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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 324 KB, 1920x1025, 1920px-Veggie_Loaf_Prison_Food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9233130 No.9233130 [Reply] [Original]

>Nutraloaf is a food served in prisons in the United States and Canada to inmates who have misbehaved; for example, assaulting prison guards or fellow prisoners.
>It is similar to meatloaf in texture, but has a wider variety of ingredients. Prison loaf is usually bland, perhaps even unpleasant, but prison wardens argue that nutraloaf provides enough nutrition to keep prisoners healthy without requiring utensils to be issued.

>> No.9233143

If I was in charge they'd eat nothing at all.

>> No.9233150

>There are many recipes which include a range of food, from vegetables, fruit, meat, and bread or other grains. The ingredients are blended and baked into a solid loaf. In one version, it is made from a mixture of ingredients that include ground beef, vegetables, beans, and bread crumbs. Other versions include mechanically separated poultry and "dairy blend".
Sounds pretty good t b h
How the hell can meatloaf be bad

>> No.9233157

they should be feed only soylent.

>> No.9233165

I've eaten worse.

>> No.9233171

seems fair enough

to be fair though, all prisoners should be given the bare minimum required for nutrition without regard to taste regardless of whether they are "being punished for behavior within the prison" they are already in prison as a punishment for them being scumbags and are already enough of a drain on taxpayers

>> No.9233181

What the general guideline for prison food? Watched a couple documentaries like lockdown etc, because i couldnt sleep. Food always looked bad but they sometimes had their own stuff.

>> No.9233182

prisoners shouldn't be able to bulk up in prison
that's like giving them woverine claws or eye lazers before the leave prison so they can become even better criminals

>> No.9233229


>> No.9233231

I mean, it wouldn't really be a problem if prisons actually did what they were partially intended to do. I.e. turn criminals into functional members of society.

>> No.9233240

seems like a pretty futile quest

>> No.9233329

I agree, but your local negroids will spin that as violating Article 8 (cruel and unusual), so prisoners get to eat better than college students, who actually pay for the damn food.

>> No.9233330

idk, they seem to have really low recidivism rates in those comfy Scandinavian resort prisons.

>> No.9233336

inb4 somebody says something about black people

>> No.9233343
File: 19 KB, 500x312, hero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See ya in a few years, kiddies

>> No.9233366

I've been to both jail, the military, and college and I have to say that jail was by far the worst. This nutloaf shit actually looks really good in comparason and appears to have actual nutrition unlike the shit I had where it's 50% bread and garbage like prechewed "meat".

>> No.9233372

>it's a cleverly-disguised /pol/ thread
Nicely done. I think such a loaf could be made quite tasty, but most people barely even consider criminals human so I doubt they put in any effort to do so.

>> No.9233377

That would probably be more expensive than actual food.

>> No.9233378

Too late.

>> No.9233383

>I see /pol/ everywhere
back to your safe space, you little rat

>> No.9233384

>lists three things

>> No.9233396

I added in the military afterward and forgot to modify the rest to suit, silly me.

>> No.9233398

This thread will comepletely stop talking about food and start talking about criminal justice and racial dynamics in no time. This is a food and cooking board. If you want to talk about food and politics >>>/pol/

>> No.9233403

I figured. I do that all the time and thought it was funny

>> No.9233419

If you want to go fuck your mother she's at my place.

>> No.9233435

Shut up pussy

>> No.9233443


A large portion of prisons are for-profit, meaning they're handled by private companies, not the government, and not tax dollars. Additionally, most prisoners receive about 2.50~ worth of food per day (not meal). Go eat 2.50's worth of food a day while working a job for a year and get back to me on how they're not being punished enough. Some meals are literally nothing but a half slice of toast, a 1/8" slice of tomato, and a cup of rice. Any other food they receive comes from commissary, which is at about a 500% markup from Retail (Not Wholesale).

>> No.9233455

no one cares
you know what's cheaper than $2.50/day? A bullet in the head.

>> No.9233462


That shit is a crime in and of itself. Private for-profit prisons are a fucking nightmare straight out of Dickens.

>> No.9233478

Edgy. Why don't you demonstrate for the class?

