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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9243972 No.9243972 [Reply] [Original]

Supermarket workers
What's the weirdest things you've ever seen while working?

>> No.9244026

customer found a hedgehog in the broccoli display one time. she said it was a porcupine, so we had to call animal control. I can only guess someone dumped an unwanted pet there. Weird shit.

>> No.9244041

What became of the hedgehog?

>> No.9244045

Didn't go fast.

>> No.9244060
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Nice jokeu desu

>> No.9244068

animal control took it. I'm sure they would have let someone keep it had they asked, but no one seemed interested. If it was a kitten, I'm sure a dozen people would have spoken up.

>> No.9244100

it was adopted by the grocery store jester

>> No.9244107

>The jester now is armed with a prickly hedgehog.
Guess I am staying away from the coconuts.

>> No.9244248

Someone fucked up a barcode on some wrapped lettuce when I worked at Ukrops when I was 15.

It rang up for $5,000.
Easy fix, but was laughable.

Other than that i saw a woman panic over a bag of chips being put in the same bag as her eggs, assuming the weight of the chips would break the eggs.

>> No.9245587

How the hell do you store your eggs? Do they just roll around?

>> No.9245857

lady bought some gold fish crackers proceeded to go out side and bury them in the dirt while crying. we called the cops.

>> No.9245862

Chinese lady holding up her son so he could piss in one of the bins in the produce area during peak hours.

>> No.9245927

i'm guessing they were in a carton/tray/whatever and got put in the bag first and then the lady thought the chip bag going on top would somehow press down really hard on them

>> No.9245973

Homeless woman taking a piss in our cafe area, guy on a mart cart stuck his ass over the side and took a shit in the middle of an aisle, got a possum stuck in our trash compactor that we just couldn't crush in there so we had to call animal control. I'm sure there's other stories if I think about it, it was in a shitty part of town

>> No.9245981

that's actually fucking hilarious

>> No.9246027

70 something crossdressing customer came into our store, walked with a cane even though he didn't need one, argued over a half eaten banana. We refunded him his 14 cents

>> No.9246052

>women gives me cents with her pubes
>alcoholic women tries to fight security
>my manager almost picks a fight with some promoters over some baskets
>african immigrant buys like 50 buns
>some faggot spergs out when I drag his champagne to fast
>gypsy women tries to get free stickers with her disformed baby

>> No.9246056

I was a cashier for a year and I never really saw anything weird, just people stealing. Lots of people. Both workers and clients. And security guards. And management. Everyone fucking steals from supermarkets.

>> No.9246064

the gypsy was trading her freak baby for stickers?

>> No.9246079

What kind of buns?

>> No.9246089
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people not picking the items on the back of the shelf in the dairy section

>> No.9246090

A white family (1 mom, 3 young kids) all with blonde dreads walked in with their pet baby pig. It was kinda cute but they obviously had to leave.

>> No.9246106

I didn't ever work at a grocery store, but if you want to hear a fucked up thing that happened in a grocery store I witnessed:

>I'm 22 or so (30 now so that's a guesstimate)
>Picking up my usual at that age, a 12 pack of beer and a frozen pizza
>The Frozen pizza section is lined up with the checkout registers
>Look over and see a young mom with a full shopping cart
>Young mom holding a baby, and I mean close to newborn out the the hospital
>She bends over to pick up a candy bar, holding the baby with 1 arm, she reaches for one on the bottom
>And as she bends over, you see whats coming don't you?
>Yep, she drops the baby like 3 feet onto the tile so hard when it hits it's head literally bounced

To this day I think about how that kid is probably fucking retarded as hell because his fat ass mom wanted a candy bar and dropped him/her.

>> No.9246113

>the carrot

>> No.9246118

There's a carrot in the picture?

>> No.9246184
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what you really wanted to tell us is that you were that baby... weren't you, anon?

>> No.9246198


This is reddit tier shit. Fuck off.

>> No.9246206

Kill yourself, newfag

>> No.9246231

Used to stock shelves on the nightcrew. Walked in on the married with kids manager getting a blowjob from a vietnamese twink one night - they thought they had locked the bathroom door. Always wondered how that gook faggot got the easy aisles.

>> No.9246263

Oh man. Damn chinks. I live in nyc, one time during rush hour chino kid was being little shit, so his mom took out some news papers, spred em on the floor and the kid just shat in front of like 140 people. Im still scarred

>> No.9246326
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>> No.9246422

>reddit spacing

>> No.9246460

People fucking in an isle during night shift

>> No.9246487

>guy on a mart cart stuck his ass over the side and took a shit in the middle of an aisle

>> No.9246683

one time i left my backpack at the little lunch eating area and there happened to be shotgun shells in the bag and i was too scared to go back and get it because i thought the police may be called

>> No.9247267

Let's say this story is true, a cuple of questions:
- Why did you/they call the cops?
- Did she have a shovel within the supermarket?
- Was the burying trespassing?
- What did the police ultimately do?

>> No.9247297

Sorry newfriend, maybe this is more your speed:
>post food kino
>is Jack /ourguy/
>who McChiken kino here
>what did Jack mean by this
>nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger

>> No.9247299

Never worked in a super market but one time a homeless lady started yelling and screaming at me in the parking lot and followed me into the store whilst still yelling and screaming at me, i guess security took care of it lol

>> No.9247341

Yeah it was in a bad area that had a bunch of motels that were subsidized to house sex offenders and other convicted felons. The state came in and shut all of them down (all owned by the same guy) due to living conditions and the worst I saw after that were entitled welfare queens and upper class white women who ironically acted in the same way. Biggest lesson I learned while working there is most people are shit, regardless of class

>> No.9247353

"LOOK baby! SEE SAD baby! Give FREE for to make baby happy!"

>> No.9247366

I am from america and I see a lot of people defecating in their own pants when they are in the supermarket

>> No.9247376

Fucking gypsies

>> No.9247396

Asshole homeless guy yelling at a cashier for no reason because she "bruised" his apples even though she didn't do anything to damage them. I'm pretty sure he was trying to get them for free or something

It's the same asshole homeless guy who corners you between cars in the Walmart parking lot to beg for money so him and "his girlfriend" can eat and then you see him at the liquor store all the time

>> No.9247403

I've been working at Wegmans for years now, finally got a job in my field of study lined up. If it pans out, I'll dump my stories here eventually. Wont do it now because it could pretty easily be traced back to me and I'm pretty sure a few of my coworkers browse 4chan.

>> No.9247424

t. Chang from Toronto

>> No.9247444

Went travelling to the US for a year some time ago, did a stint at walmart for quick cash/novelty

I saw two obese women get wedged into the isle when they tried to walk past each other. It was then that I realized that while lots of things are just stereotypes, amerilards are the real deal

>> No.9247445

Why are you guys so miserable all the time?
I hardly ever see someone that doesn't look like he wants to kill himself.

>> No.9247448

>kid accidentally spraying perfume into their eyes
>guy getting blowjob from his girlfriend in the parking lot
>old fat woman pissing herself at the register without acknowledging it
>woman smoking outside, smoke blowing directly into her baby's face
>had to call 911 after a guy collapsed in our store, turns out he had alcohol poisoning and tried to molest someone before coming in

>> No.9247453

because they work at a supermarket.

>> No.9247462

Harpies irl my dude.
Europanons, tell me where the Romanis come from and how they became what they are now.

>> No.9247467

I am from the united states of american and I sometimes wonder why we defecate in supermarkets

>> No.9247471

Fellow northeast bro here, what state do you live in? Upstate ny here

>> No.9247475

No. But I think that baby does post here. For him, it's the McChicken.

