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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9232702 No.9232702 [Reply] [Original]

>they want to be paid 15 dollars for this

>> No.9232731

what did you order this

>> No.9232732
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>Using fast food as a punching bag to avoid the minimum wage discussion

>> No.9232735


They DO in fact make $15hr in my city.

>> No.9233009

>theres literally nothing wrong with that

Looks $15/hr worthy to me. Fuck, looks $30/hr worthy.

If you cant pay a living wage then you dont deserve the service. Simple as.

>> No.9233033

If you don't think it's worth the price, don't buy it.

>> No.9233035

fuck minimum wage. how do you expect businesses to prosper is they have to pay every affirmative action negro 30 dollars to spit in your mcdouble? poor people are scum. they should eat mud.

>> No.9233045

Won't some please think of the corporations!?! :((((

>> No.9233049

>taking the bait

>> No.9233055

*is on his parent's insurance plans*

>> No.9233065

t. painfully underage /pol/ kiddie slurp slurp slurping up propaganda that she's been forcefed since birth

>> No.9233078

I moved out at 16 and was cometely independent by 18. My insurance plan comes through my job.

>> No.9233089

I genuinely don't believe you

>> No.9233112

>I'm a lazy blight on society
>therefore everyone else is

>> No.9233129

Please, if I had a nickel for everyone of you "I moved out at 16 and bought my own house at 18" internet warriors I could pay for the $15 minimum wage myself

>> No.9233160

It would be better to just give people some level of universal income than to force businesses to overpay employees

>> No.9233163

How did you find a job that pays that much at 16/18?

>> No.9233169

>shifting the burden from private business to government subsidies
In your mind how would we then implement a UBI? At what level would we set the UBI, are there different levels based on personal income, do people with pre-existing medical conditions get a larger base amount, can states subsidise the UBI, etc.

>> No.9233170

I know several people that have houses in their early twenties, but guess what? They're crappy old small houses in bumshitfuck Kansas with manual labor jobs and fat wives

>> No.9233186

Oh no doubt, working manual labor from 16 onwards could have you making $50-75 an hour in your early 20s and you could be a homeowner. I'm saying such a person would never be on 4chan let alone the cooking board of 4chan.

>> No.9233195

What if i told you I own multiple businesses?

>> No.9233204

I'd ask you to elaborate about your businesses and business model, without giving away any identifying information of course, to get a grasp on what you actually do or if you're just lying online

>> No.9233244

poor baby. Your little fee-fees must be hurt.

>> No.9233263

Dude, not him but what?

>> No.9233294

>I don't know what a roommate is

>> No.9233296

>At what level would we set the UBI
Around 50% of the federal poverty level
>are there different levels based on personal income etc

>> No.9233315

Not that guy, but I'm 24, got my mortgage when I had just turned 23, and I'm doing fine by myself. You're right about the house being shit though, parts of it are over 100 years old and I need to do a lot of work on it. I'm less than five minutes from Lake Michigan, though.

I'm salaried $48.5k per year. In a shit retail job, but it pays the bills.

>> No.9233326

>These people didn't buy brand new $850,000 1br cottages in LA therefore where they live in a shithole and their house is a trailer
Ask me how I know you live in some metropolitan ratnest

>> No.9233328

Not bad. But were you on your own at 16 like the other anon said or do you have a highschool/college degree?

>> No.9233341

I moved out at 18, right after I finished high school, with some friends in an even shittier house down in the hood. Lost my job a few months later, had to move back with parents, then a few days later someone got murdered a few houses down from where I was.

I need to get a degree though. I hate school, but I hate retail so much more.

>> No.9233344

Customers don't pay the employer does you fuckwit

Customers can just stop going when the price inflates and make you lose your job

>> No.9233357

You must be Sherlock Holmes

>> No.9233362

I'd pay $5 tops.

>> No.9233365

Hey man you'll always beat yourself up if you don't at least get an associate's, plus community college can be pretty affordable. Don't limit your future.

>> No.9233374

You're goddamn right

>> No.9233394

I did a few semesters at Community. I just hate school and my attendance dropped until I stopped going. Not even dumb, just hate classes. Thinking about going back for a business degree, though.

>> No.9233416

These are mcgriddles.

>> No.9233456

What are you talking about? Tradesmen make bank dude. Entry-level welders take a ~12 week course and then start out at ~30K/year. In a few years after they've amassed several certifications, they'll be making 80K/year+. Aerospace welders easily make in the 300K range.

>> No.9233533

is your city in commiefornia

>> No.9233537

itt: jobless right wingers who live with their parents lying and hating on people who actually work

>> No.9233583
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>> No.9233589


>> No.9233610
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Won't someone please think of the minimum-wage workers?!?!? They'll be fired if companies think it's cheaper to automate than to keep paying dumbfucks to do shit-quality McJobs!!!

