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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9248119 No.9248119[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

A true water fast maintains a zero caloric intake. This means water only, nothing added to it. ... While it is true that water fasting is the most intense path to detoxification and therapeutic benefit, other types of fasting, and even cleansing diets, detox and heal as well.

>> No.9248132

I'd like to try a PSMF, I might just maybe would have the will power for it. And it wouldn't kill my gains.

>> No.9248136


>> No.9248139

Look at the pic in OP. Water fasting actually BUILDS muscle. You've just been lied to by McDonalds

>> No.9248144

This is the food and cooking board. Water fasting is the strict avoidance of both of those things. Go to r9k or something.

>> No.9248145

Enjoy seizing in a hospital bed dumbfuck

and that "result" is the result of steroids not fasting you gullible prole

>> No.9248148

That guy's DYEL as shit though.

>> No.9248160

I'm trying to lose some weight but I think I'll stick to 1 or 2 pounds per week since I can't afford to be weak at work due to no eating

>> No.9248187

I started an all water fast on July 23
I've lost some pounds though I'm not doing it for the weight loss
sleep was horrible the first couple days..sharted myself the 3rd day..4th day body felt super energized..ran 2 miles on the 5th day..everyday since has been the same, a little bit of nausea and I tire out around 2-3 o'clock
>dubs decide what food I break my fast with

>> No.9248189

Bouillon water

>> No.9248192

A full head of iceberg lettuce.

>> No.9248197

I did a water fast once and after 5 days my heart felt like it was bursting into flames. Never tried it again. There's better ways anon

>> No.9248205

But it obviously damages your brain, given the fact that you're flooding the board with off-topic shitposting threads.

>> No.9248217

Cook hot dogs but throw them out and just drink the water.
You need to slowly ween yourself onto food again.
Baby steps

>> No.9248218

>A true water fast maintains a zero caloric intake. This means water only, nothing added to it. ... While it is true that water fasting is the most intense path to detoxification and therapeutic benefit, other types of fasting, and even cleansing diets, detox and heal as well.
Fools gold

Try doing such activities under doctors supervision

Consider having shit eating habits and crossing them with healthy in the most extreme combination without considerable observation

>> No.9248231

Lame shit from lame shitter

Water is part of this boards content as is smoking along with other forgettable content

>> No.9248239

Running for miles while water fasting for nearly two weeks

What sort of nonsense is this

>> No.9248306

yea..I know I wont be able to jump right back on the food wagon
I get depressed If I don't run

>> No.9248309


>> No.9248312
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Diet and exercise works

>> No.9248316

Semen, buckets of semen

>> No.9248514

>sharted myself the 3rd day.

>> No.9248544

Wow this really works? This is amazing... thank you /ck/. I'm really glad I checked this board tonight

>> No.9248552
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Doesn't it cause brain/muscle deterioration? Your body doesn't JUST burn fat when its starving.

>> No.9248568

brain wasting isnt an issue here

>> No.9248571

what's that a picture of that that little anime guy is looking at?

>> No.9248698

Deep fry some pasta.

>> No.9248756

>cleansing diets

These are the redflags. Nothing but pseudo science bullshit.

>> No.9248763

top b8

>> No.9248778

eat a dick, that picture is not 28days. detoxification, cleansing diets and 'detox' is horseshit psuedo-science.

>> No.9248800

Bosna preferably with Vienna sausage

>> No.9248808


>> No.9248853

But what about those white strips you put on the bottom of your feet at night and it draws out toxins and it's brown or black when you wake up

>> No.9249004

oh those things that don't exist and that you just made up? i dunno man.

>> No.9249022

>he doesn't want to go full Terri Schiavo mode
Not gonna make it.

>> No.9249047

same thing as those foot baths with the copper element with a slight electrical charge in them
after just a few minutes the water becomes all brown and chunky from sucking all the toxins out of your body through your feet

however you could also just turn the copper element on without feet in the tub and the water will still get all brown and chunky. weird

>> No.9249125
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closest bosna place I found anon
>willing to meet up if someone is in the area

>> No.9249141
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I'll have dinner with you but you have to fuck me afterwards. I'm a dude and I will take my bad day out on your prostate.

