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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9216786 No.9216786 [Reply] [Original]

How does ck feel about /IKEA/?

delicious meatballs with a savory cream sauce, mashed potatoes, and lingonberry preserves.

>> No.9216790

I don't know but would eat that

>> No.9216808

It's okay, I've made far better swedish meatballs though

>> No.9216809

Really tasty. I ate that last time I was there with fries instead of mash. you can buy the meatballs frozen and the sauce in a powder too, it actually all cooks really nice at home

>> No.9216816

If you consider ikea's meatballs and mash to be good, I wonder what kind of hot trash you eat on the regular.

>> No.9216817

Good shit

Those pink cream cakes are pretty awesome too.

>> No.9216822

#Flyover. We get our food poisoning from dirty Asian food banquets.

Even a person from the Midwest would be skiddish as fuck to get an "Ikea meatball". It's a furniture store meatball and in Europe they sneak horsemeat into the meatball. Wew.

>> No.9216829

I always pick up a bag when ever I go there

>> No.9216836

you mean, like, a shopping bag?

>> No.9216871

>It's a furniture store meatball and in Europe they sneak horsemeat into the meatball. Wew.

Why would they sneak it? Horse meat is more expensive than pork/beef, retard

>> No.9216883
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IKEA is a furniture store, anon...

>> No.9216886

If they legally tell people. IKEA was caught sneaking 3% horse meat into beef in Europe without telling people. Search it info is there.

>> No.9217449

I don't get it
ikea meatballs tastes like nothing, it's low tier school cafeteria food
why do people keep hailing it? You can get better meatballs basically anywhere or just make them yourself

>> No.9217539


Slightly disappointed.

It's not bad, but it's basically a good day in a work/school cafeteria. It's just mass produced meatballs and mashed potatoes.

>> No.9217640
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enjoy & exciting

>> No.9217662
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JK meatballs

>> No.9217670

I've never bought horse meat but I assume a real cut of horse meat from a butcher costs indeed more than pork/beef
But the problem is, it's most likely meat from old horses sent to the gutter

>> No.9217757

I only like meatballs in tomato sauce.

>> No.9217767

they come frozen in a bag with a packet of powdered sauce mix

>> No.9217870
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I know they're not meant for it, but I made spaghetti with them last night and it was damn good.

>> No.9217898

I went to Kira just last weekend. The meatballs were good, but what was really good was the cheesecake I had.

>> No.9218767

Love them meatballs.

Also, what's wrong with eating horse meat?

>> No.9218970

hingerdingerdargen their furniture's a bargain

>> No.9219037

>no sauce

>> No.9219106

Typical premade meatballs.

And fuck IKEA and their fucking particle board shit. I hate their cheap, shit quality, "trendy" furniture.

>> No.9219136
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friendly reminder that the Bräda rocks hard

>> No.9219155

if you like killing your laptop by nearly folding it outside

>> No.9219159

Before the horse meat shit the meatballs were ace. Now they're pretty bland

>> No.9219178
File: 47 KB, 610x458, IKEA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the meatballs are good, the IKEA biscuits are pure ambrosia though. I always buy 2 or 3 boxes whenever I go.

>> No.9219207

In my country, shit has been found in some IKEA meals

>> No.9219599

IKEA meatballs are considered school cafeteria tier in Sweden. Please just make your own, it's simple and ten times better.

>> No.9219722

Not a swede but this makes me really happy to hear.
I'm racist towards IKEA because of events that happened in my childhood.

>> No.9220295

Delicious indeed. I still prefer the ones my mother used to make if I had a choice but you can't say that IKEA meatballs are not good. Also important to take them with mash, not fries.