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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 26 KB, 420x315, image?url=http%3A%2F%2Fcdn-image.myrecipes.com%2Fsites%2Fdefault%2Ffiles%2Fstyles%2F4_3_horizontal_-_1200x900%2Fpublic%2Fimage%2Frecipes%2Fck%2F09%2F08%2Fgrilled-steak-ck-1911358-x.jpg%3Fitok%3D4QRrN0IT&w=700&q=60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9219236 No.9219236 [Reply] [Original]


Rate my cooking skills

>> No.9220277

You're dropping the steak in the pan when it's barely hot enough to melt butter.

You didn't season the meat at all.

Your steak has no marbling.

Your mis-en-place is non-existent

Your knife skills suck the grundle.

Your hood vent is filthy.

You crowded the pan so tomatoes are sitting on top of the steak not cooking evenly.

You're using metal utensils on a non-stick pan.

You didn't let your steak rest for a few minutes before cutting it.

Your steak is already up to medium or med-well, and you think it's not truly finished. You put it back in the pan to kill any semblance of med-rare to medium.

You've got no rice or potatoes or bread.

You think if people could taste food like that there would be no wars in the world. Wrong OP. Food like that incites Sherman-like marches to the sea, to exterminate with fire everything within range of the abomination you have unleashed.

>> No.9220337

Now, some constructive criticism.

First off, clean your fucking kitchen. Once that's done, your second step is mis-en-place. Have all your ingredients and tools set out where you can find them.

Third comes prep. You should be seasoning your steak with a little salt and pepper, maybe a little garlic powder, or whatever seasoning you like first. Once your steak is seasoned, get your pan hot, so the butter is completely melted. While your pan is getting hot, slice your tomatoes. And for fucks sake, work on your knife skills.

Why the hell would you try to stand them up and slice them, when you've already cut them in half? Lay them flat numbnuts if you're going for tomato wedges. Maybe you mangle your hands and get blood in the food.

Cook the steak first. It should give a nice hiss the second you lay it in the pan. Once it's rare or med-rare, TAKE IT OUT OF THE FUCKING PAN AND SET IT ASIDE! Don't cut it yet. Let it rest.

Then add your tomatoes, so they can cook evenly. When they're nearly done, and if you're bound and determined to eat med-well to well-done steak, then slice your steak and add it back in.

Finally, eat on one of the real fucking plates you have. Quit jamming up landfills just because you're too lazy to wash a plate. I use at least two for nearly everything: one for raw meat being seasoned, and a second for finished product.

Get a second vegetable or a starch in there. Some green beans on the side, some corn on the cob, some potatoes or rice or bread, something. You can buy loaf of bread at the grocery store bakery, slice it up, and toast it in the oven while your meal is cooking.

Final rating: you didn't burn it to a crisp or set your house on fire. You made the effort to use real meat and vegetables, instead of microwaving a hot pocket. I'll give you a 3/ 10 for a bare minimum for being capable of applying heat to meat and vegetables.

>> No.9220373

You're a useless cunt, never ruin a steak again.

>> No.9220446
File: 2.63 MB, 480x270, masaosteak.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True, his previous effort was much better.

>> No.9221482

Is he cooking that on burning toilet paper over a toilet?

>> No.9221507


Your video about defeating racism is more entertaining desu senpai.


>> No.9221556

you've just spent all that time replying to someone simply linking a masao video.

>> No.9221572

please post essential Masaokino ITT for the newfags

>> No.9221573

Salt dries the steak out. Throw it on just before you put it on the heat, not as you described.

>> No.9221999

starches are a waste of stomach realestate when eating steak. Just eat a bigger steak and veg.
you want the outside to be dry, to get a better sear. Salt will only dry the surface.

>> No.9222006

>starches are a waste of stomach realestate when eating steak. Just eat a bigger steak and veg.
Have fun not achieving satiety you stupid faggot

>> No.9222028

a massive steak and veg is incredibly filling you stupid dike

>> No.9222092

>he conflates "filling" with satiety

>> No.9222184

same shit retard, fuck off with your flyover "muh steak must always have muh potato" meme

>> No.9222191

>doesn't know the difference between two simple concepts
>calls other flyover

>> No.9222237
File: 65 KB, 640x426, flyover-fine-dining.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please enlighten us like you did in your reply to "anon's" video

if you're not satisfied without eating cheap starches, then just say so.