>> No.9233617

How poor are americans that their ridiculously cheap fast food seems expensive to them?

>> No.9233650

But it doesn't. What are you talking about?

>> No.9233687

Honestly this. Some work is just not worth $15/hour. Only thing this will accomplish is making shit more expensive for everyone and making low level jobs more rare.

>> No.9233704

>getting paid for work = communism

>> No.9233709

Customers do pay though, where do you think the employer gets their money from?

>> No.9233782

>Defending jews who want to outsource americans for mexicans willing to work for pennies

>> No.9233803

tfw 30 and still in mom's basement

>> No.9233896

getting paid $15 an hour is a fucking joke for mcdonalds work. any monkey can learn to do that shit. i don't know how idiots delude themselves in to thinking that $15/hr for fast food is justified.

if the cost of living is too high get a better job or move somewhere cheaper. not everyone can afford to live in NY or LA.

>> No.9233980

It's hilarious.
10 years ago, fast food was a job for teenagers to make spending money.

>> No.9234178

Fast food is a great example of why the minimum wage shouldn't exist in the first place. Forcing businesses to pay a wage that is higher than the labor is worth will inevitably cause those establishments to fail, or require surrounding establishments to support those establishments. Either way you're fucking over workers even worse than you would by allowing them to be paid what they're worth, and you're fucking over other people in addition to those workers.

>> No.9234216

Yes and then the unsustainable economy finally started to tank so here we are

>> No.9234322

Show me some stats on manual laborers who make $50-75/hour. You're deluding yourself. Manual labor tops out at $30/hour for skilled trades like plumbing.

>> No.9234331

/ck/ needs a fucking sticky already.
>minimum wage threads belong on pol.

>> No.9234336

>am a cook
>struggled and studied hard to increase my skills and make a decent wage
>fast food works say they deserve more than I ever made working my ass off because it's their right as talentless hacks of human beings
>not /ck/!
as a cook, I disagree

>> No.9234361
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>struggling and studying hard to make what is considered a pittance in some states
that's sad

>> No.9234369

>/ck/ needs a fucking sticky already.
What the fuck for? There's nothing worthy of a sticky on this stinking cesspit of a board.

>> No.9234377


A sticky on how to shitpost on /pol/ 2.0?

No thanks.

>> No.9234381
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>Some work is just not worth $15/hour.
Exactly this. Compensation is determined by the market value of the job being done. Supply and demand. Some jobs don't require any education, training, experience, or credentials of any kind.

While we do make moral decisions in economics, skewing the marketplace is not something done lightly. The extra costs are usually passed onto the customers anyway. Also, anyone earning minimum wage should keep in mind what their compensation says about them and their job...that your boss would pay you less if he could.

>> No.9234403

While I agree with that sentiment, you also need to factor inflation and overall cost of living when setting wages, even the wages for shitty no-talent manual labor jobs.

I don't agree that minimum wage should be $15/hour, but $7.25/hr is definitely too low.

If a business can't afford to pay their employees a decent wage while providing full time hours and benefits, they shouldn't be in business.

>> No.9234404
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>started in fast food
>liked the fast paced work and cooked as a hobby
>work experience gave me an in washing dishes at a fancy downtown steakhouse
>not big but it paid a little better than Wendy's
>kept watching the cooks and covering people for smoke/bathroom breaks
>eventually got onto the line
>two years later I am sous chef
Fast food is LITERALLY entry level, it's not meant to be a career unless you go into management. It's a way for dumb high school dropout kids like me to make some money and gain experience that leads to better jobs later.

>> No.9234414

Automation here
pretty soon you won't have to worry about paying minimum wage to fast food workers :^)

Those retards making robot arms with sensors to grill patties are going to go all of fucking nowhere.
There's going to be an assembly line built into every restaurant.

>> No.9234426

>they shouldn't be in business.
It's not /pol/ so I don't want to be rude, but there's no economic logic to that statement. Again, moral decisions are made quite a bit through out democratic process, but how far is too far? I'm a very mainstream center-left guy who supports the minimum wage and an increase in that standard. I also agree with you that $15 is way too high, but the market works. We know it works. If someone is earning the minimum wage then that person is not competitive in the market and needs to increase their credentials through education or training.

>> No.9234445 [DELETED] 


i agree, they should get rid of min wage so corporations can pay their workers less than immigrants and then the midwest can become even worse than it currently is since half of the jobs there are corporate owned

wow the people on this website can't think

>> No.9234474

That's not what I was studying for. I want to own and operate my own place sometime. No cook makes great money because recreating a dish over and over is not that difficult, even in fancy places where it is more difficult. To add to that, fancy places have a bunch of rich shits who will intern and stage for nothing just so they can put that place on their resume and get some investors by name dropping. You can make decent money as a chef, but that's not my endgame. It is sad, but it's not much worse than trying to build up clientele in a commission job or something like that.