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File: 161 KB, 947x650, Authentic-Goulash-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9214469 No.9214469 [Reply] [Original]

I usually use macaroni, but I am wondering if there is a better pasta to use? Also, has anyone experimented with a goulash bake? What temp, how long, which cheese did you top it with?

>> No.9214490

I used Fettuccine
no cheese
what are you, 12?

>> No.9214499

whole grain

>> No.9214500

Rotini and parmesan, my nigga

>> No.9214527

Just straight parmesan? No cheddar or mozzarella?

>> No.9214530

Euro who lives in America here.
I like American goulash/chop suey/beefy mac but other than the last name, I've no idea why you guys call it the names you do.

>goulash bake
Isn't called beefy mac when you bake it? I've made it a few times, but I've Euro'd it so not sure how it would fair to Ameripalates. Here's my recipe for your criticism:

Beef mince, 80% lean, 600g
Onion, peeled and chopped, 1 large or 2 medium
Bell pepper, green, cored and chopped, 1 large or 2 medium
Tomato, peeled and crushed by hand, any plum-shaped variety, 2 large or 3 medium
Salt, as needed
Flour, 6tbsp
Strong beef stock, unsalted, 500ml
Tomato juice, 500ml
Any dry, mozzarella-like cheese, shredded (in US, both low moisture mozzarella and "string cheese" are good choices), 400g
Pasta, cooked, yield from 500g dry

Crumble cook the beef mince with the veg and plenty of salt.
When the beef is cooked, fat is rendered and veg is softened, stir in the flour.
Cook until flour is completel hydrated with fat and moisture then stir in both the juice and the stock.
Stir quickly, thickening into a sauce.
Toss the pasta and cheese together in a baking casserole.
Pour the sauce over top and stir to combine. Top with more cheese if/as desired.
Bake in hot oven until bubbly.
Cool a tad then serve. Feeds six.

>> No.9214545

Forgot: as for which pasta, I use hörnli or whatever the pasta in the OP pic is called in English.

>> No.9214555

This. I'd go Tri-Color Rotini personally but straight up regular rotini works too.

>> No.9214560
File: 1.58 MB, 400x301, 1428246634102.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cheddar in this dish

>> No.9214567

Okay well then how about a mexican cheese blend.


>> No.9214580
File: 546 KB, 495x486, Kraft-Singles-New-Coupon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk macaroni is good, no need to fix what ain't broke imo
i used 2:1 mozzarella/cheddar
>inb4 hurr durr cheddar is shit
not american boyos i dont use pic related

>> No.9214590

We don't either. And cheddar is a shit choice.

>> No.9214602


>> No.9214612

by definition you do
your cheese is shit and your taste in it is not to be trusted
you uncultured swine

>> No.9214618
File: 125 KB, 800x861, BeefGoulash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>again a disgusting "american """goulasch""" " thread which is actually bolognese

>> No.9214621
File: 152 KB, 1200x900, 1200px-Orecchiette_Pasta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Orecchiette. It's the best pasta for this kind of dish.

>> No.9214623

Does goulash mean something different over there?

>> No.9214626

Yeah, it has new world tomatoes, minced meat instead of whole chunks and pasta instead of fresh bread. Let alone they don't use any paprica. It's literaly bolognese.

>> No.9214645

to be fair if youre not hungarian or you dont look it up you would never know that
american "goulash" is still pretty good but its not real goulash in the paprika-and-stewed-beef sense
inclusion of tomatoes is a dead giveaway in this case yeah

>> No.9214661

Nah, I'm a Polak and living in germany. Whole of europe has traditional Goulasch. Nobody would call that amerifard thing the same. It has simply nothing to do with it besides being made with some kind of beef.

>> No.9214675

kek a fucking bay leaf still in a bolognese. Fucking get your shit together yurope.

>> No.9214689

>It's literaly bolognese
Well, the recipe here >>9214530 is for some sort of meat sauce, but it's not particularly bolognese-like either.
>if youre not hungarian or you dont look it up you would never know that
You're on /ck/. Most people on here probably know what goulash, ragu and bolognese are, at a bare minimum.

