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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9282535 No.9282535 [Reply] [Original]

>you cook?
>that's women's work bro

Is knowing how to cook a masculine trait? Or is it the realm of stoop-shouldered, wispy beta-males?

>> No.9282551

Knowing how to cook is part of being a self sufficient adult and self sufficiency is masculine.The only people who demean you for knowing how to cook are retarded man babies.

>> No.9282552

It's a basic life skill.

>> No.9282556

The chief problem with food in this country is lack of demand for good stuff.

As a nu-male, I would definitely consider cooking a nu-male trait, but I will allow insecure football-watching truck-driving anti-intellectuals to have their fun as long as it improves demand for, and therefore supply of, high quality goods within this country.

>> No.9282580


Being extremely proficient at nearly anything is "alpha" or masculine, and cooking is no exception. If you're unable to make yourself a proper meal as an adult you may as well still be an underaged teenager. Its pathetic.

>> No.9282593

Nah actual, active cooking, especially with flame, is masculine as fuck.
Baking is for women though.

>> No.9282641

Yeah, and so is laundry too right? I won't lie my wife does mine, but I did it when I was a bachelor. You can view it as women's work, but then you'd walk around a smelly fuck because you didn't wash your stuff.

Same goes with cooking. Also if your friend doesn't enjoy eating delicious home prepared food, and further more tries to make you feel feminine, you have shitty friends. My buddy and I have signature dishes we request when we hang out. He can anything on a grill, I make bomb ass chili and tacos.

>> No.9282660

I think that cooking is masculine and is better handled by men.
It's baking that I would say is girly.
t. heterosexual white male

>> No.9282672


Most of the best chefs in the world are men, bro. Think about it.

>> No.9282722

Cooking is definitely a nu-male skill.

>> No.9282750

>haha cooking is womens work

men are better than women at doing womens work, and every other kind of work

>> No.9282819

>Is knowing how to cook a masculine trait? Or is it the realm of stoop-shouldered, wispy beta-males?

What difference does it make?

>you cook?
>that's women's work bro

I'm so sick and tired of garbage mentality like this faggot bro bro

Cooking is nothing new. People have always cooked their own food. It's a basic life skill. If you think a bunch of niggerloving city slickers invented cooking, you're wrong bro

>> No.9282890

Let me give you some personal insight on the matter.

I've been with my wife for 10 years now. We met in high school, and I got her pregnant.
She is and always has been a lazy person and a shit cook. I wouldn't even mind eating shit food if she at least made it on time. But she rarely did.

We'd get into screaming arguments constantly about how lazy and worthless she was. I felt like an asshole for it, but goddamn she was a real piece of work. The only reason I dealt with all this was for the kids, and also because the sex is great.

But one night, I got fed up. Not only did she get drunk, neglect the kids, and made me top Ramen for dinner, but she decided to give me attitude too. She was being real fucking bitchy. So I told my grandparents to keep an eye on the kids and told my wife we were going to go out and have dinner together. I drove maybe 3 blocks to a quiet area (we live in Oregon, it's not hard to find a quiet field) and I got out of the car, went around like I was going to open her door for her and let her out, and I just beat the shit out of her while she was still seatbelted. After a few punches, I asked her if she wanted to go back to her parents. She started screaming and yelling and said yes, so I beat the shit out of her again. Then I asked her what she wanted to do. She finally got smart and said she wanted to go home. So I took her home and dared her to start trouble. I even handed her my cellphone and dialed her mom's number on the drive home. I made her talk to her mom, while daring her to fucking say something.

Before that incident, I had never laid a hand on her. But I had always threatened it. I told her "one of these days, if you don't straighten up, I'm going to lay hands on you."

All my meals have been on time, and she just recently tried to make a meatloaf. It was mediocre, but I was just thrilled that she tried.

Do with this information what you will.

>> No.9282896

this is quality copypasta

>> No.9282907
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>Knowing how to provide food for yourself and your family is a beta trait

>> No.9282911

Depends on what you cook. You make some sweet shit rather than savoury then you're gonna get bullied

>> No.9282920
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It's pasta but the kids are gonna bite it.

>> No.9282958

>le ebin fox news propaganda against whispy numales
>implying liberals are all whispy numales to make conservatives foam at the mouth
>perpetuate an us vs them mentality
>perpetuate a black and white, split world view of extremes

Op fell for the memes.

>> No.9283042

You could be like the masculine 45 year old guy at my work that doesn't know how to cook.

He eats the same thing everyday for dinner, frozen packet of butter chicken. He buys the cheapest one they have, the shitty generic brand one.

>> No.9283051

Yeah but 45 chicken dude has a story about the time he killed a hooker in Las Vegas.

>> No.9283069

Na, he's one of the most sheltered people I've ever met.

He only just moved out of his parents place about 18 months ago, has never been fishing, has zero social skills, obsessed with work, work is all he talks about.

>> No.9283078

>but I will allow insecure football-watching truck-driving anti-intellectuals to have their fun

This guy's a riot.

>> No.9283086

>has never been fishing
That's an odd thing to mention.

>> No.9283099

If you care, you're a beta.

>> No.9283105

I thought that when I wrote it but there's a bunch of us at work that talk about fishing a lot and he always chimes in and tells us how he's never caught a fish.

>> No.9283187

ITT: Queers raised by single mommy defend their feminist brainwashing.

So glad I wrote the post that inspired this thread.

>> No.9283215

Cooking is feminine. Any sort of nurturing activity is going to be feminine. But if you're worried about if doing a feminine thing is going to make you look feminine then the problem is with your self-image.

All men do some feminine things and vice versa.

>> No.9283254


sweet baking, you mean

bread baking is manly as fuck because of all the kneading by hand; gives you fucking joosy forearms

>> No.9283274
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I don't know if cooking is masculine or not, but it's a pretty impressive thing to be able to do, especially if you're very good at it.

