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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 174 KB, 750x750, VuX9hax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9290770 No.9290770[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

do Americans really eat all of this in one sitting, for breakfast?

>> No.9290774

Yes, every single day.

>> No.9290777

that's barely a snack

>> No.9290780

Beans, for breakfast? Mix that with coffee and oh boy don't stand behind me in the elevator!!

>> No.9290788

that's a traditional english breakfast, as well you know. i've got half a mind to give you a good whopping for trying to start a grass with our chaps from across the pond i do.

>> No.9290805

No American would touch whatever that European abomination is.

>> No.9290826

That's English you autist

>> No.9290831

>as if being behind you or in front would make a difference in an elevator

>> No.9290835

>as if you can even fit in an elevator

>> No.9290836


>> No.9290837

Yes and I squat Jupiter, your point?

>> No.9290840


>> No.9290844

Replace the beans, tomatoes, and mushrooms with potatoes, biscuit, pancakes, waffles, muffin, and/or toast.

We Americans do eggs meat and carbs instead of eggs meat and veg.

>> No.9290847

Hearing a grown man talk about his squatting just sounds gay, right?

>> No.9290856

You do know that egg yoke hue gives away country of origin, right?

>> No.9290860

>egg yoke

>> No.9290864

I'm american and would happily eat everything on that plate for Sunday brunch except the fucking beans. Those are nauseating after a night of raucous drinking.

>> No.9290866


orange egg yokes are from the uk, yellow are from north america.

>> No.9290878

>after a night of loud drinking

>> No.9290893

Only factory farmed shit eggs have yellow yolks.

Quality eggs will have orange yolk no matter what country they're from.

>> No.9290894

Pretty sure it has to do with the quality of the hen's eggs. I buy from a local farmer who keeps them free range and feeds organic feed and the yolks are orange.

>> No.9290895
File: 49 KB, 640x427, cheese-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Add this to a piece of toast and lay a sunny side up egg over top of it, salt and pepper and break it. Ketchup if you like ketchup.

>> No.9290899

All that fucking cheese? That is absurd.

>> No.9290901


Nope, they put food colourant in UK feed.

It's not even bright yellow, it's fucking orange.


>> No.9290902

Is that what they teach in your poverty schools?

>> No.9290905


shavings, dumbass. the entire thing would give you kidney failure.

>> No.9290906
File: 3.36 MB, 425x425, 1500056169075.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9290913

>he drinks quietly
beta af lad

>> No.9290914


It's good to see that you people have no fucking idea what and who is fucking with your food. I always thought the English were smarter people.

>> No.9290920

At least you in the dark dipshits get to learn about eggs tonight.


>> No.9290922

didn't read lol

>> No.9290924


No one cares that you didn't dude, lol.

>> No.9290927
File: 69 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you people

>> No.9290947


It's a great phrase that out of context dullards love to flip out over. I honestly love typing "you people" because the botnets react. They don't know why, but they're typing.

>> No.9290957

Did you jokers figure out they're placing keratin in your eggs yet?

>> No.9290959


>> No.9290961

absolutely false

>> No.9290962

I try to eat three but some mornings i just dont have the time. If im late for hating mexicans my boss gets pissed.

>> No.9290963

You people are pedantic faggots.

>> No.9290967

Thats a joke you autist

>> No.9290969

t. blue-collar mouthbreather

>> No.9290975

That's a British breakfast though

>> No.9290985

>thread about best food on the earth
>potential food porn thread
>devolves in to americans shitposting

>> No.9290986

At least you late night morons have shit to argue about with other late night idiots. Have at each other for the next 8 hours like a bunch of worthless noones.

>> No.9290989

>bait thread
>people reply to bait

>> No.9290995


>> No.9290998
File: 261 KB, 1160x773, Full-English-Breakfast-1160x773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>bait thread
No it's a full english breakfast thread with added banter. It's not our fault you can't handle any banter.

>> No.9291010

>pretending to be retarded
you're devaluing true banter and bringing shame upon your british kin.

>> No.9291027


you people really can't tell uk from american eggs, can you?

>> No.9291029

>dude eggs lmao
are the british literally OBSESSED with eggs?

>> No.9291042


the uk have very little to care about and dealing with colonials falls well short.

>> No.9291059

literally obsessed

>> No.9291072


I'm a canadian who knows yoke colour, you stupid dipshit. I was complaining that someone called the original post American when it clearly isn't. Canadian eggs are yellow, btw.

>> No.9291158

interesting. how do they differ in taste and nutrition, exactly?

>> No.9291171

Allan quartermain pls go. I have no time for your musings. Go find a Zulu to bother

>> No.9291178


they don't, you're chatting with a bot.

>> No.9291209

pip pip, righto then lad, keep your knickers square and your upper lip stiff as a board.

>> No.9291448






>> No.9291457

was it autism?

>> No.9291462


That's first class autism. Good work. You'll be a great quiet librarian for people who will never remember you.

Yolk. Thank god you relmembered how to spell yoke, in your waning days.

>> No.9291469


A yoke goes on an oxen, a yolk goes on a chicken nipple.

>> No.9291473


>pointing out a 3rd grade spelling mistake is autism

there are no words currently in existence, among all known and unknown languages, to convey just how fucking retarded you are


>> No.9291482


We'll all yoke about it later, in class.

>> No.9291483

no u

>> No.9291493


Sorry I'm watching Geoffrey Rush in Genius tonight. I'm having a hard time yoking about it. He was really fucked around.

>> No.9291496

Everyone knows what he means.

You sound like the kind of faggot who interrupts someone mid-sentence because they said "me and John" rather than "John and I".

Speaking of 3rd grade mistakes, sentences start with a capital letter and end with a period you fucking twat.

>> No.9291535

You got your protiens your lean protiens, some fiber and vegetables, hell, hardboil the eggs and add croutons and you could call that a salad.

>> No.9292619

>as if you leave the house

>> No.9292680

get a load of this buttblasted hothead

>> No.9292704

top man, blimey

>> No.9292709

I bet you assholes write 'Pheonix' as well
fuckheads all of you

>> No.9292714

Is that haggis on the black pudding? looks too thinly sliced.

>> No.9292722

whats top of the bacon

>> No.9292725

I wish /ck/ had active janitors.

>> No.9292738

>limeys call americans fat
>while wolfing down 1200+ calories for BREAKFAST

brits increasingly resemble kikes every day

>> No.9292746

6'2 burger reporting
could only eat like 4/5 of that