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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9284215 No.9284215 [Reply] [Original]

im going to amsterdam on saturday wheres good for food lads? does amsterdam even have a good food culture or is it just dudeweedmunchies?

>> No.9284231

Of course a major european city has a food culture.
What's your pricerange?

>> No.9284233

I went there to smoke (alone) and found a very nice family run restaurant not far from the train station. Liver and bacon + mash was excellent, and I wasn't even stoned.

For what it's worth I would smoke a couple of "skunk" prerolled joints in a cafe each evening reading a book. Lovely city, just stay away from the redlight area.

>> No.9284243

not looking to blow the bank but I will happily pay big bucks for a good meal

yeah I'm going for smoking and drinking as the beer is also amazing, t'ij is gonna be one of my first stops

>> No.9284262

I thought they don't let the tourists smoke the weed anymore

>> No.9284268

>wheres good for food lads?

Depends on what you're looking for. Hotel Okura has both Ciel Bleu (2 star) and Yamazato (1 star) AND Serre (Bib Gormand).

Or at the other end you can pop into a FeBo.

(Personally I think Restaurant de Kas is nice, and is mid-range)

>> No.9284301

Try stuff called bitterballen or something like that. Damn good!

>> No.9284344

Get some frikandeln my man

>> No.9284362

the Netherlands is a wasteland when it comes to culinary culture

>> No.9284374
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what are these?? do they taste good??

Im going to go and get a load of pic related

>> No.9284521


>> No.9284559
File: 92 KB, 736x552, 7bc488db7c0eccfad25658fc9e1c3282--pastry-shop-petit-fours.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a pastry shop next to every coffeeshop. Wonder why?

Proptip, in Amsterdam, window shopping is a real thing. All shops have ornate displays of their products in shop windows for viewing. If you go in the store, the shopkeeper expects you to make a purchase

>> No.9284720

Its roux with beef/veil and veggies shaped into a ball, dipped in beaten egg, coated in breadcrumbs and then fried. You can't get enough of theese, trust me.

>> No.9285066

why wouldn't they? any business is good business

>> No.9285129

What's wrong with the red light district?

>> No.9285137

Who the fuck would want to eat that meat after some Arab guy stood on top of it with his bare feet?

>> No.9285262

Genuine things to eat:
>>9284521 the secret is putting it in top of your hot cup of coffee in the morning. Keeps it warm and the stroop melts.

Also, get Vla. And cheese (kas), preferably pancoeken met kas.

>> No.9285274

Liberals, willingly. That and unwitting customers. You would be surprised what some restaurants do sometimes.

>> No.9285277

kebabs and lmao weed munch. go to a different city in holland if you want good food.

>> No.9285313

Well at least he didnt have shoes on...

>> No.9285347

Legal weed is such a letdown. The hype and buildup is so exciting, and then you buy it and laugh and go smoke it, but it's just weed. Then you are all "man this is pretty lame"

>> No.9285352

try surinamese roti

>> No.9285356

Bistro neuf, close to central station

>> No.9285403

The funny thing about weed is that it's sort of like alcohol under 21. When you've got it you're like the cool kid. Inevitably you realize that, just like anything else, it's just something that makes you feel weird, not some amazing magical shit.
>tfw i can never relive that first time my friends got me high

>> No.9285578

>Guys watch me validate myself and how superior I am to people who have different political opinions then me by bringing them into a topic that has no relevance. Gather all, my desperate need to reenforce my shitty way of approaching any conversation must be heard

Protip: if your first thought, from your initial reaction on an action that you wouldn't do, or anyone quite frankly aside from those who wouldn't know a guy has his nasty ass feet on food, is to specify a group of people who would do it, makes you a massive fucking obnoxious faggot. You're likely not to have sex, and I thank your crippling social retardation from raising shitty children

>> No.9286387

Not him but it's full of shady creeps. Lots of ethnics, junkies, and scam drug dealers.

>> No.9286396
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>> No.9286406

I don't really know the good places but you should get frites from any corner stand, a croquette from one of those shitty febo vendors, and buy a pack of stroopwafels.

The only food I ever remembered from all the times I went to Amsterdam.

If boom Chicago is still there you might as well go to a show one night and grab some food there

>> No.9286409

t. chicken shit amerilard fundy

The rld is fine

>> No.9286436

I know a good coffee shop

>> No.9286447

I worked in a restaurant. US restaurants will enforce the shit out of safety codes, because at least in my state random safety inspections were a thing. If they found roaches in the kitchen, improper refrigeration, or bad sanitation, prepare to be raped by the FDA.

>> No.9286471

which one?

>> No.9286523

Try maatjesharing and cheap Indonesia food. It's what I lived on as a student.

>> No.9288337

Don't listen to this guy, the thing that's actually wrong with the rld is that is has gotten too touristy.

>> No.9288353


This place is really good but it's very small inside and gets very busy so be prepared for that.

>> No.9288388

argentijn steak houses are good n cheap i like to go there then spend all of my toonies on febo then get poffertjes

>> No.9288433

you can get burgers out of vending machines

>> No.9288491 [DELETED] 

> like drawing a lot
> found a little niche and make comissions
> start charging 4 usd because i know im not good and im starting
> some years later, get better.
> niche is booming
> charge 40 usd for lineart, have a ton of clients
> find real life job
> lose will to draw
> lots of clients asking for more, but i told them that i dont have time

almost 2 yeasr of that. i really need to start drawing again.

>> No.9288500

Just order bitterballen at some cafe, goes good with a beer or 3. Watch your mouth, the insides of the bitterballen will be blazing hot when they are brought to your table. Also, put mustard on them.

>> No.9288504

Oh ja, try a broodje haring too, without onions, the onions would be there only a long time ago to mask the smell of rotten fish

>> No.9288518

Not that dude but Azarius Coffeeshop has great weed, the locals go there and its professional. You cant smoke inside though.