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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 133 KB, 975x676, 1502335301636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9283288 No.9283288 [Reply] [Original]

What's /ck/'s favorite non-alcoholic drink?

>> No.9283289

Coca Cola Zero

>> No.9283293

Fuck you diet coke is nice

>> No.9283300

Pepsi max > pepsi > coke >>> power gap >>> diet coke

>> No.9283303

hello virgins

>> No.9283311


>> No.9283317

What's up diabetes

>> No.9283323


>> No.9283327
File: 37 KB, 540x405, whichone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly I prefer WATER

>> No.9283336

W a t e r is the thinking man choice anon.

>> No.9283347
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>> No.9283362

carrotjuice. if soda Coca-Cola cherry is the best.

>> No.9283512

MTN dew edge fuel, coke, water

>> No.9283541

Only thing i drink is usually water, or tea. Only time i have soda is when I go to taco bell for that nice refreshing baja blast. Also when they put it in stores. No other soft drink can compare.

>> No.9283548

Orange juice on ice

>> No.9283571

Whole foods asparagus water for me

>> No.9283581

I drink milk.
With ice.

>> No.9283593

Sucralose isn't fucking good for you.
I'm sick of how people haven't gotten that shit yet.

When it was discovered and introduced, they got really excited about it cuz they all thought it could be a good substitute for sugar, but the science eventually basically showed that it is more likely just god-awful for you and does weird shit inside your body.
However, since big companies got involved in that shit, none of that really matters and sucralose will be with us for a long fucking time.

>> No.9283602

The water to the left of water is just a cheap knock-off brand.

>> No.9283622

Shirley Temple

>> No.9283642

Coffee with cream
Chocolate milk

>> No.9283645


>there are people who legitimately picks the plain brand

WATER is shit, Water is where it is

>> No.9283646

mah man.

>> No.9283647

>Not drinking your own OpenCola
Kek losers

>> No.9283670

Install moutaindoo

>> No.9283696

I’d just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as openCola, is in fact, Water/openCola, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, Water plus openCola. openCola is not an soda unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully refeshing beverage made useful by the Water flavor, solubility, and miscibility components comprising a full Soda.

Many soda drinkers drink a modified version of the Water system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of Water which is widely used today is often called “openCola”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the Water system, developed by the Water Project.

There really is a openCola, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. openCola is the core flavoring: the ingredient in the beverage that allocates the beverages flavors to the mouth. The core flavoring is an essential part of a beverage, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete beverage. openCola is normally used in combination with Water: the whole system is basically Water with openCola added, or Water/openCola. All the so-called “openCola” dispensers are really distributors of Water/openCola.

>> No.9283698

Reminds me of the classic WATER Instant Type 2 from MREs. Still pretty nice.

>> No.9283699

Cold brewed hibiscus tea with cinnamon and hawthorne

>> No.9283705
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Coffee, Green Tea, or Water.

>> No.9283718

My nigga

>> No.9283745


>> No.9283759

In terms of what I drink most it's far and away water.

In terms of flavor it's pretty close between good tea, especially pu'erh, espresso, or good root beer.

>> No.9283787

>all these retards falling for the marketing gimmicks

everyone who's anyone knows that WATER is the real deal

>> No.9283788
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>> No.9283792

Vanilla coke > dr pepper > coke > pepsi
Pepsi max > coke zero > diet coke >>>>>> pepsi next = coke life

I mostly drink water, coffee, chamomile and OJ though

>> No.9283824
File: 136 KB, 476x800, chocolatemilk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only drink yoohoos

>> No.9283834


This was funny when it was just the walk. WAS.

>> No.9283906


I enjoy carbonated water.

>> No.9284029


>> No.9284037
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>> No.9284070

if it is ale 8, why is there only 6 ?
also if soda dr pepper or dry ginger ale, water for all other liquids
>rip my strawberry milk addiction

>> No.9284078


>> No.9284079
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Hello Virgin

>> No.9284084

It's all made in the same factory

>> No.9284093

>he drinks WATER
>not Water

>> No.9284115


>> No.9284132

Smoked black tea, coffee, water.

>> No.9284149

Most people here aren't actually pozzed about Food Science and/or Monsanto related things, they're either fucking with you or shilling.

>> No.9284151

Aspartame is the worst from what I can tell.

>> No.9284319


Home made lemonade mixed with raspberry.

>> No.9284333

The virgin / chad meme is literally the only funny meme out of all of 4chan in like years. Fuck off, virgin rebdit.

>> No.9284431
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>> No.9284449

What is birch sap good for?

>> No.9284455


tea if im really thirsty for it. but water is great by itself. you dont know how amazing it is if youve never had a glass after working out in the heat

>> No.9284460

Come on lad.

>> No.9284511

One of the best ones I've seen.

>> No.9284529

cherry limeade from braum's

>> No.9284549

fucking lold

>> No.9284563
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don't hate on reviewbrah pls

>> No.9284707


When you see it written on something it looks like a weird name

>> No.9284751

that looks like a body contained in that tree from the thumbnail

>> No.9284985

Iron Bru or Water

>> No.9285635

I know you're pretending to be stupid but it's actually a pun. See that little 1 by the 8? Ale 8 1 i.e. "A Late One". get it?