>> No.9214704
File: 68 KB, 800x552, kys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ground beef
>canned Tomato Sauce
>canned diced tomatoes
>dried Oregano
>dried Basil
>bay Leaves
Sorry mate, that's much more bolognese than it is goulasch.

>> No.9214732


>that pic

what the fuck? that looks like a bolognese but with more water. that's not a goulasch, what is wrong with you people?

>> No.9214737



What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.9214745


We like it that way and don't much care how you do it.

>> No.9214749


this. cro-german here and the OP doesn't even remotely look like an actual goulasch, nor does it even create the illusion that it could be goulasch-like

show this to an actual cook and I don't think they will even consider saying that it resembles a goulasch

>> No.9214756

ITT: ameritards who think a bolognese with pasta is a goulash & eurofags who actually know the difference

everytime. american cuisine is fucking retarded except for creole cuisine

>> No.9214763


Hold on while I go cook borscht in a way that bothers you even more.

>> No.9214768
File: 50 KB, 616x462, 1488980953874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>show this to an actual cook and I don't think they will even consider saying that it resembles a goulasch
Actual cooks disagree with you. Need a source? Here you go:

>> No.9214815

That's not goulash in your pic, either. That's marhapörkölt. Gulyás is a soup, not a stew.

Yes. I have no idea where they got the idea to name their dish what they did, but I don't complain about it. Every culture does this. In my country, different regions use the same word to refer to entirely different foods, too, which gets confusing. In my area, the word we use for a type of breaded potato croquette refers to a meat-and-cheese-stuffed pastry in another (it's neither breaded nor made with potato). It's, like, totes cray. Or something.

Paprika is new world, too.

True. Outside of Magyarland, gulyás and its cognates refers to what is called 'pörkölt' within the country. The weird thing, Czechs and Slovaks use a cognate of pörkölt (perkelt) to refer to sauté-based dish with gravy more similar to paprikás. Language is funny like that.

>all these nem magyarok ITT waxing indignant about what is and is not gulyás
You've all got it wrong, too, lol.

>> No.9214823

the only real way to eat Gulasch is with authentic Spätzle

>> No.9214828


>implying i'm the polak

kek, sorry mate but that was not me

>tfw my gf is polish and she always gets pissed when people make barszcz wrong

>> No.9214846

ITT: Russian colluders

>> No.9214886


I said ACTUAL, meaning REAL cooks

>linking to an american bitch

jesus christ, you are so retarded, it hurts

>> No.9214895


or just all the people that actually know how to properly cook and make a real goulasch. doesn't matter how much you cry, it still does not change the fact that americans make entirely different dishes and call them a whole other thing. stop being pathetic and holding on to your false "facts"

>> No.9214914


I honestly wouldn't see the point in making an authentic goulash when it takes similar preparation to make a French beef stew, and I'd rather have that.

>> No.9214924

I remember my dad telling me how retards in flyovers cook some beef and tomato sauce with elbow macaroni and call it gulash, I didn't think you mongoloids were for real about that.

God damn just google real gulyas recipe
There's no fucking macaroni

>> No.9214934

Nobody calls it gulash though. That's beef and maceroni.

>> No.9214978


can't argue with that if that's what you prefer. it's just annoying to see people here insisting on spouting bullshit and claiming that it's all facts

even the biggest retard in europe knows what a goulasch is. can't believe that some american adults honestly think that a goulasch has pasta in it

>> No.9214987

Fuuuuuuck you, that's not goulash.
For Beefy Mac, which is what you're actually making, just use macaroni or small shells.

>> No.9214993


you can argue about a few steps being off and little disparities in the ingredients but that's LITERALLY a fucking bolognese with elbow macaroni. how can this cunt think that this should be called a goulasch?

>> No.9215001

Ameriburger reporting. I grew up in Texas, and the ONLY kind of goulash I've ever eaten, or have seen in restaurants is traditional Hungarian style goulash. That beefy mac crap would never, ever have been called goulash where i grew up. That said, Texas has a lot of communities that were founded by Germans, Czechs, and other eastern Europeans.

