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File: 114 KB, 610x458, 20111012-FreestyleMachine-Main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9272901 No.9272901 [Reply] [Original]

This is one of the worst inventions to be accepted into the mainstream culinary world. They make every drink taste like shit. Who would have thought that trying to get a normal Coke from the same nozzle of the guy who just got Raspberry Vanilla Fanta would make it taste horrible.

My hatred of these is so bad that I actively boycott and restaurant who uses these. This includes Firehouse Subs, Burger King, Wendy's, Five Guys, Zaxby's. If I do have to go to one of these I either don't order a drink or request it from the fountain in the back so that it actually tastes normal.

tl;dr fuck these machines they make every drink taste like crap

>> No.9272906

lol kys cuck

>> No.9272910

I like them because they offer a huge variety and I never noticed a difference in taste.

>> No.9272914
File: 12 KB, 300x169, bp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drinking soda

>> No.9272922

I like to mix a bunch of random weird flavors together its great. Sorry I'm cucking your traditional taste of sody pop

>> No.9272927
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Not to mention that instead of more than one person being able to fill up a drink at a time instead you have every special snowflake trying to customize their concoction making everyone wait behind them

>> No.9272936

Same. I like the Freestyle. I'd like to see it in other places.

>> No.9273011

its really bad and people cum from the sight of it because Pininfarina. If you need to explain consumers how to use your device, then the device is shit.

>> No.9273033

That's why you always get water first for a few seconds to wash it off then dumb the water and start your experimentations.

>> No.9273041

didn't we have this thread from a week ago?

>> No.9273057

>Go to machine
> go to water screen
> tap the three bubbles at the top of the screen
>congrats now you're in service mode
>if employees are dumb, start disabling flavors

You can also open the bottom door to get to the flavor cartridges but that's suspicious as fuck.

These machines are such a pain in the ass. All the syrup comes in giant ink jet looking carriages and has to be changed pretty much every fucking day.

>> No.9273261

poorfag here. I just order a small water at fast food restaurants. it comes out of these machines dirty no matter how long i let it run.

>> No.9273285

>Still no Pineapple Fanta
Why must they do this, it's the fucking shit.

>> No.9273382

Somebody's tastebuds are Republican

>> No.9273630

It's incredibly frustrating to get stuck behind a boomer at one of these things.

Something about having a memory of the moon landing makes the menu system is more complicated than theoretical physics.

>> No.9273768

if this thing takes part in your regular lifestyle, you don't get to complain. change your lifestyle

>> No.9273795

i don't like these cuz they usually involve getting rid of the sweet tea

>tfw no apple fanta
the only place I've had it was at some random cicis in the ghetto
i ran into a bunch of people separate from each other while there, it was like being at the intersection of different cicis in time and space

>> No.9273812

>literally everything needs to be touchscreen now
I hate these unreliable pieces of shit. When and why did normalfags decide that buttons were obsolete?

>> No.9273823

That's because no one cleans them. We have one at my job and the build up on it was so bad that when Coke came to fix it they used a screwdriver and a hammer to chip away the gunk. I told my manager and he said it could be my job to do that. Without any extra pay of course.

>> No.9273975

You want extra pay for something that's supposed to be done every night as part of closing procedures due to health codes?

Get bent nigger do your fucking job right.

>> No.9273981


there's probably almost zero health risk to essentially sugar residue

>> No.9273989

Lol what is mold and insects?

A study came out a few years ago and found roach parts in most of the soda nozzles in McDonald's.

>> No.9274017

You can just run water through it before you get your drink. No need to taste whatever the previous user was having.

>> No.9274084 [DELETED] 

I think it's more a matter of sexiness than obsolescence, which jibes with the concept of this device. Personally I have no use for it.

>> No.9274286

Oh I agree, it should be part of closing procedures. It's not though, and the owner refuses to put it on there. Besides, at this point even if he did no one would do it and he knows that. None of the managers have any spines. We've had people smoke weed in the walk-in fridge, a manager come in, and walk out like nothing happened. The place is a shithole.

>> No.9274333

> All the syrup comes in giant ink jet looking carriages
As opposed to what, the giant bags in traditional soda fountains?

>> No.9274392

If you push a triangle in the upper right corner you can get to the menu. Or at least that's how it was when I worked at a movie theater with a similar model as the OP. Then you can fuck around with it.

>> No.9274421

Source on that study or you're a fag

>> No.9274868

I like these because they always have vanilla coke. No im not obese

>> No.9274906

Just dispense some water first before you pick your drink.
Or just drink some fucking soda with your whopper, you pretentious fuck.