>> No.9286093

kys reddit already ruined this meme

>> No.9286357

dye sip?

>> No.9286532
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GOAT soda next to dr. pepper coming through

>> No.9286544


>> No.9286877
File: 128 KB, 900x900, p-1448-coco-rico-canned-soda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried this for the first time today, and I have never enjoyed a soda more. It's my new favorite, definitely worth a try.

>> No.9286884


>> No.9286894

O'Doul's Premium

>> No.9286897
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What's that word you hyphenated on to alcoholic?

>> No.9286905

That meme was never funny

>> No.9286967

Arnold Palmer with seltzer water, the fact that no one has said Arnie Palmer makes me question the taste of this board

>> No.9287044

diet coke objectively tastes better than regular

>> No.9287157

water or Tassimo coffee

>> No.9287160


>> No.9287163

bwack tea

>> No.9287181

lol no

>> No.9287347

I mainly drink Coca Cola for the caffeine, not enough to make me jittery, but enough to wake me up and get rid of my headaches.

Does Coke Zero still have the same amount of caffeine?

>> No.9287358
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I preffered it better when it shat on both sides but it has some gems.

>> No.9287366

been cold brewing some green tea recently, really refreshing and tasty

>> No.9287368


>> No.9287369

what brand?

>> No.9287392
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>> No.9287424
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hands down the best fruity soda

>> No.9287452


>> No.9287474
File: 21 KB, 141x273, big-red-soda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only soda I drink, the only soda worth drinking. Big Red BTFO's all other sodas.

>> No.9287502


>> No.9287510

What a stupid meme. Is this the ''I wish I was at home'' reboot?

>> No.9287757

Shit. You're right.

>> No.9287904
File: 81 KB, 680x982, 1501997532750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone got triggered

>> No.9287920

I want some birch sap now

>> No.9288127
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>> No.9288130

Tea, lots of tea with honey.

>> No.9288131


>> No.9288188
File: 3.76 MB, 3036x4048, IMG_20170808_045534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's the first sip of the day.

>> No.9288195

Chad has bad teeth?

>> No.9288258

Yorkshire tea

>> No.9288287

Absolutely nothing.

>> No.9288390
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Step aside, gutter scum.

>> No.9288395

The sulfuric acid can be found in both of those sodas.
Chad has diabetes, both have bad teeth.

>> No.9288401

Slight alteration.
Coca Cola contains phosphoric acid.
Mountain dew on the other hand contains the other one.

>> No.9288407


Mountain dew also contains phosphoric acid. It's right there on the ingredient label.

Also, any carbonated beverage will contain carbonic acid too. That's what you get when you put CO2 in water.

>> No.9288419

Oh, I don't actually drink soda so I only looked up cola, knew that mtn contained the other one since before.
And I figured that carbonic acid was a given.

>> No.9288438

No soda contains sulfuric acid. Sulfuric acid, which contains sulfur, would make the drink taste unpalatable.

Sodas contain phosphoric acid. Never sulfuric. You're remembering incorrectly or you are remembering an incorrect source.

>> No.9288453

I was remembering incorrectly. It was citric acid that my source mentioned.
It was a while since I watched it, don't judge me.

>> No.9288736

Chad has thick enamel and perfect teeth

>> No.9288751

chad ketchup v virgin

>> No.9288755


>> No.9289020


>> No.9289154

FUCKING water looks weird now i keep thinking its spelt wrong WHAT THE FUCk

>> No.9289173

American beer

>> No.9290342

Coffee and black tea

>> No.9290349

say it again y'all

>> No.9290440

No actually
is the superior choice

>> No.9290551

Coke, Sweet Tea, and mountain dew

>> No.9291702

my nigga

>> No.9291706

Dr. Pepper

>> No.9291729

Pepsi Max is the patricians choice, but Coke Zero is high tier.

>> No.9291743

Diet Coke is fucking gross. The only time I want Diet Coke is if I want a mixer with whiskey because regular coke is too sickly for when I'm drinking

Actually regular coke is pretty shit too. Do Americans actually still drink soda when they reach adulthood? What a bunch of fucking fat retards

>> No.9291780
File: 17 KB, 192x262, coke is it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need I say more

>> No.9291807

What's that, a picture for fighter jet pilots?

>> No.9291823


I got some of the new Coke Zero Sugar and it's just a flatter Coke Zero. Same ingredients and everything.

>> No.9291964


this is incredible

>> No.9292003


>> No.9292173


>> No.9292227
File: 74 KB, 491x369, Copy-of-Copy-of-Cheerwine-008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit right here.

>> No.9292249

north carolina please go

>> No.9292268

Cheerwine is only good out of a glass bottle. Otherwise, it tastes like Robitusson.

>> No.9292362

>The virgin water
>The chad H2O

>> No.9292637

Yea exactly what i was thinking now wtf

>> No.9292676

Green tea with citrus. It's helped me replace carbonated beverages and juice wherever possible.

