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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.56 MB, 2592x1944, spaghettay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9246133 No.9246133 [Reply] [Original]

How the hell do you make it fit?

>> No.9246135

Break it in half.

>> No.9246137

Bigger pot with more water. Or, just keep pushing it down slowly as it softens, usually takes me less than 30 seconds to get it all to fit in a small pot by doing that.

>> No.9246138

Before or after I put the oil in?

>> No.9246144
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>> No.9246156

Piss on them

>> No.9246157
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>> No.9246171

just slowly twist it in

>> No.9246174

You bunch all the spaghetti up in a circle made from the thumbs and forefingers of your two hands. Then you "twist" the bunched up spaghetti counterclockwise at the top, clockwise at the bottom, set them vertically in boiling water and upon release you give the top of the bunch an additional counterclockwise twist with a flick of your wrist. If you do it correctly the spaghetti will spread out in a symmetrical 360° circle and slide into the water all by themselves as the lower end is softening up.

>> No.9246190

if the water is actually boiling it'll just sink in

>> No.9246255
File: 501 KB, 1944x1162, 1499538510610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you need a helper beetle to chop it

>> No.9246289

break them in half
who even wants to eat them long anyway?
it is much easier to eat them when they are only half long

>> No.9246291

>Americans in charge of anything

>> No.9246380


You fucking mongoloids, just hold the spaghetti over the middle of the pot, twist and release, it will fall in the pot on it's own - Yes even if it is a small pot.

>inb4 unevenly cooked pasta

>> No.9246389

what the fCUK DO AmerICANS REALLY DO THIS>!>!>>!?>?!??!?

>> No.9246391

>he doesn't have a foot-long pot
>or a cauldron

>> No.9246407

Eating white pasta at all is doing it wrong. Whole wheat pasta is acceptable. Brown rice *pasta* is not. The starch in that absorbs way too fast and rollercoasters blood sugar as much as white rice.

>> No.9246417

>it is much easier to eat them when they are only half long
More ends means more flicking of sauce as you wind it up. Its not any easier in half, it's just your ineptitude. Practice your motor skills.

>> No.9246433

>too dumb to improve mechanically defective food
sucks to be a brainlet

>> No.9246452

doesn't look very helpful dropping it all over the floor like that.

>> No.9246458

Are you saying that halving the length doubles the amount of ends?
That's not how it works

>> No.9246461

>Are you saying that halving the length doubles the amount of ends?

>That's not how it works
Sure it is. If I have a single long noodle then it has 2 ends. If I break it in half I now have two noodles with 4 ends, yet the amount (mass) of pasta is the same.

>> No.9246536

And the amount of strands that fit on the fork doubles does it?
You haven't thought this through

>> No.9246541

Hold it in the pot until the lower half is soft, then flip it over

>> No.9246543

>And the amount of strands that fit on the fork doubles does it?

Sure. One long noodle easily fits on a fork, so thus two shorter ones would likewise also fit.

Also, I like how you're now moving the goalposts by adding the "fork fit" criteria.

>> No.9246560

I didn't add anything.
You said more ends cause sauce flicking when winding...
Yiu Also don't seem to understand hiw a fork works. The amount of strands that fit between the tines to allow winding is not dependant on length at all.

>> No.9246580


>> No.9246587

Just break them in half

>> No.9246591

First day?

>> No.9247301


Why on earth some people care so much about having the full length strings is beyond me.

>> No.9247310

Would buy if it was one giant spaghetti rolled up as a rope.

>> No.9247352

You're supposed to be close to it man, it's just falling all over the place because the guy is taking the picture.

>> No.9247355

after. first salt, then oil, break pasta in half and cook

>> No.9247363
File: 64 KB, 658x901, dd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How I eet fud?

>> No.9247378

Do I really need to use salt? Dr Oz says salt is bad for you so ive been avoiding it

>> No.9247383

True. If you eat rice, shit goes all over the place. Hundreds and hundreds of ends.

>> No.9247389

Actually, you should use the salt, but forget about the oil.

>> No.9247470

You mean geometry, topology allows continuous deformation

>> No.9247741

Huh, so I do.

>> No.9247750

>Do I really need to use salt?
Pasta tastes bland as fuck without salt.

You only need to avoid salt if you have a specific medical condition that requires you to. Unless you had to go to the hospital and YOUR doctor told you to cut out salt because of YOUR medical test results then there's no need to sperg out over it.

>> No.9247760

>I didn't add anything.
Sure you did. At first you made no mention of fork fitment. Now you are.

>You said more ends cause sauce flicking when winding...
No, that wasn't me. >>9246461 was my first post in the thread. I wasn't recommending breaking noodles in half. I was, however, correcting your idiotic assertion that breaking noodles didn't increase the number of ends.

>Yiu Also don't seem to understand hiw a fork works. The amount of strands that fit between the tines to allow winding is not dependant on length at all.

That's right. It's dependent on total volume. Which means you end up with more ends if you are using shorter noodles.

If X full-length noodles fit on a fork then you have 2X ends. If you break those noodles in half you now have 4X ends, but the same amount of pasta for the same amount of "fork capacity".

>> No.9247790

>put spaghetti in pot
>just wait until they become soft and sink in the water
wow very difficult

>> No.9247796

listen, if you really have to break them, dont break them in half. break them in a 3:1 ratio, so you have some longer ones and some shorter ones. this way you keep a tiny bit more of the fun.

>> No.9247898

Why do they only sell instant pasta at the grocery?

Why can't I buy it fresh so I don't have to add water to it after they've dried it out

>> No.9248236

>At first you made no mention of fork fitment.
Why would it be mentioned if he said it in direct reply to someone saying it causes more ends in each fork winding?