Plus, look at some of the top chefs, Marco Pierre White for example, I'd say he's pretty masculine.

>> No.9283275

I agree with this. My GF loves that I can cook, and I like not dying when alone. Win/win

>> No.9283286

Wrong photo, but the point still stands.

>> No.9283306

You're still gonna die alone. But I agree, not learning to do something you need someone to do 3 times a day because it might be feminine is feminine in itself. Self-reliance is a trait that I associate with any man worth looking up to.

>> No.9283319

>Is knowing how to cook a masculine trait?
Not knowing how to cook is an idiot trait.

>> No.9283376

This is the stupidest fucking thread of all time.

>> No.9283412

>posted with a trip

>> No.9283417

It's a trait of a well-adjusted, not shitty human. Like knowing how to do laundry and wipe pubes out of the sink.

>> No.9283478

I cook but I never clean so it's not girly.

>> No.9283480

>is it the realm of stoop-shouldered, wispy beta-males?

Yes. Learning to cook is how they compensate for their other weaknesses when looking for mates, and also how they secure food for themselves when restaurants don't have the vegan food they insist on subsisting on.

>> No.9283481

Procuring the food is men's work.
Cooking it is women's work.

If you needed this explained to you, you weren't raised by a man to be a man.

>> No.9283524


>> No.9283640

Learning and mastering skills is a masculine trait

>> No.9283650

I was buying a baking tin today and saw a man buy roughly 15 packs of instant ramen and a few cans of beans in sauce. He also bought two of those sectioned off tupperware lunch containers.

It was the saddest thing I've ever seen.

>> No.9283660

I cook as a hobby since it's an integral part of our culture.
I'm a nu male though so I don't care if it's 'masculine' or not, fuck the pathetic closeted homo's who are obsessed with masculinity.

>> No.9283664

Cooking is simply following directions. How much of a bitch nigga do you have to be that you can't follow directions

>> No.9283676

Yup, anytime a man and a woman switch positions, say a stay at home mom and a working dad switch jobs for a week. You know who will have a hell of a better time? The man. He'll be able to take care of all the chores in two hours and laze about all day, and still more than enough time to put a delicious meal on the table. The woman will bitch about being over worked to high heaven, and immediately see how much easier she had it.

>> No.9283677


>> No.9283689

Doesn't sound like to me he was masculine at all mate... masculinity means self-sufficiency as well.

>> No.9283693

Cooking is a womanly trait unless you are a certified chef.

>> No.9284006

Yeah, that argument sucks though since most of the best everything in the world are men.

>> No.9284012


It all depends on the person cooking, it doesn't determine whether you're beta or not. Here's a simple example - Gordon Ramsay = a proper bloke
Jamie Oliver = wimpy faggot

>> No.9284017

i cooked up some bacon and eggs for breakfast today, could /ck/ please tell me how much of a man i am? ty

>> No.9284041

If you're going basic, cooking was the most essential alpha trait historically. Our ancestors learned how to cook by trial and error, then eventually harnessed the use of fire. Males would hunt and cook, while females would still continue to gather the raw vegetation that they were existing on beforehand.

Eventually that vegetation would also be cooked. Cooking changed both the priorities and the physiology of those who could exploit it--bigger brains smaller guts theory. Defending against thieves also required males to split into cooking camps and defensive camps...

So if you want to trace the origins...it's pretty alpha. In terms of evolution, it's kind of why we're here and other lines died out. Doesn't get more alpha than that, really.

>> No.9284042

Real bacon or american bacon?

>> No.9284043
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Depends on the person. If you truly enjoy cooking, for yourself or for another, then it's an alpha male trait. If you would rather not cook, but you do it anyways because you haven't the balls to say, "No, bitch, cook your own shit." then cooking (for you) is a beta male activity.

>> No.9284122

Throw some meat and random vegetables in a crockpot with chicken stock and that's probably the most anyone needs to know for the bare minimum.

>> No.9284185

cooking really well basically says you enjoy doing something good for other people, because, lets face it, cooking for yourself is not very fun at all.
sure hospitality is a trait that is more commonly identified as feminine, but if anybody really has a problem with you preparing a nice meal for people you like/love they have problems/are highly insecure about their masculinity/annoying human beings

>> No.9284201
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>> No.9284206

Cooking can be known by masculine adults and by a beta man-child. If you are curious about which one you are, you are the latter.

>> No.9284267
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>Ruby still didnt kill himself

>> No.9284275

>people think cooking is a woman thing
>every time I use some woman's kitchen the knives are all fucking dull
>they handle their dull knives in the most retarded way

It's fucking baffling how many housewives have been cooking their whole fricking life and never learned how to handle a knife.

>> No.9286299
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>> No.9286306

I don't give a shit.

>> No.9286439

hear hear, except being a baker with bread is masculine.

>> No.9286456

Good pasta, sadly some broads really do need to have hands on them to get smart

>> No.9286470

how the fuck is he masculine

>> No.9286480

Cause all those tough heads chefs who run successful restaurants are all women, right?

>> No.9286487

There's like 5 "women and cooking" threads a day and this pops up in every one. It's long stale at this point.

>> No.9286495

B-but I mostly bake

>> No.9286525

>cook food for girl
>panties drop at the speed of light

Besides, you should be able to prepare your own food as an adult.

>> No.9286531

I've worked under some hard bitches who both new how to cook and new how to run a business. It's not that uncommon actually.

>> No.9287295
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Gets me every time.

>> No.9287300

Do you think women fed Kings in the days of old?

>> No.9287504

agreed, barely many women wok cook over high intensity that arent chinese.

i still do my own because i strive for perfection