>> No.9247481

I am from basement and I sometimes wonder why I'm giant faggot

>> No.9247482

No you aren't. No we don't.

>> No.9247485

Homeless and drunk people my man. I'm sure Europe is full of them too, that behave in similarly disgusting ways, however I'd say Americans are the most connected to the internet at all times so therefore whatever happens here gets recorded, posted and becomes a meme

>> No.9247489

>women gives me cents with her pubes
Say wha?

>> No.9247494
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I don't work for Walmart, but my job requires me to work inside it at least twice a week.

Anyway I saw some fatass black bitch grinding against the hotcase (with the pizza and fried chicken) in it. This lasted for a few minutes.

>> No.9247497
File: 62 KB, 369x554, 79548668744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Homeless and drunk people
>willingly ignoring the hundreds of pics of fat asses just sharting their lazy asses for no particular reason
are all americans this deluded?

>> No.9247501

>work at bougie grocery store
>literally people constantly ragequit over us being out of camel milk. its apparently really good for babies or something. idk.
>rich people are monsters
>got yelled at because we don't carry 'organic hand sanitizer'
>lady asked me if we carried vegan bone broth, i had to explain what bone broth was

>> No.9247502

A lady wearing only a moo-moo and an oxygen tank was walking around the store, had an emercy and apparently rushed out of the store, while shitting on the floor. could only imagine that she wasnt wearing any underwear. I was told to clean up said shit. I havent killed myself to this day for agreeing to the task. Higher ups told me to clean it, but apparently others declined the task, and being a dumb asshole I am, agreed to do it because of manager/bossman said to.

>> No.9247511

I could find pictures of nasty Europeans to counter troll you, instead I'm gonna go lay on the couch and scratch my American nuts. Because I'm not O B S E S S E D.

>> No.9247514

I don't work in one either but last time I was in one, there was a woman who had to have been 450 pounds minimum on one of those electric scooters, she was sitting slightly sideways so she could pull her shopping cart behind her in which her children were riding, like a caboose. I really regret not taking a picture

>> No.9247527

nice effort fatty O B E S E D

>> No.9247576

Had a guy flip his shit because someone told him a wrong price for cherrys. the cherry price is still in the registry, so we can't fuck him over.
goes on about like 14 cent. women behind him gives him 1€. he throws it somewhere. tells her to come to the brothel, he would pay for her.
Had to kick him out.
other guy. probably a faggot, mid ages. with his friend and abunch of children. starts screaming at a worker because of his face. he apperantly looked funny at him. his friend is backing him up "excusses don't help now". tells my collegue that he whishes he was never born.
other than that I am just amazed where people put stuff. Milkproducts somewhere in the market and stuff.... or picking things from the lowest pallet thus ruining all of the above ones.

>> No.9247581
File: 86 KB, 600x599, 812e9acd37f70026f5a80ba386167096-fat-man-in-motorized-scooter-tows-woman-in-wheel-chair[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scooter "trains" pretty common man, I see that shit at Walmart all the time.

Around Christmas time I was grabbing my inventory out of the receiving area at Walmart, came out the back doors into the "main" area of the store, and saw a fat man screaming at Walmart employees about how he was being "mistreated" and "abandoned."

Apparently he couldn't walk far under his own power due to his weight, and thus got stranded near the car parts section when the battery in his scootie died. I guess he'd been there a few minutes with no way to get out... lmao

>> No.9247583

>completely useless post
Oh, I'll just be here F5ing the whole time. Perhaps you should get some friends and family so that you have someone other than /ck/ to tell about landing your oh so much better job?

>> No.9247586

"Romanis" are a misnomer, Gypsies were exiled from India a while back and came to Europe. They were just general traveling thieves/whatever that skulked from town to town to prey on the locals' charity.

>> No.9247632

A woman tried to steal makeup by hiding it in her vagina and fat rolls, then started fighting security as well as the cop who responded.

Some hipster got upset at a manager because the store couldn't process money orders that day. He came back about 10 minutes later wearing a shirt that had "Fuck [manager's name]" written on it while yelling & dancing around the service desk.

>> No.9247660

I work at a whole foods, we found a severed penis in a ziploc bag in the vegan snacks aisle behind some kale chips.

>> No.9247678

>He came back about 10 minutes later wearing a shirt that had "Fuck [manager's name]" written on it while yelling & dancing around the service desk.
I don't care how much of a fag that guy was, If I saw that I'd have to thank him for making my day

>> No.9247697

Did you throw out all the broccoli or sell it?

>> No.9247699

>willingly ignoring the fact that I said mostly American shit gets posted on the internet
Tell me what awesome country you live in that doesn't have a homeless/drug addict problem

>> No.9247708

sure it wasn't just an action item for vegans? seems like something they would like to eat.
was it a human penis?

>> No.9247715

Fucking lol

>> No.9247717

>he never had where's wally books as a kid

>> No.9247719

We got a detective up in here

>> No.9247724
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>sharters are evidently well adjusted hamplanet americans
go wash your onesie, shartboy

>> No.9247726

>thinks anybody actually gives a shit if he posts his stories or not
So you're even a cuck on the Internet huh?

>> No.9247738

I live in a small country outside of both America and Europe, and I have never ever seen anybody shit themselves at a supermarket. What is with this epidemic of Americans shitting themselves in public?

>> No.9247742

>Deli worker
>Homeless ass looking man asks for an entire log of colby jack cheese
>Slap a price tag off one and give it to him
>See him later filling his cart with hotdog buns and twinkies

>> No.9247746


>> No.9247751

>taking my second post out of context of my first post
>quoting my first post that explains the deplorable behavior of the second post
This is your average eurocuck in defense of his own view of Americans despite the fact that his own country has the same issues.

>> No.9247764
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they're just presenting their shit as a gift to their idol, wal-mart

>> No.9247781


>> No.9247794

that's where you're wrong.
American shit usually gets posted on a supermarket aisle first

>> No.9247813

i work in the deli and i add a little spit to anyone who asks for their meat/cheese to be sliced extra thin. shit is such a pain in the fucking ass.

>> No.9247828

>Europeans get off about posting about our shit
>human waste product is a serious point of discussion for Europeans
>American culture is shit

>> No.9247848

>usually cover the register during our cashier's lunch break
>cash out a girl for a drug test and look outside for a few minutes
>notice a scrap truck driving down the middle of the one-way street across from our store
>girl I cashed out is driving behind them and decides to pass them on the side
>the truck finishes its wide turn and takes out half of the front of her vehicle

>> No.9247852

Post stories of times the grocery jester got you good anons.

>> No.9247854

>He doesn't know about hermeneutics!
maximum pleb

>> No.9247856

bitch don't make me close this tab

>> No.9247857

Should have told her urine for trouble

>> No.9247875

>his name was coke sniffles

>> No.9247928
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>be cashier
>deal with shitty customers yeah
>old woman
>has a buy one get one free item
>gets pissed off that it's free and makes me charge it
>i go to help bag and she fucking smacks my hand and almost smacks me on the head
>almost freak out but i'll get fired if i do anything
>goes up to manager's desk and says that i'm a bad cashier and should be fired and shit talks me
>almost get fired anyway because of this
not exactly weird but one of the weirdest things that has happened to me in my opinion

>> No.9247937

Oh it was definitely a human peener. We have a few crazy tranny customers, pretty sure one of them left it.

>> No.9247943

>real quiet woman that works at supermarket
>end of every shift buys 1 tin cat food
>doesn't show up for a month, no one knows why
>local newspaper, busted by RSPCA (animal welfare?)
>80 cats, EIGHTY CATS!
>9 of them still alive

>> No.9248036


>> No.9248113

Source on gif?

