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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 117 KB, 1024x612, capers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9280749 No.9280749 [Reply] [Original]

These bad boys almost make me puke all the times. I've tried to develop a taste for them but I just hate them so much.

I don't think they can possibly taste the same to me and to people who actually enjoy them.

Is it something like cilantro tasting soapy to some people?
Also can you confirm this cilantro thing? I love it but a few people I often have at dinner really don't.

>> No.9280758

For whatever reason I really hate raw tomatoes and cucumber.

Cucumber has a really strong taste to me and I can't get over it.

Raw tomato just fucks whatever it's on - like it turns a perfectly crisp and nice sandwich soggy and overpowers the other flavors for me.

>> No.9280767
File: 41 KB, 350x350, bluecheese4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blue cheese. Can't quite get a taste for it.

>> No.9280768

Anything at a store that's not fresh excluding things like rice, bread, frozen veggies.

Canned shit, pickled shit... basically anything that comes in a jar. No thanks. If I want pickles, hot sauce, condiments... I'll just go ahead and make them myself at home.

>> No.9280769

I legit hate beets. Fuck beets.

>> No.9280772


Sun dried tomatoes are god tier.

>> No.9280797

>Be young me
>lactose intolerant
>really have a hard time eating cheese or drinking straight milk
>my parents don't care and force me to eat it every time instead of letting my tastes develop over time
>sometimes my dad would stand me in the kitchen and force me to drink a glass of milk
>I always gag and refuse to down it
>ever since then, when I would eat cheesy foods, I'd vomit everything I'd eaten overnight
>It got so bad that one day I eat nachos and immediately after finishing them, I hurled them up
>my mom is concerned
>my dad doesn't know what's going on
>I tell them it's the cheese.
>they proceed to give me foods without cheese from then on
>no sickness

And that's how I grew to absolutely despise cheese. I'd get force fed it until I'd throw up and would do it so consistently, my brain told me cheese was fucking toxic.

Seemed to not affect me when I ate cereal or ice cream though...

>> No.9280801

So... just dont eat them? They are just capers. Why force yourself. There are like two dishes that you will be missing out on.
For me, its eggs. The worst food.

>> No.9280806

If you live in a hot enough area (say at least 85°F and good sun), they're pretty fucking easy to make. Something as simple as setting on a tilted reed matting, sliced in half, then storing with lots of salt is good.
If it's hot/dry enough you can make it in 1 day.

>> No.9280807

>and then put them in jars

>> No.9280823

I was a picky eater as a child, so much that trying food I used not to like is now an habit. And usually a good one.
But capers are off the list now. Maybe in a few years I'll try them back.

>> No.9280833


>cant understand the differencr between processed and non-processed foods.

Flyover detected.

>> No.9280865

>Cucumber has a really strong taste
what the fuck

>> No.9280871

Have you tried it with beer or wine, or as part of a dish? That might mellow out the sharp edges.

>> No.9280875
File: 53 KB, 800x556, iStock_000055189496_Large-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah yes let me have a nice mouthful of tear gas

>> No.9280877

>Flyover detected
Faggot shitposter detected

>> No.9280880
File: 5 KB, 257x196, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ketchup meme. I cannot fathom why putting sickly sweet tomato sauce on fries or other food is the default in so much of the country.

>> No.9280885

>being such a flyover that you can't understand the combination of sweet and savory

>> No.9280892

Welcome, my friend, to the wonders of home made ketchup.
Such a glorious sauce doesn't need to be made from shit quality ingredients and tons of sugar as 90% of store bought is.
You basically just need to know it must cook until it loses the vinegar-y smell.

>> No.9280895

Watermelon...gross...i see why niggers eat it there not quite up.to evolutionary standard....but white people c'mon can we just put this shit out of it's misery....and get rid of watermelons too while were at it

>> No.9280962

I don't mind sun dried, it's just raw "juicy" tomatoes I'm not keen on.

Yeah I don't know if it's a taste bud defect or what but I can detect cucumbers a mile away.

>> No.9280968

cucumbers do have a strong aroma. some people are just flavour retards

>> No.9281143

Give roquefort a try. I absolutely hate gorgonzola, stilton, and every other blue cheese I've ever come across, but I love roquefort. Unlike the others, it doesn't taste like feet, but still has that characteristic pungent sharpness of blue cheese.

