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9255288 No.9255288 [Reply] [Original]

>skim milk

Is this a scam?

>> No.9255335

Basically yes. Cream and fat is taken off and used to make other products. The weakened milk is sold for the same price. It's diet coke if sugar was a fundamental part of coke and they took it away for their second industry of making baking sugar.

It's like a "low carb bread" where you're just getting bread that's half as dense if you want to cut calories but can't get your head around eating one piece instead of two

>> No.9255365
File: 19 KB, 240x320, homo milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

milk is a scam in general

>The weakened milk is sold for the same price.
In my experience, skim milk is usually sold for a little less than whole milk.

>> No.9255380

Still a good source of protein, vitamins, minerals, etc but it cuts the energy source from the milk. There are people who want this from the most ignorant middle aged dieter to the bodybuilder so they will always make it, but I reckon the effort they go through is more than made up for by the milk fats they can use elsewhere in cream, cheese, baby formula and more. It should be a cheaper milk

>> No.9255440

It's like protein water, great for making protein shakes. But you'd know that if you had ever lifted a single measely weaght in your entire fucking worthless idiot life.

>> No.9255490

Lot's of people prefer more watery milk and go "eww" when given full milk where I live.

>> No.9255497

Skim milk has the same amount of protein and added vitamins as whole milk for a given amount of volume - essentially the desirable parts of milk from a leaner, healthier lifestyle if one is committed to consuming milk.

It's not a scam if the label clearly states what you're getting, the consumer obliges to the product and the price, and there's not a vast benefit for one party over the other.

Your diet coke analogy is flawed but I understand your point. By this measure you might as well never buy anything but a whole chicken as they must use the carcass from which the desirable pieces come from for some other profitable enterprise.

A better example of scam is low fat mayo as they're bulking the product up with water and you're literally getting less mayo.

>> No.9255682

Im a very open person, and I tend not to judge people based on stuff like that
but they sure seem weak, scared of stimulus people

>> No.9256612
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go almond milk and stop killing baby cows you shit

>> No.9256699

>Nobody buys milk or eats beef
>all the cows are put down

>> No.9256910

Around here it seems pretty random. Sometimes milk is the same price for Skim/2%/Whole sometimes the lower fat content versions cost less.

>> No.9257676

Skim is considerably cheaper though

>> No.9257698

If it's the same price then yeah a little bit, because cream is more expensive and they took that out and sold it separately. All the people who say that you should only drink whole milk don't take into account how much fat you're getting from the rest of your diet too though. Skim milk is better if you're eating lots of fatty foods, if not then you should drink whole milk.

>> No.9257701

also that's just silly

>> No.9257706

Almond milk is a real scam, I think a container of store-bought almond milk has on average like 3 almonds in it. Then they add vitamin C and other stuff and it ends up tasting like chalk.

Just support "animal-free"/lab-grown milk instead. Demand that they keep the lactose in though, they're trying to say taking it out is a good thing for everyone at the moment.

>> No.9257967

maybe like 10 cents per gallon...?

>> No.9259031

There was a recent study that concluded children who grew up consuming full fat dairy instead of skim were 7 lbs lighter on average.

>> No.9259852

>Is this a scam?

No, it's a skim

>> No.9259882
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>> No.9259940
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Why do fat people think fat is bad?

Fat is very satiating and doesn't spike insulin.

>> No.9259958


Because it's easier to blame your everday meal than the midnight snacks of half a cake.

>> No.9259989

Okay. Yesterday I had cheese, almonds, some dates and jam for lunch and this fat accountant came to me and said "how do you eat all those high fat things and stay so thin?" I didn't want to be rude but I was thinking "because it's filling as fuck unlike the twelve 110 calorie popcorn bags you scarf down every hour because it's just carbs/sugar"

It's a lot easier to eat 600 calories of pasta than it is 600 calories of something like cheese and almonds.

>> No.9260056

>skim milk
More like skin milk am I right? Hue hue hue.

>> No.9260063

Use real milk for your protein shakes faggot.

>> No.9260084
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Any milk that is not fight milk is a scam.

>> No.9261366

>buy whole milk
>add some water
>you now have 2%
>add more water
>you now have 1%
>add more water
>you now have skim

Why would anyone ever pay the same price for more water and less milk?

>> No.9261447

milk is a scam, enjoy your prostate cancer


>> No.9261499
File: 209 KB, 355x341, freezia2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get almond milk
>some of the farmers use their almond money for their dairy farm side hustle

where's your god now?

>> No.9261540

Instead of just mainly removing the fat you've also diluted the protein

>> No.9261601

>If I multiply something enough it will turn zero

>> No.9261866

>fight like a crow
What? Do crows slam dickboys and knock people the fuck out all the time?

>> No.9263261

It's for bulking up bro. If you were a bodyguard like me you would understand the raw sensual power of the crow.

>> No.9263269

In the words of ron swanson, "There's only one thing I hate more than lying: skim milk. Which water lying about being milk."

>> No.9263270

the maple stuff is good

>> No.9263272

almond milk barely contains any almonds and is fortified with vitamins and calcium out the wazoo which is why it appears to be healthier than normal milk from a glance at the label

>> No.9263276

probably because they didn't gorge themselves on full fat milk when they got out of the house like the skim milk kids because they hadn't been deprived of life

>> No.9263278


>> No.9263283

I respectfully request that you return to reddit, and then don't come back here again.

>> No.9263290

Because clearly we absorb the bulk of our adipose tissue directly from the coconut itself

>> No.9263373

no just millions of bees instead because almond farmers are fucking retards

kys vegan scum

>> No.9264863

Whole milk is best for protein shakes.