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9299226 No.9299226 [Reply] [Original]

>"california has great food bro!"
>literally just the same mediocre asian or mexican restaurant block after block
There's only so many times I'm willing to pay $10+ for shitty watered down thai curry.

>> No.9299228

Sure, the atmosphere of california is nicer, doesn't mean it TASTES better. It's not bad, just mediocre like the rest of the worlds inauthentic food.

>> No.9299233

In Sasebo, Japan there is a curry place with 99 levels of heat. They could probably get rid of most of them though, probably hard to tell the difference between the 37 and 39.

I lived in Monterey, CA for a couple years and there were some decent restaurants but overall I wasn't completely impressed. Not a fan of seafood though, so probably missed out on that one.

>> No.9299244

It's frustrating since I'm sure some are good but you can't find them.
>go to supposedly good mexican restaurant for tacos
>basically identical menu and taste as mexican restaurants all across middle america

>> No.9299252

>rest of the world's inauthentic food

Spotted the passportless amerifat

>> No.9299265

California restaurants fall into the trap of thinking high quality ingredients is the only thing you need to make a good meal. And because the culture of California is ironically insular, few people experience food from other states because they feel it's all fast food quality shit.

It's a shame because they really do have high quality ingredients. But for fucks sake if a dash of cayenne is the most adventurous seasoning you can get at a restaurant you are hamstringing yourself. I have to carry a shaker of Tony's in the car if I ever pick up something to go for lunch.

>> No.9299271

i meant any food that is foreign to the country they reside in.

>> No.9299313

I love Thai curry but I pretty much only make it myself now because it does get watered down so much in restaurants. Same with their soups. I don't understand. Indian restaurants don't do this with their curries, why do Thai people do this?

>> No.9299319

English not your first language, Juan?

>> No.9299326

Why don't you try eating in better restaurants, fuck boil.
I've traveled all over the US, and like EVERYWHERE IN THE FUCKING WORLD, there's mediocre food easily available. You should be seeking out the good spots. If you eat mediocre food, it's your own damn fault.

>> No.9299328

And how does one find the "good spots"?

>> No.9299330

This post is utter bullshit, Pls disregard the ignorant faggotry.

>> No.9299335

Are you really that fucking stupid?

>> No.9299339

>only go to fast food locations
>wtf why is there only cayenne

>> No.9299341

One of my rules when looking for a place I'm visiting, and it applies everywhere - look to see how many other people are eating there, especially if it should be peak hours. I am very rarely let down by following this simple piece of advice.

>> No.9299345

$10 budget?

>> No.9299348

Some top quality retorts right there, a credit to your viewpoint. Please tell me more about my home state.

>> No.9299350

>not a a fan of seafood

Found your deficiency, bro.

>> No.9299354

What home state? You never said where you are actually from, and the fact you're using Tony's as an out, literally Outs you, ya freak of nature.

>> No.9299356

Monterey isn't the only place I've lived, been on a coast or an island my whole life. Alexandria, Tampa, Okinawa, San Diego, Jacksonville, Boca Raton, Virginia Beach, Yokosuka, Monterey, Everett, and soon to be Singapore.

>> No.9299360

Butthurt mexicali goblin detected.

>> No.9299361

Can't answer? You probably go to mediocre restaurant and think it's a "good spot" lol.
There's plenty of mediocre at best restaurants that are packed. This is like only seeing block buster movies.

>> No.9299365

You might just be eating the wrong things then lad. If you want lots of spices in your food, American and Asian food is not for you.

>> No.9299367

Most people are plebs and just keep going to the first restaurant they went to or the one that is convenient for them unless they're truly awful.

>> No.9299388

Nope, try someone who's lived all over the US and has lived in both socal and NorCal for the past 6 years. You're a fucking idiot.

>> No.9299391

Doesn't matter, if you don't like seafood, you're a deficient. Period.

>> No.9299397

Oh, I can answer, but I'm wondering if it's worth explaining something that an orangutan could understand to a mental midget like yourself. In most cases, it's not worth the bother, because idiots are so set in their ways, they'll lie to themselves and others to keep up appearance.

>> No.9299399

So you can't answer then?

>> No.9299400

I've got variant on that - check if the ethnicity of the patrons matches the ethnicity of the cuisine. Bunch of white kids at a taco place? It's indie Chipotle at best. Meanwhile, if all the parking spaces in front of a kabob place are filled with taxi cabs, you know it's going to be phenomenal.

>> No.9299402

I've liked some, just haven't gotten into it. Textures and smells are a lot of what has kept me away. Less so textures I guess as I haven't tried some of the stuff.

>> No.9299408
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This isn't debate class. In real life people can just tell you to fuck off and be done with it.

>> No.9299415

Why are you still posting? You know your shitty answer would get btfo.

