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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9235283 No.9235283 [Reply] [Original]

What is the true secret to a good pot of chili?

What is a good blend of peppers for a spicy chili? How do I prepare the peppers to optimize their flavour? 90% of recipes just use chili powder but surely roasting fresh ones would be better wouldn't it?

>> No.9235399


>> No.9235416

let it simmer for hours

>> No.9235659

Beer and some dark chocolate

>> No.9236700

It is my firm belief that man can subsist on nothing more than chili and anger.

To that end, I have decided to share my own favorite chili recipe with the lot of you, so that you may convert your shame and anger into chili and anger. In this way, I am the best humanitarian who has ever or will ever live.

I'm going to be breaking a few sacred chili rules here. Too bad; I apologize to no one.


1 & 1/2 to 2 lbs of ground PORK (perfect way to uncover Jews)
2 packages of french onion soup mix (be prepared for your chili to surrender)
2 tablespoons of chili powder (less if you're a baby, more if you're a man)
4 teaspoons of ground cumin (omit this and I will devour your soul)
1 teaspoon of black pepper (slightly racist)
1/2 teaspoon of salt (or none if you're heaving a heart attack right now)
6 ejaculations (squirts) of Tabasco sauce
1 21-ounce can of red beans and 1 21-ounce can of black beans (I have a dream)
2 6-ounce cans of tomato paste with garlic (regular tomato paste = you're an asshole)
2 8-ounce cans of tomato sauce (real men need more than just paste)
1 yellow, orange or red pepper, chopped up (green peppers are Satan's taint)
1 package of sliced mushrooms (yes, you can slice your own mushrooms, smartass)


Put the meat in a huge chili pot and brown it over medium heat
Add 4 cups of water and the french onion soup mix. Stir and let simmer for 10 minutes
Stir in the spices and the Tabasco and simmer for another minute or two
Add the beans, the mushrooms and the chopped pepper
Turn to low and let simmer for at least 20 minutes, 40 is better, stirring every 5-10
Call your mother and tell her she's not allowed to hug you anymore

And that's it, you're done. You just went from a pathetic, flaccid pushover to a chili-chewing boner-owner in about an hour. Your life will thank me.

Who's next? Don't even think about posting a recipe with corn in it. You should be ashamed of yourself.

>> No.9236721


>> No.9237088

This is even cringier than that vertical instructional chili recipe with the edgy stickman.

>> No.9237107
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wtf mushrooms? i love muchrooms but cmon.
also u yanks can get chipotles in adobo at the grocer and all you use is chilli power? fucking pathetic. even as an australian i get dried guajillos, chipotles, anchos, habs etc. shame. baka

>> No.9237169

put some diced potatoes in it.
unconventional but pretty good

>> No.9237187

Using multiple kinds of smokey, dried chilis and letting it stew for hours

>> No.9237198
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The secret is understanding reductions. If you over season it, after the reduction it will be overbearing. Reduce and taste, reduce and taste...adjusting accordingly over several hours.

There are other factors, but patience and not over seasoning are probably the two biggest ones. Now you faggots can bicker about ingredients.

>> No.9237211

My mema likes to use as she describes "a beautiful chuck roast that I get the butcher to grind for me"

Ive had chili every day for a week now.

>> No.9237228


A good lager, fresh ingredients, and a crockpot.

>> No.9237235

>What is the true secret to a good pot of chili?
adding a pinch of salt to the water, so that it boils faster.

>> No.9237245

Stale and out of context.

>> No.9237246
File: 1.53 MB, 2272x1704, soaking chilies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You dont need to roast peppers or add smoky flavor to chili. Its not BBQ. If you do want smoke in your chili, its a different beast, but you could used chipotles, which are smoked when dried.

For each lb of meat I will use 1 bell pepper (or green poblano) as my fresh pepper, and then 3-6 dried large peppers, which is some combination of ancho,guajillo, pasilla or california chilies, whichever I have on hand. Dried peppers can be deseeded (just rip off the tops and shake out the seeds) torn up, then softened in a little bit of stock, water, or just some of your cooked chili, just ladle it into a bowl or right into the blender or food processor. Give it about 5 minutes to soften up, and then whirl it until a paste of luscious chilies. Pour your pureed chilies into your soup.

Something I do, which I learned in Mexico City at VIPS, is make a topping of fried dried chilies such as they serve with sopa de tortilla azteca. The skins of dried chilies can be tough if not toasted, so slice into rings (scissors are fine), and panfry in a little oil. And, serve as a delicious topping for those that want a little heat for each bite. I love fried chilies! I put them on popcorn, even drizzle a little of the rendered chili oil on onions that I add to an omelette in the mornings. Dried anchos are as rich as raisins , and not extremely hot, so you can use as much as you want for chili flavor without numbing your mouth.