>> No.9215031

>Hey guys I'm from Texas!
>Look at me!
>Texas is SO RICH and CULTURED when we're not shooting each other dead during drunken bar fights.

Fuck off.

>> No.9215035


I don't even think that it matters where people or communities are from. I just think that in this modern day and age, a lot of people have to give their opinions and proclaim themselves as "cooks" when they have literally zero idea about actual meals, their origins, the proper way of preparing them and the meanings of said dishes

I have lived in america before and while there is some god-tier range of meals (I lived in Louisiana), meals from the rest of the world are really not american people's thing.

>> No.9215040

Oh look, the Macaroni gets overly salty.

>> No.9215054

No, I'm a polish fag that thinks you sound like an entitled hick. Americans will literally eat garbage and call it an "authentic" dish, your beaner-filled shithole isn't any different.

>> No.9215064

Whew lad, your butthurt is palpable. There's a cream for that. Your insipid opinion has been discarded.

>> No.9215068

>the "goulash" we have in texas is the traditional hungarian style one!!!
Describe it. Cuz I can guaran-fucking-tee that lolnoitisnt.

>> No.9215073

Aww, like I give a shit what some descendant of first cousins thinks. :)

>> No.9215074
File: 214 KB, 700x1050, cheesy-ghoulash-1-final.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do not consider Paula Dean to be a cook? Nice set of alternate facts you got there.

>> No.9215076

How wonderful, an obsession thread. They're ever so delightful when they start out as an earnest cooking question.

>> No.9215087

>hat's LITERALLY a fucking bolognese with elbow macaroni
No it's not. If it was then we would call it bolognese.

>> No.9215100

Well, I actually am a professional cook, who apprenticed to a chef from Germany, and I absolutely do know exactly what goulash should be, and porkholt, and paprikash, and many, many, many other european foods, as well as foods from asia and south america as well. And, the culture of where you grew up makes a huge difference. My ancestors, after moving to America developed such a unique German dialect that it's been studied by linguistic scholars. They came and recorded my family members, including my father, speaking German because it's starting to die out now, and they wanted to preserve it for future generations to study. Maybe, if you weren't so close minded, you could better appreciate the world around you. Also, just to be fucking crystal clear, I haven't lived in Texas for well over a decade now, but that doesn't mean I don't appreciate the unique aspects of the communities there.

>> No.9215104

You talk like east texas trash.

>> No.9215106

I'm waiting. Or are you wiki-ing how we make it and comparing it to your pörkölt-alike? No doubt what you eat in Texas is delicious, but it's not Hungarian-style goulash.

>> No.9215111

>projecting this much
Dude, not everyone is a pencil dick sister fucker like you.

>> No.9215116

Do I?
Are there a lot of Hungarians there?

>> No.9215119

>haha no u
Took you long enough to respond, I must have really hit a nerve.

>> No.9215125

I couldn't give 2 shits what you think. And no, I'm not going to write down my recipe, because it was entrusted to my by my now deceased German master chef, and I still serve it to customers. So suck it, cunt. And, no, it's not porkholt.

>> No.9215131

No, it was because I was writing a more important post than responding to your trash.

>> No.9215132

Maybe you shouldn't come into a thread preaching about MUH AUTHENTICITY if you can't prove it, dipshit.

>> No.9215137

>thinking anything you type is meaningful

You americans are a special kind of retarded

>> No.9215150

I don't have to prove anything to fucking morons like you. Where do you think you fucking are, anyway? This isn't your personal debate class, cunt.

>> No.9215173

Guaranteed, it is some pörkölt-alike and here's how I know:
1) Germans make pörkölt and paprikás and call them both 'gulasch' and I know a lot of Texans claim German muh heritage.
2) Hungarian traditional is not made abroad because it's just a simple, thin, fatty beef broth with paprika. It's nothing to write home about and certainly not some super secret recipe.
3) I've been to Texas. You've probably never come to Hungary. When I told Texans what our version is, they were very, very surprised.