>> No.9248185

A couple of night shift guys got caught watching porn on the tv in the break room during their shifts. Management remedied this by getting rid of the tv and the couch that used to be in there.

>> No.9248188

Kek you are gay, but good eye

>> No.9248334

>hear screaming from the back room
>kid upfront dripping blood from his mouth
>other kid claims that he tried to stick a stick up his nose but it was clearly from them fighting
>mom screams at them
>continues to shop as he bleeds everywhere and screams like he's dying

>> No.9248344

Next time try to not attempt to rape customers.

>> No.9248380

Search watermelon prank gif

>> No.9248437

This didn't actually happen, now did it?

>> No.9248521

>For no reason

Actually most of these pictures are because of a diet pill called Alli and similar products marketed to these fat asses for weight loss.

>> No.9248554

where did this take place, geographically speaking

>> No.9248565

Oh hey I love discussion threads.
>buttblasted eurocucks come out of the woodwork at the first opportunity to talk about America
>thread overrun with falseflags and shitposting
Guess I'll try again tomorrow.

>> No.9248572

>amerilard can't take the banter once again

>> No.9248577

Someone stuck a chive in their mouth and just...pulled it out while sucking, like if it were some candy and then nodded in approval as she put it in a plastic bag with its bunch.

Like this is how she checks it.

>> No.9248628

Southern Wisconsin so lots of Illinois people came in.

>> No.9248655

We are all that baby.

>> No.9248832

Dear Shoprite,

I'm sorry about that one time I fainted in the produce aisle from low blood pressure and had to be carried in an ambulance van to the hospital

>> No.9248837

I've seen teenagers play with produce in a sexually suggestive way.

>> No.9249765

that's what you get for being vegan

>> No.9249981

The former lead singer of The Mighty Mighty Bosstones buying a bottle of vodka at 2 in the morning.

It happened at least a few times a month. We could just see the defeat in the poor guy's eyes.

>> No.9250330
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W-wut? Who would do something like that?

>> No.9250417

Romanian here, Gypsies are scum and the EU forced us to "integrate" them. So we just started exporting them to the EU. There are still too many left over. Fuck Gypsies and fuck the EU.

>> No.9250431

My boyfriend had a part time job as a bell ringer for salvation army one christmas season. So one day when he was doing his job outside the store an eldery woman gets into her car and full speed reverses ito two parked cars. After that she continued to go forward and hits two more cars and finally smash into one of the areas where you put the shopping carts when you're done. He was the only one who saw it all happen and had to go let the manager of the store know what went down. When the police came she said she just blacked out and didn't know what happened.

>> No.9250440

>Romanian here, Gypsies are scum and the EU forced us to "integrate" them. So we just started exporting them to the EU
Yes we know

>> No.9250441

>morbidly obese woman begins shoving raw meat into her sweatpants
>before she's finished one of my coworkers catches her and tells her she needs to pay for the meat
>she runs into the mens' washroom and locks the door
>as acting manager, I'm tasked with removing her from the washroom
>tell her if she doesn't come out I'll have to grab the key and open the door myself
>"Fuck you whitey"
>sigh, leave my coworker to watch the door while I fetch the key
>halfway through walking up the stairs I hear the door slam open
>the woman is screaming like an animal, running for the exit as fast as she can while meat falls out of her pants
>have to pick up the meat after she leaves
>$80 worth of meat, all covered in her gunt sweat
>coworker ushers me over to the bathroom
>he found another $160 worth of meat in the trash can, as well as an empty bottle of jack daniels
>spend rest of shift scanning out meat

>> No.9250444

South Africa?

>> No.9250450

I worked in a grocery store for 3 years. It was normal until the last 8 months, where I took on the overnight shift (24 hr store)

Once had a guy so drunk all he could say was steak. He was buying steak. His card kept getting declined and he answered every question with "steak". Eventually it worked and he went away.

Had a lady whose son was a drug addict who beat her up break down crying in the store and beg me to hide her change

Had a guy walk into our beer and wine section, chug a jug of wine, then smash the bottle on the floor and cut his own throat. Me and the baker had to wrestle him to the floor while he sawed it across his neck

>> No.9250459

did they eat her?

>> No.9250480

I think you have bigger problems if you're in London

>> No.9250482

why do they shart in the mart?

>> No.9250525

I don't really know anything about gypsies besides the fact that they travel around like hippies and are hated by a lot of people.

Are they only like that because they've been outcast?

>> No.9250536

Worked at Walmart for almost a year

Saw an old man driving those fat people scooters, he crashed into a beer display amd broke half of. Them, security came and he threatened to. Sue the store, then he got out running when the manager threatened to call the police

Saw a costumer drop a big bottle of coke and the cap broke splashing coke everywhere, the guy was screaming for help, i saw all the mess he was doing, then went to the back to hide and to use my cellphone

I don't know why but in my country Walmart needs to hire a certain amount of "special needs" people, we had a particular guy on fruits and vegetables that got mad at some costumers and threw potatoes at them until security took him to the back

>> No.9250550

Gypsies are thieving scum.
Absolute vermin who will steal anything that isn't bolted down.

>> No.9250560

You're full of shit.

They'd take the bolts too.

>> No.9250565

Hey, that happened to me, except I was the cashier.

It was an eight hour shit sometime close to Christmas so it was pretty busy. The customer I was serving at the time happened to be an EMT and caught me before I hit the floor. Damn lucky coincidence.

>> No.9250576

Romanis are slav-indian hybrids and are pretty much just IRL oblivion goblins. They have no concept of human decency, property rights or the value of life

The other 'type' of gypsy are Irish travellers, they're a bit more human but have a tendency to steal roofing lead, marry their cousins, hang around children's play areas and have loud, violent domestic conflicts in public. Sort of like your stereotypical back woods American trailer park redneck

>> No.9250591

>Are they only like that because they've been outcast?


During the height of the Soviet Union and its Eastern Bloc nations, gypsies were offered brand new homes complete with indoor heat by my country. Guess what they did? They tore up the floor and started camp fires indoors.

What is more just? We turning a blind eye to their blatant thefts or them not stealing from others?

>> No.9250596

Wait, this happened in Soviet Russia?

>> No.9250631

I only ever see fucking cartoon characters while I'm working at ollies

First dude was a 30somethubg dude who was very sharply dressed hed start talking about how the government was throwing food into the ocean in order to kill babies. Between each sentence he would play a small tiff on his silver harmonica

Next were the mentally handicapped twins who would stand an inch from each other's face and laugh uncontrollably their mom would separate them as if this happened often

Then came the largest most gender incomprehensible land blob I've seen in my life they spoke in a voice similar to a car horn in sound and volume and I had to walk this thing around the store in order to find their various foodstuffs

>> No.9250635

Check your priviledges, fuckos!
They are called mobile minorities!

>> No.9250638

dirty gyppo detected

>> No.9250647

Hungary, to be exact.

>> No.9250655

Yeah, because everything they take goes with them

>> No.9250660

Don't you have regions that are at least 8% gypsy?