>> No.9237284

So you fry them whole like in your pic or do you cut them first?

>> No.9237296

i add 1 or 2 habeneros to add heat

>> No.9237324

I am doing two different things.
My picture are peppers that are removed from the bag, deseeded (thats a random pic not mine), and after soaking in very hot liquid for a few minutes, they are pureed and poured into the pot of chili and used rather than chili powder.

Fried peppers are sliced into rings before frying, and fried dry. They are a topping. I do not have a picture.

>> No.9237334

no meat, lots of legumes, msg, curry powder, chili powder, green peas, lentils, tomato paste, black pepper, italian seasoning (add right before serving), garlic powder, ginger powder, and a dash of cayenne powder.

>> No.9237337

And sliced carrots, and split peas.

>> No.9237357

U vant my sekreet racipe? But a good magician never reveals his tricks.

>> No.9237358

christ you're gay


>> No.9237399
File: 1.06 MB, 1280x800, Screen Shot 2017-07-30 at 09.31.38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me give you a recipe for internationally acclaimed chili so good that you will wear a Deadpool hat in the house of our lord and savior Jesus Christ.

Brisket seasoned with: Gevelia Coffee Grounds, Chili Powder, Brown Sugar, Granulated Onions and Garlic. (smoked for 12 hours and then placed in freezer for one year with extensive freezer burn for max flavor)
1 pound of brisket cubed
1 pound of Italian sausage
1 large onion chopped
1 small can of chipotle in adobo sauce
1 bag of maxi cheese
3 cans black beans
2 cans pinto beans
1 can of corn
1 bottle of IPA beer (optional)
2 jars of salsa
1 can crushed tomatoes
1 tablespoon of tomato paste
1 tablespoon of garlic
salt and pepper for taste

--Brown the meat in olive oil in a sauce pot or dutch oven.

--When meat is about 90% brown, then add in the onions and 1/2 the bottle of beer. Finish browning.

--Add in all the other ingredients (including the 2nd half bottle of beer). Cook on low flame for about 40-50 minutes. Or slow cooker it for 2 hours on low.

--Add cheese at the end and then serve.


>> No.9237400

>no meat

>> No.9237408
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Damn senpai. Look at our times and digits!

>> No.9237419

It's pasta you fuckwit.

>> No.9237441

calm down I can hear the ho-hos in your voice, sorry I don't come to this shit board more than once a month

>> No.9237459

My chili actually tastes better without meat. And I like not having to deal with the rank meat flavor over-powering everything, along with the added fat, especially saturated fat, which I don't want.

>> No.9237463

what would it take to get that down to zero times

>> No.9237584

sucking my dick would help

>we take our cooking VERY seriously here at /ck/

>> No.9237592

Why does /ck/ attract the most reddit-tier posts?

>> No.9237663

-Cubed stew meat (or use ground beef, I don't care)
-1 can black beans, one can kidney beans
-1 full onion, chopped
-1 can diced garlic roasted tomatos
-About a Tbls cumin, maybe more, maybe less
-About a Tbls of chili powder, maybe more
-1 to 3 jalapenos, or whatever works
-Salt and pepper I guess

That's really all there is to it, but feel free to add super secret special ingredients and feel super special about it. I never feel compelled to use roasted chilies because they'll cook in the stew, and often times roasting just adds a carbonaceous flavor that I don't like. Just make sure to cook it nice and long.

>> No.9237751

Anaheims, Passilas, Jalapenos. Dice them up finely and fry with bacon. deglaze with beer.

Onions and a bit of garlic can help.

>> No.9237838

This just screams angsty 17-year-old who lives in a city, but "identifies" with his extended family who live just past the suburbs on a generous 2.5 acres of land.

>> No.9238134

Project much?

>> No.9238526

Search "Binging with Babish Kevin's Famous Chili" and make that. I did and it was the best fucking chili I've ever had in my life. Only thing I did different was I cooked it in the crockpot for 8hrs.

The dried cascabel peppers are super important do not skip those. Find a local latin market and get them there or order online.

>> No.9238533


What the fuck

>> No.9238541

>onion soup mix
Stopped reading there. Include me in the screencap please faggot.

>> No.9238544

You want a blend of fresh chili peppers for spicy chili, not some garbage powder in a bag from the grocery store.

Go to the grocery, look in the produce section, and buy half-a-dozen jalapenos, and maybe some serranos and habaneros too. The real vegetable, fresh. Slice 'em up and toss them in your chili, seeds and all. It's the seeds that really bring heat.

