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9220429 No.9220429 [Reply] [Original]

Is this the "New Coke" of our times?

>> No.9220435

Probably not considering that that happened like 18 months ago you homo.

>> No.9220447

ooo a new coke

>> No.9220449

New coke happened like 30 years ago

The killing of coke zero is breaking news

>> No.9220872

Coca Cola marketing hasn't spent decades transforming Coke Zero into a cultural symbol. New Coke consistently beat original formula Coca-Cola in every taste test ever conducted, but due to the time spent mythologizing Coca-Cola people resented the idea of it going away leading to a massive backlash. There won't be a significant amount of people who give a shit about Coke Zero. It'd be riskier to change the Diet Coke formula than the Coke Zero one.

>> No.9220884

you come at the king you best not miss

>> No.9220892

what's even the difference between diet, zero and light?
do they use different sweeteners or something?

>> No.9220900

afaik light is just another name for diet (like on diet mexican coke it says coke light).

the difference between zero and diet is the sugar substitute. zero tastes more similar to original coke, while diet is pretty different

>> No.9220912

Light is a regional rebranding of diet coke.

Diet coke contains aspartame, whereas Zero contains sucralose.

>> No.9220921

New Coke beat out classic in small taste tests but they never did it with larger samples. The new drink was apparently sweeter, which lead to it being nice in samples but cloying as a full beverage.

>> No.9222180

Coke zero turning into coke no sugar is month old news and hardly breaking.

>> No.9222211


Diet Coke's flavor is based on Coke II/New Coke.

Coke Zero and Coca-Cola Light are both based on Coca Cola Classic. The primary difference is the artificial sweetener they use.

>> No.9222805

Coke with a head scarf

>> No.9222811

So it's Coke Zero: Sugar edition?

>> No.9222855

Coke Zero Sugar is the bestselling coke product in the world behind original coke. Its considered a huge improvement on Zero and a step closer to making it identical to regular coke.

I'd like to try it desu. I'd rather they release it on the market and get our opinions before knocking out the old Zero entirely though.

>> No.9222878
File: 14 KB, 375x498, 2qa7gr6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that if you drink any "light" or "zero" product you are a fucking pleb.

Want to diet?

Want taste?

This marketing scheme for fatasses that can't control their impulses has always amused me.

>> No.9222907


Diet Coke predates New Coke by three years.

>> No.9222908


>> No.9222920

whelp, looks like I'm done drinking soda all together since coke zero is the only one I drink

>> No.9222928

I miss the memory of how coke used to taste to me. Years ago I gave up all soda in favor of water and unsweetened tea/coffee. The last time I tasted coke it tasted like someone dissolved burnt baking soda in seltzer water.

>> No.9222929


His Holiness will not be pleased.

>> No.9223369

Will this be the same formula they changed it to in the UK? If so, it's much better.

>> No.9223394

As a fit person who enjoys drinking something a little sweet without having to spend another 10 mins on the treadmill, I'll stick to coke zero/light/diet. Stay fat.

>> No.9223399

Coke zero is so bad glad its gone.

>> No.9223417

>Want to diet?
No. I'm fat and I don't give a shit.
But I can't drink regular coke. It feels a lot heavier and more cloying than zero. I don't like diet either.

Seriously, Zero is the only soda I can drink in any quantity. I fucking hope they don't ruin it for me.

>> No.9223449

there is some truth to this, if you stop drinking sweet stuff you'll soon stop craving it, but if you drink diet versions your brain will always crave sweetness

>> No.9223460

Diet Coke is a completely different recipe from Coca-Cola actually. The original New Coke was basically the Diet Coke formula, but not using artificial sweetener. I haven't read much detail on it, but the marketing suggested that Coke Zero was meant to taste like a diet version of regular Coke, so in addition to the change in artificial sweeteners it may be more similar to the regular Coke recipe. It was also meant to appeal more to men.

>> No.9223721

i'm not really a soda dude, but i got 2 little bottles of this stuff for free with a pizza as a sample thing i guess.
don't understand if it's just a rebrand of coke zero, or a new variety altogether...

anyway, tastes basically the same as regular coke. if you gave it to me ice cold, i probably wouldn't be able to tell

>> No.9223724

This, fucking disgusting stuff

>> No.9223725

Coke Zero is also the only one without any caffeine

>> No.9223728


just read op picture again lel. it was bretty gud nonetheless. maybe an improvement,

>> No.9223763

Mexico here, it's bad

>> No.9223770

Yes it does have caffeine. All Coke versions come in both caffeinated and caffeine-free editions.
Zero has red brand on black background, Zero caffeine-free is gold on black.

>> No.9224485

damn, I actually really like Coke Zero. I don't like normal Coke or Diet Coke, but Coke Zero always tasted pretty good to me. Oh well. It's just soda and I wouldn't even drink it if it wasn't free at my job

>> No.9224519

>Want taste?

Why would I drink HFCS sewage water for the taste?
There's plenty of real sugar sodas.

>> No.9224590

Huh. Is this show why Cherry Zero is suddenly a lot harder to get? Every time I go there's maybe one box left. God it's good.

>> No.9224605

You really like the word cloying don't you?