Again, this is not uncommon and is totally expected, especially since you mentioned Czechs and Germans. See my post above: >>9214815

I'm not saying it to be a dick. Just providing information, is all.

>> No.9215219

I'm the polak which posted above, fellow pierog.

>> No.9215236
File: 57 KB, 336x275, say_that_to_my_face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class at Le Cordon Bleu, and I’ve been involved in numerous cooking competitions, and I have over 300 successful restaurants.

I am trained in French, Italian, German, British, and Chinese cuisine and my restaurants have more Michelin Stars than your IQ. You are nothing to me but just another dishwasher turned fryer boy. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words.

You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your business, your customers, your family, and any positive publicity that you have received in your life. You’re fucking done, kid. I can send food critics anywhere, anytime, and I can kill your business in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands.

Not only am I extensively trained in a variety of cuisines, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the the media (local, national, international) and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue.

But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it.

You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.9215297

That looks like flattened sea shell pasta. What is so special about it?

>> No.9215304

You are NOT providing information, you're providing your own opinion. I never said goulash was a difficult dish, or that my recipe is "super secret", but that I was entrusted with this recipe and I don't share it. And yes, I fucking well know the difference between porkholt and goulash, you dumb knob, I've said that already several times. You just can't fucking get over yourself, thinking that just because your Hungarian you sonehow know better. And, by the way, I have been to Hungary, as well as most of Europe, because I've been traveling for well over 20 years, both on my own and with family. You think you know Texas, but it's really obvious you don't. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.9215310

This pasta is so ancient it should be a bannable offense.

>> No.9215331

>I was entrusted with this recipe
So you're not even a cook? You just follow a recipe card? How is this any different than housewife/fastfood cooking? Your goulash is shit and not authentic.

>> No.9215341

You're literally just making shit up now as you go along. Did you even bother to read any of my posts, or are you just fucking STUPID? Goddammit, you just went full retard.

>> No.9215388

>knowing shit about hungarian food
Nope. See >>9215173/>>9214815

I'd rather listen to someone from Hungary than someone from Texas about how to cook a dish from Hungary. I'd rather listen to someone from Texas than someone from Hungary about how to smoke a barbecued brisket.

Also, you're the one who claimed you know how to make it. The burden of proof is yours and no one else's.

Don't get shitter shattered that there are people who know better than you. Especially when you won't (see: can't) prove otherwise. Just take your shit sandwich and eat it in the corner, nice and quiet.

>> No.9215402

Trump is getting impeeched sweetie now fuck off to pol

>> No.9215425

Female libtard detected

>> No.9215434

You ARE the shit sandwich "sweetie ". Your "muh authentic" isolationist attitude is what's wrong with everything today. Yes, people from all over the world now travel, study, and live like scholars of their field. Thomas Keller isn't Hungarian but I'd fucking love to see a little bitch like you try and tell him he doesn't know what something as simple as goulash is. You're a fucking dumbass, a low IQ, isolationist, turd bucket of a human, and your antiquated and incorrect views on who can/can't make authentic versions of any dish just make you look as uneducated as you actually are. You should be embarrassed. Now STFU, stupid ass.

>> No.9215435

Im in Canada, but that's called beefaroni here (beef and macaroni, though the shape of pasta doesn't matter much).
I'm personally aware there is a real dish called goulash and that its nothing like what OP posted, however, there's no need to be autistic about it... Many people I've met would call it goulash (OP's post) and I don't know anyone (ok, maybe a couple actual hungarians) who would get mad about it or freak out.
Some things in the English language are just sort of regional, like how Brits say "tea" and they're talking about a fuckin meal, not a drink. Or how someone might say "beverage?" and its 100% implied alcohol, and not any of the other liquids which are technically beverages.

>> No.9215446
File: 860 KB, 887x1097, jsqAUyT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The amount of autistic screeching going on in here.

It's not goulash, it's not american style goulash, it's "American Goulash".
If that bothers you so much just call it something else the shit has half a dozen names depending on the region.