>> No.9250667
File: 44 KB, 255x288, 1210966924810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old story from 2012.
>Have to be to work by 5AM, ST Patty's Day
>Get through it all, skip to quarter to 9
>Cleaning bathrooms, go down to the downstairs bathrooms
>The women's bathroom had a long ass line, figured I couldn't make it in there, go to the men's bathroom instead
>Walk in, the smell of shit hits me instantly
>Go out, decide to return in a few minutes
>Return, the shitstench is still lingering
>A customer tells me someone shit in the urinal
>Look at urinal, it's really a ball of shit in it along with some smeared under it
>"What the FUCK!" I yell
>Decide to leave out and get some cleaning supplies. This was a priority task
>Manager comes to me, tells me to shut down the bathroom entirely
>Nods in agreement, goes to get the supplies
>Sees that men are still going in the bathroom, I grit my teeth
>Stand my ground, go inside and wait for the men to clear out, makes sure no one get in afterward
>Blocks the doorway from the inside with the trashbin and mopsticks
>Dumps most of the ammonia/glass cleaner stuff onto the floor, it was reddish
>Starts to mop furiously, gets to the toilet
>Sees some clothing of some sort. It was a pair of boxers and some socks
>Sees a shitstain on the boxers
>Takes a bag and puts the shitboxers and socks into it
>Continue mopping. The whole floor is covered with the cleaner
>Co-worker comes in with a squeegee and a bucket of water, helps me out
>Overall, took about a half an hour to clean entirely. Felt like I accomplished something for some reason
>Opens up bathroom a few minutes later

My thoughts? Some guy came in shitfaced, shat himself and left the evidence behind along with his socks for some reason. He may have panicked and took his turd and put it in the urinal and then left.

>> No.9250672

...and those are terrible, terrible areas.

>> No.9250697

he probably used his underwear as an ad-hoc toilet paper

>> No.9250710

I live in the US and I've never seen anyone shit themselves in public aside from homeless people and blackout drunk college chicks.

>> No.9250765

What is with people oh man i have to do my job what a hasstle i better spit in this nice person who cant even afford a shit ton of deli meats so they get what they can sliced thins food

Fuck you


>> No.9250774

>Work on a coffee shop inside supermarket
>every Friday there's this huge skinhead with an esvastica on his forehead and also the back of his head
>dudes clearly American, I'm black
>everytime I see him I just sit down and hide cause he's scary as fuck
>one day I'm hidding as usual and hear the fucker screaming
>fuck it guess I'm dead
>Stand up to face my inminent death
>Dude's punching to death a pineapple on the floor
>a pineapple
>security guards finally come and start dragging the fucker outside
>he keeps screaming to the poor pineapple
>I never see him again

That was one weird shift.

>> No.9250785
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>> No.9250833
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Proof that being American means you're fat.

Europe: 1
Murrilards: 0

>> No.9250845

Did someone call the cops?

>> No.9250848

That one is literally a photoshop.

>> No.9250854

It might be because my life has been ruined too many times, but if someone made me lose my job by lying about me, their life would be forfeit.

>> No.9250873

All romanians are scum, no matter if gypsies or not. Only useful thing is your females in our western european brothels. But only with plastic wrap due to fear of std

>> No.9250879

>During the height of the Soviet Union and its Eastern Bloc nations, gypsies were offered brand new homes complete with indoor heat by my country. Guess what they did? They tore up the floor and started camp fires indoors.
This happened in Slovakia too, except they tore out the radiators and sold them for scrap metal. It baffles me how anyone can think like that.

I'm a bleeding heart faggot and it doesn't make me happy to see people living in poverty, but I don't know what else you can do to help people who just keep inflicting this kind of shit on themselves.

>> No.9250895

Imagine cavemen. Living outside, not giving a shit about anything except feeding themselves.

Now imagine they got transported to the 20th century and were offered the same thing gypsies were offered. They'd do the same fucking thing.

"Who needs a house? I'm just fine outside! Who needs a heater? I can make fire! All I need is food and water, so better scrap those things and exchange them for that."

>> No.9250925

Those were hard times too. Those homes could have gone to someone else.

>> No.9250992

I didn't think anyone saw me =/

>> No.9251004

Hahahha xD
>epic post
Have some upvotes

>> No.9251023

mwahahaha...i chuckled

>> No.9251033

Almost. USA

>> No.9251042
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Because they're not really smart.

>> No.9251060

Uncool, it's a movie.

>> No.9251075

Saw some indian guy with a trolley full of bread. Like, bread pooling over the rim.

>> No.9251082

>terrible, terrible areas

Eastern europe described in three words.

>> No.9251091

Thanks. You (you) too

>> No.9251134

I've never worked at a grocery store but I used to shop at the Morton Williams in Greenwich Village and a crackhead behind me was once buying like 50 packages of butter, and that was all.

>> No.9251138

>Walmart needs to hire a certain amount of "special needs" people

Are you one of them? Jesus Christ, your grammar is fucking awful.

>> No.9251178

Why are you so sure that this actually happened? I'm no fan of gypsies, and I do think their culture is focused on cheating and stealing, but I don't think they're savages. I grew up in Belarus, and whenever I heard shit like this, it always reminded me of blood libel or something.

>> No.9251271
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>be 19, pajeet in PajeetLand
>Go to my favorite meat place (Debon) to buy bacon
>Walking into the grocery mart with some good streaky and bump into a pure dindu vegan womanon in her 40s (apparently she was acquainted with Mom)
>"Ooh Anon! You've become a big boy! Shopping are we?"
>"Eh hue heh ye..yeah I was buying some bacon"
>her face turns pale and looks at me like I just took a shit at her designated street
"An- Anon isn't that cow?"
>Cow slaughter is illegal in dinduville
>"Oh no it's pork" I said as I stretched my arms towards her and showed her whatsinthebag.webm
>She gags like a toad and pukes on the fruit aisle
>Puking and breathing turned into vetruvian throat singing while I awkwardly call for help with my beta pajeet ass
>Manager rushes and gags on the smell of rotten carrots and whatever that septic tank ejected
>Grabs my bacon "sir you need to get out"
>Everyone's eyes on me while the whale is still blowing curry from her nose and anus
>Embarrassed af I run away to my home
>Mfw no streaky
>New sketchers covered in curry vomit
>Eating instant ramen like a poorfag

>> No.9251284

>I walked into the grocery after I bought my bacon, Indian stores don't sell raw meat and veggies under the same roof because muh culture

>> No.9251288
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>> No.9251347

Lots of them are photoshops.
It's easy to tell too, because they often change the color of the seams on the pants to be too dark.

I've worked in elderly care for 12 years. Piss and shit doesn't stain that evenly on the seams of jeans or pants unless they sat in a chair and got it on the outside.

>> No.9251395

that's racist

>> No.9251424
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>> No.9251484

amerilard delusion, ladies and gentlemen

>> No.9251494

A guy comes into my store and starts going through all the eggs in the fridge, examining every carton to try to find the perfect dozen. I asked him why he didn't just mix and match, and he got mad at me and said it's important to have standards, that nobody has any pride anymore.

>> No.9251522

The thing is, not all of them are savages like this.Fucking gypsies are basically gopniks on steroids. However, they are all thieves.

>> No.9251524
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>> No.9251534
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All your questions about the shitting in walmarts have been answered

>> No.9251544

So it's actually true?
Holy shit, burgersharts, get a grip of yourselves!

>> No.9251554

some guy got stabbed to death at the shoprite near me, i think he got into an argument in the parking lot about a parking spot. guy came in and slit his throat in the produce section

>> No.9251557

>lardo fell out trying to reach for the diet soda

>> No.9251568

requesting image of three(?) scooter driving americans in an isle with the caption saying something along the lines of 'tanks going to battle'

>> No.9251675

There's entire neighbourhoods of now abandoned social housing, and literal shanty towns that anyone who is white has to avoid because you're gonna get fucking stabbed if you set foot in there. Some of the stuff I've seen with my own eyes, and after being harassed numerous times as a kid, I can believe the rest.

