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9252913 No.9252913[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm considering a job offer in flyover land, where I haven't lived in 20 years. Although it's technically a more senior position, the pay is only a little bit more. However the cost of living is, I gather, quite a bit less, so it translates to a substantial raise.

Obviously the food situation has me concerned. Are things as bad today as they were in 1998? What kinds of unnecessary kitchen gizmos should I plan on buying immediately if I make the move? Pic related?

>> No.9252947

Well it kind of depends on where exactly. And cost of living isn't that different unless you're talking NY city vs very rural alabama

>> No.9252963

How "flyover" are we talking? All cities with like 200K+ people are basically the same and you can seek out decent food in any of them.

If we are talking about moving to bumfuck nebraska, it's still shitty, but better than 1998.

>> No.9252986


>> No.9252988

I can tell you about MS, but that and AL are going to be the extremes. I doubt you're moving to MS unless you're involved in the failing casino industry, big agri GMO farming, or third world style manufacturing plants.

>> No.9253071


>However the cost of living is, I gather, quite a bit less

Verify this first.

Because what you save in rent or your mortgage you might be spending it right back in everything else.

>> No.9253103

Has a better food scene than anywhere in the country not named new york

>> No.9253116

Food scene is top 5 in the cunt, but the cost of living will not be lower unless you come from California or NYC. Unless you live in a burb of Chicago and jist take the metra in

>> No.9253124

Putting "truffle oil" on your cheese fries and serving it with a locally brewed IPA instead of Miller Light doesn't make the food non-flyover, unless you are talking about helium filled sugar bubbles for $400.

If you really think Chicago is second only to New York you should visit the San Francisco Bay Area or Seattle.

>> No.9253395

I've never been on the LOL FLYOVER bandwagon. I detest the west coast, but I've lived in all the major cities on the east coast. You sound like the most unbelievable douche ever, and I really hope you're trolling. If not, you may have autism.

Cook your own fucking food, faggot. How about that? You know what it's like to live in non-flyover land? It's bullshit. The people are bullshit; the prices are bullshit; the """"culture"""" is total bullshit. The food may literally be the only worthwhile thing, which is why people like you don't ever shut the fuck up about it.

All of California is gay and not worth anyone's time by the way. New York is legitimately interesting, but you'll hear a different answer from anyone who's actually lived there. You deserve to live in Chicago though lol. I think all faggy Californians deserve a tour of duty in that shithole.

>> No.9253425

You sound like a closet case desu senpai

>> No.9253428


>> No.9253432

y u so mad?

>> No.9253436

Doing brainlet things like playing armchair psychologist (poorly) to make yourself feel better about being a shitter is not an argument. Looks like your time as a nonflyover did little for you intellectually speaking. You probably weren't cut out for it anyway.

>> No.9253444

Flyover? Alinea, or Chicago is inherently flyover?

>> No.9253458

It's not, the OP is just an insane Californian faggot. In reality, "nonflyover" typically means the big 3: LA, NY, Chicongo. OP is just a special kind of dicksucker who believes all of California is somehow special.

He thinks this because he is a stupid retard. LA is the only place in California that is nonflyover, and other nonflyovers openly acknowledge that it is generally an embarrassment compared to the other two cities. The idea that he believes other places in Cali are admired in any way by people who don't live there is laughable.

He was probably offered this other job because the people he works with are desperate to get rid of him.

>> No.9253466

op got blown the fuck out so hard holy shit

>> No.9253473


>> No.9253478


California is just peasant mexican food. Sure they have style but they don't have serious cooks. A bunch of neat Korean food, some booze from napa. They're just so adolescent compared to New York or Chicago, or London. They're basically, "We're not florida, but we have Hollywood" level cache.

>> No.9253492

California is so shitty, it doesn't even have the best Disney amusement park in the country. That's how second rate it is. I actually just realized that the state is like a shitty Florida. Sure, Miami is one of the worst cities God ever created, but Florida sports better beaches/beach culture, some fresh cuisine and local dishes, and it even has a better Spic population (Cubans).

Cali = knock off Florida lol

>> No.9253495

I'm from NYC

The insecurity about California is hilarious though

>> No.9253501


My biggest problem with LA is that it looks like a giant industrial park. Blocks and blocks of 1 story shitholes that probably have drug dealers in every hole. It's just urban blight writ large.

>> No.9253504

God the flyover defense force is ridiculous on this board

>> No.9253515

Do you want some examples of the fruits of Californian genius?


>After months of deliberation California State University officials say they’re sending an executive order to their campuses next month to eliminate a math requirement for entering students who are not pursuing math or science related careers.

Tell me about rural and suburban retards, my man. Bet you people who go to University of West Virginia are able to do algebra.

>> No.9253517

They've gone silent, it seems they've gotten confused now that they realized they're railing against the wrong side of the continent

Give it some time and then they'll start screeching about how they wish 9/11 had been a nuclear bomb or something

>> No.9253521

Fun fact, LA literally invented urban sprawl. It's beyond me why it is considered nonflyover when it is basically what happens when a city planner puke all over coastal landscape.

>> No.9253524


You definitely got a chuckle out of me, you dink.

>> No.9253525

LA is definitely flyover land. Not sure why you think this is controversial.

>> No.9253547

Shut the fuck up you flyover. You are nothing. Go on, rave about Michelin Star restaurants when literally every restaurant in 5 miles blows that food out of the water. I can see how pathetic you are through your post.

>> No.9253557

You seem really confused. LA is flyover because it's cager country. Cager country == flyover land, there's really nothing to discuss here.

>> No.9253586

I dont give a fuck about commiefornia, lord of the strawman

>> No.9253596


You got to fold into yourself and call it commiefornia. I love people who melt into their own hatred and probably self immolate.

>> No.9253608

I have no idea what you're talking about. Im not from that shithole, im on the east coast. Wealthiest state in the country, too.

>> No.9253613

Be nice, the flyovers can only handle being angry at one coast at a time

He might have a heart attack at this rate

>> No.9253621


Sorry, I'm a Canadian teasing you morons. You all just sound like giant assholes. So I had to step in. Its like teasing the dumbest angry kid on the block. You're just so angry and stupid all the time.

>> No.9254341

Californian living in rural California here. It is an embarrassment to live in such a white conservative area even though the infrastructure and ag is based on the work of the 1st and 2nd gen immigrants. But I also hate LA and SF for the elitist libs that pretend they care but can't be bothered to fix the extreme wealth disparity.

can't wait to leave this state.

>> No.9254833 [DELETED] 