>> No.9292677

Robitussin is an acquired taste

>> No.9293336

Too many to choose from

grape aloe vera
uludag gazos
irn bru
old jamaica grape
cream soda
root beer

>> No.9293379
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>using store bought fountain water
>not distilling your own and doing pic related

>> No.9293402
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My fucking nig

>> No.9293885

You really outdone yourself here anon

>> No.9294144
File: 649 KB, 800x800, 1502516890309 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Water, but its all about how you dose it.

>> No.9294327

Do they even sell this outside of Kentucky?

>> No.9294347

sup 0piAte

>> No.9294847

It had a little less, unfortunately

>> No.9294850

I'm addicted to coffee. But besides that I like Creme Soda and Mountain Dew.

>> No.9294855

I love me some bluegrass water

>> No.9294871

pepsi max with ice is heavenly
it tastes like how coca cola should taste

>> No.9294917

Dublin Soda is the best soda available

>> No.9295005


>> No.9295477

fufu berry jones soda obviously. big red and dr pepper are also tasty but as far as an everyday drinker i get arizona mucho mango or watermelon juice product. my favorite thing is a fresh coconut though

>> No.9295840
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>> No.9296120
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>one sip ensures type 2 diabetes

>> No.9296136

only drink booze

>> No.9296137

Diet cola rankings boyos?

Diet coke > Pepsi max > Coke zero

>> No.9296148

Oh I never said it wasn't.
They're both bad.

>> No.9296164
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I only drink bionic drinks

>> No.9296989
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if youre in aus

>> No.9297056

Chocolate milk my man

>> No.9297080


>> No.9297133

a cup of chamomile tea before bed. Doesn't get much comfier than that

>> No.9297185

I thought that existed in the States too.

>> No.9297229

Milk, water, whey protein (hopefully with milk) if I'm in a rush or whatever.
I just don't even wanna drink soda any more. I'm too sensitive fucking eat almost anything unhealthy. I swear my entire tract from mouth to ass is completely fucked for some reason with my ass alternating always between the two extremes of can't shit and on the toilet all day. The only consistent thing I've found that works is eating an absolutely perfect normal diet without a single ounce of any kind of processed shit or highly acidic drink. If I do differ from this course, I have to eat yogurt and banana to not blow up or burn away my entire digestive tract.
Might be genetic come to think of it.

...Although, I'm not sensitive to dairy for some reason.

>> No.9297254

Moxie > Dr. Pepper > Barq's root beer >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> everything else

>> No.9297301

The fuck is Moxie?
That some regional shit?

>> No.9297336

Yeah. Mostly limited to New England, it's everywhere in Maine and less common in southern New England. You can find it in other places, but it's not common. It's unlike any other soft drink I've had, it's worth a try if you get the chance.

>> No.9297436
File: 205 KB, 623x907, moxie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's it taste? Is it like a cola or something else?
Kinda looks like a cola from the images I saw on this search

>> No.9297448

Diet coke/pepsi max>Dr Foots>reg coke>cherry coke>>>>>Zero coke

>> No.9297485

>Diet coke over regular coke
What the fuck?
Are you one of those people who were raised on the taste?

>> No.9297521

It tastes like Moxie. It's not overwhelmingly sweet like pepsi or coke. It has a smooth, lightly bitter and complex taste that's like nothing else, and I don't mean that as an exaggeration.

>> No.9297530
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where my sons of capri at

>> No.9297687
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>> No.9297714

It tastes vaguely of root beer and ginger, with a bitter after-taste similar to alcohol or licorice.

>> No.9297869

like bubblegum

>> No.9297889

For me it's Canada Dry® Ginger Ale, the best beverage.

>> No.9298106

original Surge from 1999

>> No.9298210



>> No.9299364


>> No.9299394
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yogurt is patrish

>> No.9299403

Le chad coconut water for me.

>> No.9300279

Nigga you high? You can't drink food.

>> No.9300293

Fuck off back to your containment thread retard

>> No.9301801

>urine meets EPA standards for drinking water


>> No.9303592

root beer

>> No.9303602
File: 1.29 MB, 1836x3264, get some mid jonnie 307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

canada dry
ginger ale
good stuff confirmed

>> No.9304186


>> No.9304191

Well I'm a girl(male) for preferring alcohol like Mike's Hard Lemonade, mostly the watermelon flavor.

But non-alcoholic, in terms of flavored beverage and not water, my most favorite would be probably Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper.

>> No.9304200
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>Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper

There's CHERRY flavored Dr. Pepper? How the fuck does that work?

>> No.9304204
File: 22 KB, 172x480, dr_pepper_cherry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idunno, factory adds cherry flavoring to dr. pepper?

Although I only get cherry vanilla at those coke freestyle machines.

>> No.9304209

But isn't Dr. Pepper already some cherry coke sort of mixture? It's like saying lemon flavored lemonade.

>> No.9304218

No? Or or else it'd be a cola. Plus it was invented as it's own thing only to be sold to Coke and Pepsi at some point.

>> No.9304230

>No? Or or else it'd be a cola

The main point of the sentence was the cherry flavor mind you, I only used "coke" as a short way of saying soft drink.

>> No.9304240

Dr Pepper is a 'spicy cherry cola', just like Pibb