.9305592

Go to a proper cheese monger on a market. The supermarkets don't have shit.

>> No.9305603


you're an ultra pleb

>> No.9305616

You don't need the "next step", you need to go back to the first step.

Simply staying "cheddar" or "brie" doesn't mean shit. For each of those names there is a massive range of products with different flavors and textures.

For example, cheddar: A block of generic "cheddar" made by a multinational conglomorate and sold at Wal-mart is going to taste totally different to, say, a highly aged cheddar from Dorset.

And likewise with Brie: You've got the real deal stuff that isn't legal to import into the US because it's unpasteurized. You've got the mid-range stuff that's made in France but is pasteurized for import. And then you've got various domestically made copies ranging from awesome to horrible.

So when you go try a new cheese don't just try "cheddar". Pay attention to the specific type you bought. How does it compare to other cheddars from different regions, different ages, etc. Some are mild and creamy. Others are crumbly and sharp. Just because you tried one and loved it (or hated it) doesn't mean you would have the same reaction to all cheddars.

>> No.9305624

fight me

>> No.9305637
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if you're gonna post a picture, say what fucking kind it is, i'm not a cheesemonger


>> No.9305679

Been making my own cheeses for a while now. Started with mozzarella which is easy and really much better then what you get at a supermarket.

>> No.9305695
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No one has as many friends as the man with many cheeses!

>> No.9305934
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>> No.9306219
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>> No.9306249

Just turned on my monitor and this looked like a white girl in a black bikini bending over and the panties splitting open flaunting her asshole.

What the fuck is wrong with me.

>> No.9306288

Great stuff, especially for folks that don't like really strong cheese. Highly recommend.

>> No.9306293


>> No.9306416
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god tier

>> No.9306456

How do I get into cheese?

>> No.9307198
File: 1.99 MB, 2250x2958, the-charted-cheese-wheel_51ae17314abed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get adventurous

>> No.9307231

does anybody else seek out the cheese section first when at a new store?

>> No.9307246
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>The secret missing buffalo cheese

>> No.9307265

How do I eat cheese like a rich person with fruits and fruit spreads?

>> No.9307281
File: 111 KB, 600x342, he hates it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Watch too many French cartoons
>Try the hot meme of camembert
>It's just a shit version of brie

>> No.9307297

I wish that were true anon. I'm going through a rough time.

Kind of makes me want to eat some cheese.

>> No.9307338

go to a microcheesery, obviously

>> No.9308288

Which 'bert did you get?

>> No.9308290

>How do I eat cheese like a rich person? with fruits and fruit spreads.

>> No.9308442

>no Edam
>no Mimolette
>no Epoisses (this in itself is a mortal sin)
>no Halloumi

I get that a full list would be impractically large for a poster, but what's the logic in including so many obscure artisanal varieties while ignoring classics and even entire styles? How can a list be this hip, and yet so sloppy?

>> No.9308670

What the fuck is wrong with you?
It's clearly a boob window in a black evening dress.

>> No.9308673

Very true

>> No.9308688


Don't be mean

>> No.9308813
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>> No.9308859
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The best

>> No.9308915
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>> No.9308938


>> No.9309169


>> No.9309180



It's Leberkassemmel faggot

>> No.9309497
File: 850 KB, 1600x1600, 7359760_digital-image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ja ja ja Ofenkäse ja ja yeah

Schick Frau Popp in den Shop

>> No.9309527

it's the biggest one i could find, i'm still learning to into cheese

>> No.9309556
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>> No.9309611

I like it runny

>> No.9309634
File: 21 KB, 250x210, le-rustique-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kauf einfach mal Le Rustique und mach das mit dem. Tu ein bissi Olivenöl drauf und Rosmarin, und bäm

>> No.9309641

raw milk cheese is strctly illegal in the USA so most of you see in here we cannot have just if any other amerifats are curious

>> No.9309677
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>no brunost

>> No.9309713


>> No.9309715

That spot is for donkey cheese, highly illegal

>> No.9309718

>How can a list be this hip, and yet so sloppy?
You gotta draw the line somewhere or you end up with a poster that size FOR JUST ONE CHEESE VARIETY.

We don't need that level of sperging.

>> No.9309758


>> No.9309769
File: 12 KB, 200x261, 47460c504d1deb44508ce7b32013f2dc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think Europeans just think their junk food is supposed to be good, but really they all hate it and buy it just to say "do Americans really eat this?", possibly posting about it on the internet?

>> No.9309935

Is that wine leavings around the cheese?

>> No.9309941

I got wet at reblochon

>> No.9310354
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Cheese fucks me, so I get to enjoy sawdust. At least my grocery bills are cheaper.

Then again, I'm a burger so all we have is synthetic hormonal pcb laden garbage anyways. I want to try real cheese in yurop some day.

>> No.9310409

It appears to be goat cheese smothered in blueberries

>> No.9310451
File: 161 KB, 1200x800, manoura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

local cheese from the small island i live in greece.

Basically a hard feta that is left in the bottom of a barrel with wine leavings for half a year. Comes out super tangy and tastes like a strong red wine that has been diluted with a light feta.

>> No.9310670

I know you are american.

>> No.9310690


>> No.9310722

do you really live in sifnos? my grandfather was born there and I've never met any greek that was from there
I know it's not /ck/ related but what's it like?