>> No.9249155

Mmm, butterdogs, just like nana used to make

>> No.9249158

I would, but I'm taken
sawry :(

>> No.9249162

haha dude that sounds kinda gay...

>> No.9249169


Holy shit, I live in Des Plaines. Not even joking

I don't want to meet up with any anons though.

That place is good too. Also check out Restaurant Mehanata.

>> No.9249171

I grew up in Des Plaines
Ill join you /ck/ bro, Skype me
Im a law student and semi-professional cook. Im straight af but its good to have bros when going out.

>> No.9249174


Holy fucking shit.
Sometimes you really can't tell when its bait or fucking idiocy.

>> No.9249185

Fuck off creeper. I wouldn't eat dinner with someone like you. I can smell the cheeto dust from the words on my screen. Post your addie so that other anon can come after your prostate.

>> No.9249188

>Your body doesn't JUST burn fat when its starving.

ketosis is literally that pham

>> No.9249191

ketosis is burning protein pham

>> No.9249198

literally type 'ketosis' into google family

>> No.9249199

well its the internet.....
cool....let me dig up my skype (im straight also, and I'm black btw..won't be offended if you back out)
not me

>> No.9249210

OK faggot then what was I thinking of? I was pretty sure ketosis was burning protein.

not me. someone is larping at me. don't meet up with me on skype or for food you fudgepacker

>> No.9249249

neither of you are actually me. fuck off.

>> No.9249258

how'd he get shorter

>> No.9249274

this isn't me either. my skype is biggnigdick69 btw.

>> No.9249309
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skype: dustinshannon

>> No.9249327

Currently doing one. Evening of day 3. So hunger has pretty much subsided completely. Down 8.2lbs but pretty sure a good chunk of that is just all the food that was sitting in my GI track.

>> No.9249341

Know how a bottle of ketchup will kind of sputter and spritz out little droplets when it is nearly empty? Same thing but with your asshole. No new food means the stuff at the end has little to compact with and is mostly bile.

>> No.9249369

How does your hair not fall out ?

>> No.9249609

The only danger is dehydration.

>> No.9249614

>Your body doesn't JUST burn fat when its starving.

Yes it does, it's called Ketosis.

I lost 30 pounds fasting.

>> No.9249617

It will eventually. Mines falling out right now, but I see some of it growing back.

That's the only negative I've experience form fasting for weeks at a time.

>> No.9249620


>> No.9249622
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both day 1 and day 28 lack the actual good type of faggotry, if i was OP i'd kms

>> No.9249635

That's Yozora from Haganai, bullying MC by forcing him to eat her cooking and looking down her breasts at him

>> No.9249638

And completely lost your metabolism.

>> No.9249902

yeah, because your body just burns away it's grey matter when you haven't ate in 24 hours right hahaha

fucking moron

>> No.9249913

Post the picture of day 60 where he is twice as bloated as day one

>> No.9249917

They exist man there were commercials for them

I think they were called kenoki footpads or some shit

>> No.9249936

No I haven't.

>> No.9249937

I thought fasting was okay, but not for too long? I don't know too much about this, but if recall correctly you'll lose weight during the fast but your body begins to burn calories more slowly? I'm often really busy, far too busy to dedicate any meaningful amount of time towards proper lifting, the most I can do are some body weight exercises early in the morning so I've been wanting to try fasting but I don't really know how to go about it all.

>> No.9249960
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This was from several years ago but it did prove a few things about water fasting, at least in my eyes.

The whole metabolism meme is just that. I calculated for my TDEE and that was almost preciously what I lost. I am by no means super fit but I was not all that fat. We're talking just regular guys with a bit of a gut have nothing to fear from water fasting.

>> No.9249982

How do you guys get past the hunger pains?

I have acid reflux so when my body is hungry I fucking FEEL it, but if theres some way past that I'd be all for it.