>> No.9281155

post a recpie

i am curios

>> No.9281160

You have probably never tasted a really GOOD watermelon. What one can get in stores nowadays is nearly all watery, flavourless, early-picked shit.

>> No.9281183
File: 69 KB, 600x592, 6f07d2322c3ecdfc59d82e84642f709f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9281184

/dadg/ all over today

>> No.9281187
File: 326 KB, 800x800, 480G-pikantny-800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why bother when Polish ketchup exists

>> No.9281197

Honestly? Olives. I love olive oil, but I can't stand eating them plain.

Good watermelon is really fucking hard to find. If you can get a good one though (look up guides online on how to tell if one's ripe, and only buy them from farmers markets), they're heaven and maybe the best tasting fruit.

>> No.9281198

really? on /ck/?

>> No.9281209

This holy shit. I will eat or try almost anything but raw tomatoes are fucking disgusting. Cucumbers and celery also have an overpowering taste and ruin any dish for me

>> No.9281227
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>> No.9281280

I used to hate raw tomatoes until I had a really good Caprese.

>> No.9281293

is hating tomatoes a strickly american thing?

>> No.9281297
File: 93 KB, 400x400, włocławek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

move bitch, champion coming through

>> No.9281302

1. It's "strictly"
2. Tomatoes are indigenous to the Americas
3. People in the USA love tomatoes. Just search per capita consumption
4. Try not to ask stupid questions

>> No.9281311

onions are the devils vegetable

faggotinis with shit taste

>> No.9281317

it's just that I don't know anyone who dislikes tomatoes IRL, and yet it seems they're hated by many on /ck/

>> No.9281323


Unfortunately I don't really follow a recipe for this, so I don't have amounts.
The technique is pretty straightforward, you just have to boil everything slowly in the same pot.
The variations are endless:

What kind of tomato? I usually go with puree or peeled. After cooking, the choice matters also in term of needing to strain the sauce or not. If you like it smooth, strain it anyway.

You need a lot of vinegar. I usually go white and wine, as I like wine vinegar but it's too strong.

White sugar is fine, a mixture with brown or honey gives complexity but it's up to you.
Sugar is also needed for texture and helps preserve it longer (a major disadvantage when compared to store bought)

Spice the fuck out of it: garlic powder, onion powder and a clove are the base. Yes I'd go for powder against fresh garlic, but maybe I'm the real pleb.
Other than that, really whatever you like is gonna be fine (probably).
Oh yeah, salt. Don't forget salt.

Cook until thick or at least an hour or so.
It's probably best to use a slow cooker... it will take hours but you don't have to be around as much.

>> No.9281327

Fish, fennel, artichokes and olives. It's the worst of the worst.

>> No.9281336

European here, mediterranean.
We have high quality tomatoes and I cannot stand raw tomatoes if not high quality and thinly sliced.
I know people who dislike raw tomatoes and people who dislike cooked ones, but nobody who dislikes both.

>> No.9281421

Cilantro to me tastes like battery acid, but if there's just a little bit in a dish it's tolerable. I dont know how beaners can load that shit up in everything they eat

The food that i cannot, and will not eat is corn. Regular canned, creamed, or on the cob, that shit makes me want to projectile vomit just by smelling it being cooked. Ever since I was little Ive never been able to eat it. I would gleefully eat dog shit before corn... Hominy on the other hand is fucking delicious.

>> No.9281435

Hmmm, I might try this. My local ALDI has started carrying pureed tomatoes.

>> No.9281436


>> No.9281437

>Cilantro to me tastes like battery acid, but if there's just a little bit in a dish it's tolerable. I dont know how beaners can load that shit up in everything they eat
It's a genetic thing. Some people just can't into cilantro. I love it.

>> No.9281447

>oh anon, but they taste so earthy!
they taste like dirt

>> No.9281467

how tf are you doing your beets.

They just need some salt and a ride in the microwave. They're a bit starchy and sweet and make your poop look terrifying, but I'd never call them "earthy".

>> No.9281509

I dont like carrots or sweet potatoes in savory food

>> No.9281510

Kids tastes are literally chicken nuggets and Mac and cheese, "build over time" my ass

>> No.9281533

Yeah, cilantro literally tastes like bar soap to me. What is it supposed to taste like?

