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9222444 No.9222444 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on Starbucks?

>> No.9222448


>> No.9222456

shit. all their 'espresso roasts' are lowest of the low grade arabica, burnt to all fuck to hide the fact their 'espresso roasts' are the cheapest lowest quality beans that money can buy. and everyone of their drinks is doused in sugar and caramel sauce to hide the fact their espresso is disgusting burnt shit.

>> No.9222458

Good coffee. Okay fraps. Shit food.

>> No.9222460

More like starcucks

>> No.9222500

I used to be a Starcuck employee. Glad I left them

>> No.9222507

Shit coffee. Shit fraps. Shit food.

Only redeeming thing they have going on for them are the blueberry muffins.

>> No.9222512

I went the other day and got a blonde roast and the drink they served me tasted like they washed out the carafe with industrial solvent and didn't rinse it through so I definitely tasted soap.
Never going back there.

even mcdonalds has better coffee at this point.

at least they move enough brewed coffee throughout the day that their coffee isn't turning rancid on a hot plate

>> No.9222518

Bad coffee. Okay fraps. Great food.

Except the blueberry muffins, they're complete dogshit.

>> No.9222522

mirin thos double trips

>> No.9222530

t. Starcuck Employee

Enjoy minimum wage

>> No.9222544
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>> No.9222553


>> No.9222585


>> No.9222616

Drinks aren't worth the cost, and the food is subpar at best. Every single person I know that works there or has worked there has been either a catty drama queen, trashy as fuck, and/or a huge faggot or queer (in the LGBTQQIAA+-? sense). Usually all of the above.

>> No.9222625


>99% of everyone that goes there is pretentious and probably a $30,000 millionaire
>overpriced "coffee"
>even if you order just black coffee, they jew you out and give you the breakfast blend no matter what time of day it is
>they only use dark roasts for espresso
>the espresso is flavorless and barely bitter at all
>$300 espresso machine, $10 grinder, $40 drip machines
>the everything bagels are ok, but i still think it's an abomination to bake cheese into them
>if they get an order wrong, they don't give you a refund
>italian names for drink sizes just sets it up to be pretentious
>to get any sort of caffeine effects from the weak coffee, you'll need to order a large black coffee with 5 shots of espresso
>the ground coffees they sometimes use usually contains dirt and wood pulp to save money
>the abortions known as "frappacinos" are not only the most overpriced and calorie-dense items on the menu, but they're only like 2% coffee and are essentially "caffeinated" milkshakes

t. worked at starbucks for 2 weeks

>> No.9222632

Pike's sucks, but if you like dark roasts some of those are fine. Reserves brewed using the Clover is genuinely good coffee.

>> No.9222635

When I order coffee I say small, medium or large not that tall, venti, grande Italian shit. Does that annoy you when we do this?

>> No.9222639

Worked for a year. Fucking terrible place

>> No.9222646

Nope I love it. I encourage it cause people get so confused or order wrong and wanted a different size.

>> No.9223791


>> No.9223936

The thing about Starbucks is that it's a consistent 5/10 in terms of quality.
Of course if there's a good indie coffee shop nearby I'll always go there, but sometimes I'm stuck among lots of shittier coffee shops and will go with Starbucks. Their mixed drinks are usually better than straight espresso/americano. I usually get a ristretto caffe latte there

>> No.9223958

>ristretto caffe latte

lol why. their espresso is shit to begin with. their ristretto would be the same except concentrated shit

>> No.9223961

Normally I'd agree, but when it's being disguised by a bunch of steamed milk and milk foam I like to opt for less diluted shitpresso

>> No.9223966

are you joking? milk isn't there to mask the espresso but compliment it. you don't build a house on a swamp. and you don't drink a latte or cortado made with shit burnt to all fuck crap starbucks espresso

>> No.9223976

I like their drip at locations not too flyover for dailies. Greasy Pike is good too.

It's roasted dark for consistency. Chain customers like shit to always taste the same. Not any worse than the average coffee in Paris.

>> No.9223984

>It's roasted dark because the used the lowest quality beans

and if you seriously claim good french dark roast is no better than the swill sold at starbucks, then you clearly don't have a taste for coffee

>> No.9223985
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When you see it...