Taking acid controllers on a completely empty stomach hurts like hell.

>> No.9249989

Just sip man. You'll have all the energy you need to get through the day

>> No.9249997

eat a small meal (250 cal) at the same time every day (12pm and 8pm).

>> No.9250004

Beef bullion broth is the trick. It is warm and filling and while having next to no calories feels like a meal. Plus it puts a nice salty after taste in your mouth for a long time after.

>> No.9250032


>> No.9250042

Oh go eat baguette dicks.

>> No.9250272

Barely any change noticeable to be honest.

>> No.9250611

This is bullshit, consider that even if you were to maintain your mean MBR through the whole fasting (Which will not happen) you'll barely get into a 28*(2000)= 56,000 Kcal deficit that is about 5 kg of fat, some muscle and other vital tissues.

Slow and constant wins this race.

>> No.9250755


The advantage of a water fast over just lowering your caloric intake is that your body actually enters proper starvation mode (ketosis), which slows down the breakdown of muscle relative to fat. On just a low calorie diet with a normal amount of carbs, your body doesn't really stay in ketosis and breaks down some muscle for energy - whereas water fasting puts you into ketosis, so as your weight drops your bodyfat also drops more steeply while lean muscle mass stays roughly the same.

That said, you could still maintain ketosis while eating a fat source, for example a green salad with sugar-free vinaigrette. There are some other advantages to "pure" fasts in terms of the immune system, though.

>> No.9250834
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>I started an all water fast on July 23
I started on 31st July, breaking it on 9th September.

>stomach will be too small to stuff my face
Feels bad, man. I guess fruit salad will have to do.

>> No.9250853

The dude's obviously been doing push ups. Jesus christ you diet people are as bad as religious fanatics.

>> No.9251393

Along with stroke or a heart attack.

>> No.9251417
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>This thread
Maybe people cant be trusted to self medicate after all

>> No.9251419

>even cleansing diets, detox and heal as well.

Kek, what a bunch of bull shit. Fuck off, fag.

>> No.9251439

Yeah because he lost all that fat from doing pushups for 28 days right

>> No.9251473
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Well I was already on the lower end of dad bod so visually it might not have been all that impressive.

However that was a true 16.2lbs of weight loss. That is factoring in the weight added by refeeding and stabilizing out. The point was to show you don't wither away into a weak skeleton or go crazy after a week. It will very rapidly burn fat and I didn't do a single damn thing but light walking/sitting at that particular job.

It proves that slowing of the metabolism is either complete bullshit or so insignificant it doesn't bother mentioning.

>> No.9251504


>acid reflux from NOT eating

do americans really suffer from this? the only time I get it is from too many rich foods or drinking too much.

>> No.9251541

I've had an opposite experience with a super low calorie diet, like 500 a day, and it's all anecdotal anyway. I was already falling asleep randomly so I really can't imagine going without food for more than a couple of days.

>> No.9251561

I fluctuate in weight because sometimes I'm really into exercising, and other times I'm not, and no matter what I still eat the same way

like nigga, just lose weight, it isn't hard

>> No.9251563

>I've had an opposite experience with a super low calorie diet, like 500 a day
That is probably why it was so miserable. Just enough calories to keep the body from entering ketosis. Probably enough food to make the mindset of fasting damn difficult. It is far far easier to eat nothing and just stick with that then eat a little something but only so much.

>> No.9251614

>has weight issues
>just lose weight lol

You probably just dont have GIRD. Fuck yuropoor education lol

>> No.9251635

Idk maybe but I lost like 3lbs in 3 weeks with that. Not that I was overweight, even then I was at a very healthy weight and now I'm very slim so it's a nonissue. I wouldn't fast for weight loss though, a slow and steady loss is way better.

>> No.9252493

Whenever I skip meals I feel like throwing up if I don't fill my stomach. Does this have to do with my acid reflux pains?

>> No.9252569

I'm positive that nobody is serious about this but please if someone is even CONSIDERING this then please do some research before you try it. For the sake of your health.



