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9242333 No.9242333 [Reply] [Original]

Let's be honest here, would you drink your "favorite" liquor if it didn't have alcohol in it? Pay $50 a bottle for it? Do you actually enjoy beer so much that you'd drink O'douls?

Didn't think so

>> No.9242347

Fuck no, what are you retarded?

Would you eat your favorite steak if there was no beef in it?

Anyone who drinks O'douls or decaff without being former addicts should be shot.

>> No.9242348
File: 1.12 MB, 1532x1701, Grand Marnier Cuvee du Centenaire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>would you drink your "favorite" liquor if it didn't have alcohol in it?

>>Pay $50 a bottle for it?
That would be a big discount, so yeah.

>>Do you actually enjoy beer so much that you'd drink O'douls?
Nah, I'm not much of a beer drinker. I might have one to be sociable but I generally don't drink beer.

I also drink alcohol to get hammered. But let's not confuse getting intoxicated with enjoying one's favorite beverage. They're two entirely different things, and they're not mutually exclusive.

>> No.9242358

Older man with no kids detected. What else do you waste money on to fill the void?

>> No.9242359

wine coolers are pretty tasty, 2bh

>> No.9242366

>Older man with no kids detected.
Fix your detector. I'm 29, married, and have one kid. At least you got the "male" part right.

>> No.9242372

You're so full of shit that it's coming out of your ears.

>> No.9242375

That part is easy. My girlfriend is male, so I know them well.

>> No.9242389


Cool insecurities bruh.

(Not even that guy)

I drink beer/wine for the taste, never really developed a love of any spirits because shit's expensive but I don't see why not.

>> No.9242415

So, do you drink O'douls?

>> No.9242416

No but I've also never said retarded shit like "I drink it for the taste".

>> No.9242434

you can't make a good tasting beer without alcohol

>> No.9242435

Imagine being this poor.

>> No.9242438


Not really, unless you're comparing mid- and high-end stuff to three buck chuck. Even if you really like drinking Scotch straight, the volume you're consuming is much less than you would of beer.

>> No.9242443

The Gran Marnier 100 that anon posted costs nearly $200 a bottle.

>> No.9242446

Can you not spare $200 to treat yourself? It's not like he's hocking a bottle down every night.

>> No.9242453


The point was that we are talking about "high end stuff" in this specific context, so yeah, it is expensive.

>> No.9242455

>paying $200 for grandma
No wonder he said he drinks for the taste.
He's retarded

>> No.9242458

Not much more than a high-end bottle of wine (without going into $1500 meme territory)

>> No.9242463

I guess your kid can try to pawn off those empty grand marnier bottles to try to pay for college then

>> No.9242466

Nigga that's 3/5 the price of my latest shotgun, and that'll bring me pleasure for years as opposed to fleeting moments.

I can get a ball of white for that, and have more fun than overpriced liquor.

>> No.9242470

I bet you choose to take vacations in the next city over because plane tickets are too expensive

>> No.9242471


I had to google it as we don't get it over here. Looks like shitty tasting non-alc beer. Or does it actually taste nice?


Expensive to get a bottle of something I might not like and I'd rather drink wine with a meal I think. Wouldn't get it in a bar because the smell of straight whiskey breath is pretty abhorrent to most people. I'll wean myself onto it at some point though I'm sure.

>> No.9242482


The difference between cheap liquor and high end liquor is much more broad than cheap/high end wine though.

>> No.9242518

I visit family in Macaubecause I'm a realist. You don't get rich by spending money senpai.

Also, tsingtao beer straight from the liter bottle is fucking godly.

>> No.9242538

I remember I asked my dad why he liked the taste of beer when I was a kid and his answer was "you'll understand someday anon"

He went on to physically and mentally abuse me to the point that I developed severe alcoholism so I guess he was right. See you in hell one day pops

>> No.9242539

You don't get rich by saving either.

>> No.9242544

>tsingtao by the liter
I want one

>> No.9242550

Compounding interest, friend.

>> No.9242569

Lol. You don't make shit via interest. You seen the rates on savings accounts or CDs these days? It's shit.

>> No.9242580

>tsingtao beer straight from the liter bottle is fucking godly
But would you drink it if it didn't have alcohol in it?

>> No.9242584

he probably means a 401k or roth IRA

>> No.9242592

Locally its ~5% for a 10k minimum 5 years. So yeah its shit. Basically only good for bonds hitting full maturity.

>His palate is so immature he cant taste nuances in spiced rums, porters, bourbons or whiskeys

>> No.9242594

You're certainly not going to get "rich" off of those either, unless you're extraordinarily lucky.

Look for something a couple of orders of magnitude higher.

>> No.9242609

>>His palate is so immature he cant taste nuances in spiced rums, porters, bourbons or whiskeys
You did not answer the question.
>spiced rum
Ask me how I know you're 12 years old

>> No.9242644

>Youre 12
Is it because you project so hard you couldnt imagine what its like to have a functioning tongue? Dont worry sport, itll taste better when you get a bit older.

>> No.9242649

You still didn't answer the question

>> No.9242661

>If it didnt have alcohol
>If it were $50 a bottle
>Something something odoules
Dont know what it is, I like black IPA and porters. Did that sooth your autism?

>> No.9242686


>> No.9242694

>man do i enjoy a good scotch *drowns it all out wih ice and water*
Pretentious hicks

>> No.9242784

get a room you old fogies

>> No.9242993

guy you're actually quoting here

nigga just put like 25% of your paycheck in Vanguard S&P 500 or midcap or some shit, it's not fucking hard.

>> No.9243011

>nigga just put like 25% of your paycheck in Vanguard S&P 500 or midcap or some shit, it's not fucking hard.

That's exactly what I'm doing. Literally exactly--my mutual funds are all through Vanguard.

I think it will give me a nice retirement, sure. But is it going to make me "rich"? Fuck no. Not even close.

>> No.9243054

taste is the only reason i drink strongbow cider. I've tried to enjoy beers and other shit but they just taste like piss.

>> No.9243056

I've had that non alcoholic beer. On deployment our tiny chow hall had a cooler with sodas and shit and they stocked those.

Nobody drank them because it just taste like a beer but no alcohol effect. So it just reminds you that you can't have real beer. I drank one as a joke and to settle my curiosity, not worth it. I certainly wouldn't pay for it.

>> No.9243062

ehh... high middle class is rich enough for my needs.

>> No.9243070

Y'know, if you shotgunned like 15 of those, you could probably catch a buzz...

>or just make a FOB still

>> No.9243084

Oh we were making hooch alright. Yeah I've heard that but even I am not going to try to shotgun 15. I'd rather robotrip off some tussin.

>> No.9243107

heh, didn't know they stocked that.

By the way, peyote when you're on call is not the smartest decision.

>> No.9243110

>caffeine addicts

>> No.9243239

If it didn't contain alcohol it wouldn't be so expensive. Hell most nice liquors would be 3 - 4 Bucks probably.

>> No.9243419

I enjoy the effects of alcohol -> brain tells me alcohol tastes good because of the association

It's not difficult brainlets

>> No.9243448

That makes no sense at all. The mere presence of alcohol does not make things expensive. You could compare a bottom-shelf bottle of whiskey with a premium bottle and the prices will be radically different despite them having the same ABV%.

Liquor tax is a tiny % of the cost of a bottle of premium booze.

>> No.9243461
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Fuck off.

>> No.9243464
