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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 377 KB, 1200x1654, IMG_5170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9251308 No.9251308 [Reply] [Original]

How was that first cup today, lads and lasses?

>> No.9251318

You're a pleb if you use a machine.

>> No.9251321

Ive been living with my parents because summer break
I forgot how shitty my moms coffee is

>> No.9251368

Although I agree, let's keep this thread comfy, m8.
Back in college, I worked at the cafeteria and we had a ton of unused machines and presses, took it upon myself to master them all. I miss college :(

>> No.9251401
File: 68 KB, 225x364, 72ppi_d12_gevalia_traditional_ground.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shite. I ran out of good coffee and used some pre-gound stuff a friend gave me for my birthday... months ago. Coffee is coffee, though.
>pic related

>> No.9251406
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Is this the tea thread?

>> No.9251416

That one aight bad, that brand makes a chocolate flavored one that is absolute trash. Stay away from it.

>> No.9251423

This was my first semester away from home and i miss living by myself so much. As strange as it sounds i really miss having to cook my own meals and shit. I love my moms cooking but the struggle was fun

>> No.9251461

I know that feel. I didn't get a kitchen in my dorm until my sophomore year. Very much perferred that living arrangement (with one roommate) than with parents and family. After graduating I never went back home.

>> No.9251729

the fuck is that ugly monster
>first cup
thanks for the reminder though, long ass night and I'm not even remotely thinking straight

>> No.9251768

You're a megapleb if you don't eat the beans directly.

>> No.9251928 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9251934
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My setup

>> No.9251946
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Today, I went for the Bomba instead

>> No.9252616

>not snorting them whole
lmao get a load of this mouth babby

>> No.9252618

had my first starbucks drink that wasnt the cold brew

tried the caramel macchiato. wew man what the fuck. its just syrup. and its really harsh on my mouth. hurts my tongue, gums, and teeth. fucking utter garbage.

>> No.9252624

The vanilla sweet cream coldbrew with half the sweet cream is pretty alright. Same with the Green Tea Latte with an extra scoop of matcha. Everything else that isn't straight is sugar trash

>> No.9252627

Started taking bottles of cold brew to work. Makes the day slightly more bearable, until I run out.

>> No.9252634

you can ask for half the sweet?

>> No.9252641

You can ask for pretty much anything, really. But yeah, half sweet; you can even ask for no water in the black tea, which is great because they water that down to hell and back

>> No.9252663

mcdonald's unflavored iced coffee, add 4 extra liquid sugars and 5 creamers, shot of espresso

less than $2.50 after tax and every 5th or 6th is free with the app

shit I got a headache, finna go get one right now

>> No.9252790

>kitchen in a dorm

wtf? you sure it wasn't an apartment?

>> No.9252835

i take so little coffee infrequently one small cup is enough to get me wired

>> No.9252839

I'm taking a coffee break right now and four days in, I'm met with headaches and extreme drowsiness daily. It's pretty unpleasant overall, but clearly needed to be done if I'm getting withdrawal like this

>> No.9252868

Jesus, d00d. How much coffee were you drinking?

>> No.9253433

its your stomach you idiot.

>> No.9253456

what the fuck am i even looking at? just get a moka pot you pretentious faggot

>> No.9253520
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I'm pretty sure I make better coffee than you do.

>> No.9253529 [DELETED] 
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>braun or some shit
>probably came out of a capresso grinder

>> No.9253539


That's not over packed, asshole. That's perfect for the extraction and temperature I was shooting for. You don't really make coffee much, huh? A gentle pack is done with your wrist.

>> No.9253555


here you go, shithead.


>> No.9253563


You see the same tamping tool? Yeah.

>> No.9253574 [DELETED] 

I have literally never seen a portafilter packed all the way to the lip like that. You have no idea what you're doing.
Watch the video YOU POSTED YOURSELF before running your mouth off. Notice how there's like 3mm clearance?

>> No.9253591

I can't be bothered with you idiots. Make your shitty coffee. No one cares.

>> No.9253760

Well yeah, but it was a dorm provided by the school. They called em premium dorms.

>> No.9253763

Eat an apple when you start feeling sleepy
That'll give you a natural boost
And for headaches, sucks.

>> No.9253766

Why you in the thread then?

>> No.9253773

Someone show me the appropriate grindsize for a moka pot

>> No.9253776


Dude, look at these assholes. They're fucking human garbage looking for things to bitch about. They don't know anything, they don't do anything, they're just human offal looking to try to feel better about their worthlessness.

Don't you know how to play 4chan bingo? It's playing garbage people against themselves.

>> No.9253799

you still have the bunnzilla?

>> No.9253814
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You can only have one of these shitty coffees for the rest of your life, which do you pick?

>> No.9253858

where is the goddamn Lavazza

>> No.9254019
File: 758 KB, 1590x2829, jerichoandbunn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup! It's still under the table. Still use it for brew, and will for the near future unless I stumble on a used EK. I got a Jericho as well (that's basically a rebadged Fuji Royal R-440), but it's kinda it's own thing.