>> No.9233484

I'd kill criminals for fun if it were allowed.

>> No.9233499

>prisons actually did what they were partially intended to do
prisons offer job training and education programs to inmates. if an inmate makes personal choices to not participate in those programs and to engage in continuing criminal behavior that's on them.

they aren't misguided and confused, career criminals are just cunts that break rules.

soylent definitely is cruel an unusual. You can't be on an all liquid diet, your body isn't made to do that

>> No.9233500

which one of your two dads is in prison, little fella?

>> No.9233505

Don't project.

>> No.9233546

>A large portion of prisons are for-profit, meaning they're handled by private companies, not the government, and not tax dollars.
Who do you think is paying the companies?

>> No.9233572


>> No.9233576

The black one

>> No.9233838


Because those prisons work in the context of Scandinavian society. Scandinavians tend to bend easily to societal pressure due to their conformist culture, that's why criminals are easier to rehabilitate compared to from anywhere else.

>> No.9233992


Not to mention less ethical

>> No.9234044


The government, by prisoner.

The important part being "by prisoner", meaning prisons are pretty much directly economically incentivized to have as many prisoners as possible, and towards recidivism for that selfsame reason. Plus, these new powerful economic forces in the country lobby for their causes, which means that the US has, for example, very long sentences compared to other first-world countries.

Do you think this is related to the US having the second highest incarceration rate per capita in the world?

>> No.9234175

Another point that should be made is caloric restrictions. For example, in MS, regardless of size of the individual or work performed (yes they chain gang in all weather at brutal jobs) the daily calorie count is set at 1500 calories. Truely cruel and unusual punishment.

Take note kids, some of those chain gang slaves were caught with under 10 grams of marijuana. They have a nice 5 years to look forward to with Tyrone, Jamal and Dequan in a cell designed for 2.

>> No.9234185

Good thing you're not in charge then

>> No.9234219

>The government
>not tax dollars

>> No.9234230

On the one hand youre completely right in the economic sense. On the other hand I'm totally fine with shitskins sitting in stinky rooms where they cant fuck up the rest of society. Soooooooo frig off.

>> No.9234329

do you feel in charge?

>> No.9234469

Fuck off jew, what the fuck is off topic about prison food? You're the bedwetting little shit trying to derail the thread.

>> No.9234490

Did a week in the clink for a DUI. Wasn't bad, just a bunch of white dudes who play a lot of cards where I was.

Food was bad but they had a menu and it wasn't so horrible. We'd actually bet deserts on card games. No holdem oatmeal cookie brah.

Anyway they told stories of serving this to guys who went to the hole. Basically it's purposefully done to punish them. Because of budget cuts they now get regular food because they can't hire someone to make specialized punishment loaf.

>> No.9234494

How many dollars is this??? Gotta be good value

>> No.9234504

Good thing you are not in charge and never will be you motherfucking dumbass

>> No.9234507

There's a commissary, kind of like a convenience store. They can spend real money (usually put into their accounts by family members) to buy things from there. A lot of inmates prefer the food there to the cafeteria.

>> No.9234515

About 10 cents, then the private prison buys it for "10 dollars" with tax money and the prison board and local officials pocket the 99% left over.


>> No.9234518

>served in prisons in the United States and Canada to inmates who have misbehaved; for example, assaulting prison guards or fellow prisoners.
literally who cares then

>> No.9234530

Where can I buy nutraloaf?

>> No.9234557

I've eaten half-rotten minced meat due to hunger and no shekels as a student. That can't be worse.

>> No.9234558

One of our county judge's has an interest in the local jail--also he is one of the hardest sentencers. People can serve several years in county. Probably still better than state prison. That's a whole new ballgame.

>> No.9234732

Of course it's Wolfe Pit...

>> No.9234762


If you smoke weed you're no better than a nigger anyway.

>> No.9235035

Perhaps they won't use drugs like a degenerate next time.

>> No.9235053

of course psycho Drumpf would mandate that we feed HUMANS this literal garbage

>> No.9235066

jail is not prison

>> No.9235081

>shit skins
>says frig off
shouldn't you be in school?

