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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 75 KB, 374x479, b853559aa70a668c395eb4b153428727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9216189 No.9216189 [Reply] [Original]

Look at this smug asshole just staring at you. It knows it's the best ice cream youll ever have and it just keeps fucking staring you in the face while youre trying to live your life.

This smig, arrogant, facetious wench.

Fuck cookie dough ice cream. Is there any food thats more smug?

>> No.9216198

This is the only Ben and Jerry's flavor I will eat and it's never in stock where I usually get my groceries.

>> No.9216200


That's not americone dream

>> No.9216242

Häagen-Dazs is less faggy

>> No.9216257

Chunky monkey is the best flavor

>> No.9216277

i wish ben & jerry's would go out of business

>> No.9216292

I eat Ben and Jerry's because it's the only brand I feel represents me with their socially relevant quirky humor and progressive political efforts.

I enjoy eating it because eating the creamy vanilla cream with chocolate chunks makes me feel connected to my wife when she's at her physical boyfriend's place for the night.

>> No.9216304

Why do you people keep making B&J threads, even when you know they always bait in angry conservatives (such as myself) and produce 300 replies filled with off-topic discussion?

I wouldnt even say keep this shit in /pol/, its more fitting for /bant/ or even /trash/.

>> No.9216335

Haagen-Dazs Dulce du Leche is the best ice cream I've had, better than this by far

>> No.9216855

Why do you fags get so riled up so easily? It's just ice cream

>> No.9216876

But that's not Ben & Jerry's "Half Baked"...

>> No.9216880

ben and jerry's quality fell off about a year ago
also it's expensive as fuck

I'd rather get halo top

>> No.9216881

>Giving the jews 7$ fucking dollar for ice cream

>> No.9216882

You know that isn't the case.
Getting real tired of liberals gaslighting.
>it's just ice cream ;)
>it's just comedy don't take it seriously ;)

>> No.9216908

a pint of ben and jerry's is like $3.50 where i live lmao stay mad coastal fag

>> No.9216923

Back to >>>/pol/ fagfuck.

>> No.9216935

$3.50 for $1 worth of ice cream.
Do you enjoy it after your avocado toast?

>> No.9216979
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K Error: Our system thinks your post is spam. Please reformat and try again.

>> No.9216991

You cant only rely on drivers being careful to not run over kids; you need to teach kids to not play in the streets too. Similarly, you cant only rely on the average reply being smart, you also have to make sure your posts dont invoke /pol/ related topics. OP knew fully well about J&B's political activism before making this thread, just like every other fag that posts /pol/bait like this.

>> No.9217028

Thats not chunky monkey

>> No.9217492
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Jenis ice cream is literally the best ice cream store bought icecream I've ever eaten. I used to get free ones from work years ago so i tried a bunch of their flavors. The salted caramel is amazing. Only problem is that its 10 bucks a pint and is still the most expensive icecream i've ever seen. Never bought one myself becuase of being a poorfag but I've easily seen rich fucks spend over a 100 dollars at a time on it

>> No.9218470

wah wah waah

>> No.9218476

Enjoy ur glyphosates senpai

>> No.9220097

what are you implying?

>> No.9220280

home made > oy & veys

>> No.9220307
File: 71 KB, 374x479, thisisthebest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this smug asshole just staring at you. It knows it's the best ice cream youll ever have and it just keeps fucking staring you in the face while youre trying to live your life.

This smug, arrogant, facetious wench.

Fuck chocolate fudge brownie ice cream. Is there any food thats more smug?

>> No.9220318

Dairy-free Ben & Jerry's is better. Try it.

>> No.9220715

Halotop sucks fucking balls.

>> No.9220748

>Cookie Dough
>ever the best

Mint Chocolate Cookie 4lyfe

>> No.9220753
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For me, it's Halo Top. The best ice cream.

>> No.9220848
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It really is. Like you'd think it was a meme but the quality difference between it and even other really solid stuff is dramatic, and unmistakable. I'm still blown away by it every time I have it, which unfortunately is rarely because as you mention the price is still hard to justify more than a couple times a year, for me.