>> No.9223989

If you keep making the same joke over over, maybe someone will like you.

>> No.9224033

>mcdonalds has better coffee
This. Its sad that a 99c cup of coffee from a hamburger fast food joint is better than a place that "specializes" in coffee. I cant stand their burnt shit.

>> No.9224039

Is this supposed to be some kind of revelation? I thought everyone knew this is what it was.

>> No.9224044

i'm not a bucks fan but i've never had this bad of an experience there. mcdonalds coffee is disgusting by comparison imo

>> No.9224047

the people posting saying it's better are likely canadian. in canada mcdonalds stole tim hortons old coffee distributor. so they have relatively decent drip coffee now (while tim hortons now offers inferior shit, which they spin as their new 'dark roast').

>> No.9224062

the starbucks I had in Japan was pretty good, otherwise they dont have it where I live

>> No.9224163

Coffee places serve special crutches for the modern willess man and jews love every minute of it

>> No.9224166

There are a lot of people here who clearly don't know anything about coffee if they think Starbucks makes "shit" coffee. It's overpriced, absolutely, but it's not at all shit. Their nitro cold brews are also quite good.

>> No.9224231

"Crutch" is a great word for it, and this isn't the only example. The Jew implements many sinister machines to keep real humans down and profit off of them. Educate your children before it's too late.

>> No.9224391

This is a slippery mind trap.
Soon you start thinking every form of recreation is jew controlled.

>> No.9224412

French roast was invented to cover up damage from transporting coffee beans across the ocean, they'd get soaked in sea water and only by burning them to near-charcoal could you get a consistent flavor

>> No.9224441


>> No.9224457

>overpriced as fuck
>getting just a regular cup of coffee with nothing added will make you puke
>they burn all there coffee to make it taste better in the fraps they serve to fatasses all day

Your better off just buying high end coffee and making it yourself FFS. Its one of the cheapest luxuries money can buy if you don't have other people making it for you

>> No.9224594

People don't make it themselves because they'd feel like a fatass doing it. When they have someone else do it, it's just a coffee tee hee

That's why Starbucks and bubble tea are successful. They sell cups of sugar and fat that are "just coffee" or "just tea" so flabbers can rationalize feeding their addiction

>> No.9224787

he wasn't talking about coffee flavored milkshakes, he was talking about ACTUAL COFFEE

>> No.9224846

>they're complete dogshit.
What the fuck those blueberry muffins warmed up are so fucking good.

>> No.9224848

I don't really think it's overrated, no one genuinely loves starbucks, they just have an addiction and starbucks is able to fill that.

Peet's is better.

>> No.9224962
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he's american and doesn't know the difference
daily reminder that it's socially acceptable to drink a whole fucking milkshake every single day for lunch in the US

>> No.9224963

>Peet's is better.
That's just untrue

>> No.9224983

Like with most chains there are always better non-chain shops around.

It's for lazy people who are afraid of getting a shit coffee once in a while.

>> No.9224991

I only get their reserves, but they're really good.

>> No.9225004

>starcuck shills detected
Get a real fucking job you bum

>> No.9225006

I unironically like their breakfast sammys

The chorizo one is the best, followed by the double smoked bacon croissant one

>> No.9225019


>> No.9225063

This bumpkin thinks comparing it to French coffee is intended as a complement.

>> No.9225191


>> No.9225234

Coffee flavored drinks.

>> No.9226717

>for lunch
With lunch.

>> No.9226766

The coffee there is so shit that I don't blame their customers for drowning their "coffee" in milk, sugar and syrup.

>> No.9226803

I've only ever had their coffee once.
It was one of those mini store fronts inside a grocery store.
I went in to get the shopping done and though ehh, what the hell why not? I'll give them a fair chance.
It wasn't good, but I've definitely had worse.
But like most anons itt brought up, most people who frequent them will drown their drink in milk, sugar, flavors, etc. and never actually notice the coffee itself is sub par.

>> No.9226836

>>the espresso is ... barely bitter at all

>> No.9226847
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>"Hi, could I have a triple shot of eXpresso please?"