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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9272938 No.9272938 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Shitty restaurants with horrible food that makes you wonder how they are still in business.

>> No.9272941

Arby's is good. I really like their curly fries.

>> No.9272951

Arby's is a lot better if you ignore their roast beef

>> No.9272957

I follow a similar philosophy regarding your mom.

>> No.9272959

It might just be because I have no standards when it comes to what I eat, but I like both those places.

>> No.9272976

I don't have any Arby's near me, tried it once at a rest stop coming home from a concert. Got a buffalo chicken sandwich that might've been good but I couldn't even eat it because the sheer amount of buffalo sauce

>> No.9273886

>the restaurant is good if you ignore their food

>> No.9273927
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>> No.9274074

I bring my iMac and enjoy the atmosphere. Don't you?

>> No.9274079


>> No.9274143

Arby's I've never tried. Captain D's was okay the one time I had it, but not really worth its price.
I'd say the two places I've never had good luck with are KFC and Dunkin

>> No.9274162

>Got a buffalo chicken sandwich that might've been good but I couldn't even eat it because the sheer amount of buffalo sauce
Worst thing I've eaten in recent memory was that. It's like no one bothered to taste it before they put it on the menu.

>> No.9274166

>enjoy the atmosphere
>at Arby's
You enjoy a miasma of despair?

>> No.9274168


>> No.9274177
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Arby's was good in the 90s or maybe I was just a dumb kid

>> No.9274187
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Oh shit senpai I just realized that it's called Arbys like RB like roast beef.

>> No.9274234

I am a glutton for punishment yes.

>> No.9274243

You know Arby's sells things other than roast beef right?

>> No.9274251
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>> No.9274252

for 16 years, i thought the logo for arbys was a fish, or an orca whale sticking its head out, which didnt make sense to me because a majority of the menu was beef/pork based.

now i know that it is, indeed a fish, and now a whale.

>> No.9274803


>> No.9274854
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Shit nigga my mind just exploded

>> No.9274861

Arby's is fucking delicious it pisses me off how there's literally only one in my province and it's nowhere near me.

>> No.9274864
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holy fuck you changed my life

>> No.9274871

chik FIL a. I don't know how they survive with tumor filled chicken and dumpster fries

>> No.9274895
File: 311 KB, 900x702, Jiggle_Billy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit

>> No.9274898

It's a hat, you spastic

>> No.9274918

incorrect. its an oven mitt

>> No.9274925

Raisin Boy

>> No.9274936

I liked that shit as a kid when my mom took me there once or twice because we were already at the mall. She liked to let me experience shitty places once. We went to White Castle once and never again. I didn't ask to return. And then I turned 9 and went vegan :^)

>> No.9274945

Was the second season any good?

>> No.9274955

>its an oven mitt
What, for a camel's hoof?

>> No.9275015

why the hell would you need a hat to make roast beef

>> No.9275021

no one took your b8

>> No.9275067

because its a texas!

>> No.9275084

Arby's isn't that bad.
That said I think the only fast food place I 100% hate is Burger King.

>> No.9275094

It is a hat
t. Licensed Texan Native

>> No.9275099

I actually quite like the Whopper. Better than the BigNig imo.

>> No.9275115

If you like tasting burned beef fat for the next three or four hours, sure..

>> No.9275120

Sounds like you just have a shitty BK.

>> No.9275178
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Captain d's ironically has the best chicken and best honey mustard of any non chicken centric fast food. Also best fries after checkers

>> No.9275194

>best chicken and best honey mustard of any non chicken centric fast food
gee if only there was some sort of chicken-centric fast food place to go instead then

>> No.9275197

>Lower americans standards for food
>Dump grease sugar and MSG into food
>Instantly make a million dollars
That simple anon

>> No.9275202

It's a chain. If I have a shit experience I'm not going back. Also why the fuck would a grown man ever go to a place that has menu items liek Angry Chicken Fries? I'd honestly be embarrassed walking in there.

>> No.9275208

>implying every restaurant is everywhere at all times
Sometimes you don't have the option to chose a chicken restaurant

>> No.9275223
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Went here several years ago with mom's extended family. Had to wait a long time despite having a reservation, and everything was extremely oily. So much so that it didn't move past my stomach and I barfed up salad the next morning.