Work with fresh chilis, and you'll never go wrong. A pre-mixed "chili seasoning" in a bag isn't going to cut it.

>> No.9238572
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You forgot a zero there bud. You see kids this is what happens when you don't include onion soup mix in your chili.

God tier recipe #1 >>9236700
God tier recipe #2 >>9237399

Also kids, remember that dubs don't lie.

>> No.9238593

shit loads of garlic and chilis and tomatoes. add meat of choice and beans of choice with chilipowder, allspice, salt and black pepper. Thats it. actually im making some right now.

>> No.9238635


a little bit couverture!

>> No.9238652

Oh, by the way, slice up some habaneros without gloves, then go take a piss. That burning sensation under your fingernails is even better on your dick! Better yet, wipe your eyes afterwards.

>> No.9238698

Take cumin powder, cayenne powder, dried chillis and pepper corns and grind them together.

Toast in a frying pan until the oils are released and add to slow cooker.

Open a can of diced tomatoes, or dice up a decent amount of tomatoes and add that to the slow cooker with a can's worth of water.

Add a tin of kidney beans to the chilli, remembering to wash them out.

Take diced beef, if roasted/leftover, just add it to the chilli. If not, sear and seal it.

Dice two onions and four cloves of garlic and cook them until brown and soft in the frying pan and add it to the slow cooker.

Deglaze the pan with beer and add that stuff to the slow cooker.

Add a bit of beef stock, or some beefs bones tied together if you have them.

Dice up three or so fresh chillies and add them.

Let simmer for at least five hours, preferably eight.

Ideally leave over night off the heat in the fridge or something before serving the next day.

>> No.9238751


One of the best posts I've ever seen on /ck/

>> No.9238759
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When the first post is the best post.

>> No.9238769

Use dried chiles and smoked chiles. Look up a list of them and select a blend of them for optimal flavor. Chop them up and toast them in a pan before grinding to a powder and then using them as the base of your chili after frying your meat.

>> No.9238791

Kill yourself

>> No.9239393

>1 & 1/2 to 2 lbs of ground PORK (perfect way to uncover Jews)

I went on this camping trip this weekend - One of the boys made chili - I had made it clear that I am Jewish and dont eat pork but after eating dinner I was cleaning up the trash and saw a packet of panchetta - turns out he had sauteed the onion in that to begin with.
I freaked the fuck out, made myself puke and made the person who had driven me drive me home (it was a 3 hour drive). I feel totally justified in doing this - was I in the wrong? I mean I look at it like if someone said they were diabetic and you served them a bunch of sugar or you gave someone with peanut allergies peanuts.

I think my crew is going to be going down -1 if you catch my tokyo drift, no more kicking it VTEC style with me and my boys

>> No.9239405
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Honestly I'd respect someone saying they don't want pork. But if that's truly the way you acted I think you're a fag and I'd probably punk you with pork too.

>> No.9239441

Guess who's getting puree'd pork in his next meal, you fucking baby

>> No.9239481

>shit that never happened

>> No.9239486

No its not nearly the same as giving someone food they are allergic to. You are fucking crybaby pussy, hope they spit in the next food they give you faggot

>> No.9239664

I used a recipe I found on /ck/ as a base, and I've been editing it every time I make it. I've been doing this for about 6 months now, this was last weeks and the best by far.

1 can chipotle peppers in adobo sauce
2 lbs meat
1 onion
2 green peppers
4 Serrano peppers
Tomato paste
90% Chocolate bar
1 can black beans
1 can pinto beans
Garlic bullion

Throw the can of chipotle peppers in a bowl and add about half a cup of water. Take the peppers out of the bowl. Add the watered down adobo sauce and meat to large pan. Brown. When finished, put in Crock-Pot. Dice the onion and all the peppers. Saute in pan. When almost done, add 1 can tomato paste. Saute until paste is dark brown. Add 2 squares of chocolate. Stir until incorporated. Add beans and garlic bullion. Stir together. When done, add mixture to Crock-Pot. Add cumin and lime juice. Stir all that up. Add water only to cover. Cook for at least 4 hours on low. Serve with cilantro.

>> No.9239900

Oh noesss! Da ebil pork fat will unjew meeeee!

This is a bait post. Everybody knows that kikes don't camp. They don't want anything to do with a "camp".


>> No.9239931

muh beenz :DDD

>> No.9239941

>Your wife will thank me.

>> No.9239977

the true secret is to make it and then not eat it until the next day. let that shit sit.

>> No.9240041

The real secret is in the stock. My best chilis have always started using whole cracked bones to make a thick gelatinous stock. You can also add some gelatin it will break up the fat and make it smoother and less oily. Also dark chocolate, about 2 cups of thick black coffee and some beer