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File: 318 KB, 960x768, breakfast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9221969 No.9221969 [Reply] [Original]

In Syracuse, New York for business the next few days. Anybody from here, or know any good spots to eat here? Last time I was here I went to dinosaur BBQ and it was amazing.

Any tips are welcome!


>pic unrelated

>> No.9222849

Go to college there, Mothers Cupboard has good breakfast but if you want an amazing chicken sandwich go to Varsity near the campus. Funk n Waffles is popular but a bit gimmicky imho

>> No.9223876
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What part of the country are you from? Some regional dishes include the garbage plate and chicken spiedies. I don't know Syracuse well enough to suggest where to get them though.
Definitely hit up Dinosaur Barbecue again. That place is tits.

>> No.9224228

I'm from Ottawa, Canada

thanks man

>> No.9224248

>chicken spiedies
can I get pork spiedies please?

>> No.9224313

Or veal

>> No.9224358

There's a place called the limp lizard in Liverpool 10/10 bbq. Also heids in Liverpool has some pretty damn good hotdogs

>> No.9224398

Get really drunk and have NY style pizza with ranch.

>> No.9224419

we have pretty good pizza in Ottawa. But thanks for the tip. lol

Also, currently on my fourth beer after our hour long meeting this morning. It's raining a lot here, so I am pretty cozy. Also, bought some weed from some nice folks at a bar last night, so I got that going for me.

>> No.9224460

how the fuck are you supposed to eat that? christ that's retarded. i'm mad

>> No.9224511

you eat it like a hot dog. not very hard. Tastes good too.

>> No.9224520

what about the skewer?

>> No.9224524

you squeeze the food in the bun, and pull the skewer out before eating. Are you feeling okay? Come on....

>> No.9224550

just seems pointless and unnecessary is all. why put a skewer in a bun?

>> No.9224557

it's how you grill the meat so it stays together. super easy to do when you are having a bunch of people over and cooking a lot of food at once.

>> No.9224576

I went out there for work over the winter, and a local took us out to what seemed to be a semi-famous italian place. It was very good, he convinced me to order Veal with vodka sauce, which wasn't on the menu. I can't remember the name of the place anymore, just that it had italian-americans on all the walls

>> No.9224618

Hey Anon. It turns out I'm going to Syracuse in the morning to have a little heart to heart face time with the VA surgeon who FUCKING RUINED MY GODDAMN BACK so let me know what you find and recommend a place for me to get lunch.

>> No.9224633

>How do you eat a sandwich
Seriously dood, wtf?

>> No.9224639

will do brother. Thanks for your help with the the military, even though I'm Canadian we still respect your efforts big time.

>> No.9224644

>he doesn't eat skewers

>> No.9224657

YES! I shit you not, there is a place called Tullys that had "the greatest chicken tenders."

I lived in Syracuse for a year and this place has some pretty good bar food, and the chicken fingers, or tendies....are fucking amazing.

8/10. Man child food but who gives a fuck. Also, bunch of beers on tap. I will have you know I drank Molson there, so they got some Canadian love at this place. Fish and chips, and wings were great. give it a go.


>> No.9224682

Eh np
I didn't do anything but waste some tax money, get injured, live in a hospital for a year with a roomy who had his forehead shot off (I'll post a pic of that when I get home) and ultimately get kicked out.
I got robbed of the GI Bill I fucking paid for. All I got out of it was a life sentence of fighting with the VA.
37 years old and had my second major surgery on my back last April. I'd like to get a hold of the twat goblin who fucking cut me open last time and saw her feet off with a butter knife.
Also kids, don't join the military. All these fucking "terrorism" wars are manufactured to keep military manufacturing going. I'm a machinist that makes 300 missile parts a month.
Not that I have an opinion about it or anything.

>> No.9224749

shit dude. sorry to hear that. I really hope your back gets sorted out. You have many years ahead of you, keep in good spirit. You never know what good thing is going to come your way. A person like yourself, if you have done nothing terrible, is bound for something good to happen.

>> No.9225115
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>> No.9225116
File: 504 KB, 1178x1780, Petty Officer Pidduck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9225148

I went to college at Cuse

Dino is a must do but gets really busy

Pastabilities is really solid pasta, but also gets really busy.

Empire Brewing is really fun, the food is really good bar food.

Stellas is a god level hang over diner food, so is mothers.

Lemongrass is surprisingly good upscale thai food.

Tullys does have incredible chicken tendies and is a good enough bar.

>> No.9225310

I was just there last weekend. Empire Brewing Company was awesome. I got a poutine burger, Bloody Mary, tried a couple beers. Shit was cash

>> No.9225340

>shashlik sandwich
has science gone too far?

>> No.9225373


but seriously. wtf is this?

google CalZoniesAmericanGarbagePlate