>> No.9281542

like salty mint

>> No.9281575

Back to your trailer you white trash

>> No.9281584

I don't like yellow and red bell peppers, there's something about them that gives me a queasy feeling

All other peppers I'm fine with though including green bell peppers

>> No.9281603

/ck/ is full of fat manbabies who subsist on fast food and microwavable meals.

>> No.9281609

>not chilling a watermelon in the fridge for a few hours, then enjoying it outside in the hot summer sun with your family
Are you just pissed that a watermelon wont fit in the mini fridge you have in the bedroom you never leave? Angry that mom wants you to come down stairs and have some watermelon with visiting family who will inevitably ask if you've gotten a job or a gf?

>> No.9281616
File: 86 KB, 521x818, Mark_Twain,_Brady-Handy_photo_portrait,_Feb_7,_1871,_cropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We know it was not a watermelon with which Eve tempted Adam, for he repented.

>> No.9281623
File: 10 KB, 260x166, 260px-I'se_so_happy_-_postcard-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never heard of or met anyone white or black who doesn't like watermelon. I suspect you're just a /pol/tard who erroneously associates it with blacks and on that basis rejects it. Fool.

>> No.9281624
File: 31 KB, 1000x604, shutterstock_288297071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The worst thing on the planet.

>> No.9281829
File: 316 KB, 1536x1024, blackolives.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everytime i've tried to eat these i have to cover up like 95% of the flavor with other food

green olives are only tolerable

>> No.9281839

small capers are nice but the big ones with all the nasty crunchy seeds are really disgusting

>> No.9281846

You realize not liking raw tomatoes doesn't mean everything with tomato in it right?

>> No.9281900
File: 337 KB, 503x469, f3MNavk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eggs. The worst food

>> No.9281943

Many types of mushrooms are just awfully disgusting to me, it's primarily a textural thing, but some taste terrible too. I have had some that I enjoy, generally smaller firmer ones that aren't as earthy tasting. The ones you'll typically find on pizza I cannot stand at all though, makes me instantly want to vomit.

Also ranch dressing, I'd sooner kill myself than even smell it. When I worked in restaurants I'd occasionally get some on my hands and boy did it just genuinely disgust me. Made me resent anyone that enjoys it, and to think some people drown perfectly good salads and pizza in that shit. Makes me shudder

>> No.9281954
File: 48 KB, 400x462, 1468847573507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he can't appreciate the god combo of lemon ginger

>> No.9282021


>> No.9282175

>he can't tell horseradish from ginger

>> No.9282195
File: 5 KB, 345x283, karl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9282218

This fascinates me. It's such a mild flavour.

>> No.9282221

confirmed for not white.

>> No.9282232

This is where I stand.

Except cucumbers, those are fine by me.

>> No.9282235

I bet you never heard of Caprese until JoJo.

>> No.9282250

>Used to eat eggs a lot between ages 2-5
>Kept getting disgusted with how they looked in cartoons
>Found them disgusting forever with very minor exceptions

>> No.9282270

>Hating free heart medicine.
>Hating free diabeetus repellant.

>> No.9282278

Kale, quinoa, pumpkin spice, sun-dried tomatoes, avacados and guacamole, soy milk, almond milk, apple cider vinegar, sriracha, jalapenos and shirataki noodles to name a few.

>> No.9282324

canteloupe and melon
they're horrendously unappealing
watermelon sucks too
best fruit is raspberries

>> No.9282349


Capers are delicious in salads, especially with anchovies.

>> No.9282369
File: 29 KB, 447x285, Shrimp_main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally tried to post this exact image. They have a weird metallic taste to me that overpowers anything they're cooked on.

Also, this. I tolerate, but don't prefer, most seafood. But shrimp is an absolute could not, would not, on a boat for me. The texture is not appetizing, the flavor is terrible, and they look like some kind of disgusting sea bug.

>> No.9282395

capers are god tier on everything you child.