>> No.9299422

This is reddit tier advice for white people who want to feel unique and worldly..
Plenty of white people go to shitty white restaurants and this is true for every ethnicity.
I've been to mexican, chinese, and indian restaurants full of the corresponding ethnicity and they were crap. Most people regardless of race are shit eating plebs.

>> No.9299742

How about you pay some more fucking money you cheap fuck, if you're paying $10 per dish then it sure as fuck isn't going to be some amazing authentic high class cuisine unless it's literally run by an immigrant chef.

>> No.9299745

You serve me peasant food I pay peasant prices.

>> No.9299748


>> No.9299762

For me it's Little Tokyo, the best food in da citay

>> No.9299773

Ten dollars? Is that just the cost of the curry or more?

>> No.9299774

Best food in the city of California.

>> No.9299778


Curry, sushi then some Mochi and youre good for the night

>> No.9300467

Depends on the part youre in. SGV has an amazing diverse collection of Chinese and Korean cuisine. i live around a bunch of Jews so here i can get top tier deli food and middle eastern shit.

>> No.9300511

>SGV has an amazing diverse collection of Chinese and Korean cuisine
>literally just the same mediocre asian or mexican restaurant block after block

>> No.9300537

I lived in the Bay Area for 3 years, and I think SF has significantly better food and greater options than any city I've been to besides NYC.

>> No.9300569

No good pizza.

>> No.9300587

A16 and Beretta are pretty good. I don't eat that much pizza, so I'm unable to comment too well. I personally dislike the lack of Papaya Dog equivalents in SF.

>> No.9300661

Depends on where you are in California, and how much money you're willing to spend. Fine dining is shit in Southern CA because it's all about fast food, sushi, salads, burritos and sandwiches. You can find some good Mexican and Asian food, and if you're lucky you can find little pockets of Armenian, Lebanese and Greeks selling you delicious things for around $10. But really Southern CA is all about fast food. When folks go out to more upscale places it's more to see and be seen - In LA you're paying more attention to which actors are eating there than what's on your plate.

Head north toward Napa, SF and Silicon Valley and the quality of food gets higher. But the prices soar into the stratosphere.

The thing to remember is that most of the state was settled in the 20th Century. Any part of the country where that's the case will have a weak food culture, because American food went to shit during that time between the Depression, WWII, then the rise of the supermarket and fast food. Good eating was not really part of the aesthetic of the suburban dream - the food was more Good Housekeeping.

>> No.9300697

Tell your theory to Alice Waters and see what happens.

>> No.9300769

Best food i have ever had in cali was when i lived in a small imagrant farm worker town called Greenfield. Best mexican food and the best chinese fast food i ever had.

>> No.9300801

it's your own damn fault if you can't find a quality spot for every cuisine you enjoy

>> No.9300814

And why the fuck do you think Alice Waters stands out? Things got so bad in 20th Century America that the idea of cooking simple, quality food from local ingredients seemed revolutionary. That's just fucking sad.

>> No.9301747

I once went to a seafood restaurant in cali in which you bought seafood by the pound. It was great.

>> No.9301761

Thats literally wrong though. Maybe you just have the pallet of a pleb and cant distinguish taste.

>> No.9301777

How long have you been in the navy

>> No.9301798

If you weren't some piece of shit techie who blew into town yesterday you'd know that Arinelle's and Tony's are the best slices in town, Victor's gets an honorable mention.

>> No.9301810

>tfw you realize every single fucking "cultural" place tastes more or less the same and the exceptions are one-off small places hundreds of miles from "cultural" centers

>> No.9301832

And, California was and is at the forefront of the slow food and farm to fork movements. You need to learn your culinary history before you go randomly generalizing about a topic you are I'll equipped to talk about.

>> No.9301867

>California was and is at the forefront of the slow food and farm to fork movements.
No doubt. But who eats at those places? Rich people, not your average suburbanite. I know my history, and know how well you can eat in California. But someone like OP, who considers paying more than $10 something of a threshold is not eating at farm to table New American restaurants. At roughly $10 a meal you're not going to be eating all that well in most of the state, unless you really like fast food.

>> No.9302869

shoo poor fag

>> No.9303169

Yeah, yeah, whatever. I like Tony's and never went to Arinell's or Victor's. Times are a changin'.

>> No.9303286

The thing that pisses me off is being unable to find good mapo tofu.


>> No.9303470

I've found a couple of decent mapo tofu places here in orange county

>> No.9303800

What's the best places to eat in Little Tokyo?

>> No.9304054


Curry House is pretty good for curry, and for Mochi go to the place that they only sells mochi, its right next to that kareoke stage, the same plaza where anime jungle is. Don't go to Mr Ramen, its garbage. Theres also a revolving sushi place in that plaza, dont eat the natto roll