>> No.9276365

I quit drinking soda around the time these things started popping up and I'm glad I did. I see those and just think there is no way that is going to be ok. Seriously, you're supposed to get your Coke from the same tube that just delivered Shast? Fuck.

>> No.9276378

Have you thought about letting it run a little before you fill your cup moron

>> No.9276409

>his managers don't smoke weed with their employees

You really do work at a shithole

>> No.9276432

These things are good as hell. They allow me to get my vanilla coke fix whilst I eat fast food.

>> No.9276537

Its easier to clean and wipe down, and if customers are touching them you don't want somewhere bacteria can thrive.

>> No.9276541

Sugar is the perfect medium for bacteria to grow in.

>> No.9276556

A weak sugar solution, sure.

Sugar in the concentration of cola syrup? No way. That would last pretty much forever without spoiling. Any bacteria which fell into/on that would die instantly from osmotic pressure. High concentrations of sugar is an excellent preservative--consider the fact that honey never spoils.

>> No.9276636

Can you do anything interesting from the menu?

>> No.9276658

This is a placebo effect. It does nothing

>> No.9276670
File: 834 KB, 1600x1200, DSC04331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, you can activate or deactivate "punishment mode". That maintains a drink blacklist. If a customer selects a blacklisted drink then the machine will fire a crotch-level tazer & shocks the shit out of that customer's groin. The whole process is filmed in 4K and automatically uploaded online.

There's also fatmode, which takes effect when customers select sugary drinks. It displays pic related on the screen while playing pig sound effects. Meanwhile a hidden speaker shrieks "Heeeeeeeeyyyyy FATTY!" at 135 decibels.

My favorite is the strangely named "vegan assist mode". When activated by a customer dispensing "mello yello" this uses a pneumatic cannon hidden in the celing to fire a frozen hamster directly at the skull of any vegans present in the room. The mechanism can fire up to six hamsters a second from a built-in magazine of six dozen and is capable of penetrating a one-inch thick oak door at thirty feet. There is a submode option which changes the hamsters from frozen to rotten.

>> No.9276676

And thinking the residual syrup has any significant effect if you get enough soda or ice anyways isn't?

>> No.9276724


>> No.9276809

You're right but I hate them because the touch screen is the most unresponsive I have ever used in my LIFE.

>> No.9277861

>There's also fatmode

your talking about the old one.
the new one deploys a disco ball, strobe lights, and fog effects while playing merry-go-round music featuring the lyrics "your BMI makes the world go round".

>> No.9278023

Honey spoils if it's anything but absolutely pure.
Even just a little bit of moisture is enough to make it spoil and considering the syrup is mixed with water before it dispenses that nozzle is a breeding ground.

>> No.9278031

If they haven't locked it down you can disable or enable flavors. You can also open the bottom cabinet.

That's about it really. I don't think you can alter concentrations or anything. I never delved that deep when I worked with one.

>> No.9278033


Between the massive amounts of sugar and the phosphoric acid I'm not worried in the slightest.

>> No.9278040

>Soda taste good from old machines
>Soda taste bad from new machines

>> No.9278283

Just dispense some water for like 3 seconds before pouring your drink you dullard

>> No.9278380

The sugar is heavily diluted which removes most of its antibacterial properties. And phosphoric acid doesn't start being antibacterial until it's in high concentration that you'll never see in soda. Dentists use a solution that's about 40%, there's not even remotely close to that much in soda and not all soda even has it at all.

>> No.9278394


>> No.9278408

You must have lost your mind. The vanilla Diet Coke is the bomb The ability to pick and customize, especially the diet options is fantastic.

>> No.9278738

except the machine is designed to dispense medicine and has been proven not to cross contaminate

>> No.9278774

This. It aint even a real kitchen if the sous doesnt try to smoke you down to come in on your day off.

>> No.9279069


Don't you cucks realize that it's an entirely different formula in these machines? There are no longer bags of syrup that mix with carbonated water instead there are little droplets of coke flavor out of a cartridge into carbonated water that makes it taste completely different. Stop defending these shitboxes.

>> No.9279076

desu i never actually used one

>> No.9279833

My biggest issue with them is that most places have only one, and people take easily twice as long to get their drinks from them, so sometimes a line forms.

>> No.9279849

eating fastfood so much that this is a problem kys obese cunt

>> No.9279951

>fill cup up
>wait for fizz to go down
>machine has gone back to main menu before fizz has gone down so you can fill cup up all the way