Also large elbows or the stubby tubes (mezzi rigatoni?)

>> No.9215456

I'm going to trigger the texan in the thread just a little more


>> No.9215462

This post misses the point. Good ol' Tex didn't initially claim to know how to cook the Hungarian-style. He added that later. He claimed that he's only ever seen the Hungarian-style one in restaurants and no other which is simply not true. Even if he's seen the traditional on a menu even once, which he hasn't, unless he's never read a single other restaurant menu in his life, he's a lying liar who lies since pörkölt-alikes calling themselves 'goulash' outnumber the traditional on menus about 100000000000000:1 abroad.
It is simply impossible that he speaks truth. QED

>> No.9215470

You're a liar if you say you've only seen 'traditional Hungarian' in restaurants abroad. Nice try, though.

>> No.9215471

That doesn't trigger me, everyone knows Kenji is a hack. Besides, there's much worse abominations that use the name "chili" floating around. I've eaten in European restaurants that served "chili" that didn't even have chiles in it, one place used pumpkin, for fucks sake.

>> No.9215480

You couldn't be more wrong, you're posting your own assumption as fact, which makes you a jerkoff.

>> No.9215490

I'm the Hungarianposter. I'm not upset about it at all. I even gave a recipe for my version of the dish ITT. It's a wholly different thing but it's still quite good in its own right.
I got a bit annoyed, not at the Americans, but at the Poles and Croats ITT who are trying to correct the Americans when they're wrong, too.

>> No.9215511

You've never seen the Hungarian one in any restaurant in Texas, amigo. It's just mathematically impossible.
idky this upsets you so much.

>> No.9215525

Yeah I did read your posts. You claimed that you cannot give us the recipe since it was from the man that groomed you. You're not actually making it, you're just following a recipe card like a house wife follows her betty crocker recipes.

>> No.9215532

ITT: A bunch of retards pretending to be from Europe rather than from their flyover shithole in a state that ends in Dakota bait an easily triggered redneck from some nonexistent Texas town that supposedly only serves 100% authentic hungarian goulash and nothing else

>> No.9215535

Nice double doubles there.

He's just buttblasted because he was caught lying on a Tibetan Sky Ritual board discussing the best recipes for the after feast. Sad.

>> No.9215611
File: 186 KB, 400x400, mfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only thing that sounds worse than that is vegetable spaghetti

>> No.9215686

Lol fair enough, i can see that

>> No.9215925

The fuck I haven't. I've cooked Hungarian goulash in a Texas restaurant. Sorry you're so buttblasted that other people around the world can cook your simpleton food.

>> No.9215933

>what is culinary education
>what are apprenticeships

Jesus, you're a really dumb fucker, aren't you?

>> No.9215941

>this much exaggeration
That's what's called a Tall Tale, son.

>> No.9215965

miniature farfalle or fuck off

>> No.9215974

Wait I thought that was meant to be a pasta laden minestrone never mind

>> No.9216285 [DELETED] 
File: 192 KB, 391x392, Picture_11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude you're the one claiming to cook (((Authentic Hungarian Goulash))) in Texas; while at the same time not divulging your "super secret recipe" because you are making fake (((European goulash))) .

Walk into any Texas restaurant and ask for goulash. If you serve boiled paprika (NEW WORLD SPICE WHOA LOL LETS IGNORE THE TOMATOES) and flank steak and not >>9214469 >>9214704 >>9214768 >>9215074 then bend over because as Monsieur LEAF says >>9215435 you will not get what you expect.


Now stop trying to bullshit us all with your "everyone loves my hungarian goulash" posts!

Fact: Unless you live on a Mennonite commune, then what OP says is goulash is infact goulash.

>> No.9216297
File: 192 KB, 391x392, Picture_11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude you're the one claiming to cook (((Authentic Hungarian Goulash))) in Texas; while at the same time not divulging your "super secret recipe" because you are making fake (((European goulash))) .