I also have a new table on the way. I like this one a lot looks wise, but it's just so short for the lever.

>> No.9255226


Reminds me of the audiophile threads on /g/

>> No.9255237

fuck man not even lavazza, the insets coffee is the only one I have seen there.

>> No.9255688

This is literally what that is.
He's a coffee audiophile.

>> No.9255892

In the "willing to spend several thousand dollars for a relatively smaller increase in quality" sense, absolutely. But not "lol cables effect sound quality" tier. I can measure my extraction yield objectively.

>> No.9255893

there's that misused "pretentious" buzzword again
it's called a hobby you fucking moron

>> No.9255961
File: 560 KB, 2829x1590, regularolbrew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ha, I wouldn't post here if being called a pretentious fuck annoyed me. It's just more fun than "how do so many people have Slayers" HomeBarista and "we'll suck your dick if you have anything nice than a porlex" /r/coffee.

Also here's some normal coffee. Brewed in a Bonavita Immersion dripper with Kalita 103 filters. Ground using the Jericho because I made it at 5:30am and the Bunnzilla is loud as shit. BaristaHustle's Hendon water recipe. 21% exty. Wait, shit, I made this autistic too.

>> No.9255971

>fersken og jasmin
Does it actually taste of that? What the fuck?

>> No.9255979

Fersken is Norwegian for peaches, the resemblance to other words is just an unfortunate coincidence

>> No.9255985

>They're fucking human garbage looking for things to bitch about. They don't know anything, they don't do anything, they're just human offal looking to try to feel better about their worthlessness.
Sounds like you're talking about yourself

>> No.9255993

I know. I'm Danish.
I'm asking if that's actually peach and jasmine flavoured coffee.

>> No.9256008
File: 147 KB, 1080x1080, Ikawa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>not roasting your own coffee

Get on my level

>> No.9256057

This intrigues me - what is the end product like? Can those small roasters get an even product? Is the freshness worth it? How tweakable is it?

>> No.9256086
File: 980 KB, 4781x2689, 1501782565568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahh, and here I thought it was a dick joke!

It's a more subtle coffee, but there are definitely fruity notes. I think I'd have gone with peach to describe it as well. Jasmine I'm not sure of, since I'm not big into tea. There's some pleasant floral note. It could be dead on jasmine, but it could be anything floral for all I know.

Now the coffee in the jar in this post >>9251934 , it taste like straight up berry juice. It's also a full natural process (as in not washed), so it's no surprise it's less subtle. than a washed coffee.

I frequently do. I just also like to try other coffee. After all, these guys roast more in a few months than I will in a lifetime. I use a rostbiene drum roaster. Here's an old picture. I've added some shit to it since then, but don't have any good pics.

The Ikawa is certainly neat though. I like the idea of being able to do smaller batches to have more variety throughout the week. 60g is just an awkward size for me, if it were just like 70g I could get four shots out of it. As it is, it doesn't fit my needs.

I hear the results of the Ikawa are pretty damn good from the roaster. I've talked to. They've become pretty popular as sample roasters.

>> No.9256187
File: 43 KB, 612x612, 17494391_1879258845682064_2416990182944276480_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The Ikawa is pretty good. All controlled by app, you can simply alter the curve and it will pretty much follow it. Roasts evenly too.

The only downsides are that for whatever reason the app only exists for apple devices. Why they alienated half their market I don't know. Also the price, shits expensive.


Your setup looks pretty sweet. Is coffee just a hobby for you or work?

>> No.9256270

Just a hobby. Much as I'd like a shop, I know fuck all about business and would be absolute shit at dealing with non enthusiast customers.

Also note, the home Ikawa has an android app, only the professional one doesn't. I think because it's a pro thing they feel like they can say "you also have to buy this $600 device to use our shit". Personally I'd be a bit worried there wouldn't be a working app 15 years from now regardless of platform.

>> No.9256279

Guys I don't like the taste of coffee and as such don't intake a notable amount of caffeine regularly. I function well and once I'm awake I have a pretty consistent level of energy throughout the day. Given all this, would you suggest I try to acquire the taste and get into coffee? The only immediate benefit I see would be social, where I could go get coffee with coworkers and junk

>> No.9256298

Most coffee sold outside is fucking awful and the only reason creamer became popular was so you could soften the awful taste of diner coffee stewing and fermenting on a hot plate all day.
The only chain that manages to serve consistently drinkable coffee is mcdonalds and I think that says a lot.

That being said, once you figure out a favorite brewing method and grounds to water ratio, you'll enjoy it on it's own merits.
Good coffee isn't supposed to be bitter or acidic.

>> No.9256306

If you want caffeine then don't bother with coffee and just take caffeine tablets. They're cheaper anyway.

The only reason to force yourself to get a taste for coffee would be the social angle. Depending on your situation that may or may not be worthwhile.