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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9289182 No.9289182 [Reply] [Original]


Its easy to make in 5 days.

>> No.9289185

I prefer jerky made in a dehydrator.

>> No.9289197

I've had Jack Links Beef Jerky, which is American and better

>> No.9289208 [DELETED] 

because jerky has extra sugar in it. fuck off fat americans

>> No.9289222 [DELETED] 

I'm not American, nor have I ever added sugar to any of my home made jerky
Try again europoor

>> No.9289255 [DELETED] 

...says the fat american while stuffing his face with donuts

>> No.9289269 [DELETED] 

excuse me, but i'm not fat
my weight is down to 250 from 375 a year ago
try again, yuropoor

>> No.9289324 [DELETED] 

Thanks for replying on my behalf fatarse

>> No.9289494

I love dry meat, have to specify meat because it's usua lot horse or donkey or bull in my country. so good.

>> No.9289496

>Jerky has sugar

Jerky in it's purest form is salt cured and dried red meat. Nowadays people add seasonings like garlic, chili powder, etc. In addition to salt, but only a full blown retard or corporation adds sugar. That's fucking disgusting and far worse than beans in chili.

>> No.9289503 [DELETED] 


>> No.9290923 [DELETED] 

Thats great! Congrats!
Don't kid yourself though, 250 is still pretty overweight

>> No.9291234

that kid is going to get gout

>> No.9291987

What's a good biltong recipe?

>> No.9292802

South African reporting in.

Most jerky I've tasted is shit tier. Its way too salty and the smoking process gives it a strange taste. Add to that the taste of nitrates and added sugar and its just terrible.

Proper biltong on the other hand is made with only meat, salt, vinegar and coriander. Since the vinegar and coriander do most of the preserving its not so horribly salty and one can actually taste the meat.

The best biltong has a nice strip of fat on the edge. Biltong fat has the most amazing nutty taste.

>> No.9292804

A South African guy opened a series of restaurants in my city and makes his own Biltong. Great stuff, wonderful with beer

>> No.9292840

In Melbourne, I could get Biltong from Casa Iberica, a Spanish/Portuguese deli. I tried it once because I'd heard /ck/ go on about it and it was ok but far, far too much work to actually eat.

It was so insanely tough to chew that I got sick of it before I'd developed a taste for it. Not that it tasted bad or anything but I'd prefer some Chinese chilli jerky any day because it's easier to eat.

I gave it to my NZ housemate who loved it though and was insanely grateful, so it must have been good stuff.