Walk into any Texas restaurant and ask for goulash. If you serve boiled paprika (NEW WORLD SPICE WHOA LOL LETS IGNORE THE TOMATOES) and flank steak and not >>9214469 (OP) >>9214704 >>9214768 (You) >>9215074 (You) then bend over because as Monsieur LEAF says >>9215435 you will not get what you expect.


Now stop trying to bullshit us all with your "everyone loves my hungarian goulash" posts!

Fact: Unless you live on a Mennonite commune, then what OP says is goulash is infact goulash.

>> No.9216314

I've always thought of chili as a German Texas invention. The stuff is really just porkolt made with Mexican hot peppers and a little cumin instead of Hungarian paprika and a little marjoram.

>> No.9216323

Could you be anymore of a disgusting faggot? The ONLY people in Texas who would consider OPs pic actual goulash is bible thumpers from west and north Texas, and piney woods swamp people from east Texas. Gtfo with your nonsense.

>> No.9216339

Well, chili con carne was originally made (for common public consumption) by mexican women in San Antonio (see "chili queens"). But you're not far off after that, look up Gebhardt chili powder.

>> No.9216347

This. The German Texans readily adopted the dish and loved it. Same way schnitzel became chicken fried steak.

>> No.9216413

Either you've only ever been to one restaurant in your entire life or you're willfully ignoring the commonality of pörkölt-alikes abroad since, as previously stated, they outnumber Hungarian-style goulash on menus seventeen kajillion to one IE for every one Hungarian-style goulash you've seen in a restaurant, you must have also seen plenty of others that were actually pörkölt.
Or, option three, your pants are consistently on fire. Cuz you're a liar. A liar liar. With pants on fire. Yup.

I'm gonna go with this third one, as it seems most likely. Occam's razor and all that.

>> No.9217267 [DELETED] 

Right so they agree that goulash is as seen in OP?

>> No.9217316

The "goulash is actually pörkölt" thing that happens every time this comes up is hilarious to me. I just love it because it's cheap, simple, and extremely delicious.

>> No.9217549

But it is not authentic as in >>9214469 >>9214704 >>9214768 >>9215074

>> No.9217713

I don't know much about food and never ate anything labelled as goulash but I was pretty sure goulash was a thick soup with chunks of meat and other things.

>> No.9218052

I never once said that porkholt style "goulash" didn't exist in restaurants. I said all the restaurants I ate in growing up, and the restaurant where I apprenticed made actual Hungarian goulash. YOU (or some other butthurt eastern European ) interjected that yourself as part of your "muh authentic " shitty argument. Your logic is flawed and you should feel bad about yourself, dumbass.

>> No.9218201


>> No.9218225


>> No.9218244

No. You said you've never seen any other type but traditional and, as numbers show, that's impossible. If you've seen traditional (you haven't) then you've seen the pörkölt-alikes in far more common measure, Liar McFibsalot. So either you had no idea what the traditional was before this thread (which you didn't) or you live in a special little corner of the world where every single bowl of the stuff is made as would be done on the Great Hungarian Plain (which you don't).
Learn to keep track of your untruths and you won't get caught so easily, homie.

>> No.9218261

You're delusional , just making shit up right and left to further your ego. You're fucking WRONG, child, deal with it. Everything you just typed is 100% pure assumption, and you look like a stupid ass. Also, my goulash would make you weep while sucking my dick, because unlike you, I know how to cook well, no matter what the dish is, bitch tits.

>> No.9218296

Old lady funeral hotdish should only be made with elbow macaroni

t. Flyover

>> No.9218711

>I never once said that porkholt style "goulash" didn't exist in restaurants
>You said you've never seen any other type but traditional
>you're just making shit up! I never said that!!!!!!!!!!! Y-you're a... a.... CHILD!
>the ONLY kind of goulash I've ever eaten, or have seen in restaurants is traditional Hungarian style goulash
>porkolt-alikes outnumber traditional by about
100000000:1 abroad
>czechs, germans and others call porkolt 'goulash'
>there are lots of czechs and germans in texas

QED, you've never had (or even seen) traditional Hungarian goulash. (^:

>> No.9219122
File: 1.58 MB, 480x263, murry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