Btw you ever have a chance to go to one of their stores, don't miss it. They make the cones fresh in front of you and you get to try literally every flavor with little metal spoons. It's ridiculous.

Pic related is my all time favorite. Hope it gets brought back sometime.

>> No.9221053
File: 127 KB, 1280x972, 1485799605879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about...
Mint chocolate chip cookie dough?

>> No.9221066

That isn't pistachio Halo top

>> No.9223003

>Häagen-Dazs strawberry cheesecake.
>Mint Vienetta.
>Bounty ice cream.
ALL fucking miles better than anything Ben And cunting Jerry have ever put out.

>> No.9223028

I like Ben & Jerrys because I like big chunky mix ins with ice cream. I like a lot of other brands too though. I don't understand the anger around it. It's just ice cream. /ck/ always seems to be clambering for a reason to be angry.

Personally my favorite is their oatmeal cookie flavor. One of the few brands to have oatmeal cookie flavored ice cream.

>> No.9223058
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>Supermarket Ice cream
>Not having real gelatto from a gelatteria delivered to your door
Git gud burgers

>> No.9223063

Gelato is ice milk with extra sugar and less air.

>> No.9223067

Well real ice cream then, I don't know what you call it. But it's different from the supermarket stuff. (No additives, preservants, etc.)

>> No.9223228

Natural ice cream is ok but from what i've personally made I prefer the stuff with a small amount of natural gums and stabilizers added.

>> No.9224992

>Everything But The...
>0 matches

Stay pleb /ck/

>> No.9225015

>I like a little bit of ice cream with my mix ins

>> No.9225021
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my niggy nog

>> No.9225064



>> No.9225069
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Had this today. I'd give it an 8 on my Blue Bell scale. Was a bit too much sweet for me. I think it might have done better with salted nuts instead of chocolate covered.

I agree. Ice cream already has the cream,sugar,eggs etc. They aren't saving money adding these ingredients they do it to provide consistency for large scale production and to minimize problems that arise in shipping and storage. If you are all about muh natural ingredients go to an ice cream parlor.

>> No.9225108

yeah its like 0.5mg of stuff added per quart of ice cream.

>> No.9225126

>They aren't saving money adding these ingredients

Sure they are. They're using less and lower grades of milk and cream, then attempting to compensate with additives.

>> No.9225134

The chocolate bananas could be a bit smaller. It's not nice to chew on ice hard chocolate.

>> No.9225207

I guess. In the sense that it allows you to increase overrun without affecting the texture too badly.
I see this more as a separation between premium and general ice creams. Not everyone can afford the calories when the good stuff is 1200+ calories a pint.
Many premium ice creams also use stabilizers.

>> No.9225284

I use local premium dairy when I make my ice cream and I add stabilizers to my mix. B&J don't save much money adding guar and carrageenan to their mix.

>> No.9225289

I am a burger and can do this. I don't do it regularly though because it's very bad for me.

>> No.9225414

>/pol/ fags need a safe space where people don't post scary liberal things that trigger them

>> No.9225431

Its just annoying that they believe the political things they do, but sold out to fucking Unilever... one of the largest multinational corps in existence.

>> No.9225432
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Really, nibba?

>> No.9225439

But, the Peanut Butter Cup is objectively the best one?

>> No.9225483

Anything that isnt Mövenpick is trash

>> No.9225598

Im not saying this is the way things SHOULD be. I would love if /pol/fags would stop shitting up every fucking thread they touch and derailing everything, but there are things we can do to prevent their autism as well.

>> No.9225603
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Hint: the "left" isn't actually against the EVIL BIGCORPS. I don't see any companies promoting nationalism or even libertarian positions. The people attacking Trump from the left aren't these mythological plucky socialist revolutionaries who want equality and prosperity for all. They're useful idiots mouthing the platitudes of the one-world ZOG dystopia overlords who dictate what is acceptable discourse via their mainstream media mouthpieces.