>> No.9282435

Like somewhat between parsley and oregano, but with a citrus overtone. People without the genetic trait don't taste any soapy flavor at all

>> No.9282443
File: 5 KB, 190x153, 1375950393417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>arugula salad
>blue cheese
>raw peppers
just to name the ones top of my head

>> No.9282445
File: 33 KB, 580x537, 18425101_1461887243892513_5613803710637052052_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>cucumber has a really strong taste

>> No.9282472
File: 14 KB, 480x270, 1480685618228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thought I hated hamburgers because of the shit they served at school and mcdonalds
>wasn't until I was 19 I caved in and tried a real burger
>best thing I've eaten in years
>mfw I have 19 years worth of burgers to catch up to
who /seenthelight/ here?

>> No.9282478

I eat about 4 or 5 good burgers a week
welcome to the club

>> No.9282484

If they taste like dirt they're raw, you need to boil them

>> No.9282859


>> No.9282863
File: 22 KB, 306x276, 1502250029288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I food I love that everyone seems to hate is okra.

>> No.9283396

Have a small piece with some honey on a cracker. Blue cheeses are really strong so you dont need much. They stink pretty bad though, I'll give you that.

That sucks. They're pretty standard on burgers.

>> No.9283400

Okra is awesome. Fried okra is hard to get right but oh so good. I made some Indian food a bit ago and added okra, and it was great.

>> No.9283413


Ah man thats crazy, i just started eating okra, because the Indian place right by my house uses it in alot of dishes, and I'm completely addicted to it

>> No.9283416

Raw tomatoes. I hate the texture and the taste. Turn it into any sauce and it's delicious though.
Nuts. Almost all of them taste disgusting to me. People grind them and put them in stuff and then claim "oh you can't even taste it". Yes, I can, and it makes it worse. If you "can't even taste it" then how about you don't fucking put it in, you can't taste it right!? Water chestnuts are delicious though.

>> No.9283446
File: 75 KB, 800x600, fuck this shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I join the anti-onion brigade if I only hate excessive amounts of raw onion (diced especially), but like, with a really, really strong passion

>> No.9283452

Of course, excessive amounts doesn't apply to putting it on burgers or most other sandwiches. Any amount is too much then.

>> No.9283462

...Is it weird that I don't have any real pet peeves with food and will appreciate virtually any food or beverage that's crafted well enough?

>> No.9283467

I like every single thing that has been mentioned. The only two I'm kind of indifferent on are sundried tomatoes and capers, but I can take or leave them really. I'm glad I'm not a picky eater; it sounds like a lot of effort.

>> No.9283484

What you had were most likely green olives dyed with super strong iron-based black food dye ... as are most preserved "black" olives. Go eat some genuine, fresh black olives, they are god-tier.

>> No.9283495

Tastes like sharpie marker desu.

>> No.9283520
File: 19 KB, 630x429, Swiss_Cheese_Garden_of_Eden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Swiss cheese fucking sucks.

>> No.9283523

Can't stand lamb. Every time I try it, I think "Maybe I was just tasting it wrong last time" or "Maybe it was the way it was cooked."

Nope. Can somebody explain to me the appeal of a literally milky-tasting beef? I'm genuinely curious.

>> No.9283533

I think it tastes like delicious tender flesh. Perhaps you dislike young meats. Do you dislike veal as well, and have you tried mutton instead?

>> No.9283538

Have not tried veal or mutton, but thanks for the perspective.

>> No.9283543

Gotta use it right and in smaller amounts.
I've noticed that chunky pieces of Swiss cheese just make me sick for some reason. Has to be a single slice and I would never want to eat it alone like I strangely and ashamedly have done with block cheddar cheese

>> No.9283544

They are exactly how I imagine a booger tasting slimy briny salty chewy little and green with a hint of sweet
Fuck capers

>> No.9283552

Swiss is a lot better if it's cooked into something else, if it's cold at all it tastes really bad.

>> No.9283555

I too, only use swiss with other stuff. Specifically only together with meat and bread. It has to be melty, too. Can't stand it cold or room temp.

>> No.9283561

>Lamb is milky tasting
What the fuck? I mean, to be fair, I've only really had lamb gyros and shawarma, but I've never thought it tasted like "milky" beef. I can't even imagine how a meat can taste milky or be compared to milk at all unless it is literally wet with milk.
But like... alright then.

>> No.9283564
File: 1.84 MB, 202x360, ikmwsx675gbt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't eat caramelized onions on his brats

>> No.9283633

Eggs. Scrambled, boiled, omelettes, over easy, sunny side up, Scotch, runny, overcooked, I hate them all.