>> No.9235097

okay so you do realize there are more whypipo in prison than blacks right? so why dont yall go eat some mayonnaise and tell youre sister how spicy it is

>> No.9235105

why do people like you bother responding. just lurk. you enjoy filling out the captchas, do you? fucking moron.

>> No.9235108


>> No.9235112

I spent 7 years locked up for non violent drug offenses and fucking assure you that Prison Food is absolutely shit and prison loaf is absolutely shitter than anything you will eat ever.

I literally ate toothpaste while in the hole because it was so bad.

>> No.9235114

Diversity is the spice of life or something like that.

>> No.9235118
File: 61 KB, 799x648, vegan beach bodies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem, we don't have to feed them anything.

>> No.9235121

>if prisons actually did what they were partially intended to do. I.e. turn criminals into functional members of society.
Haha! That's a good one, anon. Everyone knows prisons are meant to make prison corporations rich.

>> No.9235130


>> No.9235161

Yeah, this legitimately sounds palatable. Fucking prisoners getting their delicious loafies.

>> No.9235172

What's wrong with Wolfe Pit?

>> No.9235174

>and not tax dollars
Where the fuck do they get their money from, you tard?

>> No.9235179

When my dad was in prison he was p well behaved and friendly with the guards, they told him that the prison was very proud of being able to feed people on $1.40 per day. Lotsa carbs, dad gained a shitload of weight and forgot how to properly cook for himself for a while

>> No.9235194

kek, this is such weak bait

>> No.9235219

More like fpep.

>> No.9235261


t. Evangelical bin Taliban

>> No.9235267

What did you do to deserve the loaf?

>> No.9235277

Tell me about anon! Why does he eat the loaf?

>> No.9235285



Mm mm good.

>> No.9235312

This. Weed sucks anyway.

>> No.9235322

Stupid sexy Flanders.

>> No.9235752

So edgy this comment was banned in the UK.

But seriously, most people going to prison are for drug or petty theft offences, that hardly constitutes killing them off. But you are probably one of these retards who can try think beyond his comfy house where mom makes tendies six times a day.

>> No.9235762

You can make it fairily easily and cheaply. They have a couple recipes online.

>> No.9235780

>no u

>> No.9235862

>prisons offer job training and education programs to inmates.

You mean like the prisons that teach hairdressing to felons in states where it is illegal for a felon to work in a barber shop?

That doesn't encourage a vicious cycle of repeat offenses or anything, no sir.

>> No.9236611

Cool, explains how some of them can gain muscle.

>> No.9236617

Worked at a prison, most inmates were fat or skinnyfat.

>> No.9236649
File: 126 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't know Joe Guerrero from AfterPrisonShow browses /ck/. You looking for some new "prison" recipes in this place?

>> No.9236662
File: 44 KB, 800x272, PEG Tube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>body cant survive on all liquid diet

Yes it can. Tons of people who cant eat due to physical or medical reasons live off of tube feedings via a PEG tube.
Soylent in prisons is definitely viable, and the first two weeks of tube feeding shits before they get used to all liquid will solidify punishment.

>> No.9236682

Prison is for rehabilitation, not punishment

>> No.9236704
File: 504 KB, 1440x1115, DELET.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw AfterPrisonShow makes threads on /ck/ to fish for new channel content.

>> No.9236729

"Mommy help my safespace!!!!"

>> No.9236737

>this nigger trying to bait
Kill yourself nigger.

>> No.9236794

niggers get upset when they cant eat fried chicken and watermelon for every meal
that is all the distaste for nutraloaf boils down to

>> No.9236796


>> No.9236802
File: 74 KB, 640x434, bb2a0874f61a5ea5f41c9376fcd98092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9236808

>all this nigger food to try and appease the main population

>> No.9236813

What would you serve them? Foie gras?

>> No.9236824

i heard of this. its often mouldy. honestly prison seems like shit to me, if i was in their for whatever reason id try to work kitchen

>> No.9236832

bread, butter, milk, soylent equivalent
they can buy whatever else they want from the commissary
except for religious holidays where a proper catered meal will be provided

>> No.9236836

Thank god cuckolds like you exist. Without people like you doing their self righteous duty, rapists and murderers could possibly spend another day eating food that doesn't taste good. An absolute tragedy and failure of our society.

