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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 862 KB, 426x240, 1502589600648.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9295501 No.9295501 [Reply] [Original]

Who was in the wrong?

>> No.9295506

The woman was in the wrong.

It is wrong to laugh at mentally handicapped people.

>> No.9295508

Ramsey is clearly acting a bit for the camera and is in the wrong.

You're supposed to smash down the burger anyway.

>> No.9295541

>smash down the burger

this. The burger is DESIGNED to be smashed. That's how the flavors work. Ramsay is either retarded or pretending to be retarded. Everyone knows you're supposed to smash it first.

>> No.9295562

Smashed? What the fuck are you talking about. Flyover state detected.

If you smash a burger that means it's smashed on the grill when cooked, that's Smash Burgers whole premise. You never should have to flatten a cooked assembled burger by "design" once it's on your plate.

>> No.9295568
File: 479 KB, 500x281, Jaime-Lannister-NICE-gif-Imgur-dW3Y.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9295572

>You never should have to flatten a cooked assembled burger by "design" once it's on your plate.

uh, no. It's the exact opposite, in fact.
talk to any burger expert. get educated.

>> No.9295588

fuck off retard

>> No.9295597

ignoring the trolls, you are actually supposed to compress the burger.

c{ Bun
o{ Sauce
m{ Topping
p{ Topping
r{ Cheese
e{ Patty
s{ Sauce
s{ Bun

>> No.9295776

>flyover statie telling people to get educated

You are uncultured swine, your opinion is worth less than dogshit.

>> No.9295788
File: 718 KB, 426x240, ramsey.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its like that gif of the truck that never hits

>> No.9295870

I don't follow.

>> No.9295880

he never bites the burger you fucking mongoloid

>> No.9295897

well apparently /ck/ is so retarded that not only do they think you aren't allowed to smush your burger they also probably don't realize you're actually supposed to eat them, too

>> No.9295932

back to r3ddit friendo

>> No.9295945

he has made burgers of that heiggt before and eaten then in the Australian burger episode.

>> No.9296009

>Ramsey is clearly acting a bit for the camera and is in the wrong.
this it's OJ with the glove level bullshit

>> No.9296042
File: 19 KB, 480x488, 1498361743697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ramsay is trying to prove a point you knobheads, if a burger requires stupid amounts of efforts to eat then its a fucking joke. when will americans learn?

>> No.9296056

Give Ramsay a McChicken, a more casual mouth fit sandwich.

>> No.9296942

He is obviouslly acting up. I am for smashing burgers because that releases juices. But i also have eaten burgers when the meat is so much and juicy that the bun just becomes soggy piece of shit.

Look at that ration it more like a meatball, and dont get me wrong i love meatballs but they arw not burgers.

Imo the ratio is all wrong, there should be some balance between vegie/sauce/toppings/bun/meat.

With that burger all you gonna taste is just meat and as i said at that point you better order a meatball.

>> No.9296962

I can't stand fucking Ramsay anymore. He's more of an actor than a chef these days. Goes over the top with his rage at people in the kitchen and does shit like this to make it seem like this food is just "sooo inedible I can't even fit it in me bloody mouth".
Everyone knows all the real chefs are on youtube nowadays.

>> No.9296974

So by "flyover" you mean states with a sustainable aggricultural system that can feed all of the people living in that state without having to import billions of dollars worth of avocados and water.

Here, have some avocado toast to cool your butthurt, that will be $27.50 plus tip!

>> No.9297017

>sustainable aggricultural system
>total agricultural land of state planted in GMO corn for animal feed and corn syrup, GMO soybeans, GMO cotton, wheat, and the rest devoted to cattle farming, factory chickens and hogs.
>sustainable and provide all the food for the state

Sure will be self sufficient since that comprises 95% of the flyover diet. You'll just have to sacrifice the iceberg lettuce and cardboard tomato.

>> No.9297033

you'd think a world champion cock sucker like him could open his mouth a bit more

>> No.9297077


>> No.9297363

That wasn't the main point, just a side point about lack of sustainability as well as self sufficiency unless you have a Monsanto factory, you mouthbreather. The main point was that the vast majority of flyover agricultural land is used for those things, not what you see on grocery produce shelves. It isn't 1920 anymore.

>> No.9297375
File: 116 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9297439

ooh shit nigger

>> No.9297459

How will chef Ramsay ever recover from this?

>> No.9297500

Can someone find a video of Gordon Ramsey eating food like a regular person? He's not skinny so he must eat, or perhaps he has some sort of eating disorder?

>> No.9297599


>> No.9297604

Exactly he only bashes it because it wasn't made by him

>> No.9297606
File: 2.83 MB, 2880x1440, Screenshot_2017-08-13-14-38-06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mocking a restaurants burger for being too big to eat
>Makes his burgers even fucking taller
Hypocritical ass

>> No.9297618
File: 18 KB, 307x379, 4734cf5e9b61c2d8f7f2561c93968c86[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never did trust him. dirty, soap dodging hun

>> No.9297679

Did you notice that his patty isn't double the width of the bun?

>> No.9297689

I know you Americans constantly project your substantial width onto every topic, but we are currently discussing the height of the burger. Thanks.

>> No.9297697 [DELETED] 


>> No.9297705

Except I'm not American so good job projecting yourself.

>> No.9297713

Deny all you want, friend, but you can never escape. Thanks.

>> No.9297724

I'm not denying anything and I'm not the one trying to damage control their argument.

>> No.9297737

Can you please show me where an argument was made? Thanks.