>> No.9283654

Habañero: Yum

Jalapeñus: Yuck.

>> No.9283655

Cucumber, watermelon, any bell pepper, iceberg lettuce. I'm sure there are others.

>> No.9283681

This thread is for foods you hate only, not plastic and other inedibles

>> No.9283692

That's a funny way of saying mushrooms

>> No.9283703

I fucking hate these

>> No.9283707

Man fuck mushrooms, they're my least favorite food and always has been. As for Ranch, it's meh. I like dipping Celery and baby Carrots in it but pizza?? That's fucking disgusting, do people really put ranch on pizza?

>> No.9283708

Burgers might possibly be my favorite food. I just fucking love me a good burger

>> No.9283711
File: 51 KB, 638x374, Harvested-Durian-Whole-Sliced-Open.jpg.638x0_q80_crop-smart[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been banging my head on the wall trying to like this stuff but it just isn't working. It starts out nice and then it has a ghastly aftertaste.
Will it eventually go away if I just keep shoveling it down?

>> No.9283714


>> No.9283726
File: 15 KB, 220x220, 220px-Damn._Kendrick_Lamar[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9283730


>> No.9283755

Being poor and working in a diner has made me completely fucking despise eggs

>> No.9283766

Thinly sliced maters with a thin layer of mayonnaise and salt & pepper is god tier

>> No.9283777

Than you are a spoiled snot nosed literal child. Onion is the flavor base for pretty much 90% of all dishes everywhere on the planet

>> No.9283779
File: 503 KB, 546x523, heavyraynee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>cucumbers have a really strong taste
>raw tomato overpowers other flavors

Ay nigga where can I find some of these tomatos and cucumbers with disgustingly overpowering flavor? Because Ive never had any and would like to try them.

>> No.9283871
File: 116 KB, 1500x1000, Fuck-Lychee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck em'

>> No.9283930

Looks like a testicle. What's it taste like anon?

>> No.9284018

fucking beans taste the worst.

>> No.9284036

Quinoa is so good and versatile though
I love fish, but shrimp is a no for me too. It's mostly texture, but it doesn't taste that great either. Now crawfish I can handle, but I could never do shrimp

>> No.9284097

Raw tomatoes trigger my gag reflex and I also hate black beans, cilantro and egg yolks that aren't either runny or cooked through.

Other than that I

>> No.9284119
File: 28 KB, 520x520, whitefuckingvinegar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no food-based smell or taste I despise more than white vinegar. I love pretty much all over forms of vinegar but why someone would want food that taste of pure unfiltered acetic acid boggles my mind.

This goes double for the acetic acid power they use on chips.

>> No.9284137

I like raw tomatoes but I always find myself avoiding tomato sauces

>> No.9284139

Use a little bit of vinegar. Gets rid of the slimeyness before you fry them.

>> No.9284152
File: 756 KB, 241x182, 555606842.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a good beets story.
>be me in elementary school
>turkey and mashed potatoes for lunch yay
>walking past salad bar
>see what I assume to be "cranberry sauce"
>hmm why are they disks?
>Oh well must be just cause school buys ghetto canned cran sauce
>take some disks
>sit down. Put one whole disk onto a forkful of turkey
>fully expecting delicious cranberry
>wow did I just eat dirt
>spit it out and can't even finish my lunch
>the shock ruined beets for me to this day (25 now)

Why God? Why?

>> No.9284157

i dont like ginger in any form,
im allergic to oysters

>> No.9284298
File: 231 KB, 1000x746, Kiwi_aka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Motherfucking kiwis. Tastes like shit and leaves a sourly taste in your mouth

>> No.9284358


>> No.9284365

I can't fucking stand pancakes. God damned pile of mush.

>> No.9284394

I hate raw onions. I don't want then on my burgers, in my chili or anywhere else, cook that shit or fuck OFF

>> No.9284427

not big on really fishy-tasting fish or oysters, ambivalent about eggplant, don't enjoy artificial grape flavored anything

>> No.9284454

If you haven't had good New Zealand lamb, you've only had shit-tier lamb thus far anon. It's like a mellow venison if anything

>> No.9284481

I don't like feeling on my teeth while eating olives
They numb my teeth but in a weird way, really can't explain it

>> No.9284487

These taste like bad seafood to me, but I can see where they can be good in some dishes. I don't like super saffrony foods and I'm avoidant of excess greens because I'm prone to blood clots. Cilantro is amazing though.