>> No.9236837

Kosher beverage?

>> No.9236895

Soylent is more expensive than actual food so I don't know what you want to achieve with that.

Probably coffee.

>> No.9236932
File: 216 KB, 1018x1036, 1501322465465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's made from people

>> No.9236944

what is on his face?

>> No.9236973


Bullshit. I work in a prison and they get shit like ice cream and fried chicken all the time.

>> No.9237080

Bloody nonsense. It should be punishment, with the possibility for death.

>> No.9237105

Let's dive!

>> No.9237124

Yes because prison is filled with rapists and murderers and not literally half-filled with drug offenders. Someone's child, a fellow citizen, within our country should die in prison cause it makes me feel edgy on the internet. Fuck you and people like you in this thread

>> No.9237163

Do any of you comprehend that prison is not intended as "punishment"?

>> No.9237197

Yeah, I'm sure the prisoners all see it that way ...

>> No.9237207

>prison is not intended as "punishment"
Yes it is...

>> No.9237219

I'm sure nothing could go wrong with a easy to grab and pull tube attached to your innards in a prison

>> No.9237222


>> No.9237223

By the literal definition of the word punishment yes it is

>> No.9237510

you're stupid

>> No.9237541

Not that anon, but I punched fuckboy guard in the face. Then they beat me hard. And my fingers were hurt.
They just gave me water. Don't even let me pee. pee. Worser than eating a healthy shit.

>> No.9237558

How do they not let you pee pee?

>> No.9237571

free dave

>> No.9237720

What did you do to get jailed?

>> No.9237733

Shoplift trading cards and Dremel bits.

>> No.9237745

this one episode he said he never wipes his ass after he takes a shit

I mean never? wtf man

>> No.9237801

joe has been quite vocal in his videos about how he would give up his junie cakes for protection from bubba in the prison, i guess the habit just carried over when he was released

>> No.9237809


every society has to decide what to do with the trash. Britain sent theres to the colonies, Germany gassed them and we keep them in jail forever

>> No.9237814
File: 31 KB, 420x408, God+damn+it+why+is+this+a+thing+it+s+_066827a1a8b2ff8f955ea02a574729fb[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.9237820

>prisons offer job training and education programs to inmates. if an inmate makes personal choices to not participate in those programs and to engage in continuing criminal behavior that's on them.
Prisons in most states are horrendously overcrowded, and the funding for such programs is always among the first things to get cut when there's a budget crisis. Don't be naive.

>> No.9237827

Even better, many of these private prisons have quotas written into their contracts. So if the state fails to provide x number of prisoners, the state pays a fine to make up the difference. Happened to either Delaware or Connecticut earlier this year iirc.

>> No.9237832

This is the surest way to guarantee recidivism.

>> No.9237833


marijuana is illegal. you don't get to choose which laws to follow

>> No.9237837

Of course, but making that choice doesn't mean it's the right choice. America's prison system is objectively a bad system for American society.

>> No.9237849

I have spent a week in jail and the food was horrible. people went apeshit on tater tot day because it was the only fried food we got. the rest of the stuff had no flavor, was soggy, the meats looked like they came from cancerous lab animals. not saying prisoners deserve better, but just saying the food in jails and prisons is a joke.

>> No.9237857

Anyone else miss when /pol/tards supported Ron Paul?

This nu-/pol/ shit is just terrible.

>> No.9237890
File: 197 KB, 705x998, 1492808025719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lrg/ still exists
i don't like these edgy just for the sake of being edgy bootlicker kiddos but you also need to not be a bitch, which you're failing at currently

>> No.9238401


i had a good chuckle m8

>> No.9238411
File: 99 KB, 640x640, 1497866245751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If ya'll want to know what they eat in prison then just remember public school food. Same companies serve both places.

>> No.9238489

Both of the columns in your pic are pretty embarrassing m8

>> No.9238490

t. cuck

>> No.9239456

checked and keked

>> No.9239471

Top kek...and checked

>> No.9239489
File: 127 KB, 1920x1200, C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_1500871055979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No mater how you slice it, politically incorrect will always be incorrect. The libruhls won and you aren't going to get to say the n word in public ever again.