>> No.9224615


Coke Zero had a weird birth here, because they had to differentiate it from Diet Coke due to advertising it as a girl's drink for years

>> No.9224643


coke zero and diet coke are pretty much the same thing. what i'd like to see is for coke zero to be COMPLETELY unsweetened. no sucralose, no aspartame, no asculfame-k. just carbonated water and coke flavor with caffeine.

>> No.9224654

>want the taste without calories
>drink the light version

Are you fucking retarded? Unironically kys.

>> No.9224658
File: 415 KB, 922x518, 1435686409246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fit person
>has to spend 10 mins on a treadmill for a measly coke

Nice try lardass.

>> No.9224670


Vanilla is best coke

>> No.9224676

All coke beside actual flavor ones like vanilla taste the same, so it's just as well not to ingest pointless calories.

>> No.9224687

Nah. I can't stand candy, cakes or any sweet food, and I drink diet soda like two gallons a week.

>> No.9224691

You have an eating disorder anon

That had tentpoles people with your diet on supersize vs superskinny all the time

>> No.9224697

Take your jolly ranchers and gummy bears and skedaddle outta here, lardass.

>> No.9224698

I don't deny I'm a fat fuck, but you're the one with the mental illness bro

>> No.9224742

The Coke "No Sugar" tastes like crap, Coke Zero was better. Fuck Cock'a'Cola company.

>> No.9224746

>not liking stuff is an eating disorder
Fuck off, chocolate and candy tastes like shitty chemicals.

>> No.9224751
File: 74 KB, 1024x750, 1480063586216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Diet Coke® with Splenda®.

>> No.9224781
File: 17 KB, 320x228, CnO6S8MUEAEE7Qz.jpg:small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take me back

>> No.9224785

Why does Coke taste so much better in a glass bottle?

>> No.9224793

Plastic carbon seeps into the carbon dioxide bubbles, altering the taste

Metal just generally degrades the flavor of drinks

>> No.9224829
File: 163 KB, 590x590, CokePaperCup2(590x590).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss those old paper cocacola cups, the new ones are trash.

>> No.9224888

For a while, glass bottled coke was more often than not grey-market import from Mexico, where Coke still uses cane sugar.

Not sure if that's still true today.

>> No.9224894

Of course Diet Coke tastes like fucking chemicals, it's got an artificial sweetener which can possibly cause cancer.

>> No.9224900

I'm from Europe where all coke is sweetened with sugar, and it still tastes much better from a glass bottle or can

>> No.9224961

Then that's placebo.
40 years ago aluminum cans had no lining and would impart off flavors, but that's since been remedied.

>> No.9224985

Are you really trying to argue about this? Everything tastes best from glass, it isn't his imagination

Interestingly enough, when Pepsi Throwback and Mt. Dew Throwback came out, it was revealed to me that I now prefer the taste of HFCS to white sugar

>> No.9224999

In Australia at least they are phasing zero out over 12 months so if there is a huge consumer backlash they may change direction. A friend had some in his fridge since he drinks sugar free soda, I tried one it's the closest of the three sugar free cokes to regular coke in carbonation and on initial taste but still had a hint of the metallic flavour in the after taste due to the sweetener used

>> No.9225023

>Want to diet?

I stay in great shape and enjoy a frosty CRISPY zero iron bru with my post workout meals etc. You're the fucking pleb.

>> No.9225028

>get offered a soda by mobsters after putting your head trough a hole in a plywood fence.
Now that's a good advert.

>> No.9225038

Also that really IS Jesse Pinkman!

Here's another but one without Jesse.


>> No.9225243

>I now prefer the taste of HFCS

Your tongue is broken and your perception of what tastes best is not to be trusted.

>> No.9225681

Im very skeptical when people say diet and non diet versions taste the same, I don't trust your palette

>> No.9225821

Coke and Pepsi are the same thing, wake up people!

>> No.9225849
File: 14 KB, 800x600, mexican coke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that you can get Mexican Coke basically everywhere, why would you want to drink any other coke product?

>> No.9225981
File: 58 KB, 413x451, 1470364113250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread fucking sucks.

>> No.9226023

/sage as fuck

>> No.9226623
File: 89 KB, 883x990, 1491617857677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why'd this have to happen

>> No.9227794


you need to drink less soda

>> No.9228219

Coke Zero is Diet Coke for men.

Seriously. Low calorie and no sugar soft drink options were becoming more in demand but market research suggested that men found Diet Coke feminine so Coke came up with a drink that men wouldn't be embarrassed to drink.

>> No.9228243

How beta does one have to be if diet coke feminizes them.?

>> No.9228247
File: 254 KB, 398x270, NY73jnP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That looks like a 12 oz bottle.

>> No.9228312

I was wondering why the supermarket didn't have Coke Zero. I don't drink a lot of soda, but it was all right.

>> No.9228665

I tried this stuff in mexico
as a diabetic i dont give a shit as long as it doesnt have sugar, i thing the name is redundant but w/e havent had regular coke in over 17years so i dont even know what it tastes like.

>> No.9228839

people who drink coke are morons. you dont need coke in your diet.