Basically fasting like this will eat at your muscle tissue, and when you DO go back to food your metabolism is so fucked that you'll most likely gain back what you lost.

Of course if you're healthy doing this for a day won't kill you. But spending multiple days like this is just asking for severe health issues.

>> No.9252715

>How do you guys get past the hunger pains?
Drink lots of 0 calorie liquid until you temporarily feel full? I never really properly figured this one out either. That's why I went from 145 lbs to 176 lbs over 4 years after finishing undergrad. Then I got back on my adderall and I'm losing 2 lbs a week average. Losing a years worth of weight gain every month. In a few months I'll have to get into the habbit of forcing myself to eat so I can get up to maint.

>> No.9252731

>I'm positive that nobody is serious about this but please if someone is even CONSIDERING this then please do some research before you try it. For the sake of your health.
For the sake of your mind, I recommend you actually read scientific studies and look at the raw data yourself instead of treating "articles" as research. Just fucking add pubmed to the end of your google search or something. It's not hard.

>> No.9252773


Yeah everything I've read seems to support the stuff I linked earlier. Whenever they DO mention that it has positive effects (in very niche situations mind you, like this study on hypertension: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11416824 ) they also mention that you should be SUPERVISED BY MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS THE WHOLE TIME.

I'm not sure if you're trolling or an active idiot but please don't fuck around with this shit. Please, if you have articles that expound the glories of water fasting then by all means link them. Saying "you're wrong" and offering no evidence is kinda silly.

Oh and one last thing, there's plenty of people who also believe the earth is flat.

>> No.9252816

Something about your post tells me you didn't comprehend mine. Did I ever claim you were wrong or right? No, I told you to use better fucking sources. If you want to back up claims, regardless of what they are, use data and not hearsay.

Do you want an anecdotal example on why you want to quote scientific studies and not articles and websites? The center for disease control, cdc.gov, makes statements regarding blood pressure, quoting sources. When you actually open their sources and read them, you find that what they claimed is not only not supported by the source, it's not even mentioned or a part of the data.

Nobody is going to listen to you when you quote lifehack as a source. If you want to inform people, hit them with science.

>> No.9252844

>that much weight loss in under a month and minimal loose skin and retained muscle mass
Fake, and if not, not healthy. 1kg a week MAX. That looks like a bout 20, maybe more. So this person lost 5kg a week? LOL it took me 3 months loose that much.

>> No.9252859

Global Rule 2, fuck off.

>> No.9253085

>tens of millions of people who eat carbs die every single year
>2 people who fast died
Fasting is therefore hundreds of millions of times safer than eating carbs? Nice anecdotes

>> No.9253099

Billions of people who drink water die too. Same with bread and rice. I guess these must be bad too right. Fucking retard.

>> No.9253100

i suffer from acid reflux and this would kill me lol

>> No.9253112

>doesn't understand sarcasm
>calls other people retarded

>> No.9253130

Ugh it's 2am, way too late for sarcasm.

>> No.9253404
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Who are you quoting?

Who are you quoting?

Who are you quoting?

Do you idiots not understand the point of greentext? If you highlight text before clicking reply, it makes the text pop up as greentext. You are all abusing the quotation system on this website. Please stop immediately. It's not funny. It's fucking confusing.

>> No.9253470

wtf i love telling you to kys now

>> No.9253530

>this guy

>> No.9253545

did it for 29 days about two months ago an I've maintained the weight I achieved.

>> No.9253560

>being this much of a redditor
You'll get used to it.

>> No.9253571

Good job, dude. Wish me success too!

>> No.9253602

gl. first week is hard. smelling food and what not.

keep watching your weight when you're finished, otherwise you'll gain a lot back really fast. you'll probably need to keep fluctuating your food intake until you get back to normal.

>> No.9253743

Who are you quoting?

>> No.9253860

I guess I'm on something similar right now, but does milk ruin the fast?
Generally what I'll only have for the day is a cup of coffee or tea with milk and sugar with a dash of salt (the raw natural sugar kind not the white type if that makes any difference). Haven't eaten anything solid for 8 days now (and only lost 5 pounds so far)
Sometimes I'll drink a cup of milk though if I'm feeling especially hungry.

