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9224768 No.9224768 [Reply] [Original]

I'm trying to cut down. What are some low cal foods that'll fill me up ( except vegtables, I know vegtables are low cal, a whole eggplant is like 100 calories )

>> No.9224779

The only way you will feel full without consuming lots of fat is by filling your stomach. And the lowest calorie foods are plants and vegetables.

>> No.9224795

Do you know any good vegetable combos that taste good w/o stir frying or pouring oil over them.
I know cucumber + tomato + onion is a good combo to eat raw

>> No.9224807

Thai Papaya Salad is pretty great

>> No.9224816

eat hardboiled eggs

>> No.9224828

If you drink a glass of water 10 minutes before eating it usualy helps you feel fuller.
Cheep instant coffee helped me get though my fasting periods because i was a poor fag for a wile

>> No.9224834

pretty much fruit and salt senpai.
if you really want to go ham, make a dressing without oil by grinding up garlic, ginger, and some water filled thing like cucumber

>> No.9224836

Same. I only eat once a day, so when I get hungry otherwise, I just put on a fresh pot of coffee

>> No.9224838

It's not necessarily nutritious, but I just had a some watermelon for a snack and it was pretty filling. It's also only ~45 calories per cup.

>> No.9224840

Looks great thanks I'll try it out.
can confirm I chop 4 apples into slices and devour it all and that gets me pretty full .
Yeh coffee helps a lot. I'm drinking some now.

>> No.9224858

You should consume water and fiber in your food, and foods that digest slowly enough to make you satisfied longer, and without a dip in blood sugar, so some soluble fiber and insoluble fiber, some fats, some meat, some legumes, etc.

Until you discover how to eat vegetables, OP, track your intake, plan your next couple of meals, or as many as possible, have some latenight lower cal snacks ready.
You should take fiber pills with water, blend ice into all your drinks and make sure you feel some kind of love of being hydrated always.

>> No.9224905

If you've been eating normie food ad libitum, just changing that to whole plant foods ad libitum will likely result in non-zero weight loss.

>> No.9224940

Sugar free gummy bears. You can eat as many as you want.

>> No.9224948

Ive been counting calories and I stay around ~1500. Problem is if I eat calorically dense food like nuts or chocolate or something I wont be very filled up and i'll go to sleep hungry.

>> No.9224967

Drop the nuts and chocolate. Eat vegetables instead.

>> No.9225164

vegetables are expensive and take a lot of prep to be in a palatable form.

>> No.9225178

>buy carrots for 64 cents a pound

>vegetables are expensive and take a lot of prep to be in a palatable form.

what did he mean by this

>> No.9225743

You could start smoking. Nicotine is an appetite represent. When ever i smoke i dont want to eat. Personally im trying to engage thin mode, sure i will get cancer but at least i wont be fat af.

>> No.9225781

This is true, dying of fat or dying of nicotine are pretty similarly, the difference is dying of fat makes you ugly and depressing to look at a lot more quickly.

>> No.9225802

Google satiety index.
There have been studies done on this in the past.
Boiled potatoes are the best food you can eat when it comes to feeling full for the longest time on the least amount of calories.

>> No.9225824

>having to wash them
>nasty ass peel in the way

I will pass on your shitty carrots. I for one like to just eat an entire purple cabbage, raw and unadulterated.

>> No.9225937

>sure i will get cancer but at least i wont be fat af

This is the most stupid shit I have ever read.

>> No.9225947

A fat person dying of a heart attack at least gets a quick death. It might happen to a smoker too but the smoker is more likely to have breathing issues and those are fucking awful, really imagine not being able to breathe while still conscious.

Caffeine is a better appetite suppressant if you don't care too much about your health.

>> No.9226108

Water, fatty

>> No.9226430

Do low carb