Here's the problem: I don't think being born somewhere inherently makes you a savage. But being raised in that environment doesn't help, and it just gets perpetuated that way. And for the ones who are hard working (and there's plenty of those), they get shit on by other Romani by "betraying" the community and they get shit on white people because they're not white. I had a classmate that failed grade one. Abandoned by his mother, raised by his grandmother, except she couldn't read and couldn't help him with classwork. The kids made fun of him for being a year older and the teacher incessantly bullied him and aired his dirty laundry for the entire class to hear.

I feel so bad for that kid. I wonder what became of him.
What I mean by "I don't know how to help someone like that" is I don't know how to help the ones who live in shanty towns and misuse their welfare. There are so many that used social assistance to better themselves and get back on their feet, and no one notices because they're trying to stay as quiet as possible because everyone shits on them constantly.

>> No.9251685

The pharm I work at got hit by a car and the force of the collision caused the first aisle's entire makeup wall installation to collapse because it wasn't attached correctly. This also made almost everything in the next set of aisles fall off the shelves, so we had to close the store for the day and spend a few hours cleaning everything.

>> No.9251693
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>> No.9251722

No, it wouldn't.

>> No.9251724

Someone tried to steal about $2,000 of baby food. I live near the southern border, and apparently the shit sells for a lot in Mexico.

Ended up booking out the door with it, but cops were already called. Two MIC's (Manager-in-charge) ran after them. The two thieves tried to run down our manager as well, so when they got apprehended, they got attempted manslaughter charges as well.

That only happened a few weeks ago. If it wasn't for that, I would have said the Australian shitposting who storms into the meat market asking for kangaroo on a weekly basis, then shouting "FUCK M8" when we tell Jim we don't have any, before storming out.

That or the lady who asked us to stop putting lobsters on the ice tables. I'm a seafood employee, and she said we were suffocating them, and told us she was going to call animal control. Has two cuck boyfriend's with her every time she comes in that look at their feet as she does this shit. Same lady asks me to wrap her fish in paper first, wax side out, then a plastic bag, then paper wax side in. She says the plastic and wax fuses with the meat and makes it impure through osmosis.

>> No.9251775

I don't work at one but I have this story.

I was waiting in line and there was this mentally fucked 40 something guy in line ahead of me with a few things. He had a fanny pack because of course he did. After the checkout woman rang up his order he reached into the fanny pack and fumbled around. Then he just blurted out

>"Aw, damn. She (his mom I guess) forgot to give me the money. I am going to go home and kill her. Then I am gonna come back here and kill YOU because you are a woman too."

Then he just smiled and calmly walked off.

I didn't know what the fuck to do. I didn't have my phone with me and the poor lady was shaking like a leaf. So I said the only thing I could.

>"Ma'am are you okay?!"

And she's like

>"Oh, I'm fine. Somebody just said they were going to kill me is all..."

So I offered to try and get somebody to call the police ASAP but the store was already on it. Turns out this guy lived down the road with his elderly parents and was one of those lifer NEETs whose antisocial nature caused any contact with the outside world to be hostile. Everybody was just kind of waiting for him to cross a line once and for all and get trucked off.

>> No.9251798

thank you

>> No.9251830

A disgusting looking female worker, like really disgustingly ugly.
I had nightmares for weeks

>> No.9251879

sounds like your average /ck/ poster

>> No.9252002

Why even bother posting this, faggot? God, did you even think for a second?

>> No.9252012

You would need to work at a supermarket to understand.

>> No.9252030

Isn't that from Clerks?

>> No.9252039

Are clubs like Costco better to work at then normal supermarkets?

>> No.9252046

I didn't see it, but a guy came in and shit in his pants, shook it down his pants leg and kicked it under the produce table. Then he put bologna packs down his pants. I saw the cops taking him away

>> No.9252053

>kill YOU because you are a woman too
Redpilled alpha male right here.

>> No.9252055
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>be me at 9:50 AM or so, just about to close in a few minutes
>Fat dude stomps in wearing a stained wife beater
>Immediately walks up to me and explains that he wants a refund for a fresh box of cookies he bought that we make in store
>ask him why he wants a refund
>I shit you not, he said with anger "I ate them all, but they didn't taste very good!"
>tell him politely as possible that its not going to happen
>he gets pissed at me
>he demands to speak to my manager
>manager tells him the exact same thing

What the fuck was he expecting to happen?

>> No.9252162

weird and weird, we've had two people dying in the store while I was working. One got some kind of stroke (that's what we heard anyways), the other one had a massive heartattack. I saw the second guy earlier when he entered the store, he was breathing heavily by just walking slowly (he was overweight but not american fat), and sweated profusely.

>> No.9252169

Is it banter if it isn't funny?

>> No.9252168 [DELETED] 
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I used to live near a "dry" Indian reservation (no alcohol) which meant you'd frequently get people coming down to my store and wanting to buy listerine and lysol in massive quantities. We weren't supposed to sell it to them if they were obviously going to drink it, which meant I got yelled at for being racist a whole hell of a lot when I'd say "I'm sorry sir but you can't buy this here." "What, why not? I'm just going to clean my kitchen and then drink this bottle of sprite." I always thought we were going to get sued or something for discrimination but it never happened.

>> No.9252172

Fat people have no shame.

>> No.9252184

t. crying american

>> No.9252339


i saw that happen recently at the louvre museum in paris
kid shit his pants so the dad held him over a trashcan to finish shitting , people all around

>> No.9252380

>french and kids shitting

Yeah they're impolite as hell. We were at a hot springs in the Olymic Penninsula where they had an adult pool and a kiddie pool. Some french wench brought her toddler wearing fucking dirty diapers into the adult pool and they told her to go to the kiddie pool and she pitched such a fit they booted her out.

>> No.9252453

"There are vocal qualities peculiar to men, and vocal qualities peculiar to beasts; and it is terrible to hear the one when the source should yield the other."

>> No.9252472

t. woman who will be murdered by a cashier

>> No.9252516

was asians, and wow

>> No.9252519

is everyone at walmart retarded trash

>> No.9252526

>walk into produce back stock
>bat flies in my fucking face
>don't mind because I like bats, but it's gotta go for obvious reasons
>get a broom to shoot it away
>get back just in time to see a produce guy hurl an orange at it as it, hanging on the wall above our receiving door
>bat fucking explodes, falls to the ground, gnarled and mangled, with it's skull and ribs hanging out
>blood and shit flew all over the fruits below
>dude just hoses that shit off and puts it out for sale

>> No.9252620
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>get a broom to shoot it away


>> No.9252630
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>bat fucking explodes

>> No.9252639

I said a boomstick not a broomst-
oh never mind

>> No.9252701


>> No.9252753

It's hilarious how produce is stored in the back. Seriously people, wash your shit when you get it home, it's gross back there.

>> No.9252759


>> No.9252837
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>> No.9252842

I don't even live in a rich city, but my local mart doesn't have anything like this thread in it. I go once a week or so, and the worst I see is the occasionally fat go-carter. No sharts, no yelling or fighting, no massive hamplanets.
I think Walmart has lots of these sorts because Walmart is everywhere, even in the sort of run-down or seedy areas where you get the massively obese, homeless and trashy. You would see the same abominations in liquor stores, gas stations, or churches in the same areas.
All human trash might patronize a Walmart, but not all Walmarts have human trash.

>> No.9252900

Upstate NY, Plattsburgh

>> No.9252911

The more a person is worth the more the chances they have of being an asshole desu I don't work grocery per say but I deal with a lot of the so I know.

>> No.9252926

NEVER clean up shit unless it is your job title. They gamed you.