Lols. Silly /pol cuckboi. You have no control over your life, but you think you are responsible for your own actions. We control you. You haven't been in control for decades.

>> No.9239648

>haven't been in control for decades

They can slow progressive development, briefly, but the halt will not last. Perfect example is the irony of the wenches Conway, Coulter, and Ingraham who would be slopping together a 1950's meal for 6 brats at home all day instead of gnashing their teeth and wailing about muh progressives, who paved the way permitting their shrill screams of indignation. The hypocrisy of the right is more naked than a Victorias Secret lingerie catalogue.

>> No.9239674

>getting all nutritional needs met

>> No.9239724
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>the reactionary right
>the naked hypocrisy

Well said. When (r)cucks form policy on knee jerk emotion instead of logic, it just gives the liberals another chance to win with the more informed policy approach and the correct(politically) solution. Now that fox news has programmed their viewers to think in terms of red and blue football teams, with anything blue being wrong, it just makes the entire team look even stupider when they all reject obvious policies that would help better society. Its even more amusing when they want tax breaks for their corporate overlords! What fucking cucks.

>(r)2016: I hate that nigger obamacare!
>(r)2017: Pls dont take gubment healthcare away lord drumpf!

What a fucking shit show. These morons don't know what they want until fox news tells them. Hilarious! Sad.

>> No.9241494

How do you get caught stealing trading cards. I don't understand.

>> No.9241496

They have cameras that makes CSI look like retrotech.

>> No.9243114

So we shouldn't punish rapists and murderers?

>> No.9243171
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>Rape and murder a child
>complain about the food in prison being too boring.

They can eat literal shit as far as I'm concerned.
I ate worse food than this in college because I had to pay for it myself.

>> No.9243806

I like you

>> No.9243824

The Brits did it best. Send the fuckers to the beach, they'll stay there because it's nice and in 200 years you can visit them and make fun of the abbos. Better than the states, we have to live with the fucking abbos.

>> No.9243828

Until you get sent to jail for smoking pot with your friend Steve and have to fight Jamal every day for two years.

>> No.9243864


You retard.

That was an example of how a human can live on liquids.

You already have a path to the stomach, you don't need to install the tube.

>> No.9243883

Bah, it really dosent cause much trauma to have one pulled out. What sucks is getting one back in because the hole will close pretty quickly if not replaced.
If youre in a hospital and this happens they stick a foley catheter in there and inflate the baloon as a place holder till a doc and get a new tube
But as this >>9243864 anon said I was just using that as an example

>> No.9244002
File: 101 KB, 960x625, New Blog 1_ Travis County Jail Records-787629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What the general guideline for prison food?

A buddy’s now deceased jail bird older cousin (habitual B&E and drug dealing, otherwise a funny dude) once said country / city jail food is the worst, as nobody is there for long and thus nobody gives a fuck about cooking.

But he said real prison food is pretty good, (considering the low cost ingredients) as the cooks are usually guys serving long sentences and have had lots of time to learn how to cook.

He also said he used to keep a baseball bat, glove and a couple of baseballs in the back seat, as that’s legally considered “sporting equipment” and not a weapon, as having just the bat would be.

>> No.9245001



>> No.9245120

what sort of drugs? did he die from them?

>> No.9245198
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Or, or, or, now here's a thought: If you don't want to eat shitty food, don't commit crimes?

>> No.9245217

A long time ago prisoners found out you can claim to be Jewish to get better food.

>> No.9245225

Maybe both prisoners and college students are entitled to a good meal?

>> No.9245234

Which religion?

>> No.9245638

>Eating 3 slices of bread with literally every meal

>> No.9245648

If I was in charge of prison, they would be forced to eat steak and crab legs every meal. Then when they are released they can never eat steak or crab legs again without feeling bad.

>> No.9245682

What about the weekends?

>> No.9246501

>When my dad was in prison
Eradicate scum

>> No.9246800

Leaning more towards college students there.

>> No.9246818

yeah i'm also gonna have to go with students

>> No.9247700
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>> No.9247735

It's both. It should punish but also offer the opportunity for reform.