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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9301159 No.9301159 [Reply] [Original]


I come seeking recommendations. I have never had coffee. I just never got into it. As a kid, it bothered me how a lot of adults seemed dependent on it in order to function during the day, so years went by and I just never tried it.

However, I am interested in losing my coffee virginity. But I don't want my first coffee to be just any coffee. I don't want it to be shit-tier coffee from Burger King or something. But I don't want it to be fancy, strained-through-monkey-shit, spend-your-life-savings-on-a-cup stuff either. I just want it to be a good example of good coffee. I want it to be like the stuff that Dale Cooper drinks at the R&R.

And one more rule: It must be good black. I refuse to add sugar or cream to it in order to make it good. I want to taste coffee as what it is.

So what do you recommend? Where should I go?

>> No.9301184 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9301186

Get an Aero-Press. About $20USD and makes a fantastic, smooth americano. Way better and less bitter than drip coffee

>> No.9301201

Damnit man he said no cream (cum applies).

>> No.9301235

Coffee is an acquired taste. Losing your "coffee virginity" is almost certainly going to be unpleasant, especially with your autismo no cream or sugar policy despite never even having tasted the stuff with either.

My honest advice, even though you might not like it, is to start with normie coffee like bottled Starbuck's frappucinos, decide if you like coffee at the base of what it is and then branch out from there. I'm a dark roast drinker myself, I'd recommend you try it out once you start broadening your coffee horizons.

>> No.9301238

You are probably not gonna like it the first time. I'd suggest having something like a latte or cappuccino first and then slowly moving to black coffee. However if you want it to be black your fist time you can go for an Aeropress or a Chemex coffe in a local brew bar, even a French Press would do. I wouldn't suggest buying anything first unless you are sure what's the method you like the most

>> No.9301253

Coffee tastes like ass until your brain convinces itself that it likes caffeine enough to tolerate the flavor. And that takes more than one cup. You're in for a disappointment.

>> No.9301255

Start with instant coffee and find out how you you like your coffee. No point in spending $100 on /ck/ advertisements right away. Progress into drip, french, moka, etc. later

>> No.9301275

You're gonna want a coarse ground Mexican light roast brewed properly in a french press with the right temperature water. This will yield a sweet, rich, nutty tasting with cocoa overtones and a full, round mouthfeel. This is an excellent beginner coffee and will give you a pleasant and not-too-neckbeardy introductory experience

>> No.9301287
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I too was an autistic "black only" meme lord when I started drinking coffee. It didn't taste all that great, honestly. Like everyone else has said, it's an acquired taste. If you wanna just drink black coffee until you like it, go for it - that's what I did.

>> No.9301318

>I only drink Folgers
Do you eat a well done shit cut of steak and then tell everyone that all steak is bad and people only eat it because they're addicted to protein?

>> No.9301331

don't bother with it you're better off steering clear

>> No.9301333

>losing my coffee virginity
you're not clever or interesting

>Where should I go?
back to le reddit

>> No.9301335

First you love the caffeine. Then you love the taste. It's not the other way round.

>> No.9301341

Nice trips, cunt.

>> No.9301346

McDonalds literally spent millions of dollars doing market research and food science to develop a coffee that will appeal to the largest swath of customers. For your first time, and I can't believe I'm saying it, Go with McDicks
If that sounds foul to you then go to Intelligensia if you have one in the area. If not just find the most expensive place around you

>> No.9301463

Sorry to dissappoint but Kyle makes some shitty fucking coffee.

>super dark roast
Jeezaloo, Kyle.

>> No.9301524

>using a fine grind for a french press
>choosing a super dark roast to avoid caffeine content
what the fuck