Why would your first post answer a question asked directly of a specific other persons opinion?

You also do not know how forks work either. If X amount of noodles can fit between the forks points, then that is how many can fit. Going by your logic if they were twice as long you could only fit half as many, or if you broke each noodle into 100 pieces you could now fit 100X.
You seem to be confusing a fork with a spoon

>> No.9248256



>> No.9248262

>Why do they only sell instant pasta at the grocery?
>Why can't I buy it fresh so I don't have to add water to it after they've dried it out
Have you never been to a grocery at all? Or do you shop at 7-11 or the dollar store instead?

I've seen fresh pasta for like the past 25 years at every grocery possible.

>> No.9248265

>Going by your logic if they were twice as long you could only fit half as many

Yeah? Most people twist spaghetti around the fork until a bitesized portion is formed. If your strands are twice as long, you'll pick up half as many on average.

>> No.9248279

Now who's moving goalposts and adding conditions?
That's not how many can fit, that's choosing a spedific amount to pick up.
The number of noodles that can fit between the forks points is exactly the same regardless of length. This must occur before the action of winding can begin, thus length is not a factor in the number of noodles ends per winding.

>> No.9248311

I'm someone else, anon, I'm just confused by your strange spaghetti eating practices. Apparently you select a set number of strands, then wind them up, most people just wind until they've got a forkful.

>> No.9248332

You just said you select a number of strands, not me.
I agree you wind until you have a forkfull.
That means the number of noodle ends per forkfull will be the same either length.
Context matters.

>> No.9248412

I mean, how do you define a forkful? I think most people see it as a certain size, which would mean smaller strands mean you end up picking up more. This is bizarre.

>> No.9248418

Never considered this. Thanks for the tip

>> No.9248450 [DELETED] 

You're eight, you shouldn't put any salt in the water. But use a couple of teaspoons of sugar to balance out the natural bitterness of the pasta.

>> No.9248461

Add whey and progressively higher weights while making it.

>> No.9248486

You're right, you shouldn't put any salt in the water. But use a couple of teaspoons of sugar to balance out the natural bitterness of the pasta.

>> No.9248493

>boil water
>add ramen
>add sprinkles
bone apple tea motherfucker

>> No.9248495

Most people stick the fork in and twist.
Shorter noodles will end up with less volume on the fork, longer noodles with more volume.
The number of noodles doesn't change, so the number of ends doesn't change.

>> No.9248532

Are you a robot, anon? If you twist and only end up with a few tiny strands, most people are going to twist up more spaghetti until the've got a proper forkful.

>> No.9248540

But the fork is already full.
You can't fit more noodles between the teeth just because they're shorter.

>> No.9248569

Yet another different person.

I think I understand why you're all arguing-- the guy arguing for more ends per fork isn't thinking about stacking the spaghetti down the height of the fork. You aren't changing the circumference of the noodle, so the same level of stacked noodles will end up in the tines regardless of length.

I don't add more noodles to the outside of my noodle-in-tine swirl because they usually don't stick on reliably. I think "more ends" anon does, therefore our confusion here.

>> No.9248574

If you are loading your fork up to the point that it's physically impossible to add a single extra strand when you eat spaghetti, then I concede.

>> No.9248584

I think you've got it exactly. Spaghetti in my experience, especially when it's broken into shorter strands, acts more like a continuous mass than individual items.

>> No.9249363

You just have to win don't you.
Doesn't matter how ridiculous you have to become to do it, all that matters is that you can claim a mental victory.

About 20 noodles is all that fits between the tines of an average fork. Maybe you should stop eating with a barbecue fork you glutton

>> No.9249390

Honestly, Snapping the noodles works. You're looking at mozz, parm, tomato sauce. It all hangs on small noodles easily.

>> No.9249415

So you can hang yourself

>> No.9249606

>go to the grocery store
>regular spaghetti is 1.99
>pot-sized is 2.99 for slightly less spaghetti

What a bargain!

>> No.9249624
File: 244 KB, 1536x2048, Kitchen beetle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kitchen beetles are an excellent multitasker.

>> No.9249631


>> No.9249643

That was a fun thread.

>> No.9249668
File: 313 KB, 1736x732, he protec but he also attac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9249672


Is that your beetle, anon? Do you keep it as a pet? has it ever pinched you, and if yes, is it painful?

>> No.9249684

Nope. Some lady living in Japan is the owner. Posted a few times on /an/, someone suggested that he be given drawing tools to make artwork. It seems the beetle's art has managed to be sold on ebay, word got around, and so she made him a twitter profile. People apparently want to buy his scribbles, pins, and assorted merch.

She said that he does occasionally bite, and that it can hurt depending on where and how long he clamps down.

>> No.9249706

>he does occasionally bite
Fucking artists

>> No.9249710

boil it

>> No.9249927

Boil the water, very boily

Then put the pasta in for 10 seconds, then grab it all out with your hands and stick it in the other way, repeat this until you have blisters on your hands and go the emergency room

>> No.9251140

you forgot the ready made tomato sauce, to make it authentic

>> No.9251148


>> No.9251161

okay, put the spag into the pan.
add some salt.
pour in the water, covering the pasta.

then bend the spaghetti slowly, it will bend as the bottom of the spaghetti gets soft.

then just bend it until it all fits in.

>> No.9251207
File: 3 KB, 208x208, 1429123208811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if it breaks?

>> No.9251257

it won't. trust me anon.

be gentle.

>> No.9251306

I want a kitchen beetle.

>> No.9251537


One stick/strand at a time.