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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 77 KB, 736x487, IMG_0601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9234270 No.9234270 [Reply] [Original]

>Hi thanks sooo much for coming! We've got you guys at table 18. The waiter will bring you some mineral water to start. Please have a lime while you look over the menus.

>> No.9234280
File: 511 KB, 640x640, mfw_cucks_eat_limes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ugh, limes. the ultimate virtue signaling fruit. I guess because only racists eat regular lemons?

>> No.9234292

ive never had limes are they worth it?

>> No.9234296


>> No.9234295

I'd unironically sit down and eat a salted lime.

>> No.9234298

Salted limes are delicious

>> No.9234304

they started selling them at the hipster store a few years ago, I never go for that kind of crap but I had to go in once because I needed olive oil for making real homemade pasta sauce and my curiosity got the best of me

they tast real shitty and I don't recommend them at all unless you need to show off how "tolerant" you are

>> No.9234306

i fucking hate this mmem

>> No.9234321


>> No.9235506

>this is what families on SNAP have to live off for 1 month

>> No.9236020

It's a fucking lime, not some delicacy

>> No.9236024

5 L I M E S

>> No.9236248

>gwyneth paltrow cooking dinner at the end of the month dot jpeg

>> No.9236276


That's pretty clearly a banquet setting; likely a self-planned wedding reception.

What I find more offensive is the pre-ground pepper, when the limes are clearly trying to say "fresh".

Burlap and mason jars are the go-to diy wedding shit these days, but that looks like a fucking fruit stand. I do love the "flyovers just discovered limes" meme, though.

>> No.9238056

Arent those ganepas?

>> No.9238063

Motherfucker beat me to it

>> No.9238101
File: 130 KB, 612x612, cool hipster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was eating limes before they were cool
>posted from my iPhone

>> No.9238139

>That's pretty clearly a banquet setting; likely a self-planned wedding reception.
This. It is likely some barn wedding party, see those honey filled mason "party favors" with the seed packet fan to swat away flies or beat the heat...it is country themed, something like that.
Frankly, with those limes, I'd be tempted to do some shots of tequila at the table.

>> No.9238158

R-really? They're not uncommon.

>> No.9238161

That kid is going to have some serious resentment issues when he grows up. This is the 2017 equivalent of dressing your kid in parachute pants and a cross color shirt.

>> No.9238178
File: 41 KB, 500x392, n6wRwjI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Screw you man, zubaz pants were the shit

>> No.9238227

He'll have had more women by the age of 21 than you'll ever have in your life. He's the new womyn ideal of the "male."

>> No.9238234

The 90s were a mistake.

>> No.9238385

underrated post

>> No.9238848
File: 116 KB, 800x655, take-their-coats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wearing a hat at the table is impolite no matter what it says on it.

>> No.9238890

>That's pretty clearly a banquet setting
yes well done, my greentext could use a tweak in retrospect

>> No.9238934

This is at a wedding. These are unripened lemons. You're supposed to plant them as a sign of new life.

>> No.9238975
File: 303 KB, 640x361, 4352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Parachute pants were cheap, easy, and fun. What this kid is wearing is fussy, meticulous, and pretentious.

>> No.9238979

>This is at a wedding. These are unripened lemons. You're supposed to plant them as a sign of new life.
Most citrus is grafted buds onto a hardier or more flavor intense root stock. They arent grown from fruit, which pretty much ensures a tree that doesn't fruit, or gets sick before it fruits well, etc.

>> No.9238980

I hate to break it to you but limes really aren't some exotic fruit that cool kids eat to be hip. I can go to walmart right now and pick up a bagful for a couple dollars.

>> No.9238993


>I hate to break it to you

The best thing about old /ck/ was how it's memes weren't memes, because they were too subtle for crossboarders to pick up on.

Now it's all fast food and normie shit like tipping and macro beer, which used to be considered cancerous.

>> No.9238996
File: 42 KB, 460x276, Anthony-Bourdain1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pick up a bagful for a couple dollars
Well la di da Mr. Trust Fund, what's next? You getting your own show on Food Network? Lifestyles of the hipsters who buy luxury fruit at twice the price of normal fruit?

>> No.9239004

what do you need a bagful of limes for lmao

>> No.9239018

Uh, if you were cool you'd already know.

>> No.9239050

>The waiter will bring you some mineral water to start.
>mineral water

Oh, so tap water? Thank you kindly for the tap water, mister waiter.

>> No.9239103


>so tap water?

No. Mineral water. If you stayed in touch with some of your childhood friends you might have had the opportunity to go to one of these events, not to mention if you made a little money and experienced anything other than poverty.

>> No.9239137

damn, someone get this nigga some mineral water to put on that burn