>> No.9253944

So you're on something entirely dissimilar then?

>> No.9253978

I guess so apparently.

>> No.9253994
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holy shit, have you people not taken health classes or even basic science classes?

>> No.9254008

Hi flyover. Did any voting for Drumpf lately?

>> No.9254020


>> No.9254055

Imagine being so opposed to exercise that you would do something that's orders of magnitudes harder than exercising in order to look objectively worse in the end

Just fucking lift; it isn't hard

>> No.9254060

>you can build muscle and lose weight at the same time
Epic shitpost, redd.it

>> No.9254095

Well firstly you can
Secondly, even if you couldn't, losing weight is still only an abstraction of what people actually want to do, which is look more attractive and be healthier, both of which are better achieved by exercise than starving yourself
Thirdly, switching to a protein-rich diet from being an overeater is way easier to adjust to than fucking starving yourself

>> No.9254112

I don't believe in voting nor do I believe in going off topic.

So getting back on topic, I'd be worried about going into seizures like this guy so it's good to still get some nutrients like electrolytes:

>> No.9255768

I lost 12kgs in 2 weeks beyond the suggested healthy level i know, but its doable. Am using Intermitten fasting using 8 hrs eating window and eating low carb in 500 calorie deficit

>> No.9255789

>all these people killing themselves
I for one support fasting. Less fat retards in the gene pool is only going to help in the long run.

>> No.9255963


>> No.9255983
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too much shitposting
pubeposting for a change
post ur pubes

>> No.9255988
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>> No.9256010

How the fuck did you lose the hair on your chest. Did you shove soy up your ass or something?

>> No.9256276
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>> No.9256439

actually, you still receive radiating energy from the sun. If you want your body to truly receive no energy from its environment, you also have to stay in an insulated vacuumed.

>> No.9256456

These don't exist, retard.
And if you eat and drink nothing except water you will not live to see day 28

>> No.9256661
File: 12 KB, 178x264, MV5BMTkwMzA0OTU4N15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNDcwNDIyMw@@._V1_SY264_CR145,0,178,264_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>won't live 28 days

Not according to this guys daily journal who committed suicide by starvation. He lived over 60 days. A fascinating documentary was made about it called, "The Sound of Insects: Record of a Mummy." It was on Netflix a while back.

>> No.9256770

I did water fasting, drank only water and unsweetened tea and added a vitamin tablet per day.
I dropped it after two full days because I was getting dizzy riding on a bike and I was supposed to do some work around house. I probably lost some weight, but it is masked by water weight.
Going to try OMAD, eating more protein and cycling more and harder.

>> No.9256787

That cosplay would be such hype at Runescape cons.

>> No.9256800

>implying he lost that fat in 28 days

>> No.9256803

> :D

>> No.9256879

Any health claim including this word is bullshit.

>> No.9257753

>water fast into ketosis
The best way to go

>> No.9258367

Of course a 14 years old is gonna lose that baby fat fast

>> No.9258368

>Been exercising daily for years
>Gain weight because I have no self control with food
>Tired of being a fatass
>Embarrassed to go outside and lost all my friends because I ignored them because they always wanted to party and I had low self esteem

>> No.9258372

>day 1: fat virgin
>day 2: a fullblown lesbian

>> No.9258466

>fasting builds muscle
you do realize you actually have to have protein and shit to build muscle, right?

I mean, right?

>> No.9258715

Does taking supplements help when it comes fasting? Should I start taking caffeine pills? I don't drink coffee or any caffeinated drinks.

>> No.9258722

You should work on building the discipline to fast without the need for stimulants. Taking the easy path when losing weight is never the best option.

>> No.9258806

>Taking the easy path when losing weight is never the best option.
>instead of regulating diet and exercise, just fucking cuts out all of their food

>> No.9258916

>Diet and exercise works

Not as well as sucking in your gut and holding your breath as demonstrated in your photo.