>> No.9252927

shoprite? You northeastern?

>> No.9252938


>> No.9252974

American anon reports British anons for "too much banter".

>> No.9253060

Miami's wallmarts are just filled with fat black people,Hispanics and the occasional penny pinching Jew. Tons of delinquents though so lots of petty theft.

>> No.9253079

anytime there is a black lady with a cart full of stuff the credit card isn't going to go through.

Seen bum in the booze aisle take a pee in his pants and just leave. I think he did that because he found out we wouldn't sell booze to him after 11am.

Another bum would come in and buy rubbing alcohol and then drink it with soda out in the parking lot.

Get tipped on the regular by old white ladies.

Be solicited for sex by homos and women.

Had a few people that were too fat to shop. they would park their car and I would shop for them.

Blind people were okay.

>> No.9253088

had an alcoholic that would do that with bottles of wine.

>> No.9253102

Autocorrected from shoo. I'm housesitting my sister's place for a few days so I'm reduced to being a mobilefag.


>> No.9253132

If you don't like it, make a thread about something and contribute some oc.

Oh wait, you wont because you're shit.

>> No.9253171

My favorite shoplifting story.
Off-looking thin woman came through my line with a few groceries and one of those little Table Talk pies. The box was, of course, empty and she still had crumbs on her face. I called her out on it, and she gave me this deer-in-headlights look and one of my managers came over and let it go. I later got written up for accusing a 'loyal customer' for stealing, even though lost/theft prevention later caught her eating it on camera.

There's a statistic most people quit a job because of shitty bosses/management. I'm inclined to agree.

>> No.9253271

Next April fools should be /polk/
>but seriously bring back /mlpol/

>> No.9253280

> go free hedgehog, back to the broccoli where you are from

>> No.9253288

if she brought the empty box, doesn't that mean she was trying to pay for it?

like I drink a can of monster at walmart and then I take the empty can to the register for them to ring up

>> No.9253299

I've been getting dubs like fucking crazy today

>> No.9253305
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only if they bring /can/ and /vint/ back too.

>> No.9253312

It was tucked in the bottom of the carriage trying to hide it and she denied she ate it in front of my face and she didn't know how it got there.

>> No.9253598



Completely random act of violence.
Surprised it didn't get more nationwide coverage.

>> No.9253974

At least in my country Costco is pretty cool. Decent salaray, union, good insurance, vacations.

>> No.9254065

yup, i grew up in new windsor , wacky shit

>> No.9254114

>some guy wearing a t shirt that says "I [heart] memes]" eating a McChicken in the Wusthof aisle

>> No.9254139

A robbery.
I was on the storage so I just heard the shouts. Got scared but they just slapped the security guard and stole only one cash register.
Policr came and they got busted, they only had toy weapons.

>> No.9254374

Get a job or something my man. We literally never think about you with the fervor that you think about us.

>> No.9254389
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>some memer switches labels on the lemons and limes
>old man asks me why the limes are yellow, oblivious to the basket of limes beneath the lemons he was looking at

>> No.9254414

Walmart's policy on animals is that they can only ask you once if it's a service animal, and not require documentation like most other sensible places. So anyone can bring in any animal, claim it's a service animal, and walk it around the store.
I guess this became common knowledge, because late at night people would frequently bring their dogs into the store. There was an old Mexican guy who would have three chihuahuas walking alongside him, they would piss on structures and the janitors would have to clean it up.
Once a black guy brought in some pit bull on a chain and it started growling and barking, they had to make an "exception" and ask him to leave.
Since I worked night shift there were also a bunch of kids trying to film "prank" videos. The most popular one was to slam two milk jugs down so that they would explode and make a huge mess, and act like you slipped. That happened at least once every other week.
Aside from those nothing too weird. Just the mutants and drunks you'd expect to do their grocery shopping at 3AM

>> No.9254420

Man, one time I was just stepping out of the popcorn pits with armfuls of hot popcorn and the grocery jester had his falcon fly right past my head and then into the showers. Scared me so bad I dropped all my popcorn and the security guards made me clean it up because I'd broken the "no singles" policy to go shopping that day

>> No.9254425

>Work at deli at Ingles (white trash southern grocery store)
>Guy starts yelling at his wife
>Apparently she had brought him the wrong type of bread
>Punches her hard in the jaw, she falls over
>Have no clue what to do or say, they're right in front of the counter
>Manager later yells at me for ignoring the 10-foot rule of engagement
>Tell him that this dude was beating his wife, was I supposed to just say hey what's up?
>He says some vague shit about always following the company rules

>> No.9254433

I was pushing carts when in my peripheral vision I noticed a hispanic looking guy forcing open the "in" doors and walking out with one of the customer baskets that typically aren't allowed to be taken outside the store. I just kind of ignored it, but another customer who was nearby pointed out to me that he was probably stealing shit. At this point he was completely out of sight and I had no idea where he went, so I just shrugged it off and went back to pushing carts.

One time they stuck me pushing carts at from about 7 PM to 11 PM on a Sunday. I basically sat outside doing nothing for two hours, and during that time I witnessed two coworkers make out in front of the store for almost 15 minutes. To say it was awkward would be an understatement.

>> No.9254458

>During the height of the Soviet Union and its Eastern Bloc nations, gypsies were offered brand new homes complete with indoor heat by my country. Guess what they did? They tore up the floor and started camp fires indoors.
yup. happened in bulgaria too. only it was as recent as the 2000s i think

>> No.9254460

>blood libel
oy vey, this poster definitely sounds trustworthy

>> No.9254465

Store policies aside, you know you're allowed to fine people whose "service" dogs piss and shit in your store? Manager needed to nut up.

>> No.9254472

It is almost complete.
In a few years we'll be China. :(

>> No.9254500

>10-foot rule of engagement
what the fuck?

>> No.9254554

Called something he pulled out of his ass.

>> No.9254578

>Be working the outdoor garden area getting shit put away for winter.
>Door behind me opens and the garden manager walks out, with two dogs trailing her.
>She looks as confused as I am feeling as the dogs sniff around once they are let go in the fenced area.
>Apparently they just walked in the store to get out of the heat so she brought them to a place where they could be corralled.
>Ask for something to hold water for them and go back to work.
>Manager turns doors off and gets water for the puppers, black lab and golden retriever.
>Another manager comes out, then another one and we try to figure out what to do, animal control isn't going to answer on a Sunday, etc.
>One of them says to just take the dogs somewhere away from the store and abandon them somewhere.
>Did I mention this faggot is an asshole?
>Customers are watching these dogs milling around amused as hell as I give them head pats as they walk around.
>They have ID's so the logical thing is to call the owners.
>Finally the asshole manager gets his way and another manager walks the dogs off the store property, and runs into the owners.

>> No.9254614
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>Get a lot of customers born in the 30's
>Watch one keel over and die in front of me
>have to move the displays around his body to hide it while the ambulance arrives

>> No.9254616

Nah it's real, atleast at Wal-mart Nobody ever follows it though.

>> No.9254620

Chinese are the niggers of asia.

>> No.9254658

Man all there stories are wild, best i can do is our regulars.

The ~40 looking like 60 brain-damaged washed up porstiture and her mother.

She's literally a 5 year old girl, in a ~40y going on 60yo streetwalker's body, complete with battered pumps/stilettos, months worth of caked on makeup and dead hair.

>> No.9254659


So while on vacation you managed to somehow get employed by a major corporation?

They were willing to fill out visa forms, etc. for you?