>> No.9284499

I really love eggs but every time I eat them have to puke or have dirrahea
Do anybody knows why?

>> No.9284539

Ginger has practically no nutritional value.

>> No.9284560


I agree with cucumbers being strong.

It's hard to explain. It's more like a whole mouth sensation, not a flavor.

Like mint is cooling, chilis are hot. Cilantro and parsley are "fresh".

There's something there, and it permeates everything. Although I like it.

>> No.9284637

American education, everybody.

>> No.9284663

I've grown to the smell as I've gotten older but I've yet to put it in my mouth.

>> No.9284668

I hate vinegar flavored chips, but I don't mind it for marinades and such.

White vinegar is almost exclusively window cleaner in my house if not something to gargle if a scratchy throat happens.

>> No.9284669

>I'm a spoiled child for not completely loathing raw onion to the point that I wouldn't eat it at all
I'm not like making this shit up son, this is how my whole family is.

>> No.9284679

Not him and I'm not doubting the flavor profile of that the onion provides in some things but I'm pretty much in the same camp that I fucking can't stand eating the onion itself 90% of the time. Rings and grilled are exceptions.

>> No.9284705

Kinda shocked here, honestly.
Lychee is a great fruit, in my opinion at least and to me, doesn't seem to have a taste I'd expect to be very controversial.

The best way I can describe the taste is like, have you ever smelled perfume?
Not the taste of perfume of course, I mean just the smell of a particularly fruity yet not overpowering perfume or other smell meant to just make something smell nice.
That's what lychee tastes like to me. Its like they changed the smell of an inoffensive perfume or scented candle into a taste.
Not sure if that's a very sensible comparison, but that's what I think whenever I eat it.

>> No.9284763

I can't stand garlic or onions. The smell and taste is so strong that I can't stand to even keep them in the kitchen. I have onion and garlic powder for emergencies only.

>> No.9284791

Your cooking must be awful.

>> No.9284810

I think it's pretty good. I use a ton of paprika, cayenne, and mustard, so my food definitely isn't bland.

>> No.9284833

Shut your whore mouth it has produced more worth than you EVER will you fucking plebbit

>> No.9284843

lychee is great. tastes like perfumy raspberries, very unique flavor

>> No.9284858

>Polish rune writing all over it
>Implying anyone not Polish, Greek, Middle Eastern, Slav, maybe Jewish, or some other related dirty ethnicity goes to dirty ethnic specialty stores, let alone knows of any off the top of their heads

>> No.9284864


>> No.9284998

Olives are bulshit

>> No.9285134

i think a lot of people have had really poorly prepared okra

>> No.9285180

afaik most americans eat shit tons of tomato, but it's a thing here for places to serve sandwiches with thick, grainy tomato slices up against the bread that makes everything wet and nasty. i think this is why some people say they don't like raw tomato. hell, i almost always decline raw tomato in a restaurant setting, but i eat raw tomato at home all the time.

the ones on pizza are usually canned mushrooms. they have a slipperyness that i really don't enjoy. i like every type of fresh or rehydrated dry mushroom i've ever had though.

you either have a sensitivity to the proteins in eggs or have an existing stomach problem that the proteins in eggs exacerbate. my younger sister has autoimmune and gastrointestinal problems and can't eat eggs because of it.

>> No.9286578


>> No.9286643

The thing about capers is that they're very sour little pickles often used to offset richness in sauces for things like chicken, fish and sometimes charcuterie. They're meant to be a foil for other flavors, not a thing on their own.

>> No.9286792
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>Hey let's take fruit and spices and make it a dip
This shit is revolting and I don't know why it exists and the worst part is I force myself to eat it every opportunity in the hope it's like cilantro or liquorice and stockholm masochism will make it delicious one day

>> No.9286821

Your parents are fucking stupid. I hope you let them know this on as consistent of a basis as they force fed you poison.

>> No.9286837

I can't really think of any tastes that I dislike, but I really hate the texture of mushrooms.