>> No.9275238

Because I am secure enough in my masculinity to not care. Unlike you, it seems.

>> No.9275471

I thought it was a Texas 10-gallon hat.

>> No.9275541

Yeah I get the Grand turkey club and never have had an issue

>> No.9275661

it's not bait the chick FIL a's in my area are complete trash

>> No.9276529

>Bue4 di BEPPO
sounds like a fun and wacky place

>> No.9276552

>hating on Captain D's

I will punch you square in the face

>> No.9276620

I know that no one will have heard of this restaurant, since it's a small pizza place with maybe two locations. But it's the one restaurant where the food is such shit that it actually makes me angry.

It's called "Mangino's Pizzeria".

This fucking place has been open for almost 8 years in my town, and always has people in it, yet I know of no one that actually enjoys their food or goes there regularly. I may be a bit of a snob when it comes to Italian food, since I lived in Italy and my family owns a few restaurants, but my friend aren't. My friends are the biggest slobs on the planet and will eat a piece of frozen dog shit covered in sauce and cheese.

When this place opened, we were excited to have a new pizza shop open nearby, since it was walking distance from one of our friend's houses that we usually hung out. On opening day, we went there, 7 or 8 of us. All high school, ramen-eating, non-picky, messy kids who would eat just about anything. We got a simple cheese pizza. I swear to God, it was completely inedible to all of us.

When I say inedible, I mean every single one of us took exactly one slice, and took exactly one bite, then put it down. The typical high school slobs that we were, some of which, were overweight and raised on Kraft mac n' cheese, frozen chicken tendies, and Spaghettios, still couldn't eat it. And we were all really fucking hungry. I mean, at least I can actually eat a frozen pizza, or even bagel bites. They're edible, not good, but edible. This shit was an abomination. We even went back a few months later to see if it was just a mistake. It wasn't. People eat that shit, and enjoy it somehow.

As an Italian, and as a compassionate human being, I really hope that place burns to the ground with the owner still inside of it. I hope his first born son dies of AIDS. I hope the Italian mafia shows up at his door and boils his wife alive in a pot of red sauce and meatballs, so that she may taste actual food before she slowly dies.

>> No.9276623

yes. but it set up a season 3 which didnt happen. sad.

>> No.9276656

New Castle PA?

>> No.9276711

No, Naples

>> No.9276715

>Preferring Captain D's over the VASTLY superior Long John Silvers



>> No.9276728

>preferring greasy Long John Silvers with shit breading over the fantastic Captain D's

I pity you and your tastebuds

>> No.9276743

>Shit breading

You mean super delicious extra crispy batter?

Oh yeah, that's nowhere near as good as the floppy middle school cafeteria bullshit Captain D's calls fish.


>> No.9276746

didn't arby's used to be ok? I used to like their market fresh menu when I was a little kid. maybe it's just the area i'm in though.

>> No.9276753

They're still good. People here just have to be elitist about everything they can.

Half the people in this thread have eaten at one or both of these chains in the past few months and probably enjoyed every minute of it.

Everybody's just trying to look cool on a Norwegian soap carving board.

>> No.9276757
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>> No.9276970
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"America's Roast Beef - Yes Sir!"
fucking philistine

>> No.9277379

Apparently it's also a spin on Raffel Brothers, the founders.

>> No.9277396
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Food doesn't break though

>> No.9277417

I miss Arby's 5 for 5. I think I'm showing my age with this post.

>> No.9277422

Equating the consumption of shitty food with masculinity just shows you're poor and have shit taste.

>> No.9277430

But I didn't. That's what you did by "being embarrassed by walking in there". I'm saying that I flat out don't care unlike you.

>> No.9277571

5 for 5 was like 3 years ago you fucking queer.

Acting like it was 1950's exclusive shit, fuck off.

>> No.9277595

I'd be embarrassed because I'm a 50 year old with a decent career, None of my peers eat fast food. The closest they'll come is a deli sandwich or a diner when traveling, and even then they'll have their smartphones out looking for a proper restaurant. If any of them saw me walking out of a BK or McD's they'd call an ambulance, because they'd be sure I was having a stroke. Those are just not places people of my age and social class go to. I haven't eaten at McDonald's in over 20 years. I remember it was awful, though.