Not buying it

Don't lie on the internet, it has serious consequences

>> No.9254667

>gypsies stealing shit
This happend in Croatia also. They pulled out all waterpipes and sold them
Also they are stealing paper from paper containers and in some places they tore apart bus stations for steel and copper

>> No.9254669

I don't work in a shop but some mom of the year brought her feverish sick kid with her shopping cause her 12 yo's couldn't look after him.

Kid passed out in the middle of the store and started having seizures. I and a doctor who were there were trying to help the kid while an ambulance was called.

I just couldn't understand why mom couldn't send her 3 10-12yo's to get the few damn groceries she needed instead of making her kid walk around all day. Fucking Arab logic.

>> No.9254676

>worked at walmart for a bit collecting carts
>ask some lardass if they would like help with their groceries, since i needed to take their mobility scooter anyways
>look in bags
>there is literally nothing in there but diet mountain dew
>at least a dozen 2 liters

>> No.9254680

hey man don't put him down, at least he's making an effort to lose weight by drinking diet

>> No.9254682

It's miserable. Was a cashier for all of two months when I was 17. Was a FedEx store next door ran by some old cunt. She used to come over with super expired coupons and fuck with cashiers who explained to her they're expired. Watched a younger girl cry one time because of it, manager gave her a break and finished her line. One day, old bitch comes in and tries her shit on me. I tell her she cant use them and that she needs to stop trying. She looks at people behind her in line and starts laughing saying "where do they find these useless kids, holy shit". I hated my job as it was and this was the breaking point. I slid her shit off the counter and onto the floor and tell her she can leave. She started yelling for the manager and I mock her yelling for him too. He comes over, gathers the information, looks at the mess at my feet, tells her to leave and then fires me on the spot. Worst job, followed by car washing.

>> No.9254701


I've actually heard of this before

I forgot why they do it though

>> No.9254704

>fires me on the spot
what the fuck. what a fucking turbofaggot

>> No.9254708


Was he a guidance counselor?

>> No.9254719

>Working closing shift and hear the loading bay door ring meaning our freight truck showed up 2 hours late.
>Go into the stock room as the manager walks in to do the paperwork.
>The manager is a transfer to our store and in a panic about things being done perfect, want to unload the truck and wants me to finish recovering isles.
>Warn him about the forklift, the thing is old as dirt, has no real speed control half the time, etc as I leave to finish recovering.
>Finish just in time to hear my name on the overhead, and the twinge of panic in the speaker.
>Go in the back to see what he did to the freight or something.
>Freight is fine, the trucker is yelling into his phone in broken English about something.
>The dumb fuck punched a hole in the side of the guys trailer with a fork.
>It's a refrigerator truck, so the driver is extra pissed. Apparently thinking if he yells louder the person on the other end will understand his gibberish.
>The manager is trying to win a three way battle as I get on the forklift and finish off the freight while looking at the hole and how he managed to do it.
>He tried to enter the truck at an angle the ramp slowed the forklift down so he tried to gun it and it lurched (Like I warned him it would)
>Had to recharge the fucking thing because he burned the battery out.
>Tell him the jobs done, my recovery is also done, and good luck.
>Go chat with the cashier until the store closes, explain to the graveyard manager what he can expect in the back and leave.

>> No.9254723
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>> No.9254731

Rule of thumb for making your wagecucks appear friendly and eager is to make them greet every customer who comes into a 10 foot radius. Common in places like grocery stores where workers and customers are in the same place, but managers vary in how strict they are. The Ingles manager took it super seriously and specifically told us to engage people even if they were on their phones or conversing with other people.

>> No.9254734

sleep tight batter

>> No.9254774

Sounds like one of those jackasses you see with slicked back hair and thinks everything you do is somehow wrong.

>> No.9254783

I got in a fight at a neighborhood grocery store once. Somebody had taken the time to arrange all the pastries on sale near the end of the aisle and I just threw this dude right into it.

I felt bad about it and apologized to all the employees I saw as I bolted.

>> No.9254804

>The other 'type' of gypsy are Irish travellers
Thems pikeys anon, calling them gips is an insult

>> No.9254820

>later got written up for accusing a 'loyal customer' for stealing, even though lost/theft prevention later caught her eating it on camera.

Let me explain loss prevention the way my regional manager explained loss prevention to me.

"I have a customer in one of my stores. Every morning, I watch him walk in, take a banana from produce and eat it in the store. Then he chats with me and all the cashiers, before throwing the peel away and leaving without buying anything. I never bother him about it. Why? Because he comes back later and spends a hundred plus dollars on groceries every week.

Loss prevention is not for customers, it's for employees. If I saw you take a GRAPE I would fire you in a second."

>> No.9254823

>>9250450 >Had a guy walk into our beer and wine section, chug a jug of wine, then smash the bottle on the floor and cut his own throat.
jesus fuck a doodle christ

>> No.9254827

>Walmart's policy on animals is that they can only ask you once if it's a service animal, and not require documentation like most other sensible places

Work in a hotel, and this is EVERYONE'S POLICY. And this is a 'no pets allowed if you have a pet you pay 150 dollars no refund'

You are only allowed to ask 2 questions: Is this a service animal, and what service does it provide? You are not allowed to ask for any documentation. You are not allowed to ask what their condition is. "Emotional Support" is a valid service reply.

The reason for this is, otherwise you get sued for discrimination. Yes, I am serious. Also, expect every hotel that provides shuttle service to either stop, or get a minibus that has a wheel chair lift in it now. Because someone successfully sued for a couple million for discrimination.

If it's any consolation, documentation would be meaningless, you can print that shit off the internet.

>> No.9254829

>you know you're allowed to fine people whose "service" dogs piss and shit in your store?
I'm this anon >>9254827 here

This is also true. If you have your "Service Animal" with you, you assume full responsibility for it's behavior. A real service animal is trained not to cause any trouble. They're also supposed to wear vests when they're working but this isn't really enforceable. If the animal barks, growls, shits, pisses, etc - the customer is liable for what it does and whatever damage it causes. So if the manager had balls they could eject those people, but they don't want to because they're spending money.

>> No.9254835

Yeah, I walked around the corner and saw him and the baker kinda.. shoving at each other. I thought they knew each other and were fooling around. Then the baker manages to get around behind him and get him in a head lock, looks at me and yells "DUDE HELP ME". I didn't know how to respond right away and ran over. He had the broken bottle in his hand, and I grabbed onto his arm. But he was drunk and pretty strong and I ain't got no gains, so the guy starts yelling and jams the bottle into his neck and saws it across. The baker starts losing his shit, and I'm thinking "welp, I am now watching a man die." His blood got everywhere. I had the baker like, squeeze his neck while I called 911. The night stockers just kinda stood around uselessly.

Anyway dude was fine, cut wasn't actually that deep, he just needed some stitches and half a pint. His family sent us a thank you card.

Baker said the dude was drunk as fuck, looked him in the eyes and said "god is good" before he started cutting himself, and he tried to get the bottle away. Thats when I walked in on them.

>> No.9254876

babies are resilient as fuck.
>be walking my dogs one morning.
>some stupid bitch is like trying to take grocerys out of the back seat
>out of nowhere a fucking baby rolls out hits the concrete and fucking rolls into the edge of the sidewalk and the curb
>she picks it up rubs off the dead leaves from its head
>looks around to see if anyone saw
>the baby is fine apearently

>> No.9254968

Your mom sounds wonderful

>> No.9255035

I don't understand, help please.

>> No.9255094

Back in the days me and my buddies had a quite nice gig going where we salvaged some shopping carts from a ditch next to the parking lot and fixed them and sold them back to the supermarket.
But suddenly I got hired by the supermarket and now I had to fight those idiots that put them there. It was a terrible situation, really.

