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File: 206 KB, 1080x1080, back-print-women-proud-to-be-vegan-d001003785978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9258253 No.9258253[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What do you think it means?? But seriously, literally every vegan establishment screams class and it the absolute pinnacle of 21st century cuisine. The world is moving on. Stop clinging to the past.

>> No.9258290

Not true. Here we have shitty take outs and food courts with shitty employees who go to the next door uni and think they're better than anyone. Mostly girls with shitty attitudes and cooks with bold beards.

Otherwise we have restaurants, but the cuisine is always mediocre and in too small portions. Also I find vegan recipes and culture in general are flavourless. It's like they struggle to harmonise types of dishes and ingredients together.

But yeah, I guess the world is moving forward and they'll eventually achieve something interesting to eat and tradition worthy.

>> No.9258465

flyover detected

>> No.9259110

Meat is a status symbol for poor fucks

>> No.9259113
File: 412 KB, 880x580, CROPChloeFood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must be one of those stereotypical old school stoner vegans who never bathes and reeks of patchouli

Where I live there are michelin starred vegan joints and crappy "fast food" style vegan joints

I bet you think wine is pretentious

>> No.9259115

Veganism is a status symbol for faggots.

>> No.9259136

Wine is pretty pretentious and alcohol is just a thing to get you drunk if it taste good too even better fun to be had! All Vegan restaurants are pretty pretentious if they decided to just use organic meat in some dishes some of their dishes wouldn't be total dogshit.

>> No.9259141

>a vegan restaurant wouldn't be bad if it wasn't vegan
Isn't that basically what people mean when they talk about "carnism"? If you don't want vegan food don't go to a vegan place, this isn't hard
>Wine is pretty pretentious
Did I call it or did I call it

>> No.9259150

veganism correlates with intelligence, which correlates with wealth

>> No.9259188
File: 20 KB, 367x346, 1500695696813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No you didn't I'm not even the same anon you're talking to it's so stupid to be that restaurant that is so selective about it's menu like it's THE SHIT. More restaurants need to have legit mini menus for options like having the best of both worlds. The ingredients they use to make Vegan foods would pair up really nicely with BBQ. Wine is so fucking pretentious though it's the art fag drink of choice for hipster chodes across the world.

>> No.9259193

>so selective about it's menu like it's THE SHIT
What are you talking about? Vegan just means it doesn't have meat or dairy, why does that trigger you so hard?
>More restaurants need to have legit mini menus for options like having the best of both worlds
So like a kids menu, for carnists? I find that extremely amusing and I'm kind of ok with it.
>The ingredients they use to make Vegan foods would pair up really nicely with BBQ
Sometimes yes, that is true. Perhaps you can ask if you can get it to go, and then ask if you can get the BBQ to go, and then eat it with your hands while standing on the sidwalk snarling like a wolf. Because like, I'm a carnivore RRAWWR.
>Wine is so fucking pretentious though it's the art fag drink of choice for hipster chodes across the world.
This is the most flyover thing I have read in my life

>> No.9259197


>> No.9259215

>hipstershits only argument to drinking pretentious wines and the finest of smelly dick cheeses is to say flyover
I'm on the coast only tumblr teenadgers drink wine and preppy art snobs who eat female(male) ass. It's a stupid idea to be selective about your menu when you can expand on ideas there are dozens of restaurants that cater to Vegan dishes only it's a retarded concept having a menu catering to two different options and a fusion of both is the optimal choice.

>> No.9259227

Because vegan marxists are always yuppies and trustfund hippies that never worked a day in their lives.

>> No.9259230

>I'm on the coast only tumblr teenadgers drink wine and preppy art snobs who eat female(male) ass
The gulf coast is still flyover, cleetus

Also tumblr hasn't been relevant in years, do you still go on myspace too?

>> No.9259231


>> No.9259239

>California is flyover
hmmm sweety I'm pretty sure you need to try again LMAOing at your vitamin deficient life

>> No.9259247
File: 107 KB, 788x454, fixed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

California is a big state and most of it, including LA, is flyover. Upstate New York is also flyover.

Unless you live in San Francisco, you can stop pretending not to be a hayseed now

>> No.9259250

I live in a white gated community why are you so in denial about me having a better life does it enrage you

>> No.9259259

>gated community
Disgusting, no wonder you're so afraid of going to restaurants that serve something other than tendies and fries

It's funny how the people with the most restricted, school-lunch-tier diets are always the first to shriek about vitamin deficiency

I bet you get squeamish handling raw meat

>> No.9259265

>getting squeamish with raw meat
no I live in a nice enough community where I can buy myself food that taste good and make it at home. I think you're self projecting very hard here anon are you one of those inner city people from detroit?

>> No.9259272

>year 2022
>lab-grown meat is available in stores
>no point in being vegan anymore since you can get meat without the death of an animal
>vegans all switch to lab-grown meat to show how advanced they are and start arguing with the death eaters
>harry potter defeats voldemort with his new smartphone

>> No.9259317
File: 18 KB, 153x140, 1500920211778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no gods no masters