>> No.9277622

Faggot: the post.

Quit lyin bro, we know you make 30k a year doing some menial bullshit. No need to invent these illusions of grandeur, it's an anonymous board and everyone will forget your fake achievements.

And even if you are of high social and economic standing you're still a cock smoker because you think anybody gives a shit and you feel the need to seek validation for it.

>> No.9277645

Put it into context. All the people you know are like you, so your idea of what is normal gets reinforced by them. Same is true for me. In your circles eating fast food is normal, in mine people "know better' than to eat that shit. In my circles the indulgent, unhealthy move would be ordering a bottle of wine with dinner, and debating a second if the meal stretches out for a while. It's a big world, and there are a lot of different people in it. Part of why I'm here is because I find people from different places and social classes fascinating. You are basically providing me with armchair anthropology. Thanks for that.

>> No.9277657

Holy shit dude tone it back a notch you are trying WAY to hard to be "that pretentious asshole".
If I had any faith you ever left your home on a regular basis I'd feel sorry for people who have to interact with you, you're insufferable even through fucking text.

>> No.9277663

I had that revelation years ago. Turns out the RB stands for Raffel Brothers, the founders of the restaurant. It's a nice coincidence though.

>> No.9277697

>Holy shit dude tone it back a notch
Fair enough. I'm probably taking a little too much pleasure in being anonymous. But the truth is the reason I read fast food threads here is probably very close to the reason edgelords are drawn to gore threads on /b/ - grim fascination. The only time I get to experience any of this stuff in real life is when I visit my in-laws in the Midwest. And after knowing them for 20 years I still cringe at the "normal" things they eat.

>> No.9277700

> I purposefully troll in fast food threads because I'm such a lonely faggot it's the only way I can manage to have a human interaction

Thanks for clearing that up. I had my suspicions but it's always nice to have confirmation.

>> No.9277757
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The Arby's near me replaced a Roy Rogers. Talk about a down grade. Nothing beat the fixin bar. You could add your own veggies and condiments to your liking. Tons of fun as a kid. This was how I had my first encounter with horseradish

>> No.9278841
File: 56 KB, 500x303, wendys-chili.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic very related

>> No.9278933

U mad son lighten up.

>> No.9278968

What was wrong with it?

>> No.9278991

Burger King honestly.

>> No.9278995

Roy Rodgers were so shit that they went from having 500 stores to 30 in a years.

>> No.9279195

Arbys is weird. I rarely eat there, never want to go there. When I go there I immediately start regretting it even as I look over the menu and order. Then the food arrives and it looks and smells barely edible. But as I eat it, it tastes ok and I wonder why I don't come here more often. By the time I am finished, I think the food was pretty tastey. However as I leave, the memory of the food turns mediocre and I think that that meal could have been better spent at any other restaurant.

Arby's - the restaurant with food that is only good while your eating it.

>> No.9279498
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I only eat arby's when I'm feeling down. It's like a reflex. I don't deserve better so I'm eating at arby's, and it then tastes ok but the greasy aftertaste lingers with you for hours. Your burps remind you of your laziness and inability to cook a simple meal for yourself.

Nihilist arbys isn't a satirical twitter. It's truly what the restaurant was meant for.

>> No.9279780

long john silver.

>> No.9279787

Your picture made me laugh, thanks.

>> No.9279894
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>tfw any fish fast food restaurant on a random street in the uk is probably better than any of the US fish chains

>> No.9279897

bakers square

>> No.9279904

Oh god, I was in an airport on a layover and there was a pseudo-hologram ad playing near my gate for hours advertising Boston Market with horrible, horrible acoustic songs played by hippie women

>> No.9279966

why the fuck do they need two versions of their name on one logo? do people not know what a fucking chili looks like?

>> No.9279989

No, 5 roast beef sandwiches for $5. The original 5 for 5. It was in the 80s and I think went into the 90s.

>> No.9279996
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>> No.9280018

BK's are notorious for having varying quality between locations. I've never been to a BK that was exactly the same quality as another.