>> No.9255106

Do you know Jim?
He's a great guy.

>> No.9255118

u shud rite a book m8, thats inspiratinol

>> No.9255120

Had the same kid puke 3 different times in one trip. To add insult to injury, it was almost always after I'd just cleaned the one before and his retarded mother didn't think to take him home after the first time.

>> No.9255129

Fuck Jim. He's stupid drunk and also he's stupid.

>> No.9255140

That was grocery jester

>> No.9255176


>> No.9255211


Not Cool. 2014 movie by Shane Dawson.

>> No.9255227

What is wrong with you?

>> No.9255242

You from Asheville?

>> No.9255255

its funny because the dogs are switched

>> No.9255269

>I drink a can of monster at walmart
nothing like /sip/ping while shopping at the mart

>> No.9255279

>sippin' and shartin'

>> No.9255287


>> No.9255302

Gut your mind out of the gutter, son!
She's just shopping to prepare a healthy meal for her hard working husband back home, as a good wife is supposed to do.

>> No.9255331

>people openly mocks you and laughs at your retarded antics
>you are literally the laughing stock of the civilized world


>> No.9255378

>A customer tells me someone shit in the urinal
This happened on Paddys Day three years ago in my local pub. Some guy shat in the fucking urinal. Some people really need putting out of their misery

>> No.9255389

t. Buttblasted Eurocuck who can't come up with actual humor

>> No.9255392

Gypsies are filth and objectively some of the worst 'humans' possible.

So of course our government loves them, gives them a ton of cash and makes it illegal to defend yourself from them.

>> No.9255394

Pikeys is an insult too, if you haven't heard. They're both scum anyway.

>> No.9255404

They act like this in the UK too. They get pushed to the front of the housing list, they get offered extra money for schooling and preferential treatment and they still act like some roaming band of post-apocalypse rapist slaving scavengers.

>> No.9255420

t.comedy genius

>> No.9255431

>this happened all over eastern europe, on several different times
>the only online source for this is a canadian right wing anti immigration forum
sure sounds legit and by no means an urban legend propagated as a means to discriminate an entire social group

>> No.9255433

Get out you pinko commie fuck

>> No.9255436

t. gypsy scum

>> No.9255446

hey, gypsies are no fucking angels and they're known in my country for being one of the biggest retailers of stolen auto parts ever known, but there's a certain point in your life as an adult where you need to stop eating bullshit and think a bit for yourself

>> No.9255449

Assistant Manager at a Walmart in a low-income area here. I've seen some shit.

>Dude walking out of the store has a seizure in the crosswalk, may or may not have died in the ambulance
>Homeless guy drove over a mart cart from nearby Sam's Club, drives over a curb and crushes himself. Blood everywhere.
>People shoving frozen burger patties down their pants
>People will argue over anything for a discount
>If someone picks up alcohol pushed into the wrong spot and we legally cannot sell it at that price, apparently we're getting sued for false advertising
>I don't think these people know what advertising is
>Big hippie festival nearby every summer. People from all over the country come to our store. We legitimately sell Christmas-like numbers. Shit ensues.
>Multiple heroin overdoses in the bathrooms
>Shit smeared everywhere in bathrooms
>Busloads of retards
>Busloads of hispanics
>People constantly begging for money
>Kids on actual leashes
>Nine year olds doing grocery shopping for their parents
>Like by themselves, the adults didn't come
>Kids opening BB guns and shooting both associates and shoppers overnight
>Dozens of forts in bulk paper aisle
>Homeless guy who slept in garden center for a whole winter
>Dozens of fights, ranging from loud yelling to bloodshed
>Guy rear-ended a stationary bus so hard his car got lodged under the bus and he died
>People trying to commit fraud by planting grapes on the floor then intentionally falling on them
>Guy's dog was in a shopping cart without anything under it (against policy even for service animals), the dog shits in the cart
>Homeless guy bathing himself in the bottle room handwash sink
>People bringing in nearly 2000 cans and bottles at 4AM
>First day we had liquor, guy found pounding a fifth of Canadian Mist in the Infants department

I could go on, but y'all get the gist

>> No.9255458

Oh yeah, of the the more recent ones I forgot about. Someone, never figured out who, caught a live fish nearby, cleaned it, brought it into our store, and straight threw it on the floor and left.

>> No.9255471

lol, you're clearly gay but that's pretty funny.

>> No.9255475

>I'm black
get out

>> No.9255481

No a supermarket worker, but a shopper. I like to get completely fucked up on kratom or phenibut and weed edibles and thoroughly examine every piece of produce and look at just about every item on every shelf in every aisle while subtly dancing to whatever music they're playing. Then I go through the checkout aisle with whatever new, interesting-looking food items I found and try to find a way to bag my groceries (self-bagging store) without moving my torso and only using my two arms in a robotic, repetitive motion.

>> No.9255494

and they say America is still a first world country lmao

>> No.9255520

How often would you say such things are happening?

>> No.9255523

>>Dozens of forts in bulk paper aisle
Like, like a pillow fort?

>> No.9255528

Yes. Like they move everything around until they basically have a pillow fort of paper towel. Usually results in product all over the floor/in the wrong spots/opened/etc

The more extreme things? Once or twice a month.
The sort of annoying things that makes people mad for no reason? Typically at least once a shift.

>> No.9255550

How are you able to work there? Do you find the incidents to be amusing?

>> No.9255567

I'm 24 and make 48.5k a year. It pays for my mortgage and car. I don't actually hate the job, though I'm looking for something else. Unfortunately finding something that pays that well with no experience or degree isn't easy.

Most of the incidents aren't amusing, and oftentimes they'll send me into anxiety attacks. Some of them I've gotten used to though, since I've been at the store for five years.

>> No.9255607

>>get a broom to shoot it away
t.German army

>> No.9255612

>I've been at the store for five years.
damn son
I've worked stock depot and call center customer service among many other things but still the most dreaded job I've ever had was when I was a supermarket clerk
I feel your pain, bro

>> No.9255621

it already exists elsewhere and is waaay more natsoc than a shill /pol/

>> No.9255622

It sucks, but it pays the bills. Hope I can get out of retail someday. Thinking about going back to school, but man do I hate school.

>> No.9255809


>> No.9255812

I wish you'd remember because I've been curious forever.

>> No.9255886


L A N D - O F - T H E - F R E E

>> No.9255959

>biggest retailers if stolen auto parts
>think for yourself
Thinking for myself would lead to the logical conclusion that they're fucking criminal parasites with no place in our society

>> No.9255976


>> No.9256082

yeah, but parroting bullshit with no proper source is just retarded
don't be a retard anon

>> No.9256123

Keep /an/ memes where they belong

>> No.9256131

So, like you just did?

>> No.9256412

>at least he's making an effort to lose weight by drinking diet

And riding a mobility scooter instead of walking? He was fat, but not fat enough to prevent walking. There was no healthy food in the bags, or food of any kind at all.

>> No.9256516

Morbidly obese guy who used the mobility scooter bought like 100 cans of catfood all at once. He smelled like he hadn't taken a shower in years.

>> No.9256814

>Next were the mentally handicapped twins who would stand an inch from each other's face and laugh uncontrollably

Imagine opening a door to a dark room and seeing that

>> No.9256972
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>and another manager walks the dogs off the store property, and runs into the owners.

They didn't find the owners did they, they got abandoned lost and confused because the other manager is a cunt didn't they?

>> No.9257079

where did this whole gypsy thing come in here, it seems like it derailed this thread way back.

just saying