A borderless world with free flow of labor, goods and capital is what's in the interests of multinationals and the neoliberal order at large. That means no national sovereignty, no regional cultures that root people and give them a sense of place and continuity. It means concrete jungles, social alienation, consumerism and despair. A hodgepodge of mixed race mutts with their eyes on their iphones watching Avengers 5, wearing swagfag clownsuits and fake jewelry, avoiding eyecontact on a run-down subway train on their way to their fourth Tinder date this week. It means atomizing people so they can't come together and resist this dystopia.

Most of those reading this will be too young to know what true belonging and rootedness feels like so this will sound like buzzwords and gibberish to them.

B&J of course also supports Homosexualism, Transfaggotism and all the other sexperversions that are collectivizing under the LGBT banner for leverage against all things wholesome and traditional.

Ben and Jerry, the founders of, and now advisors for B&J just so happen to be jews just like a disproportionate amount of those peddling the globalist hell.

Also B&J contains herbicide and tastes like shit because it's too sweet.

>> No.9225620

What's your favourite B&J flavour?

>> No.9225649

I've only really tried what I guess is the standard chocolate chip cookie dough one. I was being a bit hyperbolic when I said it tastes like shit but I maintain that it's just too much and overwhelmingly sweet.
I tried one with greek yoghurt, honey and some other shit in it too but the texture and yoghurt taste put me off.

How about you, friend?

>> No.9225676

I eat a lot of ice cream if you want some actual advice pertaining to Ben&Jerries.
Avoid anything with a vanilla base or fudge flakes (chocolate chips).

Unfortunately this is like 3/4 of their line-up.

>> No.9225690

>Hating large cities

>> No.9226961
File: 86 KB, 489x413, Chocolate-Lucky-Charms-017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss Mission to Marzipan
>delicious vanilla ice cream
>plenty of soft almond cookie bites
>a little marzipan swirl on top and a whole fucking pool of it on the bottom

Life isnt fair

>> No.9227106

>the best ice cream you'll ever have
>Ben & Jerry's
pick one.

>> No.9227627
File: 54 KB, 374x479, boom-chocolatta-detail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone else like their Cookie Core ice cream? Their Boom Chocolatta is my fucking kryptonite, I swear. I see it in stores, I gotta grab a pint of it.

>> No.9229145

Not bad from what I have read on their ingredients. A little bloated in that there are still a lot of ingredients they are working with. Still doesn't sway me from Häagen-Dazs but I wouldn't mind giving Jenis a try if I had an opportunity.

>> No.9230905

Tfw my country shelved Cherry Garcia

Why even keep on living?

>> No.9230938

i tried some and it was too sweet imo

>> No.9232081

I think the anon is implying those posters are whiny babies.

>> No.9232342

how often do americans eat ice cream? every day?

>> No.9232376

Most eat it for dessert at lunch and dinner everyday in the summer. Slacks off to only dinner in the winter.

>> No.9232383
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Twice a week for the three months of summer maine has.

>> No.9232393


This stuff will turn you into a decadent soft body bovine creature.

>> No.9232409
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>not eating half baked

why live?

>> No.9232795
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The peanutbutter cup one is better
Also cinnabun one

>> No.9232797

damn that sounds amazing. We never had that one here

>> No.9234489
File: 46 KB, 450x450, 2769aff8-2c8d-4eb9-8f74-c193f8d29c8e_1.81d7e5dde18f786aa64fe80e8817f630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9234588

I make this but i freeze snickers chunks and grind into a powder to put in the ice cream mix.

>> No.9235744

I went to a gelatto place for the first time a couple weeks ago. It was fucking amazing.

>> No.9235765

Best ice cream I ever had was Häagen-Dazs white chocolate raspberry truffle.

>Häagen-Dazs is on sale
>go to the store
>they only have the boring generic flavors
>not even any empty spaces where good flavors once sat
>don't get any
>sale ends
>white chocolate raspberry truffle is now on the shelf
>they store was literally hiding the good stuff and trying to sell the garbage


>> No.9235838

Häagen Dazs is best, just look at the ingredient list, its like 4 ingredients for their vanilla. Meanwhile B&J has like a dictionary filled with gums and additives.