>> No.9297764

In the post insinuating I'm American and fat as a way of discrediting my point. Which doesn't make sense to begin with as if Americans know anything it's burgers.

>> No.9297786

I wasn't discrediting your point. Please reread the comment chain. Thanks.

>> No.9297805

Reading is for nerds.

>> No.9297810

I'm sorry you feel that way. I've enjoyed our talk. Thanks.

>> No.9297814
File: 53 KB, 555x729, hear_hear[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9297817

Who was in the wrong?


>> No.9297818

I have too, thanks for keeping me company this morning.

>> No.9297864

ahahaha yasssss finally a fellow Glaswegian on 4chins
fuck gordan he is as you said a filthy hun cunt who should be kicked to fucking death for claiming to be representative of Glasgow or its people

>> No.9297873

When will mouthlets learn?

>> No.9297903

If the bread isn't soggy and you're having trouble taking a bite; you might be able to receive government aid for your disability. Tilt the thing you dumb bastard. An apple is taller than your mouth but you don't cram the whole thing in.

>every bite of my sandwich isn't the same
It's not supposed to be. Not only would that get old fast; your taste buds adjust to it and you're just remembering the last bite.

>> No.9298390

he's clearly acting. he know she could fit that burger in his mouth. you can even see him trying to hold back

>> No.9298409

That little druggie cunt kid of his and his druggie cunt gold-digging bitch were at fault.
>wahhh my money I didn't earn wasn't given to me
>wahh I'm a grown ass man still dependent on my daddy and he tells me to do things
>wahhh my voice cracks like a bitch when a man tells me to calm the fuck down and my mommy has to hold me back
Should have been aborted desu.

>> No.9298694

Not him, but there seems to be quite a few of us for some reason.

>> No.9298710

Gordon fits plenty of dicks in his mouth. He's clearly faking

>> No.9298739

get tae bed ya weedgie bstard

>> No.9298740

>being this triggered

>> No.9298759

Gordon's a mess.

>> No.9300714

the mad man

>> No.9300719


>> No.9300726

why is the burger the widest thing on that?
at that point just make it 2 burgers

>> No.9300727
File: 13 KB, 480x480, 1481002890337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Coastiecuck detected.

you're supposed to sit on it first you fucking idiot

>> No.9300748
File: 31 KB, 590x578, 1469138415243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>burger fits in bun
>toppings don't add 1/4 of the entire height

i don't see why he's in the wrong here

>> No.9300884


haven't you got kids to diddle?

>> No.9300902

came here to post this

>> No.9300905
File: 676 KB, 1064x598, 1491917630035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off, Hippie.

>> No.9300907

shut up......stupid frog poster.

>> No.9300915

Of all the verbs you could have used (pressed, squashed, etc) yiu went with "smashed". Don't know why, I just find that a bit odd.

>> No.9300921

Go away.

>> No.9300929

If you watched the episode that OPs webm is from, you'd know Gordon specifically bitched about the party being twice the size of the bun. So it is definitely relevant to the discussion.

>> No.9300930
File: 95 KB, 300x210, IMG_2296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having to smash a burger to get any flavour

>> No.9300960

But not relevant to the previous discussion about the vertical height of the burger. Thanks.

>> No.9301300
File: 315 KB, 234x159, 1500294228948.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9301999
File: 59 KB, 426x240, 1502602424678.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9302065

>dainty-mouthed ladylike eurotrash making a show of trying to eat food the wrong way

>> No.9302079
File: 100 KB, 1080x810, gordon ramsay burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ramsay is a dick. Here is the burger they serve in his restaurant.

>> No.9303570

You for watching the US and not the UK version

>> No.9303575

Pretty sure the cook was like "oh fug Gordon is here.. how can we make this good? What do people like? Lots of meat! I'll just make the patty huge"

>> No.9303579

Jesus that's a lot of tomato. I mean I like it on a burger but not 3 huge pieces.

>> No.9303586

That;'s a sign on low testosterone. Get it checked out.

>> No.9303590


Why is everybody ignoring the obvious issue with the burger? The patty is sticking out way past the bun and the whole thing looks like it's about to just slide apart if you put any pressure on it.

>> No.9303591

His burgers are designed to be pulled apart and poked

>> No.9303595


>> No.9303617


>> No.9303980
File: 51 KB, 375x554, perfect burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9303991


>> No.9304022

Do you honestly believe that we get all of our food from imports or coastal states? What is the point of your post?

>> No.9304030

Only the tomato and whatever the fuck that yellow shit is. Patty is in perfect width. A bit high in thickness, though. That's also way too much tomato One slice is perfect.

>> No.9304031

>The burger is DESIGNED to be smashed. That's how the flavors work.

Your burgers have pressure activated flavor? What a world we live in!

>> No.9304053

Does everyone ignore the fact that the bun is ridiculously small? That was the main complaint along with the size of the whole thing. Even if you "smash" it shit will just get squeezed onto the plate because there is no but to accommodate it.

>> No.9304058

In the episode the restaurant had run out of the large buns they usually use for this type of burger so they used a regular one. You can't cut or compress or do whatever with this particular burg without destroying it.

All the Ramsey burgers posted have proper big buns. Although I agree I they look kind of meh - especially that tomato abomination

>> No.9304071

>implying flyovers know how to cook

>> No.9304073

Lycopene is very important. Ramsay is trying to save you.

>> No.9304078

>An apple is taller than your mouth
t. mouthlet

>> No.9304080

Eat the extra tomato separate. Too much tomato on a burg makes a watery mess.

>> No.9305894
File: 3.08 MB, 714x396, 1480868950007.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's talking about this GIF